
Carol was still a little dazed in Hal's arms. She had always been confident in her own judgment, but she didn't expect that she would look away.

Among the rubble on the side, the Power Ring walked out of the broken concrete pit, staring at Hal closely.

"Who are you?"The magic ring hadn't noticed just now, but this person actually looked exactly like him.

"I'm Hal Jordan"

"You are lying! I am Hal Jordan!"The power ring roared.

Although he was very timid when facing Supermaster and others, in front of ordinary people, he was extremely arrogant and domineering, almost arrogant.

He pointed the power ring forward, and green light appeared. Several venomous snakes came out and crawled towards Hal.

Hal held Carol in his hand. The power ring did not want to hurt her. He wanted to get this woman, intact.

Hal quickly held Carol and backed away, flexibly Avoiding the green light snake's attack.

He frowned as he looked at these animals, which looked very similar to the ability of the Light of Will.

Carol hid deeper in Hal's arms with some fear, and she raised her head and looked Hal glanced at him:"You won't let me go, right?"

"never. Hal subconsciously replied, and then immediately realized that the woman in his arms was not his Carol.

Carol's eyes were a little strange.

Their interaction was completely seen by the power ring, and he was almost going crazy with jealousy.!

The ring of power lit up with an even stronger green light in his hand, revealing a giant mammoth standing on the ground.

As soon as this prehistoric animal appeared, its huge weight collapsed on the road, and the mammoth was visible. With a flick of his nose, the beast's roar shook the whole neighborhood. The surrounding vehicles hit the mammoth with a controlled"183", and were crushed by him one by one. His broken body was squeezed out from the gaps in the car. Screaming. Voices and wails come and go

"No——!"Hal was furious. He put Carol down and wanted to rush up immediately.

But Carol grabbed him:"While he is blocked by others, let's get out of here quickly!"

Hal suddenly turned his head, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

Carol seemed to be evading, not daring to face Hal's burning gaze, and could only whisper:"This is the only thing we can do."

However, Hal firmly rejected her:"No! We will always have A better choice!"

He broke away from Carol's hand and said,"Carol, I am not only Hal Jordan, but much more than that. I am Green Lantern, and my duty does not allow me to turn a blind eye to evil!" After finishing speaking

, , Hal turned and left, leaving only a retreating figure.

Carol stood there blankly, looking at Hal's leaving figure in a daze. This man was definitely not the Hal Jordan she knew.

While running towards the power ring, Hal took out the green light ring from his arms and put it on his hand.

The green light ring sensed Hal's strong will and emitted an extremely shining green light, illuminating almost half of the sky.

Green Lantern is born from green light!

The divine power ring was horrified, but the power ring in his hand felt a familiar power and began to go berserk.

The power of the evil spirit quickly eroded the arm of the divine power ring, like a centipede crawling under his skin, causing him to let out an uncomfortable wail.

Green light flashed in Mammoth's eyes, and he raised his two front feet high and stepped on Green Lantern!

Green Lantern revealed a shield and withstood the mammoth's stampede.

Then the shield deformed and turned into a crane, and the mechanical arm clamped the mammoth's head and lifted it up.

Green Lantern manifested a rocket launcher in his hand, pulled the trigger, and the rocket flew out, blasting the mammoth into nothingness.

The Power Ring was affected by the aftermath of the explosion and flew out on its back, but Green Lantern chased him in the direction in which he flew away.

"no, do not want!"When the Power Ring saw Green Lantern chasing after him, he put his hands in front of his face and waved wildly, unable to even make any counterattack tactics.

Green Lantern was not polite either. He grabbed the Power Ring's suit, and the other A finger-tiger emerged from a hand and hit the Divine Ring hard on the face, causing him to spurt out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing that this"fake" was so brave, the Divine Ring became even more frightened. And the more fearful he became, the more energy the Power Ring had. The more abundant it is.

After a while, the ring burst out with a strong green light, sending Green Lantern flying. Its huge shock wave even destroyed the surrounding buildings. Some huge billboards fell from high altitude and were about to hit the ones below. Pedestrians.

Countless screams rang out, attracting the attention of Green Lantern. He quickly dropped his power ring, flew to the crowd as fast as possible, and manifested his big hands to catch the billboards.

"It's not safe here anymore, get out of here!"

Green Lantern shouted to the people on the road, but those people just pointed to the sky in horror. Hal looked up and saw that the power ring was rushing down ferociously.

Hal controlled the giant hand to crush the billboards into a ball. Crush them into an iron ball and then throw it towards the Power Ring.

The Power Ring catches the iron ball and is about to throw it to the crowd again, but at this time Green Lantern has rushed up, holding the iron ball and the Power Ring against him Let’s fly higher into the sky together.

After they were gone, the pedestrians who were hiding around the building came out tremblingly.

"what on earth is it? Why are there two divine power rings?"

"No, they are different, one is protecting us!"Some people said this.

When those pedestrians thought about it carefully, it was really true. One of the divine power rings seemed not to care about their life and death and wanted to kill them all together.

But the other one would rather give up his opponent first and choose to save them.

"Do you think the other one is not a divine power ring at all?"

"So who do you think he is?"

The man couldn't answer.

"Green Lantern!"Caro got out of the car at this time. She watched the two green light spots disappear into the sky and emphasized to the people around her again,"The other person is called Green Lantern. You should remember this name."

"Because he is the real guardian of this city, a real hero!"

Hal pushed the iron ball and the power ring to the sky above the ocean.

The power ring punched down, shattering the iron ball. After that, Green Lantern revealed a huge drill, holding the power ring's chest and continued Flying upwards.

The Power Ring screamed, but the ring was unmoved. Instead, it took advantage of the machine to reveal a poisonous insect, and stabbed his arm hard in the blind corner where Green Lantern could not see.

Hal Under the pain, the manifested drill collapsed directly.

Under the urging of the ring, the Power Ring could only attack Green Lantern.

However, his fragile combat power could not be compared with Hal, and he was thrown into the sea by him.

At this time, Hal began to think about it. This"Hal" seemed to have no fighting will, so it should be impossible to make such exquisite operations and grasp the timing.

He suspected that the ring was controlling the person rather than the person. Control rings also exist in their universe. In the Sinestro Corps, many defected Green Lanterns were controlled by the Yellow Lantern Ring.

Therefore, the way to solve this kind of opponent is also very simple. Green Lantern moves toward the Divine Power Ring. rush over

"We are no match for him at all. I don’t want to fight, I will die!"

The Quan Ring flashed at a high frequency, seemingly reprimanding him.

But the will of the Divine Power Ring was extremely weak. No matter if the Quan Ring rebuked him, his fear of Green Lantern only increased.

He didn't even think about it. With Green Lantern The kindness shown just now probably would not kill him at all.

When the Green Lantern flew towards him, the Power Ring had no intention of fighting and turned around and ran away very conscientiously, but the Power Ring wanted to continue fighting. The two The conflict bought Green Lantern time.

He rushed to the Power Ring, and something like a cannon barrel appeared on his arm, completely wrapping his arm.

The Power Ring thought it was really a hand cannon, and he was even more excited in his heart. Fear and fighting will are even lower.

But his speed is not as fast as Green Lantern. Hal quickly flew up and locked the"cannon barrel" in his hand against the arm with the ring on the power ring, and also placed his arm on the"cannon barrel"."Within the barrel".

The divine power ring could not see what happened under the"cannon barrel", but he fearfully prepared for the impact. He felt that the divine power ring should be able to guarantee his survival.

But he thought wrong, and nothing happened in the end. , except that he felt something leaving his hands. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It’s Quan Ring!

"No! it is mine!"

Even a coward like the Power Ring has an untouchable reverse scale. The Power Ring is his reverse scale.

He grabbed the Green Lantern ferociously, but after losing the Power Ring, the power in his body disappeared instantly, and he Unable to continue flying, he fell directly towards the sea.

This feeling of powerlessness turned into fear again and gripped his heart, making him almost unable to breathe.

The power ring turned back into a mortal.

Green Lantern held the power ring in his hand. earThe bewitchment surrounding the power ring is very similar to the yellow light ring. This is a ring that can lead people to corruption.

He did not hesitate to seal the ring in his own ring world, cutting off its connection with the real world.

Then he caught the falling"Hal Jordan" and brought him back to Beach City........


At the Crime Syndicate headquarters base, Night Owl received a message from Beach City

"The Power Ring was defeated?"

He frowned. In this message, he saw that a superhuman with the same ability as the Divine Power Ring defeated him and sent him to the police station.

Police station? Why the police station?

Night Owl is very strange , when will superhumans leave their opponents to the police?

"According to the news, the ring of the Divine Power Ring was taken away."The Martian flew in from outside the door, with a serious tone.

Night Owl put down the information in his hand:"What? Have you also received this message?"

Martian nodded,"Not just me, others must have received it too. The guy who defeated the Power Ring is a bit strange. He seems to be cooperating with the government."

"oh? Ye Xiao became a little more interested,"He actually believes in the government?""

"That's not entirely true, but he did hand the power ring to the police station in front of everyone, but in exchange, the government seemed to have concealed the true identity of the power ring."

"Ha, interesting"

"What's even more interesting is that our people discovered a person with the same abilities as Johnny Quick in Central City. He is very fast, very fast! Maybe even faster than Johnny Quick."

Ye Xiao heard this and emphasized:"Same ability?

Martian guest nodded:"Same ability.""

After a moment of silence, Ye Xiao suddenly asked him:"Where are you?"

Martian shook his head:"No one like this has appeared yet."

Ye Xiao thought about the sudden malfunction on the plane a few days ago and became a little suspicious. It seemed that there was an invisible black hand controlling everything behind the scenes.

"I have to go back to Gotham!"Ye Xiao stood up and walked towards the door.

The Martian's voice sounded at this time:"Do you know something?"

Ye Xiao's footsteps paused, and he turned his head slightly:"What do you think?"

Then he got on his invisible plane and left here.

On the way, Night Owl was still thinking about the connection between these events.

What happened in Beach City and Central City were by no means isolated. The two were syndicated with this world. The members are superhumans with the same abilities. If you don’t consider clones and the like, then there is another possible explanation.

They come from a parallel world.

Alfred mistakenly entered the parallel world and found on the other side the syndicate corresponding to this world. Night Owl has known about the peer for a long time, he just hasn't told the other members yet.

He gave Alfred instructions to infiltrate and destroy that world, but because of the special mission, they can't continue to contact each other until they succeed.

Said To be honest, this plan is Night Owl's most uncertain plan so far, because all processes are out of his control.The only one left is Alfred, and Night Owl has his secrets that force him to obey his orders.

But that was in another world. If Alfred could really bear to abandon everything here and stay in that world, then Ye Xiao actually had no good way to punish him.

But the information he received today made him aware of a possibility.

That is, the other party can also discover their conspiracy and use this plan to invade their world.

Perhaps it was because Alfred's description of that world was so beautiful that Night Owl actually lost his most basic vigilance.

But this is just one of the guesses. The reality may not be what he thought. Maybe it is just some other enemies shaking their syndicate's rule.

Maybe it's the government, maybe it's sporadic resistance organizations in various places. They may also have some special ways to reproduce the abilities of some members of the Syndicate.

This is not impossible, after all, Zansha has escaped and they can't find where the man is now.

He can take power from others, or maybe the other way around, giving power to others?

However, Night Owl believes that these conjectures will be clear as soon as he returns to Gotham City. He has such an intuition


On the other side, Dane flew upwards, and soon he broke out of the atmosphere and escaped the earth's gravity.

Here, Dane's Speed ​​Force can operate at full power without worrying about accidentally injuring others.

When his speed reached a certain limit, his body turned into a bolt of lightning and finally fell to the moon, leaving a new lunar crater here.

When Dane walked out of the crater, he sensed that there was a force on this planet. No one else would stay in this place except Zansha..

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