In fact, it's not just the vixen who's having a headache, the local gang leaders in New York are also having a headache.

Where did this stupid young man come from? Do you want to kill them all by yourself or something?

The gang organization did not believe that there was a creature called a"hero" in the world. They did not think about it at all. They only thought that these two women were sent by the organization behind the scenes to test them.

Maybe it was someone from a criminal syndicate who had reached the limit of their exploitation elsewhere and wanted to get their hands in here in New York, which sounded reasonable.

At a general meeting of the local gang organization, a gang leader founded by Jews slammed the table

"This kind of thing must not continue!"

His words attracted the echo of many people. Recently, due to the instability in Queens, many of their businesses have been affected.

Not only are they suspicious of the syndicate, but others are also suspicious. Therefore, a large number of second-hand dealers who have received the news are cleaning up overnight. Xinruan is ready to run away.

Besides, Dr. Guang will organize the crime groupBecause all the prohibited items inside were destroyed, the income of these gangsters also began to drop sharply.

Without goods on the market, customers who need goods will flow to other districts, exacerbating the"depression" in Queens."

"Those two women must find a way to get rid of them!"

"But what if they are from the Syndicate?"

But someone calmly analyzed:"According to my recent observations, the possibility of them belonging to the syndicate is very small. The syndicate will never destroy the goods they get. Who would have trouble with money?"

His words made many people secretly nod their heads and agree very much.

For ordinary people, it is difficult to transport the goods stored in the warehouse, because there are their people in every street and every lane in this place, even Even the road traffic is maintained by their people.

It is impossible for ordinary people to steal the goods without concealing them.

But the Syndicate is different. There are some freaks with special abilities in it. Even Night Owl, he has many Advanced fighter planes can airlift their goods and then sell them elsewhere to make a fortune.

No matter how you look at it, it is absolutely impossible for the Syndicate to choose to destroy the goods directly.

After that person's analysis, everyone felt that there was Reason.

The Syndicate is a group of greedy hyenas. Even if they pick up a stone, they will find a way to squeeze some oil out of it. How can they let their men destroy the goods wantonly?

Then who are they if they are not the Syndicate?

The person who spoke earlier took out a document and distributed it to the big bosses.

Then she spoke:"We have intelligence that some new superhumans have appeared in several cities. This file is their latest report. What I'm doing these days."

The only sound left at the scene was the sound of turning pages, but the more these people looked, the more strange they became, and their expressions even became weird.

Someone hesitated for a while and asked:"What are they doing?"

"Free dedication, obviously, these people are vigilantes, or they are superheroes..."

The scene suddenly burst into laughter, and the solemn atmosphere was swept away.

Superhero? Dedication? I don't know which word is more ridiculous, or All the words were ridiculous, and many gangsters laughed until they could hardly breathe.

That kind of thing only appears in comic books!

But the person who spoke did not. She was very calm, and she met everyone They were all laughing, not angry, and just watched them laugh quietly.

After a few minutes, the laughter stopped, and when they saw the man's appearance, they all had a very ridiculous thought in their hearts.

"Is it possible that everything you said is true? Are there really people who just do good deeds without asking for anything in return?"Some people said in disbelief:"Are they crazy? Or a communist?"

In the eyes of the people of the United States, something that does not require money must be problematic, just like they firmly believe that vaccines that do not require money must be the government conducting human experiments. The former Syndicate was also defeated because of its defeat of Starro. The people briefly called them heroes for a while, but they soon exposed their true nature and began to exercise dictatorship in the cities under their respective jurisdictions. The official government did not have the power to fight against superhumans, so they could only turn a blind eye to it. Only one eye.

Over time, these superhumans and the organizations they lead began to dominate their respective territories and exploit civilians like gangsters.

As for resistance? If Superhumans wanted to destroy mankind, it would take less than a month for them to do so. How can you resist if you can kill 99% of the world's population?

The gangs in the United States were not criminals at the beginning. They were once just a group of fellow countrymen who had left their hometowns and automatically banded together in order to seek help.

Just like" Like the Corleone family in"The Godfather", they started out as a rebellion against injustice and authority, and made some money on the way.

However, as they grow and develop, the organization will inevitably deteriorate. As long as any group expands in scale, there will always be something dark.

Gangsters. That's true, and so is the syndicate.

So what about these people?

"Everyone, I am telling you this not for you to comment on or laugh at these new superhuman beings."

The person who brought the news to them said this calmly, and the sound at the scene disappeared again.

"You might as well think about it, if these people are really a completely different group of people from the Syndicate, why can't we win them over?"

"Fight for? Do you want to control these freaks?"

"What you said is too ugly. I just hope for win-win cooperation."

"Without telling you how you are going to do this, let me ask you, how are you going to control these freaks?"

"I'm not trying to control them"

"What did you say?"

The man explained quietly:"If these new superhumans are really what I imagined, they will not be able to be controlled by us at all, let alone cooperate with us."

The people around were a little confused when they heard this, so what are you saying?

Seeing that no one around him reacted, the man had no choice but to continue explaining:"Do you think the Syndicate is evil, or are we more evil?"

Now everyone realized, the answer is obvious. Compared with organizations like the Syndicate that want to control the entire country or even the entire world, they are far behind.

If they are really a group of righteous people like the person just said, Police, their first target should be the syndicate, not the gang.

"But the most important thing now is how we divert the attention of those two chicks. The damage they have caused here is already huge. If we continue, it will be difficult for us to even maintain the current scale...."

"Waller, you don’t want to see this either, right?"

The person called"Waller" raised his head, and it turned out to be a black man, and a woman!

But she was dressed in a neutral dress. At first glance, she looked just like a man.

You must know that in these old gang organizations In the eyes, black people are black slaves. Although gang organizations will also accept black members, they use these black people as consumables, and even directly use them as livestock. Let alone being on an equal footing with these big guys, on weekdays Such people are guilty of breathing the same air as them.

But Waller has a high status among them, because she controls the only gang in New York City that is composed entirely of black people.

Unlike other black people with low intelligence, Waller is not only extremely intelligent, but also actively colludes with the government.

Although black people have low intelligence (mainly due to low education) and are not united enough as a whole, their greatest advantage is that they are large and fertile.

In the United States, people More is also a resource, which means more votes.

Therefore, Waller is still very popular among politicians, especially those on the white left, who treat her as a guest, at least on the surface.

She also , was able to have her own place in this white-dominated area.

Waller's high IQ and superb communication skills allowed her to unite the black people here and twist them into a rope.

The white gang was willing to accept her because she had already In fact, she became the godmother of local black people. She has such strength.

Moreover, although Waller has strong abilities, she is the only such powerful black person to appear in so many years, and she is still a woman.

The white gang bosses think she is more powerful. She was easy to control, so she was included in his club.

At this time, although Waller's suggestions scratched the itch of the white leaders, they did not propose a definite solution to the problem.

But at this time, she smiled slightly, Said:"I remember that one of the two superhumans was a black man. I thought maybe I could try to communicate with him."

"They don't look like they can accommodate evil. Waller, don't be too superstitious about your abilities."Someone seemed to remind me kindly.

"I will remember your warning."

After Waller said this, he exited the meeting. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As soon as she turned around, her face changed. The previous calmness and calmness were all gone, and only her face remained. There was no expression, only a fleeting cold light could be seen in those eyes.

Waller was very efficient. That night, Vixen and Kimiyo followed the clues to find a warehouse, but they did not find it. There were no prohibited items, and no one was found staying here.

The vixen's first reaction at the time was that they had been fooled, but then she realized something was wrong, because the animal ability given to her by the Tuantu Necklace did not sense the danger.

So the vixen She boldly chose to go deep alone, and asked Kimiyo to be ready to meet her outside at any time.

For superhuman beings like them who can fly, they have many more tactical options than ordinary people, so they can definitely try to take risks..

But when the vixen entered the warehouse, she found that she was still wrong. This was not a trap at all. No trap was laid out like this.

In the middle of the empty warehouse, there was a black woman with short hair. She was Amanda. Waller is also the person that Vixen hates the most in her life.

Vixen didn’t expect that she could still be related to this guy even after she came to this world.

Waller specially arranged for someone to place a table here, with three The chair seemed to be prepared for her, Vixen and Kimiyo

"Won't your companion come in with you?"

Waller put his hands on the table to indicate that she did not hide the weapon.

In fact, she did not need to do this, because the vixen could smell, see, and judge from the sixth sense that the other party was harmless.

But the vixen Fox still felt unhappy. She sat directly in front of Waller without answering the other person's questions at all.

"I didn’t expect it to be you, Amanda Waller. Did you specially arrange this round today?"

Waller was a little surprised when she heard her call out her name, but she didn't think about it because she was quite famous here, and you could find out with just a little inquiry.

As the godmother of the black gang, there are many black people who have received her favor..

She is able to achieve her current status not only by pleasing white people, but also by taking proper care of black people.

"What you and your companions have done here recently has caused quite a stir.

The vixen was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought that the one in front of her was not the one in her world. So she asked a little abruptly:"Waller, who are you working for now?"

Although there was no expression on Waller's face, there was something in her heart. She didn't know why the other party asked. She pretended to be calm and said:"

You know my name, but don't you know that I am the leader of a local black gang?""

But Waller didn't know that the sound of her heartbeat was very clear in the vixen's ears. When she asked who the other party worked for, it was obvious that the other party's heart rate was abnormal.

So she was even more sure that even in front of her eyes This Waller, her identity must not be simple.

"Tell me what you're looking for today, Waller, and don't beat around the bush."

Waller began to quickly adjust her mentality at this time. Before meeting the vixen, she thought that the other party was just a rookie who believed in heroism, trying to trick the other party into becoming her gun by playing the righteous card.

But judging from the recent contact , the other party seemed to be very familiar with her, which made Waller feel bad because the other party was familiar with her, but she actually knew nothing about the other party.

But she was unwilling to give up her plan, so she continued to execute it as planned , but with a different tone

"Not sure what I should call you, ma'am."

The vixen felt quite fresh. She had never heard her be so polite when Waller took control of her.

"You can call me Vixen, my other friend, you can call her Dr. Light.

Waller nodded:"Vixen, I wonder what the purpose of your recent actions in New York is?" money? Or something else?"

"Do nothing." said the vixen

"What?"Waller didn't understand for a moment.

The vixen just looked into her eyes and said,"We didn't do anything. At first we just wanted to teach a few daring gangsters a lesson.

But after we knocked on the door, we discovered that there were more and more forces behind it, and they were getting bigger and bigger, so we simply eliminated them."

"If you insist on asking us why, you can just think that we are nosy, or interested, or something else."

After Waller listened carefully to the vixen's words, he suddenly said:"Or... for fairness... and justice?"

The vixen suddenly stopped talking. She sat up straight and stared at Waller with burning eyes.

"I'm surprised that such words came out of your mouth.

Waller smiled easily and said,"Didn't expect that?" Do you think I'm just a gang leader?

Vixen, I am a woman and a black man. As a black woman, you should know how hard-earned everything I have now is."

Waller's plain words left the vixen speechless. She had seen how deeply malicious this country was towards people like them.

The problem of racial discrimination is deeply rooted in the United States, and there is still no sign of improvement, but even The vixen also had to admit that because of the low education level and poor living environment.

The quality of most black people is indeed not high, and they are indeed very dangerous.

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