In Central City, Barry seems to be gradually integrating into this parallel world.

Some time ago, through the introduction of Iris, he gritted his teeth and made a decision that went against his ancestors. He applied for a fake certificate.

This was the first time in Barry's life that he had broken the law, and he felt guilty for it for a long time.

But the fake certificate is fake after all, even though the person who made the fake certificate claims that the certificate he made has been filed in the government system.

But later, according to Xiao Shen's investigation, that person was completely a liar. The fake certificate that Iris spent about 20,000 US dollars to make was actually just a piece of waste paper.

If Xiao Shen couldn't stand it anymore and personally modified the system files, Barry would probably have been invited to drink coffee by the police because he was undocumented.

As for its contribution, neither Barry nor Iris knew anything about it.

Iris just seemed to know a lot, but in fact, she might know a little, but not much.

Her father is a local American policeman, and perhaps because of this, he protects her very well.

She is essentially a naive student like Barry.

Barry could hardly tell which world he was in. With the introduction of Iris, he successfully obtained the position of laboratory assistant at Central City University.

As an expert in physical evidence technology, Barry has a wealth of theoretical knowledge, so he easily won this position and entered the same university as Iris.

He felt a little strange. In his world, he and Iris did not have such a deep relationship. If it weren't for his father and the Justice League, Barry would even think it would be nice to live here.

The only bad thing was that there were quite a lot of crimes happening here. He originally thought that since Johnny Quick was from Central City, how could he take care of these people?

But no, Iris told him that only criminals who were not Johnny Quick's men would be punished by him.

But more criminals are actually working for Johnny Quick secretly. They are basically a nest of snakes and rats.

"Did you hear it? Central Bank was robbed again."

Barry walked into the laboratory holding the information. He heard someone discussing in his ears. He was a little curious and slowed down.

"Again?"The person who heard the conversation couldn't help complaining:"Don't tell me that this was done by the gang of rogues again."

The Rogue Gang?

Barry frowned. In his world, the Rogue Gang also existed, and they seemed to like to go against him.

The Rogue Gang was an organization founded by a man named"Captain Cold." Barry didn't know how this world worked. That's true, but in his world, the Rogue Gang is not a completely evil organization.

Because although they like to fight against the Flash, they never hurt innocent people.

Captain Cold strictly orders gang members not to kill anyone unless absolutely necessary. Because this will attract the attention of more superheroes.

If it attracts Superman, it's okay, but at worst, he will surrender and go to prison. But if he is accidentally noticed by Shazam, it depends on whether the character is tough enough.

And the gang of rogues is still following up A lot of rules have been added, such as"No smoking","Do not harm women and children","Avoid cruel and immature behavior","Gang members are not allowed to kill each other" and so on.

Apart from the trouble these people deliberately caused for him, sometimes Barry felt that the Rogue Gang could actually become a better organization.

Therefore, although he would stand up to destroy the Rogue Gang every time It's a"good thing", but he respects everyone in this organization.

Perhaps knowing this, the Rogue Gang shows great restraint every time they cause trouble, and no matter how many times they are sent to prison by The Flash, after each escape, this The Gang will still be happy to find trouble for the Flash, and only against the Flash.

Barry has been in this world for several days, and this is the first time he has heard information about the Rogue Gang in this world. He can't help but want to go Looking at those people, he didn't really want them to become real bad guys.

So Barry quietly walked into the bathroom, pressed his chest, and the Flash suit unfolded into a streamlined shape on his body.

Green Lantern teased him many times, saying His suit looked like a red supercar, which Barry liked to say.

He bolted out of the bathroom like lightning, kicking up a gust of wind as he raced down the aisle, sending countless women in skirts screaming. Pressed down the corner of his skirt

"I'm very sorry!"Barry turned around and waved to apologize, and then continued to run forward.

In just a blink of an eye, the Flash had arrived in front of the Central City Bank, where the Rogue Gang was occupying the bank and confronting another group of people in strange clothes.

When the Flash arrived, the two sides had already begun to exchange fire. They not only had automatic weapons, but also grenades, RPGs, incendiary bombs, etc.

The Rogue Gang was not here to rob banks at all, they were here to fight!

"Barry, there are metahumans here."Xiao Shen projected the identity information of the two warring parties on his eyepiece,"This machine speculates that one of the parties is likely to be Johnny Quick's men, and it is recommended to retreat immediately."

"retreat?"Barry looked at the innocent pedestrians at the scene of the battle. They were lying on the ground and did not dare to move, but stray bullets still hit them from time to time.

Barry did not hesitate. He rushed out immediately regardless of Xiaodian's objection.

So on the battlefield , everyone could see the flash of red and yellow lightning lighting up around them.

The faces of both warring parties changed at the same time:"He's coming!"

Johnny Quick's men were overjoyed. They thought their boss had arrived.

The people occupying the bank opposite looked solemn. Although they had been prepared, they realized that their preparations were far from enough when they faced their enemies.

"Don't worry my brothers, Johnny Quick is going to die here today!"

Behind these people, a man in winter clothes came out. He was wearing a pair of blue goggles. He was Captain Cold.

At this time, Captain Cold took out a strange-looking large gun from his carriage.

This It is the super weapon he painstakingly invented to deal with Johnny Quick, the cryogun, which can produce a low temperature of the absolute zero level.

As we all know, under the conditions of absolute zero, matter is absolutely stationary. According to Captain Cold's calculations, The rays of this gun can even break through the Speed ​​Force, so it is by no means just an ordinary cryo gun.

Their gang has been working hard to overthrow Johnny Quick's rule in this city, so Johnny Quick is in this city Most of the"criminals" killed were also members of the Rogue Gang.

The Rogue Gang also often raided the lair of Johnny Quick's criminal organization, destroying his goods and killing his minions. It can be said that the two sides have a deep hatred..

But when Captain Cold aimed his gun at the speedster running around in the battlefield, he suddenly felt something was wrong. That man was saving people!

Johnny Quick was saving people? This was really a big joke, So Captain Cold tended to think that guy was not Johnny Quick at all.

He put down the gun, frowned at the almost continuous lightning on the field, and muttered to himself:"There's something not right...."

Then soon he saw a scene that made him stare. Another yellow lightning suddenly appeared in the field, and he suddenly stopped. It was Johnny Quick!

But another red-yellow lightning also stopped at the same time. Whether it was the gangster gang or Johnny Quick's men, they all took a big bite. Are there two speedsters?

"I finally found you! The unknown speedster!"Johnny Quick looked at the man opposite him and gritted his teeth.

He circled the entire Central City countless times before finally taking advantage of this opportunity to catch this guy.

"Who are you? Why in my city?"

Captain Cold asked his men to be calm. He watched the scene in front of him with interest. Speedster vs. Speedster. It was a good show!

But Barry didn't want to fight Johnny Quick. He quietly He asked Xiao Shan:"What should I do now?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"According to local calculations, as long as you show your strength, you are far faster than your opponent, so as always, run! After hearing the words, Barry activated instantly and turned into a bolt of lightning and ran away.

Johnny Quick thought this was a challenge, so he followed closely.

Captain Cold slapped his head, and he felt like he was stupid. He should have used it first just now. The freezing gun froze the two speedsters.

But now that the opportunity was gone, it was useless to worry about it. It was better to take the opportunity to eliminate the opponent's men first.

So he temporarily put down the freezing while the opponent was still stunned. Gun, pick up the RPG and shoot the opponent first

""Boom!" With a loud bang, the guys who were originally fighting back and forth with the Rogue Gang were suddenly blown into the sky.

Captain Cold threw down the rocket launcher and yelled at his men:"Don't worry about Johnny Quick yet." , kill the guy on the opposite side!"

Then the rogue gang immediately came to their senses and continued to fire at the other side.

The other side had just been attacked by rockets. Now there are very few people who can form a fighting force. Those who are awake have already begun to retreat, and those who are not awake have already begun to retreat. were killed one by one by the gangsters.

On the other side, Barry was running in front, and Johnny Quick was chasing behind.

Both of them were incredibly fast, and could run as long as there was any attachment point under their feet. In the first few minutes, Johnny Quick was still able to keep pace with The Flash, but as time went on, he began to fall behind.........

In terms of the speed of the fight, if there is a little difference, it is almost impossible to make a difference.

Although Johnny Quick wanted to use some dirty tricks, he couldn't touch the Flash at all, so he could only look at Barry who was so close and helpless.

Although Barry is faster than Johnny Quick, he is not a person who is good at taking the initiative to attack, so he just runs forward without attacking the enemy at all.

Xiao Shen whispered in his ear:"You attack him!"

Barry just muttered:"I don't think it's necessary...."

"According to my observations, your opponent doesn't seem to think so."

How could Johnny Quick's little moves be hidden from Little Flash? It was staring at the opponent at 360 degrees.

It saw Johnny Quick take off a weapon from his body. It was a cold weapon.

In the battle between speedsters, hot weapons cannot hit anyone at all, unless they are laser weapons.

However, laser weapons are not easy to use in atmospheric environments, so Johnny Quick always keeps cold weapons on him.

However, in fact, for speed For the observer, speed itself is a kind of power, and there is no need for any weapons at all when the numbers are large.

Johnny Quick carries such a weapon with him, which shows that he often uses it to plot against others and has already had experience.

The enemies are all Already prepared for the plot, but Barry still wanted to avoid hurting people as much as possible. Xiao Shen didn't know whether to be pleased with his kindness or angry with his pedantry.

But Johnny Quick soon changed his mind. Attention, he found that his men were contacting him.

Now that he couldn't catch up with the Flash, he could only stop temporarily. In the speed state, it was impossible for him to communicate with people normally, and the flow of time was different.

"What's up? You obviously know that I am very busy."

But a loud cry for help came from the other side of the earphone:"Boss, our people are about to be annihilated by the rogue gang!"

Johnny Quick briefly understood what was going on on the other side, cursed"trash", and then started to run back.

As for the Flash, he suddenly had another good idea.

Since this guy likes to be a fool so much , Hero, when innocent people are in danger, will he come back to save them?

Just a few seconds later, Johnny Quick ran back to the Central Bank, and Captain Cold found him instantly

"He is back!"

Captain Cold shouted, and all the gang members immediately turned their guns and shot at Johnny Quick, while Captain Cold quickly picked up his cryo gun.

Johnny Quick easily got around it in his super speed.All bullets, when he saw the muzzle of Captain Cold's gun, he sneered:"Do you think changing to a new 4.9 gun will have any effect on the current situation?"

However, Captain Cold had already pulled the trigger, and this trigger was used by him. It is designed to be very sensitive and does not need to be buckled to the bottom. With just a slight touch, the freezing ray will be emitted.

Captain Cold designed the ray according to the speed of light, but unfortunately, its rate of fire was still reduced a lot due to the ability to freeze.

So Johnny Quick quickly realized something was wrong and quickly avoided the ray, but part of the ray still hit his arm and froze one of his hands.

Johnny Quick couldn't feel his hand for an instant. He lost the feeling of this arm, but he also successfully avoided the most fatal blow.

The freeze ray cannot be fired multiple times in a short period of time. After all, this is Captain Cold's first trial work, but the results are already extraordinary.

You know, for all these years, no one has been able to touch Johnny Quick, let alone hurt him.

But his good luck seemed to have ended here. Captain Cold felt a little regretful when he saw that his victory was not fully achieved.

He knew that he only had this chance. If he didn't seize it, he would face Johnny Quick's crazy revenge. He was ready to die.

Johnny Quick was indeed furious. Although he could not move one hand temporarily, there was no problem with the other hand.

So he threw the weapon originally prepared for the Flash. With the blessing of the Speed ​​Force, it was faster than any bullet, and it arrived in front of Captain Cold's eyebrows in almost the blink of an eye.

But just as the weapon was about to kill Captain Cold, The Flash rushed into the battlefield and grabbed it.

The arc flashing from that weapon hit Captain Cold's freezing gun, making a soft"click" sound..

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