On Alcatraz Island, Dane followed Hippolyta's guidance to an active volcano on the island.

The gods of this world were not completely extinct, nor did they hide in the New God Realm like in another world.

Some half-disabled gods chose another way to mix with humans and hide in human society.

Many superhumans on Earth-3 are actually the descendants of these surviving gods and some humans, and are of demigod lineage.

But there is still a real god surviving on Alcatraz Island, and Dane has been fascinated by this one for a long time.

He is Hephaestus, the god of fire.

Walking into the depths of the volcano is the palace Hephaestus built for himself. It is not a magnificent place, but it is extremely grand and huge.

Just like the kingdom under the mountain in"The Hobbit", the dome of the palace is very high, as if it was prepared for giants.

When Dane met the legendary god of craftsmen, he knew that this place was indeed prepared for giants.

Hephaestus is very big, similar to the dwarf in Marvel next door, and his legs look a little different in length.

Legend has it that when Hephaestus was born, his biological mother Hera thought he was ugly and threw him off Mount Olympus, causing him to become lame.

Dane didn't know whether this was the case in the original world, but it seemed to be the case in this world.

Hephaestus seemed to sense a stranger approaching, and he turned his head to look at Dane.

As soon as this face was exposed, well, it’s not to blame that Hera didn’t want to see it, and Aphrodite didn’t want to. This guy is indeed extremely ugly. Can you imagine what an enlarged version of Gollum looks like?

And Dane also noticed that around Hephaestus' body, there were countless chains penetrating his skin, and the other ends were connected to the surrounding walls.

Every time he moved, the chains on his body shook, making a sound of metal colliding.

He is not hiding here, he is being imprisoned here.

Hephaestus squinted at Dane. He didn't like overly handsome men, but he was not stupid. The aftermath of the battle in the past few days had reached him.

Alcatraz never lets any man stay on the island unless he is a dead man or a conqueror.

He guessed Dane must be the latter

"I guess you must be the man who defeated the Amazons and you're here to find me, the loser?"

Dane didn't say anything, but took out a huge head from somewhere and threw it to Hephaestus. It was the head of Ares, the God of War.

At this time, the head had turned into stone-like gray. The roaring expression was still on his face, as if he was still unwilling to give in.

The moment Hephaestus saw the head, he raised his leg and crushed Ares' head with one kick!

Although there are many differences between the two worlds. The same, but those romantic deeds still happened. Aphrodite even gave birth to several more little war gods for Ares, which played a big role in the battle of Ragnarok.

And this guy Ares In order to humiliate Hephaestus, he was imprisoned and even dragged Aphrodite to perform erotic dramas in front of him many times. What man could bear this?

Therefore, Hephaestus simply hated this man. He was so filled with hatred that he felt even more annoyed after crushing Ares's head, and then crushed it.

Then he looked at Dane:"What do you mean?"

Although he lost his mind for a moment when he just saw this head, after venting his anger, his reason returned. He understood that if Dane could kill Ares, he could also kill him easily.

"This is just a meeting gift. Dane crossed his arms and said,"Hephaestus, I hope you can do something for me. If you are willing, I can lift your seal.""

Hephaestus was silent. Dane's statement was not beyond his expectation. The only thing worthy of praise in him was his skills as the god of craftsmen.

But he was a little confused at this time. He originally liked to do His first job was to help Aphrodite make exquisite jewelry, but Aphrodite betrayed him and fell into the arms of Ares, eventually dying.

His second favorite thing was to build magnificent palaces for the gods and make more beautiful jewelry. He had powerful and more sophisticated weapons, but all the gods also fell in Ragnarok.

Later, he was imprisoned here by Ares, and no one could get close. He relied entirely on his hatred of Ares to support him. Until now, otherwise he would have gone crazy.

But now that his enemy is dead and his friends and relatives have left him, Hephaestus can't find the meaning of continuing to live for a while.

Fortunately, Dane has considered this situation in advance , he took out Ares' battle ax so that Hephaestus could see it.

He also made this ax, so he knew this weapon very well. Even Ares himself didn't know this weapon better than him. weapon.

So when Dane took it out, Hephaestus could almost see at a glance that the soul of Ares resided in the battle axe. However, this soul was muddy and seemed to have no self. will.

A flash of light flashed in Hephaestus's eyes, as dazzling as lava. His big head tried hard to move in front of Dane, staring at the ax.

"Yes, I think you can see that the soul of Ares is imprisoned on this battle ax. If you agree to my conditions, Ares inside will be yours...."

"I promise you!"Hephaestus's voice was like a bell, and he agreed at this moment.

Dane was also decisive. He threw the battle ax out, and the power of the God of War wrapped around the battle ax and cut off the surrounding chains one by one. When the last chain broke, After that, Hephaestus finally got out of trouble. He couldn't help but raise his head and roar.

His voice penetrated the volcano palace and echoed over the entire Alcatraz Island.

Hippolyta, who was working, raised her head and glanced solemnly at the volcano. direction

"It's the voice of Hephaestus..."

She had seen this god of craftsmen more than once in an era when gods and humans mixed together. Many of the Amazons' precious weapons were also made by this god.

It's just that the Volcano Temple was a forbidden area set up by Ares. They had been unable to enter it for thousands of years, but now Dane had entered it.

I don’t know if this is a blessing or a curse for Amazon?

Back in the palace, Dane did not take back the battle ax, but left it with Hephaestus

"I have given his soul to you, and he has become an idiot now, so you can deal with him however you want.

As for this battle ax, I hope you will melt it down and make a new weapon. By the way, do you know how to process the ninth metal? Hephaestus gave him an affirmative answer:"As long as I have the materials, I can make anything you want!""This is his pride as the god of craftsmen and the god of fire.

"Very good, I will find that piece of metal as soon as possible, and you can prepare to open the furnace."

This volcano is not only the energy source for Hephaestus to maintain his divine power, but also his furnace.

He is the god of fire. Wherever there is fire, he can obtain the basic energy to maintain his existence.

He is also the god of craftsmen. , as long as there is ore, this godhead will not be lost.

The volcanic land can just meet his needs to maintain his divinity, so Hephaestus did not want to leave the palace after regaining his freedom, nor did he want to see him He arrived at the Amazons, the creations of Ares.

At this time, he was staring at the Ax of Ares in his hand, thinking about how to deal with him.

Suddenly he asked:"Can you restore his sanity?"

Dane glanced at him in surprise. When he saw the fire of hatred burning in his eyes, he understood the meaning of this request.

So he said nothing and used the Gift of Life to modify the God of War's reason again, but still sealed him With his magical knowledge, he habitually kept a steady hand.

After regaining his senses, Ares instantly screamed:"Hephaestus! You're out of trouble!"

Hephaestus opened his terrifying mouth. His jagged teeth and teeth gaps as black as carbon ash made him look very evil.

Ares seemed to have been able to meet his own end, and he pointed again shouted:"No! you can not do that! Dane glanced at it and lost interest in reading any more:"I won't disturb your game anymore. Remember what I told you.""

Hephaestus waved his hand to indicate that there was no problem.

As a craftsman who created countless weapons for the gods, he knew many kinds of enchantment magic, and he also had many tools for soul transformation and processing in his treasure chest.

Dane turned his head After leaving, at the gate of the palace, he could still hear the screams of Ares's soul. Only he could hear this sound, which was quite noisy.

But considering Hephaestus's grievances for so many years, He didn't blame the other party for disturbing the people.

Back at the Amazon Palace, Diana and Zatanna were watching the excitement around the magic crystal ball. They were mainly watching Barry"fall in love" with a girl. Whoever said that she was a goddess would not follow the show. Yes? Isn’t it quite fun to chase?

"I'm going on a trip, do you want to go with me? Diana thought for a while and said,"I want to stay at Amazon. I have a hunch that they may play some role in the future.""

When Zatanna heard what she said, she thought about it and said,"Since Diana is staying, then I should stay too, otherwise I'm afraid those Amazons won't be able to survive...."Diana's training intensity is indeed a bit high, because she is training to be a superhero.

She was a little dissatisfied:"They are too lazy! They can't handle this level of intensity. How can they deserve to be called Amazon warriors?"

Diana must have asked the Amazons according to the standards of Artemis or Big Barda, let alone They, it is difficult to find a few warriors in the entire world who can compare with those two people.

Dane understood her thoughts:"Since you are not going, then stay here. If you have anything, you can contact me through the magic box."

Zatanna and Diana nodded. As they watched, Dane flew up into the clouds, directly disappeared into the sky

"Tell me, will he be here?..."

Diana frowned slightly:"No way? There is no woman here who is worthy of him."

Zatanna turned her head and looked at Barry in the magic crystal ball, but pointedly said:"That's not necessarily true~"

Dane Unable to hear the two of them murmuring, he was now flying in a certain direction, which was exactly the direction Zansha was escaping from.

The Crime Syndicate was unable to find the hidden Zanza, but the magic of Alcatraz kept an eye on him, allowing Dane to discover his hiding place.

In Beach City, Hal feels that he has integrated into the city. Although he and Martin Jordan do not get along very well, Jessica seems to have changed towards him.

He doesn't know why, maybe out of pity or other emotions, he hopes to change people's impression of"Hal Jordan".

On this day, Hal unknowingly walked to the place where Carol lived. He couldn't be blamed for this. The two places he was most familiar with in Beach City were his home and here.

Hal didn't want to see something he didn't want to see. If Carol was different from his impression, he felt that he would go crazy, so he turned away and walked away.

But coincidentally, Carol happened to be driving home from Ferris and saw him.

"Hal? Carol said.

Hal Jordan in this world has completely unrequited love for Carol, so they are not in a romantic relationship.

And because"Hal Jordan" once stole the trade secrets of Ferris Company, he was almost killed by his boss. Ferris beat him half to death

"How dare you come back?"

Caro got out of the car and looked at Hal with her hands on her hips. She had a feeling of hatred for Hal Jordan. He obviously had high flying talent, but was as timid as a mouse.

Hal didn't understand what she was talking about. What, but he knew that no matter what Carol was saying, she was definitely not talking to him, but to the other"Hal".

So he said"You have the wrong person" and wanted to leave Here.

However, Carol then mocked:"Don't you even have the courage to face me now? I thought you became a godIf you quit, it will be more talkative.

Hal turned his head in surprise:"Divine power ring?" Carol raised her head proudly:"Do you think I won't recognize you after you change into tights?" Your temperament is so special, I can see through it at a glance."

She and Hal met in the company almost every day. She knew very well about this man's wretchedness and cowardice. In the past, she hated such people because they were completely from two different worlds.

But Hal had a magical ring. It was different after that. Even though Hal put on the power ring, he still looked at Carol with such disgusting eyes. This is why Carol was able to discover his true identity.

But Ferris wanted the power ring, and Carol also wanted it. Study the power of this ring and want to use Hal to allow Ferris Company to gain greater profits from the ring.

For this reason, Carol doesn't mind giving Hal a little taste, which is why she will get out of the car today. The reason for talking to this Loser is that she is willing to make a little sacrifice for the sake of profit.

"I think you must have misunderstood. Hal still said this, which made Carol feel dissatisfied. Just as she was about to say something, she noticed that Hal across from him suddenly raised his head with a serious expression and looked at the sky.

Carol followed his line of sight, I found a man floating in the sky, it was a divine power ring!

"Carol..."There is something wrong with the state of the divine power ring, and he seems to be a little confused.

Carol was a little confused. She glanced at Hal beside her and said in disbelief:"You're not..."

"No, obviously I'm not."

Hal smiled. This smile was confident and sunny. It was indeed not a smile that the man Carol knew could show. It even made Carol's heart beat faster.

"Carol, I can't take it anymore, I need you, I want you now!"

The divine power ring seemed to have really lost its mind and rushed directly towards Carol. It seemed that he wanted to kidnap her directly.

"careful! Hal almost instinctively reacted and rushed forward, protecting Carol in his arms.

"With a"boom" sound, the divine power ring passed by them and crashed into the cement ground, exploding into the sky with rubble and dust.

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