Wilson had already known that the other party would ask this question, so he had already prepared it.

He explained:"Fortunately, when we made the quantum true bomb, we separated the detonation and detonation devices, and they were stored in two completely different places.

That bomb used the latest quantum encryption technology, Theoretically, any attempt to crack it will cause the system to lock itself, making it impossible to detonate it.

We should be lucky that Night Owl has been caught by you, otherwise with his ability, I am afraid it will not take three hours to think of other ways. Set it in motion."

This is also the reason why President Wilson is willing to meet with the Justice League. No matter what the gang's ultimate goal is, at least they have proven that their people are capable of subduing the Syndicate.

Wilson should be thankful that the Magical Family only inherited Xansha's superpowers, but not Night Owl's intelligence, otherwise the earth would be in danger at this time.

Knowing that the quantum bomb will not detonate for the time being, the Justice League is temporarily relieved. At least they still have time to solve the mess left by Wilson.

Wilson also knew this, so he kept his posture very low and answered almost every question.

"When you made that bomb, didn't you think of installing a positioning device on it?"

"Because we don’t want that kind of thing to be used by Night Owl in turn."Wilson explained this way.

Red Hood knew clearly that with Night Owl's ability, he could find the hiding place of the quantum bomb without positioning. Installing a positioning device would only allow him to find the bomb faster.

But Wilson did not expect Night Owl to do so. He was arrested, so if he hadn't been so self-righteous at first and had actually installed a locating device, he wouldn't be blind now.

Even Dane's tracing magic can't be used now. He has never seen the magical family. , and the three clones have no names, and their exact locations cannot be determined at all.

But Dane repeatedly confirmed to Wilson:"If there is no detonation setting, can the bomb be detonated through violent means, such as energy overload?"

If possible, the Magic Family would probably choose to find a 31 uninhabited corner to directly charge the bomb with its ability and detonate it.

But Wilson firmly guarantees that even if the nuclear bomb detonates next to that bomb, it will never cause It was detonated.

Wilson was not a complete idiot. He knew the power of this bomb, so he would never design it to be detonated.

It can only function if it is activated in the correct way. After hearing this,

Dane immediately said:"In this case, in order to complete the mission, the Magic Family will definitely find another way to activate the bomb.

Batman asked:"Is it possible that they went to other secret experimental bases of Night Owl?" Like...the lab where they were born? Dane shook his head:"I didn't see this from Ye Xiao's memory..."

At this point, he was thoughtful. He read Ye Xiao's memory, so he knew the exact location of all Ye Xiao's secret bases. , but he also knew that those bases were smoke bombs set off by him.

Because Ye Xiao did not tell the Magic Family about the locations of those bases, the Magic Family did not know where his secret bases were.

Ye Xiao only gave orders. It was given to them, but no specific implementation plan or plan was given, giving the magical family enough autonomy.

Dane felt that he might have done this in anticipation of the possibility of being read by someone with mind-reading abilities, because he had done so in the past. His style is to take everything into his own hands.

But in this case, Dane must think about how they can achieve their goals from the perspective of the Magic Family.

Is there a way to bypass Wilson's setting? , how to directly activate the bomb?

Dane suddenly thought of Firestorm. If it is this hero's ability, it seems that he can bypass the limitations of technology and directly modify the material itself.

And Firestorm's counterpart in this world is Deathstorm, only However, his status within the Syndicate did not seem to be very high.

Dane then turned his head and looked at the Super Queen:"Do you know where Death Storm is?"

"Death storm? That was a newcomer who had just joined the Syndicate a few months ago. I knew very little about him, but there should be information about him in the Syndicate's base."

The Syndicate's current base was transformed from Speedmaster's Fortress of Solitude, so he would often appear there.

Dane thought that it would be very troublesome if Speedmaster suddenly came out to intervene while they were busy solving the bomb problem.

So it would be better for them to take care of Superpower first.

"Now, the solution to the problem is clear. To find the bomb, we must first find the Deathstorm.

To find Death Storm, you must first capture the Syndicate base and find information about Death Storm from their database."

"And if you want to capture the Syndicate's base, you must first deal with Super."The Super Queen continued what Dane said.

"He has probably noticed what happened with the Power Ring and Johnny Quick now, and will be wary of you, so you must find a way to lure him into a trap.

Otherwise he may hide and you will never find him."

That would be disgusting. What if the other party jumps out to cause trouble again when they are busy doing business?

Dane saw the smile on the Super Queen's face, how could he not know what she was thinking?

"Tell us what you think."

Everyone in the Justice League turned their attention to her. Batman just narrowed his eyes slightly. He seemed to have guessed the opponent's method.

Super Queen said:"Super Queen must not know that I have betrayed yet, so we can use at this point."

There was no embarrassment on her face when she said the word"betrayal", as if it was natural, which made the Zhenglian members very uncomfortable.

However, Ross and Wilson did not react at all, as if they had been used to this, which made Barry sigh. The old man wanted to vomit but couldn't.

The Super Queen continued:"Now the fall of the Power Ring and Johnny Quick has been made public, but the matter of Night Owl has not yet happened, and Supermaster doesn't know about Xansha either.

We can take advantage of this information gap. You may not know that before Zangsa died, we were looking for him, so……"

Dane was thinking:"So we can set up a game to tell Supermaster that you have captured Zansha, trick him back to the base, and then catch the turtle in the jar." The

Super Queen nodded:"In order to increase the persuasiveness, you guys Someone needs to pretend to be Zansa."

The plastic man immediately raised his hands like a primary school student:"Here, here! I can do it. As long as you have his photos or videos, I can grasp the details of his appearance. Show me something, and I can look like that person."

Super Queen nodded:"Next, it would be best to have someone pretend to be Night Owl. Speedmaster seems to believe in Night Owl's ability. If he is there, , Speedmaster will be convinced"

"Does the Speedmaster have a visual weakness? Batman asked, knowing that Clark couldn't see through lead.

But Super Queen gave him a negative answer:"No, Speedmaster's only weakness is the sun. Other than that, he is almost invulnerable.""

The existence of Kryptonite can also enhance the power of Superpower. Although the amount of Kryptonite has been decreasing, Super Queen heard that he has recently commissioned Death Storm and asked him to find a way to develop it.Create kryptonite.

Once successful, Speedmaster can explode at any time and at any time. Even with the help of Kryptonite, he may be able to temporarily overcome the sun's weakening of him.

When Debuff and Buff are working at the same time, it depends on which one has the stronger effect.

Batman frowned when he heard this. Originally, he had planned to volunteer and pretend to be a night owl. After all, their body shapes were not much different and their temperaments were also very similar.

But it’s very troublesome that Speedmaster can see through it with his clairvoyant eyes at any time.

"You can leave this to me."

The person who said this was Dane. Under the eyes of everyone, he suddenly changed his appearance, and his whole body attire also changed, turning into the appearance of a night owl. Batman's eyes flashed:"I I don’t know when you had such ability"

""Night Owl" changed back to Dane, and he explained a little:"This is the ability I got in this world.""

One of the superhumans Zanza killed had the ability to change his appearance, which can be used here.

"In this way, as long as the Speedmaster is close to me, I can take it down on the spot"

"So what do we do? Hal pointed at himself and the others. Could it be that except for Plastic Man and Dane, the others were just waiting?

"You go deal with the Martian, this guy seems to rarely appear in the Fortress of Solitude."

Martian is the most unambitious among all the giants, and except for the soft-footed shrimp like the Power Ring, his power is the weakest among all the syndicate giants.

But even so, his strength should not be underestimated. Martian has With the same ability as Martian Manhunter, but without his weakness of being afraid of fire, Dane felt that this guy would take some effort to fight.

So in order to deal with Martian Manhunter, Dane specially prepared luxurious equipment for him, so that the remaining members They besieged him together.

The Martian was not difficult to find. He stayed in the city where he was stationed and did not go anywhere.

The plan was finalized, and Dane looked at Wilson again.

"While we're at it, Mr. President had better prepare a special prison first. The prison where Speedmaster is held needs a lot of sun lamps."

Wilson agreed without Dane's reminder. He had prepared special prisons for those guys a long time ago, and now the Power Ring is being held in one of the prisons. It's a pity that Johnny Quick didn't After being handed over to the government, neither Batman nor Dane believed in the United States here. They equally despised all the countries in the parallel world.

The plan was set, and everyone dispersed to perform tasks.

Dane drove from the Super Queen. The captured fighter plane took her and the Plastic Man who had transformed into Alexander Luthor to the base of the Syndicate. The

"Fortress of Solitude" of Superpower was built in the Arctic region like Superman in the main world, where it was naturally in the polar night period. It is a very conducive place for Speedmaster to exert his power.

According to Super Queen, Speedmaster has set up two bases in total, one is the North Pole and the other is the South Pole. When the North Pole is in extreme daylight, he will move to the South Pole.

Dane He glanced at the plastic man and said,"You'd better conjure up a piece of tape on your mouth."

He is playing the role of Luther who has lost the power of Zanza. If it were the complete Zanza, Speedmaster would be able to see the problem at a glance.

"A piece of tape immediately appeared on"Luthor's" mouth, covering his mouth completely. It is not known which part was used to transform.

His beaming look was quite eye-catching.

At the same time, Dane also transformed into a night owl. , the fighter plane quickly arrived at its destination.

As previously discussed, Super Queen notified Super through the communication system of the base, telling him that she and Ye Xiao had captured Zansha.

On the big screen, Super Ba looked at"Night Owl" and Super 917 Queen through the screen with some doubts.

"How did you find him? I've been looking for him, but I haven't found him at all."

Dane has the memory of Night Owl, so it is not difficult to imitate his temperament. He smiled slightly and said:"Zansha hid on the moon, so you can't find any trace of him on the earth. Speedmaster suddenly realized, but in order to prevent surprise, he cast his gaze to the sky, right in front of Super Queen and"Night Owl", but the two of them just pretended not to see it.

Speedmaster saw the surface of the moon because The traces of destruction caused by the battle made him believe the words of"Night Owl" and Super Queen.

But he still asked:"Why didn't you inform me first?"

The Super Queen didn't know how to answer, but Dane calmly said:"The last time we all went out, we failed.After analyzing the reason, I'm afraid it's because we have too many people, which results in the power being too spread out."

He was saying this to save face. In fact, many people did not work at all. There were many people who started to retreat as soon as they saw Zanza's extreme bravery.

Speedmaster could hear the subtext, and more people were just a burden, and even It's possible that Speedmaster is also a liability.

Because fighting on the moon, you may be exposed to the sun anytime and anywhere.

After understanding this, Speedmaster felt a little annoyed, but they had to admit that their considerations were reasonable.

"Did you catch him?"

""Night Owl" and Super Queen captured"Alexander Luthor" in front of the screen.

Plastic Man was pretending to sleep according to Dane's request.

While Speedmaster seemed to be looking at the screen, in fact, he had penetrated the screen and looked directly at the North Pole. He didn't find any problems inside the base.

Don't blame him for making such a fuss. He had already heard about what happened in Central City and Beach City. It was the time to become suspicious.

Thinking that Zanza had been caught, Speedmaster couldn't help but feel a little in his heart. I wonder if he can seize the power of Zansha?

This is not impossible. After all, before obtaining the power of Zansha, Alexander Luther was just an ordinary person.

Thinking of this, he couldn't sit still. , so he said to the screen:"Wait for me, I'll be right over!"

He was worried that this idea was not only his, but also Night Owl and Super Queen. If either of them obtained the power of Zansha, his position would be threatened. After

Supermaster finished speaking, he immediately closed the big screen and jumped up. Fly into the sky, towards the North Pole

""Night Owl" and Super Queen saw each other and smiled at each other. Dane looked up, his clairvoyant eyes penetrated the base and saw the Speedmaster flying over the North American continent. Seeing that the other party had taken the bait, he immediately informed other members of the Zhenglian , immediately launch action against the Martians.

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