"Waller, you brought me here just to discuss racial issues with me, right?"

The vixen is a superhero, but she is not a politician, let alone a revolutionary. What can she do about the problems that this country has been unable to solve for decades or hundreds of years?

According to Dane, they are superheroes, too. Just be a superhero, don’t think of yourself as a savior and think you can solve all problems.

And at the end of the day...Whoever caused the problem should solve it, right?

Of course Amanda Waller also understands this truth. She only said this to gain the sympathy of the vixen so as to pave the way for the next words.

Although she failed to completely achieve her goal, and although she was not sure where the vixen's vague hostility towards her came from, at least the other party was now willing to listen to her continue.

So Waller struck while the iron was hot:"Listen to me, vixen, if you want to completely eradicate the evil here, you must seize the source of the evil, not just stand at the door and clean up the rats. The rats will never be removed.

" Hu thoughtfully asked,"Do you want to use me to help you eradicate some person or organization?"

Waller was speechless. Although she did think so in her heart, did she have to say it so straightforwardly? ?

The vixen's ears had long since heard her words in another world, but she also knew that Waller, a woman, was a bastard, but she was not a pure evil person. Compared with the real villain, she There is still a difference.

So she asked again:"If you have anything to say, you might as well say it directly. There is no need to beat around the bush."

​​Waller adjusted his mentality and probed:"What do you think of Syndicate?"

Listening to this tone, the vixen immediately It is certain that Waller is definitely not Xin"713" Diga's subordinate, so she boldly guessed:"Are you working for the government?"

Waller was startled in his heart, and his heart beat faster, allowing the vixen to hear it..

The vixen also understood Waller's plan to find her this time. She just saw that she and Kimiyo had some strength and did not belong to the criminal syndicate, so she wanted to use it to see if it could be used against them.

Even in another world, Amanda Waller is still playing the same old tricks, and this vixen is too familiar.

She said simply:"It's not impossible for you to use us to achieve your goals, but before that, I hope to know who the person behind you is. You always have to show your energy to let me know whether you are worthy of being with us." Shall we cooperate?"

Waller heard something else from her words, but she was a little unsure.

"What do you mean...are you more than just two people?"

Waller did find out what the Flash and Green Lantern had done, but he didn't connect them with the woman in front of him. The vixen didn't answer, just looked at her quietly.

She knew Waller, but the other party didn't at this time. She has control over her, so the offensive and defensive trends are reversible. Now it is Waller who wants something from them, so the vixen is sure that she will choose cooperation in order to achieve her goal.

As a political creature, Waller understands this very well.

Sure enough, Waller As expected, she chose to take a step back and revealed the forces behind her.

"I report directly to President Slade Wilson."

President... This was not what the vixen expected, but she felt that something was not quite right, and suddenly she froze

"etc! What would you say your president's name is?"

Waller was surprised. The other person seemed to think quickly and clearly. He was not stupid at all like ordinary black people. He didn't know who the president of this country was?

Even if he is from abroad, it wouldn't make sense, right?

Although he was confused in his heart, Waller Le still said:"Slade Wilson, this is the name of our current president, what's wrong?"

The vixen went numb when she heard this name. What's wrong? What a big problem!

Not many people may know the name Slade Wilson, but his other name is absolutely famous. His name is Deathstroke!

In the vixen's world , Deathstroke and the Secret Society of Outsiders were taken advantage of by the Justice League, and now he is being held in a special prison in Khandak.

Although Deathstroke has killed countless people, because he has his own principles, he never abuses anything other than mission goals. Killing innocent people.

Therefore, his crimes were not worthy of being sent to the super prison of hell, so he was imprisoned in the human world.

The vixen had just caught this guy in her own world not long ago, and now in this world, not only did she see him again Seeing Waller, a nasty woman, and also learning that Deathstroke was the President of the United States in this world, she felt ridiculous for a moment.

She pinched her eyebrows and tried to digest this information.

It didn't take long for her to accept it. In reality, Dane said that this world is different from their world. Many things are reversed. For example, the sun really rises from the west here, and even more outrageous things seem to be nothing.

She was about to speak. Say something, and suddenly she received a communication in her mind. It was Dane who was communicating with her through telepathy.

So the vixen ignored Waller for the time being and started talking to the voice in her head.

Waller suddenly ignored him when he saw the other person. She felt very strange. She immediately began to analyze what was going on in her mind. Why did the vixen stop talking after hearing Mr. President's name?

Had there been any conflicts between them?

Waller knew that President Wilson was once a A soldier, he responded to the call of the country, served in the army, and had been sent to perform tasks in some countries.

Waller was not sure whether the president, like other soldiers, had friends with local people during the process. We all know that the United States likes to wage wars in other countries and is good at using unfounded excuses to invade other people's territory and rob other countries' resources. The same is true in this world, and even worse.

So Waller is a little worried, if Just as she guessed, the vixen would most likely become their enemy, even if they had a common enemy, the Syndicate.

But it was obvious that she was overthinking it. After communicating with Dane for a while, the vixen finally Turning attention back to Waller

"You are lucky, our boss is very interested in you and the people behind you.

If you really want to eradicate the Syndicate, then let the people behind you come and talk to us in person."

Waller frowned deeply. It wasn't that she didn't expect this condition, but she was surprised how things could progress so quickly.

Moreover, the risk of letting the president meet with the other party's leader in person was too great, and she couldn't make the decision at all.

"I know what you're thinking, Waller."The vixen could roughly guess what she was thinking by seeing the changing expression on her face.

"But I just heard the news that your president even met with Speedmaster, so in order to show sincerity, meeting our people in person shouldn't be too much, right?"

What news did you just hear?

Waller quickly grabbed the key words. She thought of the vixen's distracted state just now. Was she communicating with someone else at that time?

Is this a super power?

Waller felt a little powerless, facing You will never guess what these superhumans can do.

At this time, Kimiyo, who was originally staying outside the warehouse, suddenly flew in and landed next to the vixen

"Those gangsters, I found that they brought a large number of people and quietly surrounded this place."

Speaking, Kimiyo glanced at Waller. She didn't know Waller, but she had encountered Harcourt's recruitment, so she didn't know anything about the senior leaders of the Sky Eye Society.

She now She suspected that the people outside were arranged by her in advance.

But the vixen didn't think so, because she could feel how angry Waller was at the moment.

So she smiled and said to Waller:"It seems that some people don't welcome us. Then let’s go first. The suggestions I made earlier are still valid. If you and the people behind you decide at any time, you can contact me."

As she said that, Vixen placed a piece of paper with a number on the table in front of Waller. This was the number of a mobile phone that Vixen and Kimiyo picked up when they were cleaning up gangs in the local area.

She shook it off After writing this piece of paper, Kimiyo and Kimiyo flew out of the warehouse in a dashing way and flew away into the distance.

However, the gunmen recruited by the gang could not see the two people in the sky in this dark night and were still moving forward in the dark..

Waller in the warehouse had a sullen face and sent a message to his men. Not long after, gunshots rang out loudly outside the warehouse.

Waller did not pay attention to the situation outside, but was lost in thought while looking at the note in his hand. After a long while, she finally made up her mind and called Washington.

Far away in the white house in Washington, President Wilson's daughter Rose Wilson was about to deliver a document to her father, but before entering the door, she heard him talking to someone inside. The phone.

She overheard something and stopped what she was doing. She looked around to make sure no one was there before quietly putting her ear close to the wooden door.

"So in your opinion, can this new team of metahumans be used to our advantage?"

"What? They want me to meet them in person?"

Wilson certainly didn't want to. The last time he met Speedmaster and other Syndicate members, he was humiliated. Even Speedmaster slapped him in the face in front of everyone, causing his mouth to bleed. He could only endure it.....

Ross Wilson will not know all this, but what efforts he has made in order to keep this country still able to maintain its most basic functions and not be completely taken away by the criminal syndicate.

Resisting the Syndicate is not something that can be solved by doing a few lecture tours and holding a few demonstrations like Ross did.

It is a recognized fact that the people of the United States are weak when it comes to the Syndicate.

Even if they are holding parades and shouting slogans, no one dares to hold them in areas where syndicate members are stationed. They can only hold marches in other control areas where the government has stronger power, and they dare not hold them on a large scale for fear of attracting people. Syndicate Attention.

With such awareness and awareness, how could it be possible to overthrow the Syndicate?

Therefore, President Wilson never counted on these people. It was impossible to make changes without making preparations for bloodshed and sacrifice.

Based on his hatred of the Syndicate, Wilson is full of distrust of this new superhuman group in Waller's mouth, because their existence itself is like a lie full of idealization.

So when faced with Waller's suggestion, he said he needed to think about it.

But Rose knew her father very well, and usually when he said this, it was equivalent to rejecting Waller's advice.

This made her indignant. She could guess that the team Waller was talking about was probably referring to some people who had been circulating recently. People said that they were very different from the Syndicate.

For example, the new Flash appeared in Central City, the Green Lantern who subdued the Power Ring in Beach City, and the two female superhumans who recently appeared in New York City.

Also, Ross also heard that Gotham City seems to have seen some new changes recently.

It's just that Gotham is the city that Night Owl has operated for the longest time, and it's difficult for their official power to penetrate, so it's not possible to tell for the time being.

But from the phone calls between President Wilson and Waller, it could be vaguely heard that Waller seemed to have successfully connected with those people. If he could join forces with them, he might have a chance to completely eradicate the cancer of the Syndicate.

So when she heard that President Wilson wanted to refuse, she burst into the office angrily.

"Why didn't you agree to meet them?"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Wilson just put down the phone when he heard his daughter's accusation. He knew that the content of his conversation with Waller might have been heard by her.

He said seriously:"There is no such thing in the world. An absolutely selfless person, Rose. No matter what the ultimate goal of those people is, I can't give them any chance!

If in order to eliminate one syndicate, we usher in another stronger syndicate, then what is the point of what we have done before?"

Having said that, before these people appeared, did the government have any positive effect on this?

Ross was very doubtful.

President Wilson understood her suspicions. He thought about it and decided to tell her something. She is his daughter and the President's closest assistant, so she should know this"good news."

So he said:"Even if there are not those people Waller mentioned, we still have our own ways to deal with the Syndicate. If I can show it to you if you wish."

Rose was very confused and interested in what her father said. If there was a safer way, she would of course be willing to agree with her father's opinion.

So she asked to know what the way he was talking about, and Wilson took out a confidential document and put it In front of Ross.

The title of the secret document is a research report on quantum intrinsic bombs.

"This is an epoch-making weapon, Ross."Ross raised his head and noticed a strange look on President Wilson's face.

"The power it can produce is far greater than all nuclear weapons today! You should know that humankind’s existing nuclear weapons cannot destroy a planet itself. They can even struggle to move continental plates.

The only thing our nuclear weapons can destroy is human civilization and the earth's ecosystem. But the earth's ecology will one day be rejuvenated under self-regulation. Therefore, in general, only humans can be destroyed by nuclear weapons. They even destroy There are no freaks like Speedmaster or Super Queen."

And President Wilson also knew that Night Owl had the ability to build a large space station. If that didn't work, the criminal syndicate could escape to the space station and come back to clean up the mess after the ground was bombed by nuclear weapons.

"But things are different now. As long as the quantum bomb is detonated at the right location, it can completely destroy the planet. It can trigger a fusion reaction in the core of the planet and force the core itself to explode!"

"Even the freaks of the Syndicate are absolutely unable to withstand such a powerful explosion. This is the new nuclear deterrent!".

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