Plastic Man, whose real name is Patrick O'Brien, was originally a thief nicknamed"Eel".

Like many other superheroes, Plastic Man's abilities originated from an accident.

During a certain theft, Patrick was shot by a hunter. At the same time, coincidentally, he was poured on his body by a chemical acid of unknown composition. The wound absorbed the acid and from then on he had the ability to transform at will. ability.

Plastic Man has always felt very transparent, as if he were a dispensable character.

But in fact, his abilities, classified according to the degree of threat, may far exceed those of superheroes whose popularity is far above him.

However, he is often ignored, perhaps because of his sense of humor and incongruous way of dressing, or because his abilities do not allow people to intuitively feel how powerful he is.

And this time, maybe it's an opportunity.

Batman thinks that Plastic Man may have a chance to change the other members' impression of him.

But obviously, Plastic Man's confidence in himself does not seem to be as high as Batman imagined.

I don’t know how his big sunglasses were made. They could be zoomed in and out like pupils, as if they were his eyes.

At this time, the plastic man pointed his finger at himself and sounded a little unbelievable.


Not only was he confused, but the other members around him were also stunned.

"Yes, it's you, this time you are the main force, remember, restrain the Martian, and let us give him a fatal blow.

Barry said weakly:"Fatal blow...should be just a description, right?""

Batman knows that Plastic Man lacks confidence. Strictly speaking, he has never experienced any big battles. The last time he dealt with the Phantom Stranger and the Secret Society, he was only playing support on the side, and he has not been able to defeat himself. When he was carrying the important task, he felt a little weak.

Batman personally encouraged him, and he patted the plastic man on the shoulder:"Believe in my judgment, and believe in yourself, you can do it."

Others feel particularly strange. Is this the first time Batman has spoken to others so softly? Is this also the first time he has encouraged his teammates?

Is it the sun that comes from the west ?...Huh? It really is!

Goosebumps suddenly appeared all over Barry's body, and even the plastic man felt a little uncomfortable, but the effect was very noticeable.

After Batman's excitement, Plastic Man was indeed a little more eager to try.

He glanced at Green Lantern, who was trying to suppress the Martian, and took a deep breath.

Green Lantern yelled at him over there:"Whatever you want to do, do it quickly!"

He wondered why every time it was his turn to resist, his teammates had to chat first before taking action. Can't you help me first?

When the plastic man heard this, he immediately jumped out.

He transformed his legs into twoWhen the spring legs are compressed and relaxed, the whole body pops out as if it were nothing.

Under the meteorite where Green Lantern appeared, Martian suddenly appeared. He directly entered the incorporeal state and stared at Green Lantern with squinted eyes.

"Divine power ring? But then he overturned his thoughts,"No, you are not him, and the ring in your hand is not a power ring!""

The Martian looked at this face that was almost exactly the same as Hal Jordan. He originally thought about whether it was a clone, but then he felt something was wrong.

People can be cloned, but rings can't.

Besides, Hal Jordan is as cowardly as Character, is there any value worth cloning?

The real value of the divine power ring lies in the power ring. As for the person who wears the ring, it is not a human being?

So he immediately put aside the speculation of cloning, and then he thought of another A possibility.

A possibility that his tribe has studied but has not confirmed.

These guys are likely to come from a parallel world!

The Martians immediately launched the mind bomb as soon as they escaped from the suppression of the meteorite. Even with the Green Lantern His will was instantly overwhelmed by this strong impact from the soul.

At the same time, the Plastic Man jumped to the battlefield.

The Martians looked at the funny-looking Plastic Man and felt ridiculous. They expected this person to take the lead?

So he focused the power of the mind bomb on Plastic Man, intending to teach him a profound lesson.

But Plastic Man didn't feel anything at all. When he came in front of the Martian, his whole body suddenly spread like a huge parachute. Wrap the Martian inside.

The Martian immediately fired laser light from his eyes, but the plastic man had already sensed it and opened two holes in the opponent's eyes, allowing him to release the energy of his eyes without harming himself at all.

The laser light flies far away, cutting and separating everything it encounters along the way, and the high temperature burns the fracture into a molten state.

"Plastic Man is completely unaffected by the opponent's psychic power!"

Diana's eyes were sharp and she immediately saw the secret.

"But he couldn't stop the Martian from turning incorporeal and escaping. Batman said calmly:"Don't worry, I gave him something that can limit the ability of Martians.""

The Martian Manhunter's incorporealization is so buggy. As a patient with persecution paranoia, how could Batman not be prepared?

Especially after receiving Night Owl's collection, his incorporeal methods to deal with Martian Manhunter became even more advanced.

At the same time , For patients suffering from paranoia, Night Owl also made preparations for the Martians' abilities. It just so happened that he was studying the quantum tunneling effect at the time. Night Owl accidentally discovered that near the eigenfield, the Martians' incorporealization would become Extremely unstable.

So Batman absorbed Night Owl's idea and made a miniaturized intrinsic field excitation device, which he just put on when he patted Plastic Man's shoulder. Therefore, when the Martian felt close to When physical force could not break free of the Plastic Man, he tried to use his virtualization ability, but the ability failed, which shocked him.

The most fundamental reason why the Martians dared to challenge multiple people was not because he felt that he had the virtualization ability. Can he advance, attack, retreat or defend?

Once his virtualization ability is disabled, his will to fight will quickly decrease.

Although he does not have a fear of fire, his low will to fight is his biggest weakness.

"what did you do to me!"The Martian shouted loudly, his words full of uneasiness.

But the Plastic Man felt that he was a little confused. Don't look at me, brother, I usually don't play well, but I, O'Brien, am a serious person!

"Man, you are an alien, and you are also green. There is no way you can slander me and do something to you... I feel like vomiting just saying this."

The Martian guest was about to explode. Not only was Plastic Man's abilities disgusting, his chattering mouth was equally disgusting!

His body quickly deformed and turned into a huge fire dragon. This was a transformation he made based on the myths and legends of the earth. Creatures.

The fire dragon transformed by the Martian roared up to the sky, and soon became larger than the surrounding tall buildings. The plastic man stretched on the surface of the dragon like brown candy. No matter how big the dragon transformed by the Martian was, his The extended surface will follow the changes in his body shape and stick to his body.

Because of the plastic man, the giant dragon that the Martian transformed into is not only unintimidating, but also very funny.

Because the psychic ability has no influence on him , Plastic Man was ineffective, and Martian could not activate this ability for too long. He needed to concentrate on other abilities, so he turned off his psychic powers and used all his deformation powers.

At the moment when his psychic powers failed, all the Justice League People began to swarm forward, and Wonder Woman threw out the mantra and tied one of the dragon's claws.

She pressed her feet hard into the ground, trying to get a stronger grip.

But the dragon was so powerful that it would wear the dragon's claws. Anna gradually pulled herself closer.

He opened his mouth wide, and firelight flickered in his throat and abdomen.

Not only did he transform into a dragon, he could even use dragon abilities, such as breathing fire.

But Green Lantern stopped him in time, Hal The changing green muzzle directly closed and imprisoned the dragon's upper and lower jaws, just like putting an anti-biting muzzle on a dog, so that the fire in his throat could not be spit out. The vixen gained the power of the mammoth and headed directly towards the dragon's One of the supporting legs crashed.

Dr. Light Kimiyo assisted her. When she came to the dragon, a white flash burst out from her body. The dragon was stimulated by the strong light and closed its eyes subconsciously. The

Martian was far more powerful. He is stronger than humans and has stronger eyesight than humans. This also makes his eyes far more sensitive and fragile than humans in the face of strong light. After a loud noise, one of the dragon's legs was knocked over by the vixen. , the giant dragon staggered, one leg immediately fell to its knees, and the entire huge dragon body seemed a little unstable.

The Martian immediately raised his other paw and swung it at an extremely fast speed, causing huge waves to rise on the ground.

The ground rolled upwards, as if a tsunami washed away all the surrounding houses and buildings. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Diana let go of her hand, and her whole body was knocked away by the waves raised by the ground.

Batman and the Red Hood had already He has left here far away and hid further away.

It's a pity that he didn't bring the fighter plane over, otherwise he could still provide support.

But the Red Hood still has room to play.

Batman told him in the headset:" Jason, use low-axis ammo!"

Red Hood immediately became excited and changed into his favorite big guy without hesitation. The newly assembled big sniper was about the same size as a cannon. It was a fucking cannon with a scope!

"With a bang, Jason's whole body flew backwards due to the recoil.

Even with the use of a muzzle brake, the recoil made him unable to suppress it at all.

Fortunately, his suit was strong enough to withstand one shot. After that, Jason didn't care, and immediately ran back and put his sight on the sight.

The power of this poor-axis bullet was extraordinary. When it hit the dragon's face, it exploded like a missile explosion, with a spark. In full bloom, the giant dragon fell to the ground.

After the giant dragon fell to the ground, everyone in Zhenglian would not miss this opportunity. They immediately swarmed up and surrounded him and beat him!

The plastic man had to stand still and be careful not to be accidentally injured by other teammates.

This Among them, Wonder Woman hits the hardest, and of course her output is also the highest.

For a thick-skinned guy like Martian, other people’s attacks are basically painless, but Wonder Woman’s attacks are It can make the Martians feel pain.

The dragon's body began to twist, and Plastic Man felt it most clearly. He shouted:"He is going to start to transform again!"

Batman immediately ordered Green Lantern:"Hal, let him open his mouth!"

In order to prevent the dragon from spitting fire, Hal had been keeping his mouth closed.

At this time, when he heard Batman's words, he quickly changed into a green light, turning the muzzle into a machine that could make him open his mouth.

Then Batman shouted Saying"Barry", Barry came to him like lightning, and Batman put a grenade in his hand.

"Pulling the latch open before tossing it into his mouth."

Barry nodded and arrived at the dragon's mouth in less than a second. Even the Martian, his speed was far from comparable to the Flash.

Barry followed the instructions and threw the grenade in and politely said Back away.

But he thought to himself, how powerful could such a small grenade be? It would probably only make the opponent sneeze?

However, a moment later, there was a loud"boom", which almost knocked the Flash off his back. He was stunned. Looking back, he saw smoke coming from the dragon's mouth, and it was almost unconscious.

The power of this grenade was beyond his imagination!

The size of the Martian also gradually shrank with the coma of consciousness, until it transformed back into The prototype.

The plastic man also separated from his body and returned to his original appearance.

After changing back to the prototype, the Martian seemed to have recovered a little. Like a flashback, he stretched out his hand tremblingly, trying to grab something.

Diana stepped forward and punched the ground. The ground sank again, and the strong shock spread out, kicking up a circle of dust.

The Martian's head and neck were almost folded in half, and now he completely lost consciousness.

Barry, Plastic Ren, Hal and others all trembled, suddenly feeling itchy on their necks.

Batman stepped forward and silently glanced at the Martian on the ground.

"He's not dead, is he?"

When Diana retracted her fist, there seemed to be smoke on it, and Batman's eyelids twitched.

"Don't worry, I'll strike with caution, he won't die."She has competed with Martian Manhunter many times and knows where the opponent's limits are.

Zatanna thought of the battle between Diana and the Super Queen not long ago, and was convinced that she really has a sense of proportion!

"How's it going with Dane?"Diana asked Zatanna. Now that the magic box is under her control, she is also the contact point for everyone in Zhenglian.

Zatanna took off her hat, performed another hat trick, and held the magic box in her palm.

After a moment , Zatanna nodded to Diana:"He's done everything there, there's just a little problem.…"


"You call this a small situation?"

The Super Queen looked at Metropolis on the big screen and was almost amused by Dane.

Because the dust cloud over Metropolis has been blown away by Dane, artificial satellites in low-Earth orbit can directly observe the situation of Metropolis. How should I put it...

The Super Queen felt that even the big earthquake in Alaska was nothing more than that. A big tsunami might be enough to destroy the metropolis.

Dane emphasized:"Most of the damage was to buildings, and there were not many casualties. Probably..."

The Super Queen really burst out laughing this time. She threw herself on Dane, clamped her legs together, and completely hung her body on Dane.

"I know you, honey."The Super Queen approached Dane's ear and said:"Even if you don't want to admit it, you know in your heart that you are a ruthless person like me. We are all indifferent to the death of others."

"It's just that I'm more keen on doing it myself, and you, although you don't do it yourself, you can cause ten times more death than me!"

The Super Queen's face was very close, and her breath hit Dane's face directly.

The divine body has no odor, and because of its divine power, it even has a light fragrance.

Dane believes that the Super Queen's body fragrance It also has a psychedelic effect, which is the magic of charm.

She is not as dignified as Diana, but under this charm of charm, it is easier to lead people to fall.

No wonder she can convince so many powerful people in the original work men

"My dear, I said, you and me, we are a perfect match!"

Dane felt that she was a little out of control, as if some strange switch had been turned on. He had just finished a fight, and he might still have a little bit of murderous intent in him.

But this did not make her retreat. On the contrary, her mood changed. More expensive

"here? Are you serious?"

"Why not... big".

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