Hal has been a little troubled lately.

Although he solved the divine power ring, he seemed to have gotten into a bigger trouble.

"You should know you can't hide from me forever, Hal Jordan!"

Outside Jordan's house, there was a high-end supercar parked, and a beautiful urban beauty was standing with her hands on her hips~ talking at the door. On the other side of the door, there was Jessica Jordan's teasing expression and Hal's embarrassed look. -.

He couldn’t carry it for a long time and could only say:"What? What do you want to say? Jessica smiled half-heartedly:"The voice sounds nice, so the person must be good-looking, right?" Why don't you meet her?"

It's okay if she doesn't say it. Hal gets a headache when he talks about it.

If he were single, of course he would be happy to hear about it, but he is not. He already has his own Carol, so he shouldn't provoke another one.

But this Carol is not that easy to deal with. Although she has slightly different personalities from her counterparts in the other world, they are almost the same in terms of persistence.

Therefore, when Hal Jordan decided to hide away from her, At that time, Carol chased her to the door of his house.

Now Hal couldn't ignore her anymore. He couldn't let people keep shouting like this at the door, right?

After all, he had the same face as Carol, and Hal also He couldn't be really cruel, so he could only open the door with a helpless mood.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Carol's smiling face with bright eyes and white teeth:"I knew you would come out, right? Green Lantern?"

"Shh-! This is a secret identity. Do you know what a secret identity is?"

Caro quickly covered her mouth carefully, but her curved eyelashes showed that she was in a happy mood, and Hal couldn't tell whether she listened to her words.

"So, what do you want from me? Carol rolled her eyes and immediately changed her tone:"Hal Jordan, you should correct your attitude. You are an employee of Ferris Company. I am your boss. You should respect me more.""

Huh? Hal scratched his head, why, is Carol also his superior in this world?

"no, but me..."

"There is nothing but, as an employee, you cannot refuse any order from the boss, come on, follow me!"

With that said, Carol took Hal's arm and walked out. Hal didn't want to leave, but couldn't think of any good way to refuse, so he could only be pulled away by her.

So Hal walked around the neighbors With everyone watching, he bravely got into Carol's supercar, as if he was being taken care of.

This feeling became even stronger when Carol took him to the supermarket for shopping. In his world, Carol also liked to drag him shopping, and she bought everything for him.

After all, the feeling of being kept was getting heavier and heavier.

Just when Hal was following Carol with big and small bags, he suddenly reacted Come here, I think the things you buy from these places can be delivered directly to your destination!

Could it be that Carol asked him to carry it on purpose?...


Suddenly, Hal frowned and looked at the sky

"What's wrong?"Caro has been observing Hal, her eyes never leaving for a moment.

"I'm afraid I have to leave for a while..."He was suddenly stunned when he said this. He vaguely remembered that he had said similar words in front of Carol.

"What's up?"As soon as Carol asked, she immediately reacted and whispered in a low voice:"You want to be a hero again, right?"

Caro's voice sounded very excited. This was different from his Carol. The other Carol would only worry about his safety.

"He's getting closer!"

Hal's brows furrowed even more. He saw a yellow light spot approaching quickly outside the atmosphere. This color was too familiar to him. It was the color of a yellow light.

"Carol, stay in a safe place!"After Hal said that, he stuffed everything in his hand into Carol's sports car, then turned around and left.

"etc!"Caro failed to call him, and she couldn't keep up with her wearing high heels. She could only watch Hal disappear around the corner. Hal walked into the alley, made sure he was in no man's land, and put on the light ring..

He didn’t dare to wear the Green Lantern Ring on his hand in a big way here, as he might be recognized by others, so he could only wear it when he needed it at any time.

After putting on the ring, he instantly transformed into a Green Lantern and turned into a streak of green. The light rushed up into the sky.

It didn't take long for him to penetrate the stratosphere, and he met the yellow light group on the clouds.

When Hal saw the person's face clearly, he subconsciously raised his hand and aimed the ring at that person. , Sinestro!

The person who came turned out to be Sinestro, but Hal did not attack rashly, because here, Sinestro is not necessarily a villain.

Sure enough, when Sinestro saw him, he asked tentatively He said:"You are...Hal Jordan?"

"Yes, it's me. Hal replied."Sinestro, what did you want to do when you came to Earth?"

Sinestro looked at him for a long time before suddenly saying:"No!" You are not Hal Jordan! At least not the Hal Jordan of this world!"

Hal was shocked. He didn't know where he was exposed, but without clearly distinguishing between ourselves and the enemy, he still did not launch an attack. He just stared at Sinestro without speaking. At this time, Sinestro put his hands Raise it up to signal Hal not to get excited

"Relax man, I'm not your enemy, on the contrary, I'm here to help you. Hal was dubious:"Before that, answer me a question. How do you know that I am not from this world?""

"Because of your ring."Sinestro explained,"In this universe, green light is not the power of will, but symbolizes the power of the power ring, but your ring is completely different from the power ring."

The symbol of the Green Lantern Ring is a green lantern, while the symbol of the Power Ring is a"乂", and the two powers give people completely different feelings.

Hal also felt that although this Sinestro still uses yellow light power, but doesn’t seem to feed on fear

"Yes, you should feel it. The ring in my hand is different from the yellow light of fear. It is a ring that I re-forged after overcoming the enslavement of the power ring."

"I have to say, my other-world self gave me a lot of trouble because I almost couldn't find anyone to reforge the ring because of his destruction."

Sinestro from the original universe made a killing on the Kovad planet in this universe, almost killing all the weapon masters and enslaving the entire planet.

And the army he brought back to the positive matter universe was fighting with Dane. Almost the entire army was wiped out during the battle. If it weren't for some sporadic weapon masters who survived on the planet Kovad, the Sinestro in front of him might not be able to escape the control of the ring. After listening to

Sinestro's story, Hal gradually let go He felt that the other person was telling the truth, and he was unwilling to fight this person.

If in the material universe, the person fighting Sinestro at that time was Hal, assuming he could win, Then the possibility of him leaving Sinestro alive is very high, but unfortunately, Sinestro met Dane

"Continuing with the previous question, why did you come to me? You must be here to find me, right? Sinestro nodded:"Yes, I'm here to convey bad news to you. Planet OA has noticed you and will probably come to arrest you in a while.""

"Arrest me? OA? Why?" Hal was surprised at first, and then he suddenly realized,"The OA star here is not a peacekeeping organization, right?"

"That's right! They were conquerors, and Earth was their chosen next place to conquer."

"Why this time?"Hal thought this was too much of a coincidence. He had just caught the Power Ring, and OA over there decided to invade the earth.

Sinestro explained:"It's because you defeated the Power Ring, the Hal Jordan of this world, to conquer this world. The planet was supposed to be his mission.

It's just that there are many people in the Syndicate who are stronger than him, and the Divine Power Ring is also very cowardly, which leads to his delay in completing his mission."

He gave some guidance:"In fact, after the failure of the divine power ring, the right ring will continue to look for the next suitable candidate, and then transfer the task to the next person, but I think you must have used some method to seal it. got up. Hal subconsciously glanced at the light ring in his hand, and his eyes widened:"You mean, because I sealed the ring, the evil OA in this world invaded this planet?""

Then he got into a big trouble?

Sinestro saw what he was thinking and comforted him:"Please don't think that I am blaming you by saying this. In fact, even if you don't do that, Quan Ring will always By finding ways to achieve its purpose, you're just speeding up the process.

Even without you, the next host chosen by Quan Ring will most likely find a way to summon OA's legion and let them come over.

You have sealed the power ring, which has actually delayed the progress of OA to some extent. They are now unable to locate the power ring here."

This is why Sinestro previously believed that it would take some time for OA to find the Earth, because they still had to find out which power ring was lost. The loss of power rings is a very common thing among OA's divine legions. Because there are always people who want to monopolize the power of the ring, those people will quietly leave the team and find a primitive planet that no one knows about to become gods and ancestors.

Those who wear the ring will be given immortal abilities by the ring....Of course, the premise is that you can resist being completely eroded by the power ring, otherwise your lifespan will not be long.

All in all, if the side effects of the power ring can be overcome, then a power ring holder can survive on an indigenous planet for thousands or even tens of thousands of years. This is enough for him to control a planet and its surrounding galaxies..

It is also enough for this divine power ring to develop the technology of a primitive planet to a whole new level.

However, based on OA's experience, most ring holders will not allow the civilization under their control to develop technology too high, because it will easily affect their dominance.

Although there are few divine rings that have been overthrown by people from indigenous planets using technological power, it is not impossible. This also makes many civilizations controlled by divine rings always in a lifeless and lifeless state.

Sinestro has traveled to many planets, and Earth is already the most dynamic world he has ever seen. Scientific and technological research here is not prohibited by any force.

He hopes that the earth can maintain this vitality. The entire universe has been greatly harmed by the divine rings, and their desire for control forces them to continue to expand and continue to eat away at other races and civilizations in the universe.

Hal was using the technology of the Lantern Ring to conduct a lie detector test on Sinestro throughout the whole process, but the other party was sincere, so he chose to believe the Lantern

"Since the situation in the universe is so severe, I don’t think we can fight alone. I have some teammates who are distributed in various places on this planet. I think you will definitely want to meet them."

"I know them."Unexpectedly, Sinestro smiled at him and said,"Unlike others, I sometimes pay attention to some things in the material universe. The reputation of your Justice League is still very loud in the universe."

The defeat of the Sinestro Corps and the Steppenwolf Army was a very significant event for other civilizations in the universe.

Even if the earth did not specifically publicize it, these two events were still spread by countless civilizations in the universe with the spread of the Green Lantern Corps. As we all know.

The names of the Justice League have also registered in the universe, which has also invisibly gilded the earth.

Some forces that are not strong enough have therefore stayed away from the Milky Way region, for fear of being misunderstood as invaders.

"By the way, I have a question. I wonder if you can satisfy my curiosity."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Hal suddenly thought of the things Sinestro had done on his home planet of Corluga, and was a little worried, so he asked more.

Sinestro from the original universe He is a dictator, so I don’t know what this is like here.

But as soon as Hal finished asking, he noticed that Sinestro had a sad expression on his face:"My home planet has been destroyed by OA...."

"...I'm sorry..."Hal didn't expect this result, and he apologized quickly.

But Sinestro had long since let go. He waved his hand and said,"That's all in the past. I came here because I just don't want the earth to be like my home planet and end up becoming a battlefield of wanton destruction by those on Planet OA."...

Hal, this matter must be informed to your leaders as soon as possible if you are willing to protect this planet...."

Strictly speaking, this world is not the Justice League's Earth. They can completely ignore the threat of OA. At worst, they can just leave this world.

Moreover, if OA destroyed this earth, maybe the Criminal Syndicate will also be destroyed, and then the crisis of the parallel world's earth will be easily solved.

Speaking of which, perhaps ignoring the OA crisis and leaving here is the smartest thing to do.

If it were a criminal syndicate, this plan would definitely be approved unanimously.

But Justice League is different.

Hal faced Sinestro and said firmly:"I am absolutely sure and firmly believe that my teammates will choose to protect this planet, even if it is not our Earth."

"Because we are the Justice League!".

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