The Super Queen still failed to get her wish this time, because just when she was about to hand over her first time, Zatanna sent a message to Dane

"They've taken care of the Martians."Dane put the Super Queen down from him and spread her long legs with some effort.

The Super Queen seemed to be very dissatisfied:"Can't you wait until we are done before we take care of these things?"

Dane thought for a while. With their physical abilities and fitness, and considering his and Diana's first victory, I'm afraid they may not be able to finish the job even if they hit three poles tomorrow. By then,

Diana will come with her sword, Super Queen. Unlike other women, she doesn't seem to be well-liked by Diana.

Perhaps it's because she abandoned her old colleagues in the Syndicate without hesitation?

"Let's go back."

The Super Queen was a little depressed when she heard this, but helplessly, the atmosphere had been completely destroyed, so she had no choice but to give it up and fly with Dane to the agreed-upon place to gather.

Dane and the Super Queen arrived faster, and the aftermath was dealt with It will take some time for Wilson and others to arrive.

"how? Did you also have an accident here?"

Dane was a little curious. Although the battle here didn't seem as big as the damage caused by him and Speedmaster, it still destroyed an entire street.

"Martian is very powerful, but has very poor combat experience, even worse than Ron."

Diana spit out a good comment.

Ron was originally an excellent warrior, but the bureaucratic life of the United States ruined him.

Diana's ability is not as strong as the Martian Manhunter, but every time on the training ground They can all rely on their rich combat experience to defeat him.

Dane once thought about whether to let Martian Manhunter withdraw from the bureaucratic ranks. Anyway, the pioneering scientists have great careers now, and there is no need for him to continue to help them in the Pentagon's"433" To spy on intelligence.

But his suggestion was stopped by Batman before he even made it. Although Batman didn't say it clearly, Dane felt that this guy didn't seem to want Martian Manhunter to turn into a warrior again.

Tsk, isn't pyrophobia enough? ?

"Now that the Martians have been taken down, the remaining guys are just minions."

There are many powerful little bosses under the giants like the Syndicate, but some of them don't know it yet, some ran away in advance after knowing it, and some were chased by their sworn enemies.

Like Central City This is an organization belonging to Johnny Quick. After losing his boss, the remaining members were severely attacked by the gang of rogues.

Although Captain Cold's freeze gun was specially developed to target speedsters, it is not used to deal with other speedsters. People are also very useful weapons.

If Barry goes back now, he will soon see this scene, and he will probably start to struggle again.

Hal is lucky, the power ring is just a coward, he has no ability and no such This kind of personal charm can attract other superhumans to join them.

Therefore, his forces are basically guys who are trying to fish in troubled waters with his fame, and they are all unscrupulous things.

These people have been arrested by Beach City after the capture of the Power Ring. The local official forces were eliminated, and Hal did not have to worry about the problems that Barry might encounter.

"Now that these founding members have been captured, the next question is Super Bomb, did you just find the location of Deathstorm?"

Dane asked about the Super Queen. The two of them almost finished the business, but they also forgot about it.

Fortunately, the Super Queen did not forget about it while Dane was busy fighting the Super Queen. , she blinked at Dane with an extremely ambiguous expression.

Diana looked unkind.

But the Super Queen turned a blind eye and said:"Of course, dear, the Death Storm is in Yellowstone Park now...."

After she told the location, all the members present had ugly expressions.

Yellowstone Park is an amazing place. It is said that there is a super volcano lying underground. Once the energy in it is completely released, it will destroy the entire earth....

Of course, destroying the planet is an exaggeration, but destroying half the biosphere shouldn't be difficult.

There are different opinions on whether the Yellowstone super volcano disaster in the original world is true or false, but the Yellowstone super volcano in the DC world does have the ability to destroy the ecology.

It is like a huge pus on the face of the earth. Once it bursts, half of the face of the earth will be submerged in pus. This"pus" is magma and volcanic ash.

After the Super Queen mentioned this location, Dane and Batman immediately thought that this place was probably the"right location" that President Wilson said.

Placing a quantum intrinsic bomb here can indeed cause a huge geological disaster and cause a series of chain reactions in the center of the earth's core.

Maybe it can really make the earth set off fireworks in the universe like Krypton.

But the problem is...What was Deathstorm doing in a place like that?


The birth of Death Storm is similar to the birth of Fire Storm, also the result of an experimental accident.

But unlike Firestorm, Deathstorm is the product of a mad scientist merging with a dead corpse.

Death Storm has no ordinary human emotions and does not care about ordinary ethics and morality.

But like Firestorm, he has the ability to reorganize atoms and sub-atoms of inorganic matter.

In addition to not being able to interfere with the structure of life, Death Storm has the ability to recreate all things almost like the Mother Box. The only thing that can limit his ability is energy and knowledge.

Dane has developed a lot and has a lot of abilities.

In addition to the divine power and godhead he gained after becoming Shazam, there are also many superpowers that come with the power of Shazam.

According to his rough observation, there are hundreds of these abilities.

This made him feel that his abilities were a bit complicated. He wanted to delete some of them, keep some of them that were useful to him, discard the others, and maybe try to give them to others?

The biggest feature of Zansha's power is that its energy is almost infinite, but the method of releasing energy is very monotonous, and some abilities will be forgotten after being idle for too long.

The Alexander Luther of this world is not a very smart person to begin with, so what he most often uses is super strength and super speed, and the means of releasing energy are mostly lightning and Cyclops.

As if he was deliberately competing against the Speedmaster, is it possible that he and Karl also fell in love and killed each other?

And more abilities are completely idle by him, such as the ability to clone, the ability to breathe fire, the ability to create freezing air, the ability to teleport, the ability to control the mind, the ability to transform, the ability to observe electromagnetic waves with the naked eye, and telekinesis. , the ability to move at super speed and other abilities.

When fighting Dane, he occasionally used some abilities, while others never used them at all.

There is one thing to say, it is really a waste to give Alexander Luthor the power of Zanza. This is a reckless man who can only use super strength to pick up rocks and hit people.

But among all the abilities absorbed by the power of Zansha, the divine power belonging to the gods is now extremely sluggish, and it seems that it has completely lost its activity due to the lack of faith power.

There are very few that can still function stably, and Zeus's thunder power is one of them.

The strength of DC's old god system is always closely related to the power of faith. The more humans believe and the more pious they are, the more powerful those who use divine power will be.

Since Dane's public debut, his power has actually continued to grow as his reputation has grown.

Some people don't say it, but deep down they still believe in Shazam and regard him as the patron saint of the earth.

But this world lacks such soil. Since the passing of the golden age, the fall of the gods has led to the decline of faith, which is an irreversible abyss.

Therefore, the divine power absorbed by the power of Zansha also shrank with the disappearance of the gods.

Zangsha, the first owner of Zangsha's power, was killed by hostile forces because his power was no longer what it used to be, and his abilities were eventually deprived of him.

But the advent of a new era has given the Power of Zansha a chance to be revitalized. The most fundamental ability of the Power of Zansha is actually"plunder."

Killing enemies and stripping their corpses of power is at the core of Zansa's power.

The superpowers born in the new era also fall within the hunting scope of Zansha's power.

Therefore, most of all the superpowers Dane received were actually taken by Xansha, who was incarnated as Luther.

Dane was wondering if there was a way to take away the enemy's power while he was still alive. This should be a strong deterrent to many dishonest superhumans.

However, this ability is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it can intimidate others, but on the other hand, it may also arouse fear and even greed in others, making those super villains take desperate risks.

Dane felt that the latter was more likely, so it was better to be cautious and not wasteful.

But the Death Storm's ability to reorganize matter was so attractive, Dane thought, it would be fine if this guy didn't commit a major crime. If he committed an unforgivable sin, then don't blame him.

"Without further ado, we rushed to Yellowstone Park immediately!"

"What about the Martians?"

Red Hood silently raised the sniper in his hand:"Why don't we just kill him?"

His big gun has not killed a syndicate giant yet! On the contrary, minions have killed many. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Dane raised his head and looked towards the horizon. Suddenly Said:"The people who deal with the aftermath are here."

A few seconds later, the vixen heard the sound of the helicopter coming from the distant horizon through her enhanced hearing.....

"That one-eyed president, they've arrived!"

It took nearly an hour before the helicopters that Wilson and Ross took landed on this messy street.

At this time, the place was completely destroyed, and the surrounding area was just like the days when the United States was just reclaiming land.

This is Can't you pay a little attention to public property when fighting for superhuman beings? Wilson had a headache.

When he brought Ross, Waller and others to the location of the Martians, all he saw was that he had fallen into a deep coma and fell asleep. The Martian was all alone.

There was no one else.

At this moment, a call came into Rose's cell phone. She picked it up and answered it. Dane's voice was on the other side.

"We've found clues to Deathstorm, and he's in Yellowstone"

"Yellowstone!"Ross exclaimed.

Wilson's face was gloomy. The place where he first prepared to deploy the bomb was also in Yellowstone Park. Super volcanoes are well-known as world-class dangerous geological disasters.

But he did not expect that the Syndicate would also think of this. Was this place Nite Owl's idea?

As the most dangerous person in the Syndicate, Wilson was led by the nose the whole time.

After this series of events, Wilson also wanted to understand something, especially after Nite Owl's true identity was exposed , he understood even more that the idea about the quantum bomb must have been sent to him deliberately by this man.

Night Owl did not want to conquer the world at all. This man who came out of Gotham has the same madness and danger as Gotham. He He wants to destroy the entire world!

As the president of the United States, Wilson not only created weapons to destroy the world, but also delivered them to the enemy. He is such a fucking idiot!

"Night owl, night owl!"Wilson gritted his teeth with hatred for this man.

""Dad" Ross looked at Wilson with some worry, his face looked scary.

Wilson forced a smile and said:"I'm fine, Ross, what are they going to do?" How can we help? Ross replied:"

Mr. Shazam wants us to temporarily block Yellowstone Park until they find and solve the Death Storm.""

Wilson nodded to show that he understood. He felt a little complicated. He didn't expect that in the end this matter would have to rely on his daughter, whom he always thought was very innocent, to help with the aftermath.

"Waller, I'll leave this matter to you...."

Yellowstone National Park.

While the Justice League was busy picking up Speedmaster and the Martians, the three members of the Magic Family had already arrived at this place with the quantum bomb.

As Dane had guessed before, the Magic Family had no way to figure out the detonation procedure, and finally had no choice but to bring the bomb to Death Storm.

He is not only a superpower, but also a scientist. He should have some ideas for this thing, right?

In order to find the hiding place of Death Storm, the three people obviously spent 3.4 hours to find this place.

After arriving at Yellowstone Park, there was no need for the Magic Family to continue searching. Deathstorm had already seen them through the base's surveillance, and he took the initiative to walk out of his lair.

Deathstorm's head is a flaming skull, and his uniform is very similar to that of Firestorm in the positive matter universe.

"Is it you three? What happened to Night Owl?"

Death Storm knew that the three members of the Magic family would only obey Night Owl's orders.

The leader, Captain Magic, in his prime, said directly:"We need you to activate this bomb."

Death Storm shifted his attention to the quantum bomb behind the three people. He didn't understand what kind of bomb it was for a moment. Although it looked like a nuclear weapon, Death Storm could tell that it was not

"But Speedmaster told me something..."He needs to study the problem of artificial kryptonite. It is not easy to reconstruct the materials on the earth into kryptonite.

But Captain Marvel reminded him:"Night Owl said that this matter has the highest priority!"

Death Storm became interested:"Night Owl can't solve this problem by himself?"

Even Death Storm, he admitted that Night Owl is a He is a very smart person. If he can concentrate on scientific research, his achievements will not be limited to this.

Faced with the question of Death Storm, the Magic Family did not respond.

When Deathstorm was conducting research, he paid little attention to news from the outside world. He had been stuck on the problem of kryptonite for a long time and had been closed off for a long time.

Whether it was some new humans that appeared in the world recently, or the phenomena they caused, or the fall of Johnny Quick, Power Ring and others, he didn't know anything about it.

And for him, there is nothing more important in this world than the pursuit of scientific truth..

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