Not long after, Speedmaster flew to the Syndicate base and landed.

Just in case, he once again looked at the surrounding environment with his clairvoyance eyes. He didn't know what he was suspecting, but he always had a feeling of palpitations lingering in his heart.

He didn't know where this feeling came from, and he thought about discussing it with Night Owl and Super Queen for a while to investigate the situation of several new superhumans that had appeared recently.

Since Nite Owl has not disclosed his parallel universe plan to anyone in the Syndicate, nor has he publicized his research results, Speedmaster is completely ignorant of the parallel world.

He also never thought that the superhumans he saw in Central City and Beach City were not actually people from this world.

Not only him, in fact, even the Super Queen doesn’t know about this yet!

When Speedmaster's left foot just stepped through the gate of the base, he stopped.

At the same time,"Night Owl", Super Queen and the captured"Alexander Luthor" turned their faces at the same time, Supermaster's heart palpitations became more obvious.

At this time, he was so blessed that his clairvoyant eyes suddenly opened again. This time, he saw through the bodies of three people.

Then without hesitation for a second, Speedmaster turned around and ran away!

He stepped on the ground and took off, the dust and floor tiles kicked up under his feet forming a shape like a trail cloud and flying behind him.

The super queen was stunned on the spot, what is going on?

Dane's brain flashed and he immediately reacted. He secretly exclaimed that he was careless!

The positions of his and Plastic Man's internal organs are opposite to those of people in this world, especially the heart.

Speedmaster must have seen the difference in their heart positions just now, so he knew they were fake!

But even so, it is really unexpected that the opponent retreats so simply. No wonder he can securely occupy the top spot among the giants of the Syndicate. It seems that it is not just because of his strong enough strength.

Also because he is smart enough.

Dane immediately changed back to his original self and said to the Super Queen:"It seems that we all underestimated his caution."

After that, he immediately jumped into the air and chased the Super Queen.

The plastic man changed back again, quite confused:"So...What's the situation now?"

"Let's see what's going on."Super Queen said, controlling the big screen.

Her flying speed is far inferior to Dane and Speedmaster, so she did not choose to catch up.

But she can call up the signal of the artificial satellite in this base, which is better than going out to catch up on her own. Much faster.

Although Dane was already very fast now, Speedmaster still used the first-mover advantage to reach his destination before he caught up.

The place he arrived at was Metropolis, and he crashed directly into his usual habitat. building, and immediately ordered his subordinate Jimmy Olson:"Jimmy, there is a difficult guy behind you, go up and teach him a lesson!"

He pretended to be understated and did not tell Jimmy about the opponent's strength. Although Speedmaster did not fight against the opponent, the guy who could make himself feel palpitations must be extremely strong.

Jimmy was simple-minded and did not doubt Speedmaster, so he accepted the order readily..

And Speedmaster took the opportunity to quickly run into his secret room, leaving Jimmy alone outside.

After Speedmaster entered the secret room, Dane flew into the building within a few seconds. He looked around, Asked:"Have you seen the Speedmaster?"

Jimmy is as big as an NBA superstar, and his bulging muscles are as hard as granite, and his face is tougher than Jimmy, the cameraman from another world.

He is like a monster, roaring and charging towards Dane.

"Well, I guess you don't want to say that. Jimmy

's"flying shoulder" was caught by Dane's one hand. He used the inertia to lift Jimmy's whole body high, and then fell heavily into the floor.

This fall was out of control, and Jimmy went straight through It penetrated the floors of dozens of floors of the building and fell to the ground at the bottom until it fell on a metal plate that was obviously reinforced.

Dane landed next to him, leaving two footprints on the metal plate, and Jimmy's life and death were unknown for a long time.

Dane activated his clairvoyance eyes to penetrate this layer of metal and saw countless kryptonite densely stored under this layer of metal.

Unlike the earth in the positive material universe, the superpowers of this world came to the earth. It also brought a meteor shower formed by kryptonite, so there are undiscovered kryptonites everywhere in the world.

Although the Speedmaster will eventually run out of it, before that, the stock here is enough for him to squander it for a long time. Dane had just watched for a while when a shadow suddenly penetrated the alloy steel plate and hit Dane. It was the Speedmaster who had already sucked kryptonite and undergone a wave of strengthening.

After sucking the kryptonite, he was obviously He got a little excited, his face became ferocious, and his expression became arrogant.

He pushed against Dane's body layer after layer, smashing the building again until the last ceiling was overturned.

"You're done!"Mother Fucker"

Speedmaster used all his strength to lift Dane's body while firing heat vision, bombarding Dane's face with energy, and the red beam shone half of the sky in Metropolis.

Because of the dust cloud created by Speedmaster, Metropolis It's been a long time since I've seen sunlight, moonlight or starlight, so this red light attracted a lot of people's attention.

There is no mayor in Metropolis, the mayor has been killed by Speedmaster, and there are no National Guards or police here. , these institutions that were originally organized by the government are now occupied by a group of fanatical believers who believe in superpowers.

Here, there are no stars and stripes, no map of the United States, and no official administrative agencies.

All billboards, large formats, and city propaganda posters , all are personal portraits of Speedmaster, either his head or half-length or full-length photo.

Speedmaster forces the entire city to worship him and believe in him. What kind of morbid emotion is this?

"You are so narcissistic."

In the red light, Dane said this. Superpower felt unbelievable. Could it be that the other party didn't feel anything at all?

Just when Superpower was confused, Dane's fist had already fallen and was imprinted on his face.

A thunder broke out in the sky. , the whole metropolis heard it.

Immediately, the citizens saw a shadow falling from the sky and falling into Central Park, causing an astonishing sand and mud flow with a"boom"!

"what's the situation?"

Some citizens were curious, some decided to come forward to check, and some took out their binoculars and watched from a distance.

No matter what method they adopted, they all finally saw a figure flying up from Central Park. It was the Speedmaster!

If you are smart , The citizens immediately reacted that someone was fighting with the Speedmaster, but who was it?

And it seemed that the Speedmaster might still be at a disadvantage. Who was he? With such strength!

Some people saw the Speedmaster falling from the sky. So they set their sights in the sky, looking for the person who dared to fight the Speedmaster.

Soon someone found Dane. The lightning on his chest was his most conspicuous symbol, but because it was too far away, some people could not see clearly. Dane’s appearance, but that costume they know too well.

In this world, you don’t offend anyone but the Criminal Syndicate, so the citizens are familiar with almost all the members of the Syndicate, especially the giants within the Syndicate. (See For exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So when they saw Dane’s appearance, they immediately said:"It’s Xansha! They are...Infighting?"

The speaker couldn't help but be excited in his words. Let's fight! It's best for both of them to die together!

These damn bastards, dictators!

Someone quickly covered the speaker's mouth:"You Don't worry, he can hear it!"

It is a well-known ability that Speedmaster can spy on the whole city, so all the citizens of Metropolis live cautiously, for fear that one day he will be killed by Speedmaster if he says something wrong.

He kills a person with his heat vision, just like A child uses a magnifying glass to gather sunlight and burn an ant to death. There is no compassion or pity, and he is as cold as a devil.

Speedmaster once again faced Dane, who just took the opportunity to take a big mouthful of kryptonite powder when he fell. His body was still in a state of excitement, and he didn't even feel any pain from Dane's attack.

He floated opposite Dane and shouted,"Come again!""

Are you quite arrogant?

Dane's eyes lit up, and the lightning ray directly hit Speedmaster, pushing him a thousand meters away.

Then he flew forward and knocked him down with another explosive punch, but Speedmaster was still there The moment he landed, he controlled his balance and stood firmly on the ground with his legs. Although the ground collapsed under his feet, he still held on. Dane noticed that he was still desperately absorbing kryptonite powder. He was taking drugs while fighting. Have you ever seen such a person?

Dane even suspected that if no metal could penetrate his skin, Speedmaster would even choose to ingest kryptonite through injection.

And Dane also noticed that while sucking these After taking Kryptonite, Speedmaster's strength has indeed improved significantly.

The energy level in his body is soaring, and soon reached the height that Xanza once had.

However, excessive intake of Kryptonite also brought some damage to his brain. The negative influence made him arrogant. He didn't seem to notice that Dane's outfit was exactly the same as Zanza's.

He was completely immersed in his own power, laughing wildly and rushed towards Dane. The squeezing airflow during his flight destroyed the surrounding buildings, just like a tornado passing through. It was like a natural disaster!

With such powerful kinetic energy, Speedmaster came to Dane

"that's it?"

Facing the powerful power of Speedmaster, Dane just said these words as if he was disappointed.

Before Speedmaster became angry, the familiar heart palpitations came to his heart again, even causing his sanity to temporarily freeze. He woke up.

The palm of Dane's right hand gently pressed against Speedmaster's face, as if he didn't feel any impact from the kinetic energy at all. The energy was completely absorbed by his palm.

Then he accumulated strength slightly, Pushing his palm forward, Speedmaster's body instantly flew backwards and fell to the ground again with his head on his feet.

But this time the movement was greater than any before!

It was like a nuclear bomb exploded in the center of the metropolis, and Speedmaster's body The friction with the air and the ground generated a lot of heat, causing the surrounding air to heat and expand.

The moment he came into contact with the ground, a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and the loud explosion instantly shook the entire metropolis, and even the entire United States!

It was intense! The explosion caused a violent earthquake, shaking the buildings throughout the city.

Around the center of the explosion, the power system suddenly failed, and the lights in the buildings began to go out.

Dane had been careful to control his power, but this Once, his strength did grow too fast and he failed to control it well for a while.

He conservatively estimated that the force exerted on Speedmaster this time was no less than the dust that was thrown up by the impact of a meteorite hitting the earth from space. , and even dispersed the dust cloud created by Speedmaster in the sky.

Dane looked around and found that Metropolis was like an earthquake disaster site at this time. His blow was probably more damaging than the damage caused by Speedmaster's drug abuse just now. Big!

Sure enough, everything in the movie is a lie. It is impossible for superhumans of their level to attack without accidentally injuring ordinary people. There is no way to use the power of dreams here. The citizens of Metropolis can only bear it themselves.

Dane quickly Falling to the ground, he held the almost dying Speedmaster in his hand.

""Speedmaster's palms were raised feebly, as if he wanted to grab something.

But Dane was unhappy. He had never accidentally hurt anyone before.

So he punched again, this time beating Speedmaster until he fainted, and the shock wave caused by the punch blew away the surrounding dust.

Then Dane grabbed the Speedmaster and rushed directly into the sky. He looked at the dust clouds in the sky, thinking that at least as compensation, he (come on) could put away these eyesores.Lose.

So a few minutes later, a violent storm rolled up high in the sky over the metropolis, sucking all the dust clouds into it.

Dane raised his hand and threw the atmosphere directly out of the metropolis and into the nearby ocean.

Although it is late at night and there is no sunshine, the moonlight and starlight once again shine on the metropolis. Especially now that the power system has failed, the moonlight and starlight appear particularly clear.

"Just consider it a small apology from me. Dane said these words that only he could hear, and left the metropolis with the Speedmaster.

Soon, he came to the meeting point agreed with President Wilson, Ross and others, and threw the Speedmaster in front of Wilson.

"It seems the plan went well."Wilson beamed with joy. Although he only had one eye left, his expression became vivid.

"No, it didn't actually go well."Dane heard what he said, but shook his head.

Wilson was stunned for a moment. Did something else happen that he didn't know about?

Dane landed on the ground and explained to him a little.

"He sensed something was wrong when he entered the base, and flew back to Metropolis, where he took the opportunity to absorb a large amount of kryptonite powder, which I believe was more than his usual intake."

Ross Wilson immediately thought of something, and his expression turned slightly benevolent.

"Then we went to war in Metropolis."Dane said regretfully.

It was impossible for him to let the Speedmaster go just because he might accidentally injure ordinary people.

It was also impossible for him to be like Clark, who tied his own hands and feet because he was afraid that the aftermath of the battle would harm civilians, and was blasted by the enemy. Killing the enemy with one blow at the last moment when they are not paying attention.

That is not his style. He prefers long-term pain to short-term pain. Since the loss is unavoidable, let's fight quickly!.

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