"Now, we finally meet!"

Night Owl landed on his back and made a muffled sound. However, his equipment has excellent resistance to blows. This fall was nothing, but it did make his movements slightly delayed. The moment he landed, Batman's offensive It’s already here!

Like Batman, Nite Owl is proficient in various fighting techniques, so when Batman’s attack arrived, he immediately started to defend with fists.

Batman pulled the hook forcefully and connected it to Nite Owl’s ankle. The grappling hook pulled, causing his balance to fall off immediately.

But Night Owl reacted very quickly, and simply turned from defense to offense, and took the initiative to swing his fist in the direction of Batman, but was blocked by the opponent's arm armor.

When Night Owl was about to continue attacking , the hook saw on Batman's arm armor suddenly flew out. Fortunately, the shield on Night Owl's face automatically closed and bounced away the dart on Batman's arm armor.

But this also allowed Batman to regain the main attack power, and he used his best The combination of combos he was good at launched a continuous attack on Night Owl, and for a while, Night Owl was unable to parry.

This time, it was not like in the original movie, where Batman was hung up by Night Owl for various reasons, but it was the other way around..Based on his understanding of his opponent, Batman immediately had the upper hand.

But Batman knew that the opponent was fine. Indeed, as Dane said, Night Owl's power armor is extremely strong, and he doesn't know what material it is made of..However

, although this suit of armor has improved Night Owl's offensive and defensive capabilities, it has also reduced his flexibility, especially in the joints. The connection seems a bit uncoordinated. Batman seizes the weakness here and attacks.

Bat Of course, Night Owl also knows the weaknesses that all heroes can discover, but this is a sacrifice that must be made in order to improve the function of the suit. Night Owl is also very curious when he sees that his opponent's suit can be both flexible and powerful.

Batman His technological strength is higher than he imagined.

But if Batman thinks that he can defeat him by seizing this weakness, he is really overthinking.

This inflexible armor feature is not only a helpless move, but also a Trap, once Batman chooses to attack here, he will fall into the trap set by Night Owl in advance.

When Batman kicks Night Owl in the joint again, the adaptive system on the suit immediately starts, breaking away from Night Owl himself. Control, locking Batman's feet at an extremely fast speed, as if the trap is closing automatically

"The ancestors of the Wayne family were hunters, weren't they?"Night Owl's laughter reached Batman's ears.

Immediately afterwards, the hydraulic transmission system on Night Owl's suit automatically output the maximum force and immediately gave Batman a heavy blow to the head.

At this time, Night Owl's suit The system temporarily took over the armor, recorded and analyzed Batman's fighting mode, and finally launched a countermeasure

"You don’t believe in artificial intelligence, do you?"

Night Owl may not know Batman that well, but he knows that the other party is very similar to himself. They are full of doubts about everything, even their own tools.

Therefore, Batman would never have imagined that the previous fight was all about making this counterattack The control system can collect all the information it wants, and then fight back against Batman's combat mode. Night

Owl, who has been with the syndicate's superhumans for a long time, understands that mortals have limits, and sometimes they must admit this.

So Night Owl, who was skeptical about everything, entrusted himself to the suit and let artificial intelligence dominate his actions.

The effect was very significant. No matter how powerful Batman is, he is only a human being after all, and his computing power cannot be stronger than artificial intelligence. So he was suppressed by Night Owl for a while.

But this did not go beyond Batman's expectations. He defended calmly and waited.

When he was suppressed by his opponent for the fifth minute, Night Owl's suit suddenly stopped Ye

Xiao immediately understood what his opponent had done. He wanted to restart the suit, but was told that the user rights had been locked.

He could not move, and Ye Xiao was a little surprised.

"when?"He asked while maintaining a motionless posture.

"From the beginning."

Batman's suit can disperse into the opponent's suit in the form of nanoparticles and overwrite the opponent's system, but first, the opponent must turn on the system himself.

Night Owl thought he was taking it by surprise, but in fact , both of them.

He quickly figured out the problem, but was not frustrated:"It seems that the two of us are indeed similar, right, Bruce Wayne.?"

Batman took off Nite Owl's mask. Under the mask was a handsome face, but for some unknown reason, it was stained with the same fatigue as Batman's face.

"Now, we finally meet, Thomas Wayne Jr.!"

While speaking, Batman suddenly stretched his palm forward. At the same time, a gunshot rang out. Batman closed his palm as if he had grabbed something.

When he turned his palm, a yellow copper bullet fell to the ground..

He looked towards the source of the gunfire and found Catwoman standing there, holding an M1911 with heat emitting from the muzzle.

"Selena, what are you doing?"

"Do you even need to ask? Of course, kill this scumbag!"Catwoman had a cold face and still didn't put down the pistol.

Batman stood in front of Night Owl and blocked the muzzle of the gun for him.

"What are you doing again, Bruce?"

"He's unable to move now. You don't have to kill him at all...."

But Catwoman didn't wait for him to finish speaking before she fired directly. The bullet hit Batman's suit and scratched out several lines of fire, but there wasn't even a scratch.

Catwoman vented her bullets and then threw away the pistol.

"You can't always protect him, Bruce, and I have one more thing to tell you. From now on, the Clown Gang will never have anything to do with you! After saying that

, Catwoman turned and left.

Night Owl's laughter sounded low in the background:"You should know, Bruce, once the Court of Owls disappears, the Clown Gang will become the biggest unstable factor in this city. You should Understand this."

Batman turned his head slightly and glanced at Night Owl:"I know."

After that, he punched Night Owl in the face, causing him to faint instantly.

At this moment, his suit's communicator suddenly rang, it was Dane's call.

"I guess you're done"

"In fact, not yet"

"This is not your Gotham, Bruce. You must understand this. You can't even control your own city. Do you want to control the affairs of this city as well?"

When Dane said this, Red Hood jumped off the roof with Dick, who was unable to move.

Batman looked at Dick, who was also in a coma, but said:"I have a good idea about this matter...."

The giants of the Crime Syndicate, now only Martian and Speedmaster are left.

Sea Overlord was automatically ignored by Dane because he was too Sucky.

These giant characters still have a lot of minions and subordinates who also have super powers.

The Super Queen confessed to Dane that Night Owl created three clones called the Magic Family, but he did not let those three people show up during the battle in Gotham.

When things go wrong, there must be a monster, and Dane is worried about it.

A few days later, with the mediation of Vixen and Waller, Dane met with Ross Wilson

"It's an honor to meet you, Miss Rose."

In their world, Dane has not met Deathstroke's daughter, so this is the first time he has met her.

Dane glanced at Amanda Waller, but he did not expect that in this world, Waller was also working for the official In doing things, is she bound to this country?

"What should I call you?"Ross shook hands with the other party politely, and then sat down in front of Dane.

This is the place Ross Wilson and his side chose, and Dane knew that there were many plainclothes bodyguards hidden nearby, and there were also many snipers lurking in nearby high-rise buildings. A sniper position was set up.

It seems that they did not fully believe Dane and others.

"Miss Rose can call me Shazam. Ross nodded:"Well, Mr. Shazam, please forgive me for being a bit direct. I would like to ask, are the Green Lantern in Beach City, the Flash in Central City, and the mysterious man in Gotham all your people?""

There's nothing hard to admit about this. The current giants of the Crime Syndicate are almost all caught, and there is no need to hide anymore.

So Dane nodded and admitted:"Yes, they are all our people."

Rose was very excited:"Then..." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Dane raised his hand to signal her to calm down.

"Please, Miss Ross, listen to my statement first."

Rose calmed down a little and tried to calm down his mood. We still don't know the other party's purpose, so we must not lose our composure.

Then Dane spoke:"First of all, I want to tell you that we are not the natives of this world. We come from another parallel universe similar to yoursAnother Earth. Dane

's first sentence shocked Ross and Waller.

He continued:"In our world, an extraordinary criminal appears. He calls himself an outsider, and his true identity is Al. Fred is Thomas Wayne Jr., the butler and assistant of Night Owl..."

Rose stood up instantly, and the chair behind her fell down.

Her actions made the bodyguards and snipers lurking around her nervous.

Fortunately, Aman Davol responded in time and immediately whispered into the headset:"All units should not move, everything is safe!"

The vixen saw her little move and couldn't help but sneer. She and Kimiyo had discovered those people long ago. If Dane hadn't said he didn't mind, she really wanted to turn around and leave.

Rose was a little embarrassed. She was so embarrassed. Only then did she realize that she was a little too excited.

Dane tapped his finger lightly, and the chair behind Rose flew back and was placed behind her.

Rose was stunned for a moment, and then whispered:"Thank you."

She was just momentarily shocked by the news. Night Owl is Thomas Wayne! This news is still very confidential. Except for the clown gang who have been fighting against the Court of Owls, no one else knows about Night Owl's true identity. Of course.

Super King and Super Queen knew about it. At that time, Night Owl deliberately disclosed his identity in order to gain their trust.

It was precisely because of the financial support of Wayne Group that the Criminal Syndicate was able to grow rapidly at a speed that no one had time to react.

".That’s it. No wonder, no wonder a place like Gotham has become like that. The Wayne Group has not made any resistance at all..."

Capitalists can do anything to keep their wealth, whether it is compromise or rebellion.

This The rapid collapse of the Court of Owls was because there were actually other interest groups besides the Wayne Group behind the Clown Gang. Batman used them, and they also used Batman. In order to deal with Night Owl, his biggest enemy, they Although they have not discussed it with each other, they understand it tacitly.

But now that the power of Night Owl is under attack, Batman begins to shift his attention to these capitalists again.

He knows that next, the Joker Gang will no longer be pure, and they are likely to become New knives in the hands of these people.

These people overthrew Night Owl's rule not to make Gotham a better place, but to replace Night Owl and become Gotham's new underground king.

These thoughts were just a thought in Dane's mind. In a flash, he waited for Ross to finish digesting it before continuing.

"The outsider accidentally came to our world for unknown reasons. He and another Syndicate member Atom Girl decided to invade our world after investigating our world."

Ross and Waller nodded. It turns out that Atomic Girl is also there. It doesn't matter that they never found her.

Not only Johnny Quick is looking for Atomic Girl, but in fact the government is also looking for Atom Girl. Atomic Girl's ability is too special , they are very worried that this woman has lurked inside them.

Now it can be considered brokenan unsolved mystery

"These two are trying to stir up unrest within our alliance in preparation for a Criminal Syndicate invasion......

I'm not boasting. If outsiders don't think of ways to cause chaos within us first, it's impossible to conquer our world with the power of the Syndicate."

If the Super Queen were here, she would strongly agree with Dane's statement, because she has seen Dane's power with her own eyes.

Waller expressed doubts about this, but Rose's eyes were filled with hope. She needs some good news now.

"I won't go into details about the specific situation (Nuo Wang Zhao). In short, the plan of the Outsider and Atomic Girl failed, but I was caught and interrogated to find out what happened here.

And we know that Night Owl has learned some information about our world. In order to prevent the Syndicate from invading our world again through other methods, we decided to take the initiative and defeat them here."

By the way, the Syndicate here is really good. I don't know if it's because they haven't gathered together. One-on-one, each Syndicate is almost killed by its corresponding hero character. Fortunately, he thought that the Syndicate can bring something to Zhenglian. It's a bit troublesome, after all, Evil Eternal is considered a big event!

At this time, Waller didn't care about taking over. After listening to Dane's account, she asked solemnly:"If you defeat the Syndicate, what are you going to do?" Dispose of them? Also, what are you going to do after you deal with them?"

Ross immediately responded to the meaning of Waller's question. Yes, even if the people in front of him clean up the Syndicate, if they become another Syndicate, it will actually have no meaning for the United States.

Dane looked at Waller with a half-smile. , this woman is just as guarding against them as the one on the other side.

"Don't worry, we are not a syndicate, and we have no desire to rule this world..."

Ross and Waller just breathed a sigh of relief when they heard Dane say:"But..." The two of them felt relieved again.

"Now that a channel has been formed between the two worlds, don't you think that this kind of communication can continue?"

Dane doesn't know what he thinks in the movie. Can't parallel worlds communicate with each other?

The Syndicate members in the original book have been imprisoned in the main world since they were arrested from Earth-3. What's the problem?

Dane is wondering if there is a possibility that he can establish an organization like Kang the Conqueror that connects countless parallel universes.

For example...the Justice League Unlimited or something like that?.

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