When Dane sensed Zansha, Zansha also sensed him.

Zansha and Shazam, these two powers are likely to have some internal connection.

When Zansha discovered that there was only one enemy, he didn't hesitate and immediately flew in the direction of Dane.

He was hiding in this place not because he was injured or afraid of the Syndicate, but because on the moon, he could better observe the situation on Earth.

As soon as new superhumans appear, he will be able to see them immediately and return to Earth to kill those people and take away their abilities.

It turned out that he had already found a person in Central City who showed the same talents as Johnny Quick.

It's just that Zanza already has speed-type superpowers, and his speed is not much different from Johnny Quick, so he is not in a hurry to seize that superhuman ability. He wants to look for it again to see if he can find it. Single syndicate member.

But now that a new guy has appeared on the moon, he doesn't want to pick him. He will kill this guy first.

Barry doesn't know, he may have accidentally saved a small life...

Zangsa was flying very fast, and the moondust kicked up along the way spread to both sides like a waterfall. The moon was very small, and it didn't take long for Zansha to find Dane's location.

But he didn't slow down. Instead, he accelerated towards Dane with fists and hands, and wanted to greet Dane first.

Dane also wanted to try out Zansa, so he summoned the power of Hercules and Atlas, and opened his hands as if to catch him.

Arrogant! Zansha thought angrily, and then his body hit the target.

Dane was knocked into the earth by a huge impact. Since the atmosphere on the moon is extremely thin, almost non-existent, Zangsa's power did not form a secondary offensive.

The surface of the moon is very soft, so when Dane crashed into the moon backwards, he felt like he had hit a ball of cotton. He couldn't feel any pain at all. On the contrary, Zanza's fist on him felt stronger.

Zansha pushed him deep into the moon's core. Deep in the moon's core, some metals appeared to be in a molten state. The strong magnetic field attracted the lightning in Zansha and Dane's bodies to scurry outward.

At this point, Dane finally started to fight back. He pinched Zansha with both hands, grabbed his own wrists, and opened them with force. He raised his big foot and kicked Zansha, 26 kicking him into the metal lava. middle.

Zanza raised his head from the molten metal"river" almost instantly. He raised his hands and pointed at Dane, and the surrounding liquid metal attacked Dane.

The melting temperature of the lunar core is not high, but it is still over a thousand degrees Celsius. Fortunately, both of them are gods and are not afraid of such high temperatures at all. They even use the molten metal to fight"water battles" with liquid gold.

Dane raised his hands, and thunder burst out from his hands, hitting Zansha directly. However, the thunder then turned into an energy rope and grabbed Zansha and crashed into other sharp parts of the rock formation.

When Zansha was about to get up, Dane quickly flew forward and stepped on his chest with both feet, almost making Zansha unable to breathe.

Then Dane opened his bow left and right, and punched Zansha hard in the face with two fists flashing with thunder and lightning. Each punch shook the moon's surface with constant waves. If someone was observing the moon at this moment, he would definitely notice something abnormal about the moon at this time.

But Zanza didn't just take the beating. He held onto the boxing frame and withstood every attack from Dane, gradually accumulating the force he exerted.

When Dane realized something was wrong and stopped, the energy accumulated by Zansha reached the critical point and turned into a huge explosion that pushed Dane away.

In this lunar core, countless molten metals turned into Zanza's"accomplices" and exerted power on Dane.

Even with the power of several gods in his body, Dane was thrown backwards by this huge force and broke through the moon's mantle. This caused a huge commotion.

An astronomical telescope saw it, and the face of the moon exploded!

As soon as Dane stopped in space, Zanza had already chased him out of the moon core at an incredible speed, but Dane discovered that he could only be faster than himself when his feet were on the ground.

He must have obtained the power of super speed from a superhuman who also used the power of speed, but he had to have both feet on the ground to do it. However, this ability has drawbacks when used on the moon.

The gravity of the moon is too low, and it will easily rush into the universe with a little force, so the power related to speed cannot be exerted at all.

It can be seen that the super power of this speed is not as good as the speed force. Zangza also discovered this shortcoming, so he wanted to move the battlefield to the earth.

But can Dane get what he wants? That must be impossible!

So he dodged sideways, letting go of Zansha's attack, and then seized the opportunity to grab Zansha's ankle and threw him back to the moon, but he didn't get what he wanted.

After Zanza stood firm on the moon, he flew up again and fought with Dane. Where they just broke out of the ground, some red and yellow molten metal floated in the space, like balls of liquid flames in the void. floating in.

As they fought, it wasn't just the moon's surface that was changing, its core was becoming more unstable in the aftermath of their fight.

The distance between the earth and the moon is very close, and the delay of light is no more than a second at most. Therefore, many national astronomical observation centers have observed abnormal conditions on the moon.

Scientists from the United States National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Green Bank Observatory, and Thor Intelligence and Space all discovered changes coming from the moon at about the same time and quickly reported the matter to NASA.

"Incredible, what do you think caused this?"

In these astronomical observation institutions, the changing lunar surface and high-heat lava like volcanic eruptions were clearly photographed.

In a near-vacuum environment, these lava cannot dissipate heat, so they are clearly captured. Human thermal radiation observation instruments have observed it.

In NASA's command room, some scientists were puzzled by this situation.

However, official military personnel also came from NASA's top brass. He said in a cold voice:"Use your professional knowledge to analyze , is it possible that this is a natural phenomenon?"

"Absolutely impossible! The moon has no active volcanoes at all; those have been extinct for billions of years."The scientist shook his head.

The soldier still had a stern look on his face:"Do you know? If it is true as you said, then if the moon has not been invaded by aliens, there are some strange superhuman beings causing trouble there!

The scientist hesitated and said,"Isn't it possible?" If such a huge and observable disaster was caused by human beings, how powerful would that person be?...I'm afraid even our most powerful nuclear bombs can't destroy him...."

"So what's the difference? Anyway, we can't rely on those things to eliminate any superhuman beings now."The soldier's voice lowered again,"Unless we are willing to make some sacrifices to let those who deserve it realize our determination!"

The scientist carefully took a few steps away. He felt that this soldier was a bit dangerous.

The soldier noticed his little move and just sneered:"It is because of people like you that they can be so unscrupulous and the United States is suffering from what it is today. Such a shame!"

Supermaster didn't know what happened on the moon, because there was a layer of dust clouds over his metropolis, and he never raised his head during the day.look.

Even looking at the blue sky through a layer of clairvoyance would make his eyes feel painful as if they were being burned, so he knew nothing about things on the moon.

He had been searching everywhere on the earth, but he only thought that Zansha was hiding in a place exposed to the sun, but he never thought that the other party was always above his head. He only had to raise his head to see it.

Night Owl is busy investigating Gotham and has no time to manage this matter.

Martian is as Buddhist as ever, he cares about nothing except sitting and waiting for his younger brothers to collect protection money like a pensioner.

Zansha? Who is that?

Sea King is currently treating his eyes in the deep sea. After losing an arm, he unfortunately lost another left eye. Now he can only use some Atlantis steel to fill the missing part of the left eye to pretend to be an eye. Still there.

He gnashed his teeth in hatred towards Zansha, but as much as he hated the other party, he was also afraid of the other party. Just as the Super Queen despised, the Sea Overlord had lost his courage and he did not dare to face Zansha alone.

At this moment, he wanted to avoid Zansha. How dare he go outside to look for his whereabouts? Instead, he was worried that Zansha would take the opportunity to come and cause trouble for him.

Johnny Quick has heard some rumors recently. It seems that a new guy has appeared in his hometown Central City recently. It is said that he has the same abilities as him and often performs chivalrous acts in the city.

He was a little doubtful, so he wanted to go over and have a look. In the past few days, he had been wandering around Central City, trying to see if he could meet that guy.

Both of them are super-powerful people with incredible speed. Logically speaking, based on their walking distance, this Central City is as clear as their own garden, and they should be able to bump into each other within two steps.

But Johnny Quick has never met the person in the legend. He couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart. Could it be that someone was spreading rumors and trying to intimidate him in this way?

He couldn't help but sneer, even if there was another speedster with the same speed as him, he would kill him.

There can only be one fastest person in the world!

The reason why Barry was able to avoid Johnny Quick's search was because Xiao Shen helped him monitor Johnny Quick's whereabouts.

Flash is a super artificial intelligence jointly developed by Dane and Cortana. It is like a dimensionality reduction blow to the network of this world, so Johnny Quick was noticed by Flash on the first day he entered Central City.

And it discovered the source of Johnny Quick's speed through its powerful computing power. His speed also seems to come from the Speed ​​Force, but he is only a user of the Speed ​​Force, and his connection with the Speed ​​Force is not deep.

Not only that, Xiao Shen also discovered that Johnny Quick's speed had gone astray. He seemed to think that his speed was given by a certain four-dimensional space. For this reason, he also used a wrong formula to describe this speed phenomenon. As a result, his speed is actually limited.

"So, do you mean to say that he is not as fast as me?"Barry felt confused after hearing Xiao Shan's analysis, so he said this.

Xiao Shan replied:"As far as the results are concerned, yes, it's just that this machine wants to appear more professional."

Barry said distressedly:"You clearly know that I am not a professional in this field...."

"With all due respect, you should know that only if you know more can you be faster. You don’t think that you really just need to run, right?"

Barry has a headache. He has no choice but to continue reading with his head down. According to Xiao Shen's request, since he has entered college, he should take advantage of this and learn about space.

Iris is here Beside him, watching him smile from time to time.

The Super Queen still stays in the lair of the Crime Syndicate. She has no special way of entertainment. She only likes to find stronger opponents to PK.

Unfortunately, there are very few people in the Syndicate who can match her. Most of them couldn't stop her with three punches and two kicks and fell down. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So she can only stay here and see if there are any new discoveries in the base's satellites.

How many criminal syndicates have A man-made satellite of his own, which was put up by Supermaster when the earth was dark. It is used to monitor abnormal super signals around the world.

In recent times, due to the rapid expansion of the Syndicate, the signal from the base has become shorter and longer. Less.

The existing superhumans in the world have either been killed or absorbed by the Syndicate, and there are very few wild superhumans left. The

Super Queen has not heard the alarm sound 793 for several months. When there was a mission in the past She just felt annoyed, but now she felt that it would be good if there was something that could help her kill time.

Knowing whether her wish was heard, the base's alarm sounded at this time.

Super Queen is the only member who is still staying in the base, so she naturally received this signal.

"Let me see, the signal is coming from the moon..."

The Super Queen raised her eyebrows slightly. She thought of Zansha, who had been unable to be found recently, and suddenly thought that he might be hiding on the moon.

This is most likely a blind spot for their search, because Zansha can hide on the back side of the moon, so unless Speedmaster stares at the moon with his clairvoyant eyes, he won't be found at all.

"This fool is actually smart sometimes!"The Super Queen smiled, and then she opened the information intercepted from NASA, and then saw the traces left by the battle between Zangza and Dane.

The experienced Super Queen could tell that this was caused by someone fighting on the moon. destruction

"There is someone who can fight Zansha to such an extent. Who is it?"The Super Queen's eyes were blazing, and she was extremely curious.

As we all know, the Super Queen is the most warlike, and she would go to places where there was fighting to join in the fun.

So she couldn't wait to put on her uniform, and then headed towards the hangar in the base. Let's go.

Although the Super Queen can fly and survive in the air, her flying speed is not very fast, at least it is very slow in the universe.

If she were to fly up in the physical body, it would probably take several days to reach the moon. By that time, the battle was over.

So she was going to fly the Night Owl's spaceship up. She heard that this plane was in space and only needed to accelerate for an hour to reach the moon. The Super Queen only hoped that by that time, the moon would not be finished yet..

A few minutes later, the hangar in the base opened the door, and a shuttle fighter jet rushed into the sky at an incredible speed.

Night Owl did not brag. An hour later, the fighter plane did reach the moon, and the Super Queen was navigating the fighter plane. Below is the location of the lunar explosion disaster discovered by NASA

"So where are you next?"The Super Queen flew out of the fighter plane and looked around for both sides of the battle.

Soon, she felt the moon was shaking, and the earthquake was extremely strong!

The Super Queen's face changed and she hurriedly avoided it. Suddenly, a shadow broke through the moon. came out, tearing apart the surrounding earth.

The Super Queen had no choice but to fly up into the air and leave the moon's surface. The cracks caused by the earthquakes gradually widened, revealing the abyss inside.

The cracks gradually expanded, and after a while, a huge spider was formed. type canyon

"Hello, madam, who are you?"

The Super Queen heard the voice in her head and quickly looked up. A tall figure was floating in the air, holding the half-dead Zangsa in her hand. This figure was Dane.

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