The battle between the Super Queen and Diana soon came to an end.

It was fine inside the Colosseum at first, but outside the arena, the two began to fight without any restrictions, and their fighting field began to become wider.

In the sky, underground, on the surface, in the water, as long as the physical body can withstand the environment, they have tried it all, just to test whether they can gain some advantage in different environments.

However, as they fought, the two found that their opponents were evenly matched, with almost the same strength, speed, and even skills.

Super Queen was able to gain a brief upper hand through her heat vision at the beginning, but when Diana became familiar with the rhythm of her attack, her heat vision became less useful.

Several times the Super Queen used heat vision, and Diana took the opportunity to use her silver bracelet to give her two divine shocks. The damage of this shock wave was not high, but the rebound effect was very strong.

No matter how hard the super queen tried, she couldn't withstand the impact and was bounced off every time. This had nothing to do with strength, it was just that she couldn't hold it down due to her weight.

Therefore, every time the Super Queen uses heat vision, Diana must rush to use divine impact before her, and then seize the time when she is frozen to pursue.

If she didn't use heat vision, Diana wouldn't use silver bracelets.

The Super Queen didn't know that as the daughter of Zeus, Diana still had one thunder move that she hadn't used yet. It was a move that could lead to life and death, and she couldn't use it yet.

But with only fists and feet, the battle between the two gradually became clear.

"Diana had the upper hand."Dane said this.

Zatanna is not a warrior, so she can't see it, but Dane can see it clearly.

As time goes by, Diana's advantages gradually come to the fore.

The strength accumulated step by step is in the fight. It is true that she will be more stable. The Super Queen was a little impatient after a long battle with no results, so Diana seized several opportunities to counterattack.

But because it was an empty-handed fight, both sides are gods with super recovery ability. It is impossible to stun the opponent without resorting to excessive means, but this will easily amplify the damage to Alcatraz Island.

Therefore, Diana chose another method. She used joint skills to control the He captured the Super Queen and made it impossible for her to get away for a long time.

Dane landed near them with Zatanna:"It seems that the battle has an outcome."

"not yet!"

The Super Queen was pressed to the ground163 and tried hard to raise her head, but with a strong force from Diana, her forehead suddenly hit the ground, creating a big crater.

"If you want, I can accept your challenge anytime, but today you lose."Diana unceremoniously declared her victory.

At this time, Hippolyta hurried over and saw the messy battlefield and other non-combat areas affected, her face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

But when She saw the plowed earth and couldn't help but be shocked by the destructive power of the Super Queen and Diana. If these two people let go of the fight, even Alcatraz Island might not be able to withstand the destruction they caused.

Seeing that she really couldn't break free from Diana's control, the Super Queen was forced to admit defeat. Although she liked to act domineeringly, she was not a person without self-respect, and she didn't want to show too much in front of Dane. Ugly.

After she admitted defeat, Diana let her go. She stretched out her hand towards the opponent. She still admired the strength of the super queen, but she was a little more ruthless, attacking with every move.

But as a A warrior, this actually doesn't matter. If it weren't for the fact that the Super Queen seemed to have some evil intentions towards Dane, Diana even thought that they might be able to become friends. The

Super Queen also showed her magnanimity when facing Diana's extended hand. , she accepted Diana’s kindness, but at the same time, she also said:

"I won't give up. One day, he will understand that I am the most suitable woman for him!

Diana just wrote lightly:"I still say the same thing, and I will accept your challenge at any time.""

At this time, Zatanna suddenly took off her hat and took out the magic box.

The Super Queen immediately frowned:"Why is this thing in your hands?"

She has been in the Syndicate for a long time, so she knows some super-technological creations.

Although the Criminal Syndicate is ambitious and wants to rule the world, they have indeed fulfilled some of their responsibilities as guardians. For example, when facing alien threats, The Syndicate also fought bloody battles to eliminate foreign enemies.

The first opportunity for the Syndicate to take shape was because a giant starfish-shaped monster named"Starro" attempted to invade the earth. They established the Syndicate to fight against it.

And this skull-shaped monster The magic box was dug out of Starro's body at that time (chae) after they killed it.

At that time, the Super Queen heard that the skull was probably derived from the super technology of an ancient alien race. Finally It was taken back for study by Night Owl, the smartest and most technically powerful person in the organization.

I wonder why it is in their hands now?

Dane took the magic box, connected his own energy to it, and quickly received the information from Barry in his mind. He raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Then he turned to look at Diana and Zatanna:"Our plan may have to change. The problem of the Syndicate is no longer important. The threat from deep space is shrouding this world." world"

"Another alien invasion?"Diana was a little speechless. Why couldn't she get rid of these aliens no matter where she went? Could they be cursed by something?

"Then the Syndicate..." Zatanna is a little worried.

She knows that the Alliance will definitely choose to help the world expel foreign enemies, but before they do so, the Syndicate is a huge hidden danger.

Who knows whether these guys will take advantage of the opportunity to do bad things? After all, There aren't any good people in there...

Thinking of this, Zatanna glanced at the super queen who seemed as if nothing had happened. She didn't know how Dane planned to deal with this woman.

But what she didn't expect was that the super queen spoke first:" From what you are saying, it sounds like you want to deal with the Syndicate?"

She saw several people looking at her and smiled:"I can help you!"

She is the Super Queen, and she is essentially a super villain. She can trick Xanza, and naturally she can also trick the Syndicate.

This is not the woman in the original work who has a relationship with Night Owl and Speedmaster. Since the relationship between them is not the same. Deep, of course, there would be no burden on her heart if she betrayed her.

But this instantly made Diana and Zatanna’s impression of her so bad.

Diana even bluntly said to Dane:"I can’t believe her, she If you can betray the Syndicate, you can betray anyone!"

But the Super Queen walked up to Dane with a smile, and hugged his arms regardless of Diana's murderous eyes.

"As long as you remain as strong as you are now, I will not betray you. It is my nature to be strong, don't you like it?"

No wonder people say that bad women are more likely to be liked by men. Such words were used by a strong woman like her to show weakness, and she said them in a charming tone. Dane couldn't be angry with her at all. Instead, he felt that she was still Very frank.

Diana was right, the Super Queen indeed has no loyalty at all, at least for now.

But he doesn't need the other party's loyalty now, he just needs to use her.

So Dane also said:"If you can help us subdue the other members of the Syndicate at the minimum cost, then I will thank you very much."This is an old scumbag.

The Super Queen's eyes lit up:"Is it because I helped you and you promised me everything?"

Zatanna couldn't listen anymore. You really think we are all dead!

She lit up the magic light with her hands and recited a counter-spell. The Super Queen's eyes suddenly lost focus and she let go of Dane's hand. , walked aside like a puppet on strings.

However, with the super queen's magic resistance, she broke away from this controlling magic after more than ten seconds, but her expression was very solemn, and she could control her for more than ten seconds. For another People have been enough to kill her many times.

I was wrong, and I didn't expect that the one who looked the weakest was actually such a powerful witch. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) It's not like she hasn't dealt with it before Witches, but the power of human witches did not pose much of a threat to her, so she never cared about them.

But this time she saw the power of magic, and even her divine body could not resist it.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Zatanna, a very excellent magician."

Ah, I have already felt her excellence.

The Super Queen can see that the relationship between this witch and Dane is not ordinary.

A female war goddess who can rival her, a female magician who can control gods, Dane's side The better a woman is, the more she wants to get him.

The food you eat is the most delicious. This sentence is true.

"Now, let's see what the other team members are doing."

Dane ignored the open and covert fights between several women. Now in the Syndicate, Xantha is dead, and his power of Xantha has been completely absorbed by Dane. The Super Queen has also"abandoned the darkness and turned to the light."

Obtained from Barry The news showed that Power Ring and Johnny Quick were also arrested.

Today, the only ones that the Syndicate can worry about are Night Owl, Speedmaster and Martian, and the other syndicate members are not worth mentioning.

Among them, Night Owl Like Batman, he only becomes super when he fights planned battles. At other times, Dane can basically find the target and kill him instantly, so as long as he doesn't give him time to analyze, he will kill him directly, even at night. The owl also needs to take a break.

Speedmaster? Sunshine’s weakness really makes Dane don’t know how to complain. Are you a vampire?

As for Martian, if he doesn’t have Martian Manhunter’s weakness, then he may be more troublesome than Speedmaster. But it’s definitely not Dane’s right

And in the movie, Martians can be killed by bombs......This is outrageous!

Dane decided to take a look at the other members first, especially Vixen and Dr. Light. He admitted that he paid a little less attention to these two people.

As for Plastic Man, I don’t know how this guy did it. The magic crystal ball couldn’t find him at all. He probably turned himself into another person completely.

In New York, the most prosperous city in the world, Vixen and Dr. Light are cleaning up the evil forces in Queens.

Like other members, the two heroines couldn't help but use their own power to become vigilantes here the second day after arriving in this world.

Regardless of the world, York has always been one of the most complex cities in the world.

Behind the prosperity here is also full of countless evils, almost as much as Gotham.

Except for Manhattan Island, which has relatively good security, other districts in New York have always been under the control of other gangs.

But in their original world, New York wasn't as bad as this.

In normal New York City, police sirens are the eternal BGM of the city, and almost every New Yorker is accustomed to it.

But it's different here. Except for Manhattan, there are no police sirens at all in other districts. It's ridiculous, who would go to the slums to send police.

How many dollars do you earn per month? So desperate?

So, when Vixen and Dr. Light entered Queens, New York for the first time, they were immediately"warmly welcomed" by the local gang.

Both of them are women with extremely outstanding appearance and temperament, so they were spotted by the gang organizations here among the crowd.

Then there is a similar plot. A group of gangsters are overly enthusiastic and want to invite Vixen and Kimiyo to sit at their place, but they don't want to go.

In the end, it was too hard to refuse such hospitality, so Vixen and Kimiyo had no choice but to coax most of the people to sleep and rush to the appointment with the remaining one.

Then the over-enthusiastic gangster was thrown into the pot.

But when I pulled out the radish and brought out the mud, my mood was affected.Hu Fei wants to find out who is behind these people.

This time it was like poking a hornet's nest, and all kinds of messy organizations were brought out by the two of them.

At first, the gangsters thought these two women were from the Syndicate when they saw how fierce they were. But when they discovered that this was not the case, they began to use various methods to try to kill them, but they did not succeed.

The abilities of Vixen and Kimiyo are far beyond ordinary people, and the gang's ordinary thermal weapons are not much different from fire sticks in their eyes.

Therefore, these gangsters were in bad luck. Vixen and Kimiyo seized the opportunity to fight back and destroyed several extremely evil organizations.

The vixen was trained in Team X, so she had no taboo on killing people.

Dr. Hikari Kimiyo doesn't like killing people, but she is very reasonable and won't stop her companions just because she doesn't like it, so the two of them are a formidable partner.

The vixen does not kill innocent people indiscriminately. Every time she kills, she only targets the culprit. The other minions can usually survive as long as they don't do anything too outrageous on the spot.

On this day, Vixen and Kimiyo once again destroyed a local gang. She had forgotten the name. Anyway, it was named after someone. It didn't matter whether she remembered it or not.

The vixen frowned and asked:"How many is this?"

Kimiyo was using her power to destroy the powder and ice here, and without looking back she said:"It's the fifteenth, right?...This city sucks"

"Why are there so many gangs? What do the police here do for a living?"

The vixen had a headache. Since the first time they killed a bunch of guys with bad intentions, they have been tracing all the way, and they have only found more and more darkness.

These gang organizations are intricately entangled and deeply rooted in this city, and they seem to have already Instead of blending into one, the vixen sometimes feels that she and Kimiyo are the aliens here.

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