Captain Leng was immediately stunned and felt very surprised.

Johnny Quick's face became even more ugly when he saw that his sure-kill blow was intercepted by someone, and the interceptor was the opponent who just ran faster than him.

"Who are you? Why do you want to stop me?"

Barry introduced himself:"I'm the Flash, man. I think you'd better find a hospital to check first. Your arm looks very bad."

But Captain Cold, standing behind the Flash, said,"No! We can't let him go. You said your name is The Flash?

You help me hold him down. This gun will cool down in a few minutes, and then I can kill him completely!"

When Barry heard Captain Cold say"Kill him", he waved to him quickly,"No, we can't kill people...."

Captain Cold had an"Are you fucking kidding me" expression on his face? He frowned and asked:"If we don't kill him, what will happen if he recovers and comes to trouble us in the future?"

Barry tried:"Maybe we can He handed it over to the police?"

Captain Cold sneered, and pointed to the opposite side with his finger:"You may not know, but there are several notes among the people opposite."

Barry was stunned for a moment, looking at Johnny Quick in disbelief. The few men in the camp who were wearing regular uniforms had no police temperament at all.

Captain Cold said slowly:"Actually, what they are doing now is serious work. Being a cop is just because Johnny Quick needs to have his own eyes in the police station. That is their part-time job."

This is not surprising, even if Not in this world, in the normal United States, the police station is also a mixed bag, and people of any identity may appear.

Maybe there is a murderer lurking in the police station, committing crimes while investigating the crimes he committed.

It's just that unlike Johnny Quick's men, none of them are mainly engaged in crime. Although the officials knew what Johnny Quick was doing, they were unable to change the status quo.

While they were talking, the skill CD of Captain Cold's cryo gun was full. He immediately raised the muzzle of the gun, took aim briefly and touched the trigger.

27 But just when he touched the trigger, an arc of electricity suddenly flashed from the freezing gun, hitting Captain Leng's arm directly and paralyzing him. He let go and the freezing gun fell away.

Johnny Quick seized this opportunity and threw the second dart he was carrying, hitting the freezing gun in mid-air.

The muzzle of the freezing gun lit up, and a blue light seemed to be about to spurt out.

But Barry reacted in time and pushed the cryogun quickly:"No!"

Now Barry's speed was incredibly fast, so he pushed the cryogun lightly and pushed the cryogun directly into the air a hundred meters away.

However, the freezing ray was still activated, shooting randomly in the air as the muzzle moved.

Barry immediately activated the Speed ​​Force and released a large amount of lightning from his body. He ran desperately on the street and moved everyone within the target range of the gun to prevent anyone from being accidentally injured by the freezing ray.

But even if the freeze ray doesn't reach the speed of light, it's still very fast. If he wants to save everyone, Barry needs help.

So he glanced at Johnny Quick in the Speed ​​Force:"Do something!"

He hoped that Johnny Quick could move those people to safety with him, but Johnny Quick just sneered at him. With a cry, he covered his frozen arms and ran away directly.....

He is now suffering from frostbite. Although it does not affect his running, it still has a great impact on his speed. He has no time to pay attention to the untouchables here.

Barry saw that the other party actually walked away, but he was helpless.

"Barry, if you want to save everyone here, there's only one way."Xiao Shen reminded him at this time.

Barry subconsciously asked:"How to do it?"

"You have to get faster! Faster than the freeze ray!"

Barry looked around. Although he had just rescued many innocent passers-by, there were still many people left on the street at this time.

More importantly, the freezing ray has a very long range. Not only the street in front of him, but also several kilometers away, the freeze ray is still lethal.

Barry could only do his best. He took a deep breath, changed the mask to a fully enclosed type, and restarted acceleration!

In this speed field, Everything around him was completely still. Barry tried his best to move all the citizens within range away from the muzzle of the gun.

During this process, he also occasionally threw gravel to hit the freezing gun in mid-air, and adjusted its muzzle. Position it as far away from the crowds as possible.

He successfully moved most of the people to a safe place, but even though he did this, the freezing ray was still not finished firing.

Once he exited the Speed ​​Force, the freezing ray It's still possible to attack places he can't reach

"Xiao Shen, you know what I'm thinking, right?"

Little Flash's image flashed in front of Barry:"You want to use the lightning and freezing rays generated by the Speed ​​Force to hedge, but your machine reminds you that doing so will lead to completely unpredictable results, please consider it carefully!"

"I've thought about it."At this time, Barry's voice became very calm.

Xiao Shen seemed to know his consciousness and stopped trying to persuade him. He just helped Barry prepare for the calibration.

Barry's hands rubbed against each other at an extremely fast speed, creating an extremely strong force. With the powerful current, he formed a circle with his hands, forming a loop, and lightning was fired from the middle, hitting the freezing ray. The two energy flows were in a stalemate for a while, and finally the freezing ray seemed to be unable to follow up, and was finally pushed back by the lightning. It hit the body of the freezing gun.

But then, Flash suddenly called the police to Barry:"Barry, that gun has a high-energy reaction, retreat quickly!"

"What's the meaning?"

"It's going to explode!"

"Are you kidding me?"Barry looked around, he just finished everything here.

"How broad is it? Xiao

Shen did not tell him the specific number, but just said:"It's very wide. Anyway, you should get out of here quickly.""

Unlike others, the Flash's speed is enough to escape from the center of the explosion.

"No, I can't leave!"

Barry began to rack his brains to think of a way, but he found that he had no good way at all. Even creating a storm to surround it would not help.

Just when Barry thought he could only watch the explosion happen, from the sky A beam of green light fell, and the light turned into a spherical shield, completely surrounding the freezing gun.

The Green Lantern arrived. He controlled the green light shield to limit the explosion inside the freezing gun, and then destroyed it. Throw it into the sky and push it deep into the high clouds.

The next second, a huge blue flash lights up deep in the clouds, and a large white cloud is turned into a frozen cloud by the blue light. Under its own weight, the frozen cloud quickly falls.

A closer look revealed that this frozen cloud was hundreds of feet in diameter. Once it hit the ground, it would cause huge damage.

However, before Barry could remind him, another beam of yellow light shot up into the sky and hit directly. The freezing clouds exploded and turned into countless tiny snowflakes falling.

It was Sinestro, he also rushed over to help.

Hal landed in front of Barry:"Not an easy day, is it?"

Barry was a little embarrassed. If it weren't for Green Lantern's help, he almost ruined the matter.

"Hal, why are you here?

Hal smiled and replied:"I'm here to help you.""

As he said this, Sinestro came back and brought a person, Johnny Quick, who was imprisoned in the energy ball by the yellow light.

Sinestro set up a trap on his only way. He was caught in a trap, and losing an arm affected his sense of balance, so he failed to escape the trap and was captured directly.

Captain Ice was very happy. When he saw Johnny Quick being imprisoned, he immediately He took out a pistol from his waist and pointed it at him, and pulled the trigger, trying to kill this guy first when no one was paying attention.

But he underestimated Sinestro's energy shield, and the bullet bounced off the yellow light, and it didn't work. Can hurt Johnny Quick at all.

Johnny Quick looked at him from inside with a mocking smile.

Sinestro immediately removed Captain Cold's weapon, frowned and asked him:"What are you doing?"

Captain Leng said matter-of-factly:"Of course, kill him.

He also asked them:"Isn't that why you came?""

"Of course not, we just want to capture him.

Captain Leng sneered:"Then wait until he escapes from prison and then kill him, right?""

Barry and Hal looked at each other, their expressions a little subtle.

"Actually...I think he may never be able to do evil again. Although we won't kill him, from a practical point of view, he will die in a social sense."

As long as Johnny Quick is imprisoned in the hell controlled by Dane, unless Johnny Quick can break through the dimension, he will be no different from death in the real world.

Captain Cold is doubtful. Of course, it doesn't matter if he doesn't believe it. In front of him is Three superhumans, and now he is just an ordinary person who has lost his weapon and has no ability to resist.

Therefore, he can only agree with their treatment of Johnny Quick. Although it is a pity that he cannot kill him with his own hands, if he can change It doesn't seem unacceptable that he will never appear in this city.

Sinestro turned to look at the Flash:"Is this the Flash you are talking about?"

Barry didn't know this man, why is his skin red? He scratched his head and looked at Hal.

Hal introduced him:"This is the new friend I just made, Sinestro. He comes from an extraterrestrial civilization. He is come to help us"

"Oh, Hello."Barry stretched out his hand. He didn't know what etiquette the aliens had. Isn't it offensive to shake hands?

Obviously Sinestro understands human culture very well. He smiled and shook Barry's hand, and then said:

"I have seen the battle you just fought. You are obviously capable, but you are still unwilling to take away the enemy's life. This makes me admire you..."

Captain Cold said"tsk" on the side. He felt that if it weren't for the Flash's previous actions, If he interferes, he might have killed Johnny Quick with his freeze gun.

" are here just to help me?"

"Not only that, I learned that another big event may happen on earth, so I need to find everyone to discuss it together. Barry, do you know where the others are?"

When Barry heard this, he immediately asked the suit's artificial intelligence Xiaofang

"Flash, do you know where Dane is?"

These members may not know each other's positions, but Dane must know

"This machine is trying to connect to the host, please wait..." (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


On Night Owl's fighter plane, Dane and Super Queen were flying towards Alcatraz Island.

The Super Queen is now free from any restraints, and 443 has decided to follow Dane since she surrendered.

At this time, she was sitting in the passenger seat next to Dane, but this femme fatale was not honest and kept teasing Dane with her feet.

A pair of long legs swept up and down Dane's thighs, making people feel itchy.

Dane was speechless:"Can you calm down for a while?"

"why?"The super queen is sitting very charmingly, and Dane is sure that she is deliberately trying to seduce him!"

"Obviously we were both satisfied with the kiss just now, and I can feel your passion, but why are you unwilling to go further?"

She moved her feet to a certain key point with a half-smile:"You don't seem to be the type who has hidden diseases or is not interested in women at all. I don't understand why you reject me at all."

Dane stretched out his hand and quietly took off the Super Queen's feet.

He is a man, and some instinctive reactions cannot be controlled.

Moreover, if he controls it, it may cause some misunderstandings.

"I already have a partner, and he's an Amazon..." There are angels, wizards, alien warriors, gods, etc., all of them are not ordinary people.……

"oh?"Who knew that the super queen would become interested instead?

"who is it? As far as I know, there shouldn't be a woman worthy of you among the Amazons... It can't be Hippolyta, right?"

In that case... I'm actually a little excited when I think about it.

If possible, the Super Queen wouldn't mind ravaging this nominal"mother" on another battlefield.

Dane could see that the Super Queen in front of him could not only be S , or it could be M. Her hobbies are very flexible. Perhaps only the little psychotic Harley can stand up to her.

"Although I don’t know what you are thinking, I know that you must be thinking wildly about who she is. You will understand after you see her. I promise, she is different from all the Amazons you have met."

After what he said, the Super Queen became even more interested. Are there any Amazons she hasn't seen yet?

Then she wants to see them. Even if the man she likes is already married, she still wants to grab him. Come here!

Not long after, the fighter plane stopped at Alcatraz Island. The Amazons who had stayed behind had seen the fighter plane. After Dane stopped, a group of Amazons surrounded the place.

But as soon as the hatch opened, the Amazons They all put away the weapons in their hands, and all of them knelt down in front of Dane.

The Super Queen was surprised. These people didn't seem to see her, and they just paid such a courtesy to Dane.

"What have you done here? Dane smiled and said to her:"As you Syndicate like to do, conquer!"".

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