With this face and this highly recognizable outfit, Dane recognized it instantly. Isn't this the super queen? How did she get here?

The battle between Dane and Zansha lasted for more than an hour, and the fight was quite hard.

He discovered in the middle of the battle that although controlling Zansha on the moon could limit his movement speed, at the same time because of the environment of the planet, he could not use sound to deceive Zansha's power away.

Like the original Shazam's Power, the power of Shazam requires the owner of the voice to speak the spell out loud in order for it to take effect.

Therefore, being on the moon with a thin atmosphere protected Zangsa from losing his power.

Because of this, Dane and he fought a head-to-head battle, and in the end, he was superior and defeated Zansha.

But even so, Zansha only fainted temporarily and did not die.

He didn't kill this guy. He still didn't know if Zangsha died now, whether Zangsha's power would leave directly or be absorbed by Dane.

The Super Queen looked at Zansha, who had become a dead dog in Dane's hands, and felt solemn in her heart.

With all the members of their syndicate working together, they were able to suppress him, but now they were single-handedly defeated!

Dane turned his gaze away and focused on the Super Queen's fighter plane parked in the sky. This must have come from Night Owl's technology. He carried Zanza and flew towards the fighter plane like a bolt of lightning.

The Super Queen's expression changed. She didn't want to fly in the universe for several days before returning to Earth.

So she threw her submission rope and placed it precisely on one of Dane's arms.

In an instant, a sharp pain coursed through Dane's body, as if trying to use pain to make him yield to his will.

He frowned slightly and looked back. The Super Queen was trying to pull him over with both hands.

Dane held Zansa with one hand and looped the thorn-covered rope around his arm a few more times with the other hand.

At the same time, the power of thunder was activated.

The divine power in his body was conducted along the yielding rope and directly hit the Super Queen, causing her to freeze instantly. Then Dane used force on his hand to pull the Super Queen over.

The Super Queen wanted to open her mouth to speak, but she forgot that she couldn't speak in this place. Dane had no intention of talking to her now. He wanted to quickly figure out how the power of Zansha worked.

So he took advantage of the fact that the Super Queen was frozen and unable to move, and tied the submission rope around her body at super speed. At this moment, the person suffering the torture-like pain became the Super Queen.

But this woman was also tough. Even though she was in extreme pain, she remained silent. Her beautiful eyes stared at Dane with murderous intent, as if she wanted to eat him alive.

But Dane didn't think there was anything scary about this face at all. He cast a confining magic on the Super Queen, making it impossible for her to break free of the rope of submission with brute force.

In the golden age of DC comics, the Mantra was once Wonder Woman's weakness. Although it was her weapon, it was often used by enemies to tie herself up, and it even became a joke.

As the super queen corresponding to Wonder Woman, she seems to have picked up on this joke.

Dane smiled and looked at the Super Queen who was speechless and could only grin. He couldn't help laughing. He stretched out his hand and pinched the Super Queen's face, which stunned her.

No man has ever dared to do this to her!

So she struggled harder, but under the influence of magic and the rope of submission, her efforts were all in vain.

Dane stuffed her and the unconscious Zanza into the fighter plane. The space inside was large enough to accommodate three people.

He drove the fighter plane back towards the earth. The return time was shorter than the time it took the Super Queen to go to the moon. The gravity of the earth helped the fighter plane save time.

After entering the atmosphere, Dane deliberately lowered his speed to minimize the fire caused by air friction and avoid being noticed by more people.

He found an uninhabited sea area and parked the fighter plane on the sea.

Opening the cabin door, Dane dragged Zansa out of the fighter plane. The Super Queen still remained in the cabin, but she could see Dane's movements.

Dane was seen holding up the still unconscious Zanza, using magic in his hand, and a white light lit up at Zanza's throat.

Dane pinched the white light with his hand as if holding a tangible object, and then he threw the object into his mouth like a jelly bean.

When he spoke again, the Super Queen was surprised to find that it was Alexander Luthor's voice, and she had a terrible thought in her mind.

Dane quickly verified her idea. He raised Zanza high above his head and shouted:"MAZAHS!""

"With a loud"boom", a black lightning fell from the sky, fell on Zansha, and knocked him back to a mortal.

Alexander Luther also woke up. He found that his divine power had disappeared, and he was horrified. But when he When he wanted to shout out the spell, he found that he could not say a single syllable anyway, and he lost his voice. The

Super Queen looked at this scene in shock. It seemed that Ye Xiao's guess was right,"Like The word"sand" is Luther's fatal weakness, but he is not the only one who discovered this weakness.

The man in front of him not only found Zansa's weakness, but also took away his voice. Now Luther can no longer transform But

Dane threw Luther aside. It seemed that there was still something unfinished. The Super Queen felt strange at first, but then her eyes widened as if she had thought of something.

Dane continued to shout to the sky:"Like sand!"

The black thunder appeared again. Luther reacted immediately and wanted to move forward to accept the thunder and lightning.

But unfortunately, he is only a mortal now. When he heard the sound of thunder, it proved that everything was already late. That black thunder It hit Dane directly.

Just like Dane received the power of Shazam for the first time, the power of Zazam gave Dane an energy initiation, and the surging divine power was absorbed by every cell of Dane. The energy in his body The battle suit also changed under the influence of Zansha's power. The color of the battle suit turned into black, with more metal armor on it. The shoulders, chest, forearms, waist, hips, calves and other places were all covered with metal armor. There are unknown black metal coverings.

Dane is a little suspicious. These are pure N-type. When he fought Zansha just now, the metal in these parts was so hard that it couldn't be touched at all, and the magic power hitting it had little effect. If he hadn't spent more than an hour hammering this guy's face with physical means, Dane suspected that he might not be able to break this metal protective gear for the rest of his life.

He remembered that Zanza had killed this guy. The world's Hawkman peer, so he most likely snatched Hawkman's N attributes and spliced ​​them into his own body.

But if this is the case, it also means that Zanza does not know how to smelt N metal correctly, otherwise it It should be golden, but as it looks now, it is obvious that these protective gears have not really brought out the characteristics of the N attribute. The power of Zansha is a power that can be plundered by different people. Every time it changes to a new owner, its voice The password will be updated once.

And this update requires the death of the previous host before it can be executed. In other words, if Alexander Luther dies now, then the power of Xansha will only recognize Dane's voice.

But before that, it The activation code is still Luther's voice.

When Dane obtained this power, the power of Zansha had already informed him of this matter, as if to encourage him and the previous host to fight each other. This guy A bit dishonest

"Who are you!"

While Dane was thinking, the Super Queen couldn't sit still in the cabin. She desperately wanted to find out who the man in front of her was.

"My name is Shazam."Dane turned around and looked at this femme fatale who was very famous in the Syndicate.

He stretched out his fingers and untied the submission rope from the Super Queen. He originally thought that the Super Queen would attack him first, but this woman's The reaction was beyond his expectation.

The Super Queen's eyes flashed red, and two red energy rays were sprayed out, but the target was not Dane, but Alexander Luther! The ultra-high temperature and impact instantly erased Luther's body. Even a trace of residue was submerged by the surrounding sea. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Dane frowned slightly, and he activated the clairvoyance eye. This is one of the abilities that Zansha absorbed, and it is now his..

And at the moment of Luther's death, the voice code of the power of Zansa was updated, and now he has completely become the new master of the power of Zansa.

But Dane was not very happy, he frowned and looked at Chao Queen:"What are you doing?"

"As you can see, I am cutting the grass and roots."

The Super Queen dissipated the heat vision in her eyes. At this time, she was not as hostile as she was on the moon.

"Is your name Shazam? Whoever you are, you have killed Zansa and you have qualified to join our team, the Criminal Syndicate."

Anyway, they and Zanza have already become enemies. When the Super Queen sees Luther in this state, her first goal is of course to completely eliminate this guy who has become an enemy.

Besides, he has now lost Zanza's power. Then he is completely useless to the Super Queen. On the contrary, the new man named"Shazam" who appears now is more to her liking.

He can defeat Shazam before he can seize his power. , now that he has plundered the enemy's power, he must be more powerful than before. The

Super Queen does not know that there is any man on this planet who is stronger than him. Even the entire criminal syndicate combined is probably far behind. However, facing In response to the Super Queen's invitation, Dane shook his head and withdrew his clairvoyant eyes.

Don't get me wrong, he didn't activate this ability to peek, but to see if the Super Queen was pregnant.

He took a quick look just now, and there was no. It was discovered that the other party's uterus had a bed, so she was probably not pregnant.

In other words, the Super Queen had not secretly had sex with Zansha like in the comics.

"I'm quite interested in your team, but it's not because I want to join you, so you don't have to waste your efforts to recruit me."

The Super Queen felt something was wrong when she heard that. She pretended to be casual and said:"Then what do you think of us?

Dane asked back:"Do you know what the people think of you?""

The Super Queen felt something was getting more and more wrong. She quietly prepared for battle, but still held on to a trace of fantasy.

"Are you on the side of those mortals?"

"I'm on the right side."

The Super Queen activated instantly. Her fighting skills were trained on the earth, so fighting here, her strength is completely different from that on the moon!

However, this does not mean anything to Dane. Originally, he He could hit the Super Queen, not to mention that he now had the power of Zansha.

Therefore, he caught the fist swung by the Super Queen with one hand, and the shock wave exploded the surrounding seawater, knocking out the fighter planes parked on the sea. She was pushed away by the waves.

However, the Super Queen felt that the man opposite her was like an insurmountable wall. No matter how many times she swung her fists, they were all caught by those fleshy palms. If not for the changes in the surrounding environment, she would have He almost thought he had lost his period.

The Super Queen's eyes lit up red, and her heat vision spurted out a beam of high-heat energy, but Dane caught her heat vision with his palm before the beam hit him, and then pushed back and grabbed it. Her face was covered.

Compared with Dane's palm, the Super Queen's cheeks were very small and were almost completely covered by the palm of her hand.

Dane had no idea of ​​pity at this time. He pinched the Super Queen's head and threw her out, hitting her The water floated extremely far, and the splashes exploded on both sides were hundreds of feet high.

Falling on the water at such a speed was basically the same as falling directly on the concrete floor. Fortunately, the Super Queen had a strong body, but despite this, She was also beaten to the point where she was a little dizzy.

"You should know that you cannot defeat me with your own abilities."Dane still stayed in the same place, like a (Dehao Zhao) big tree that has existed here forever, motionless as a mountain.

"Then why don't you just kill me? You obviously have such ability."

After the Super Queen finished speaking, she continued to charge forward to attack Dane, but whether it was fists, kicks, or energy attacks, she even used her precious divine power to create a small energy storm at close range from Dane.

But she still could not be shaken. Dane's body was no longer on the same level in terms of attack speed.

When the Super Queen was out of breath and panting but still wanted to continue attacking, Dane finally grabbed her hands.

Keep going. , she may be the first god in history to exhaust herself to death

"Enough, stop."

"What's the matter, are you tired?"The Super Queen made a provocative look, which reminded Dane of Diana.

No matter which world Wonder Woman is in, she seems to have this spirit of never admitting defeat.

I believe that if it were Diana, she would always Fight until you fall, well... the same is true on the other battlefield, Dane knows this well

"You didn't even think about killing me, did you?"

The strength of Super Queen's struggle suddenly dissipated, and her two hands were swung in Dane's palm.

"Okay, I admit defeat, okay?"

Dane was surprised and just let go of his hand.

The moment he let go, the Super Queen suddenly rushed forward and hugged Dane's neck.

Dane thought she wanted to strangle him or something, but this didn't do anything to him. Use it?

But he soon realized that he was wrong. The Super Queen had no killing intention. Dane felt something sweet touch his mouth.

He could have refused, but why?

But then he Then he found that the super queen started to take things a step further and wrapped her two long legs around his waist. This is not suitable for children!

Is it going too fast?.

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