Dane should be lucky that he didn't have anything to do with the Super Queen on the spot because of her temptation, because Diana and Zatanna had been watching him with the magic crystal ball.

Zatanna gestured to Diana:"Look, I said it!"

Diana could only nod, admitting that Zatanna was right, but she frowned, a little confused:"This woman is the world Lois Lane?"

Although the temperament and body shape of the two were very different, Diana could still tell who she was at a glance. After all, they had discussed the issue of being in the same position not long ago.

Diana was just a little surprised. The parallel world is indeed magical. Who would have thought that a female reporter could transform into a super female warrior?

"I feel like she has some bad intentions."Diana saw the vague fighting spirit on the Super Queen's face, and said thoughtfully.

Zatanna snickered from the side:"Diana, you forgot, she is also an Amazon, you Amazons meet How do you decide to return to something you both like?"

Zatanna is not only working as a medicine girl and a doctor here during this time, she is also learning the culture here, so she has some understanding of the Amazon's tough style.

In many cultural customs, the two Amazons are similar.

For example, in Before the Amazons withdrew from the human world, when they needed to replenish their population, they would shoot some men they liked from surrounding countries or tribes.

If there were two or more female warriors in the group who liked a man at the same time, they would The winner is determined through a duel, and the winner takes away the man.

Although as the golden age fades, the Amazons have not reproduced this custom for a long time, but maybe we will see this tradition again today.

"Hum, the daughter of Paradise Island is never afraid of challenges!"

Diana snorted coldly, picked up her weapon and walked out.

Behind her, Zatanna quietly showed an expression of watching the show, then quickly picked up the crystal ball and walked out.

But the first person the Super Queen saw was not Diana. , but Hippolyta

"Louise, it’s you, why are you back?"Hippolyta looked at Dane next to the Super Queen and suddenly understood."You also lost to him?"

The Super Queen laughed and said:"I am different from you. I can at least fight him twice. I'm afraid you will be beaten into a pulp if you make a move."

Unlike Diana, the meeting between the Super Queen and Hippolyta was full of excitement.

Originally, there was competition for the throne between the two of them. According to their agreement, she came back this time to have a throne duel with her to determine the final outcome. The winner.

But this time the situation is special. The super queen did not come back with her own will, and Hippolyta does not have absolute royal power at this time. There is still a divine power above her head.

Therefore, the two people Tokiya just kept talking and had no intention of taking action.

But this"happy" state was broken until Diana came in.

Seeing Diana, who was fully armed, the Super Queen instantly understood what Dane meant.

She He turned around and glanced at Dane:"You are right, she is indeed different from other Amazons I have seen, she is very strong!"

The Super Queen didn't know where this Amazon came from, and she didn't want to ask why she had never seen her before.

She stood directly in front of Diana and stretched out her hand like a human in the outside world.

"Hello, my name is Louise, they call me Super Queen!"

Diana looked at the hand handed over by the other party and understood what she meant, so she also extended her hand.

"Diana, Wonder Woman."

The two of them clenched their hands and exerted force for a moment. The air in their palms was squeezed out and spread out like a small storm, making a"bang" sound!

These two women who met for the first time started wrestling from the beginning..

The Super Queen is a descendant of a true god, and her divine power is almost the same as a true god except for the lack of faith and the blessing of a godhead.

Diana is a demigod, but her father god is Zeus, a god older than Ares.

And Zeus, the god-king, is most famous for the great achievements of his various demigod descendants. In the entire mythological heroic epic, the stories of Zeus's demigod sons account for almost half.

Diana also had a similar heroic destiny, not to mention She also killed Ares, the God of War, who was the father of the Super Queen.

Therefore, although she was a demigod, her power was almost the same as that of the Super Queen.

The Super Queen worked harder, and cold sweat almost ran down her forehead. She didn't expect it. To think that this woman actually has such a powerful force, she is not far behind Hercules!

Diana also adjusted her posture in time. She squatted slightly, stepped on the ground with her back feet, and directly stepped on the floor tiles of the palace, causing cracks. It spread between the soles of their feet.

Hippolyta's eyes twitched when she saw it. The floor tiles here had lasted for thousands of years, and today they were destroyed just because of a handshake.

Sure enough, gods and their descendants are a group of people who cannot The offended guy.

At this time, Dane's palm covered their joined palms. Although there was no force, it still made them restrain their strength at the same time.

"Let's stop here. If the comparison continues, this place will be trampled down by you."

The two of them looked around, and the dense spider web cracks almost extended to the wall.

The Super Queen admired the other party's strength:"Your Very powerful!

Not to be outdone, Diana said,"You're not bad either.""

But the Super Queen changed her voice and said:"However, I don't know if you are just stronger, or if you have stronger abilities?"

Faced with the super queen's provocation, Diana would not be timid. She counterattacked:"If you want to challenge me, you can just say so and I will accept it."

The Super Queen looked at Diana's shield and Vulcan Sword, her eyes flashed, and she said deliberately:"I will fight you empty-handed, you can bring whatever you want."

But in fact, she has long seen that the buckler and sword on Diana are not ordinary objects. If the opponent really uses these things, she will fight very hard.

Although the Super Queen has similar ropes to Diana, she There is no Vulcan sword, no divine shield, and she doesn't have a divine outfit like her.

Because she is the blood of the true god, she can defeat most people and creatures in the world with her own abilities.

Besides, it's just her father. After all the evil she had done, could she still expect Hephaestus to make her some good equipment?

But Diana was different. She was a demigod. In the first few hundred years of her life, she was no better than other Amazons. No matter how strong she is, at best, her skills are better.

Her divine power really began to be stimulated and grew after she obtained the artifact.

With the help of the artifact, Diana was able to develop the divine power hidden in her blood step by step, and finally reached Today, she is compared to the level of the gods.

Although she is a demigod, she has developed her power bit by bit along the way, and there are still some differences from the Super Queen. Now her basic attributes are not much different from the Super Queen. Big, the competition is about skills.

If Diana still uses artifacts to bully others during the duel, the Super Queen is likely to lose.

In order to prevent her from taking advantage of this, the Super Queen deliberately used words to stimulate her. The purpose is actually to Let her voluntarily give up her advantage, put down her equipment, and have a completely fair hand-to-hand battle with the Super Queen.

How could Diana, who has lived for a thousand years, not hear her thoughts? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

The Super Queen probably learned this from Syndicate, but she seemed to be deceived by her own judgment. She seemed to be sure that Diana was the kind of Amazon who pursued honor, and would definitely fall into her scheme.

Hers The plan was generally correct, but there was one thing that was wrong. Diana, who knew the other party's plan in her heart, would let her succeed so easily?

She and Dane had been together for a long time, but they had learned nothing good.

So she just saw Diana smiling. Then he said to the Super Queen:"Since you are so generous, then I don't have to be polite. I don't need other weapons, just these two in my hand."

The Divine Shield and the Vulcan Sword, these are the two weapons Diana was talking about. She downplayed it as if they were very ordinary standard weapons. The

Super Queen was dumbfounded. This was different from what she imagined!

Zatanna When I saw this scene next to Dane, I almost laughed out loud. I could only bury my face behind Dane, but looking at the way she was twitching, it seemed that it was hard to hold back the laughter.

Super Queen Now she felt uncomfortable, and she had let out all her words. If she tried to regain her momentum at this time, she would lose three points without a fight.

At this time, she didn't know how to respond, when she heard Diana say calmly:"With you Just kidding, since you chose to use your bare hands, out of politeness, I should do the same."

After saying that, Diana let go of her hands, and the buckler and the divine sword fell to the ground at the same time and were stuck on the ground.

Only then did the Super Queen realize that she had been tricked by the other party. This was to point her.

Since you dare to play psychological warfare, Don't blame the other party for playing the same trick.

This makes the Super Queen dare not despise this"Wonder Woman" anymore.

Hippolyta can see that the two of them are fighting, but she doesn't know what to do. He could only turn his attention to Dane.

Hippolyta could see the problem, and of course Dane could see it too. Not only did he see the smell of gunpowder between the two, he also knew that Diana had been holding it in for a long time. I want to have a good fight.

At this time, apart from the Super Queen, there is really no one in Alcatraz Island who can fight, not counting Dane, and not even Hephaestus. Regardless of his size, within ten rounds, Diana will be defeated. Beheading.

Understanding that Diana was not jealous of the competition, but wanted to stretch her muscles, of course Dane supported it, so he nodded to Hippolyta. Hippolyta received the response and immediately had people prepare for the Colosseum. , but the super queen waved her hand directly:"No need to prepare, it's not a performance.We can just go there!"

Diana also had the same opinion, and both of them ignored Hippolyta's opinion and flew directly out of the hall and headed towards the Colosseum.

Hippolyta was angry in her heart, but she couldn't express it. She could hold back her breath.

As soon as these two women came together, Hippolyta's majesty as queen was seriously challenged. She was sulking like a resentful little woman.

Dane just laughed at this. Liao smiled:"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, you will always be the queen of Amazon."

Hippolyta was stunned when she heard his words, and suddenly she relaxed.

If there is a certification from God, then her status is impeccable legally.

But she quickly shook her head, this man is clearly a conqueror, She could surrender verbally, but she must not surrender in her heart.

Dane saw the wonderful expression on her face and found it very interesting, but he couldn't look at it for too long, otherwise it would be easy for others to misunderstand that she had evil intentions towards his mother-in-law.

So he pulled With Zatanna flying in the direction of Super Queen and Diana.

In the Colosseum, it has been damaged to some extent due to years of battle wear and tear, but it is still usable.

Moreover, for Super Queen For Diana, these stone buildings were like tofu cubes. They were disposable items anyway.

The two landed on the ground of the Colosseum, each stepped on two foot pits, and then calmly pulled out their feet.

"You know, all this time, in addition to working hard for the Amazon throne, I have been looking for a man who is suitable for me and will give birth to the most powerful offspring.

Diana raised her eyebrows and said,"You want to say that Dane is the man of your choice?""

"It turned out that his name was Dane, this bad guy, and he even lied to me and said his name was Shazam."

The Super Queen said, leaning down slightly and making a fighting posture.

"Strictly speaking, he didn't lie to you. Your name is Louise, but they also call you Super Queen, right?"

The Super Queen suddenly realized that"Shazam" was (is it good) his name?

The stinky man actually used a code name to deal with her.

The Super Queen smiled slightly, but it doesn't matter, as long as she can get his person, the Super Queen believes that sooner or later She believed in her own charm to win his heart.

No one in this world could be more suitable for him than herself, she firmly believed this.

The next second, the two female war goddesses activated at the same time and waved their fists towards each other.

They The speed was so fast that the punching wind generated by the collision of fists could be felt even on the outside of the venue. They fought without reservation!

"With a loud bang, two figures hit the walls on the left and right, almost breaking through and flying out of the Colosseum. The

Super Queen stood up from the ruins, hugging the huge rock next to her with both hands. The rock was larger than her entire body. The person was huge, so she threw it.

Diana was not afraid and smashed the stone with one punch, and then continued to attack the Super Queen.

But at this time, the Super Queen took advantage of Diana's opportunity to suddenly launch her heat vision before she landed. Diana reacted quickly and raised her hand. The silver bracelet instantly absorbed the heat energy of the heat vision.

Although she promised not to use the Vulcan sword and shield, she did not take off the other artifacts on her body. Although the silver bracelet was not an offensive artifact , but it is very practical.

The Super Queen seemed stunned for a moment, not expecting Diana to follow it easily, but then, Diana punched her pretty face.

"With a"boom" sound, the Super Queen flew out. This time she directly penetrated the Colosseum wall and expanded the fighting field to the outside world.

Diana continued to pursue and landed a punch, but the Super Queen predicted her landing point. Roll to the ground to avoid.

The fists exploded in the open space. In the smoke, the Super Queen's long legs suddenly appeared and clamped Diana's neck. She twisted again and threw Diana out with the help of her waist strength, which was regarded as retaliation. That punch from Diana just now...

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