"So, if I understand you correctly, you are saying that you are not going to leave?"

Rose frowned subconsciously after hearing Dane's suggestion.

Dane denied her statement:"Please don't talk about us as an illegal invasion. What I mean is that a real diplomacy can be established between us. relation."

Waller reacted very quickly when he heard this statement, and as the daughter of a politician, Ross obviously reacted not slowly either. She is very sensitive to some diplomatic rhetoric.

"Listen to what you mean, are you a political system?"

Dane nodded. Khandak is a country he actually controls. The Justice League relies on this country for backing and political support, although many members do not realize this. Just like they do not know, in fact, the Justice League has long been Already registered in Kandak, they are no longer a non-governmental organization, but an official organization with state endorsement.

But Dane never took out the document, because this document will only be used when necessary. effect.

But this was far beyond the expectations of Ross and Waller, because this is something that the Syndicate has not been able to do!

And Night Owl has always wanted to promote this thing, and he has actually already done it in Gotham to a certain extent. Enjoy some political rights in this city.

But this is actually achieved through the identity of Thomas Wayne Jr., the heir of the Wayne family.

The identity of"Night Owl" can only be regarded as a guarantee of force. Thomas uses this secret identity to intimidate those who do not He is an obedient guy and kills those who oppose him.

But this is not a civilized approach. Politics is an act of creating an illusion that most people are willing to believe and maintaining it.

Night Owl has actually done it. Not bad, but all his operations quickly fell apart after facing stronger force.

A regime established based on force will naturally collapse quickly because force loses its effectiveness.

Others in the Syndicate are even worse Night Owl.

Like Johnny Quick and Martian, they are pretty good, at least they know how to use their brains to run their own organizations.

As for Superpower, he controls Metropolis with absolute force and power, and monitors the entire city with his powerful superpowers. A city.

His methods were simple and crude. All those who resisted him were killed neatly, and the rest were just soft bones.

Speedmaster also had some subordinates, such as Jimmy Olsen, one of his most loyal subordinates. A big guy with well-developed limbs and a simple mind.

There are also some ordinary people who survive by flattering and praising Speedmaster himself933.

But this control method of Speedmaster can only be used in the city of Metropolis, because he His fatal flaw is that the place where the sun shines is a restricted area that he cannot enter.

And there are many superhumans like the Super Queen who are not keen on managing power and just want to do evil under the protection of the Syndicate. To put it bluntly, these are all He is a fun person.

This is why in the movie, after the main goals of the Syndicate are solved, the incident is solved immediately.

This organization is very loose. As long as the high-level officials are solved, the rest are just a mob.

They are not like Dai Well, the Justice League also represents a huge industrial chain behind the alliance, which is run by Pioneer Technology and Umbrella. The superhero economy has already formed a huge interest group around the world, involving the livelihoods of tens of millions of people. , coupled with the international voices of Amazon and Atlantis, this has created the immortality of the Justice League.

This is what the Syndicate wants to do but cannot do. Their greatest internal ambition is just to bring the gangs together. Just make it bigger.

But the gang is a gang, and it is illegal after all.

Unlike the Justice League, if someone bothers him with illegal issues, he has an entire legal department working for him, and there are also people in the United Nations The two major allies spoke for him, and at worst it was just a verbal spat, which did not affect the normal activities of Zhenglian.

Dane gave Rose and Waller a moment to digest the information.

It must be said that these words had a big impact on Rose. Once this matter rose to a political issue, it would no longer be as simple as she had imagined before.

She still understands this.

But Dane told her:"You don't have to worry too much. Having a political background is just a measure to cope with official pressure and prevent outsiders from interfering at will, but it will not make things more complicated. Otherwise, we will even We have to argue with the United Nations before coming, isn't that reducing the efficiency of our operations?"

Why does Batman keep emphasizing that the Justice League is unofficial?

It is because he wants to protect the purity of Zhenglian. Most of Zhenglian’s actions are based on the simple principle of justice. It does not consider the political issues of various countries and does not delve into the internal affairs of these countries. It is just a quasi-public welfare organization.

The United Nations peacekeeping forces all have their own political stances, and Zhenglian cannot become like that.

Dane's explanation made Rose slightly relieved, but she also corrected her attitude. No matter what, she could not simply treat the man in front of her as an ordinary superhero.

After roughly understanding the details of Zhenglian, Rose finally made her request

"I would like to ask you to help us... catch all members of the criminal syndicate."

"Just arrest? Dane asked with a smile. Waller wanted to interrupt and ask: Can you still help us kill people?

But she had a hunch that asking this would be very bad, and as a subordinate, she should not interrupt at this time.

Rose could see that she was a kind-hearted girl, and she said firmly:"It's just an arrest, I hope to let the people know that the Syndicate is not as invulnerable as they thought!"

"Have you ever thought that with your abilities, it is difficult to completely control the members of the Syndicate? Dane said,"There is a high possibility that they will escape from prison.""

It's not very likely. He will definitely escape from prison. Judging from the system of the United States and the complicated interests, there may be many people who do not know life or death who will try to use the power of these people to do something.

For example, the ones around Ross Amanda Waller.

Although Dane has not investigated other countries in this world, he can guess that the relationship will not be very good.

The Syndicate is only the biggest problem that exists in human society at this stage, but it is not the only one.

Even if this problem is solved, they have many others. Maybe this Amanda Waller will form an organization similar to the Sky Eye Society to use superhuman power to intervene in international issues.

Of course, they are willing to risk Dane's death. No, but as a hands-on Zhenglian, we don’t want to leave such hidden dangers. What if their world is infiltrated again one day, and Dane doesn’t find out in advance?

Bugs can’t bite people, but they can kill people.!

Understanding Dane’s concerns, Ross tentatively asked:"Then… what do you think we should do?"

"Do you still remember what I said earlier about the issue of establishing diplomatic relations between the two worlds? I think you can leave the Syndicate to us and I will find a good place to hold them.

And in the final analysis, the reason why we came here this time is because they sent people to plot evil in our world. According to legal principles, they should be punished according to our laws."

This makes Ross a little hesitant. Although it sounds good, they currently have no basis of trust with Zhenglian.

Especially Amanda Waller, who has always been wary of them. The Syndicate has gathered almost all the outstanding superhumans in the world. , if Zhenglian is really handed over to Zhenglian, what will they do when they need these people?

Waller has always believed that garbage has its uses, so he does not want to completely hand over the syndicate to Zhenglian.

But for Ross, there is actually no The syndicate is a good thing, but what makes her hesitate is that she is worried that Zhenglian may ignore the human rights of the syndicate.

Absolutely, really...

After Dane made his request, he asked his soul:"Before you make up your mind, Miss Rose, I would like to ask, have you been authorized by Mr. President regarding this meeting?"

Rose Wilson's face instantly changed. showing an embarrassed expression


In a secret experimental base somewhere in the United States, three (dbdc) superhumans broke into the place.

A heavily armed force in the base immediately rushed to the scene to stop the three superhumans.

Armored vehicles, mortars, Vulcan cannons, and machine guns were all dispatched......Because the three superhumans could fly, this unit also used anti-aircraft rockets.

But no matter what kind of weapon it was, it could not hurt those three people. They seemed to be made of steel and were not afraid of any harm at all.

"Oh, God!"

Some soldiers cannot understand that this is their first time facing such an enemy.

If there are soldiers from metropolitan areas, they will definitely tell these less knowledgeable people that"god" exists, but he is not necessarily a good person.

Although the three superhumans were not afraid of human weapons, they were tired of their resistance and activated their abilities at the same time.

Suddenly, the sky was covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder.

The next moment, a loud"rumbling" sound occurred, and a thunderstorm The arc that flashed out was denser than the heavy rain, and it struck directly among the troops gathered in front of the base.

Because their weapons and ammunition were too densely distributed, the high temperature of the lightning triggered explosions. Countless explosions rang out in the center of the troops, killing countless soldiers instantly..

In the blink of an eye, only a few people were left wailing on the ground, lingering for breath.

The three superhumans seemed to be very satisfied with their masterpieces, turning a blind eye to the dead bodies and wailing people on the ground, and floated into the base.

The base had already closed the alloy door. Closed and sealed.

But the three people used only their hands to tear open the alloy door that could withstand missile bombardment. It was as easy as tearing open the ring of a large can, and Shi Shiran walked in. There were still many in the base. The security soldiers were guarding this place dutifully, but they were easily killed by the three of them. Their flesh and blood could not stop the three of them at all.

Soon, they arrived at the mission site and saw their target.

That was A huge warhead looks like a nuclear warhead in shape, but it is not.

Among the three people, a middle-aged man came out. He operated at the workbench for a while, and then said to the other two companions:"We Found it."

This warhead is clearly what President Wilson said, a super bomb that can cause the entire planet to explode, a quantum bomb.

And the three people who broke into this base are the three members of the magical family cloned by Night Owl. People.

They came here to collect his results under the orders of Night Owl.

Quantum true bombs have been Night Owl's plan from the beginning.

It's just that Night Owl's own financial resources and energy are used to build such a bomb. It took a lot of time, so he used Wilson's hands to make it.

The plan for the quantum bomb was also put in front of Wilson by the congressmen supported by the Wayne Group and deliberately let him see it.

Nihilism It's not just Night Owl's patent. In fact, there are many psychopaths in the entire United States, especially Gotham.

But the most amazing thing about Gotham is that these psychopaths may have mental problems, but their IQs are by no means low.

Therefore, Night Owl's Thoughts also have followers, and he also has comrades, even if they are few, but not none.

Some of these followers hold high positions in the United States and can subtly influence the president.

This matter even involves Night Owl's most trusted interest. Neither Claw nor the outsiders know.

Just as Dane guessed, the Night Owls in this world do have nihilistic tendencies in spirit, and are plotting a plan to blow up the original Earth.

This plan will not happen until he knows that the outsiders have arrived in another country. A parallel universe has been created before. After the outsiders verified the correctness of his theory, he has been studying how to find more ordinary worlds through other means.

If the Justice League comes a few years later, wait until the Syndicate continues to encroach on this world After the human society obtains more resources, maybe Night Owl will be like Luther in the movie and invent the ability to use quantum technology to teleport to other worlds. By then it will probably be too late.

In the multiverse, The number of parallel universes is infinite, but 52 of them are numbered, and there are many more parallel universes that are unlabeled and unknown worlds.

Dane has long suspected that the universe he is in is exactly that There are parallel universes outside the 52 labeled universes, so many events occur that seem somewhat specious. The comic plot of the New 52 mainly takes place in these 52 labeled universes, so he was not too worried about coming from the Dark Multiverse before. attention, because Barbatos's main gaze is also on the 52 universes.

But the premise is that other worlds do not seek death themselves, such as Night Owl or The Flash, they can be contacted through some special means People from other parallel universes.

If they attract"unclean" things, it will not only be their universe that suffers, but also the universes that are somewhat related to them will also expose their positions.

Among them, Barry is better, he Using the Speed ​​Force to reverse time and space is essentially more like creating other parallel time and spaces that are strongly related to the current world line. It is not easy to provoke things like Barbatos.

But Night Owl's behavior is exactly Ye Wenjie's behavior. It must be strictly prohibited. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

DC's multiverse is a huge dark forest. The laws of the dark forest are met here. Each universe must carefully hide itself, because you don't know what's next door. What kind of beasts and horses will appear in the universe?

Like the Anti-Monitor who caused the Crisis on Infinite Earths, or Dr. Manhattan who caused the Doomsday Clock, these are powerful people that many superheroes in the universe cannot afford to offend.

Dane is currently unable to deal with these big guys who can freely cross the multiverse, so before that, he must keep an eye on these guys who are easy to attract attention.

Lest they provoke some people and cause his world to suffer unreasonable disasters, among these people, Night Owl is the one he focuses on..

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