Although Deathstorm no longer has normal human emotions, he still retains his curiosity about science.

Therefore, he was very interested in the bomb brought by the Magic Family, and was currently wandering around it. This bomb originally had an operating interface, but it had been violently dismantled by the Magic Family.

In order to complete the mission of Night Owl, they worked very hard to use their brains

"It's very interesting. Its interior seems to be encrypted using the principle of quantum communication, so that I cannot observe specific information."Death Storm was amazed.

The quantum state bomb itself uses quantum encryption technology to informatize the detonation procedure. If the key is not sent in the correct way, but interferes in other ways, the information in the superposition state will be Collapsed into a mess of gibberish.

Although Wilson adopted the extreme deterrence method of"die together", he was not completely crazy yet.

On the activation procedure of the quantum bomb, he had people use the highest level that humans can currently achieve. Information security technology.

In the field of quantum communication, this world is likely to have surpassed Dane's world. You must know that once quantum technology is adopted, even Cortana may not be able to crack it.

Because any observation behavior will lead to information distortion, there is no guarantee The authenticity of the information obtained cannot be solved naturally.

Death Storm is not interested in the quantum bomb itself because in the state of quantum encryption, he cannot tell how powerful the warhead is.

He is now completely He was attracted by the encryption technology on this warhead, and was even willing to give up the research project on kryptonite at hand.

To understand why he was so interested in this, we must first understand that Death Storm's ability is to"attack atoms" and the rearrangement of subatoms", we need to understand the role of this ability.

Our world, in terms of scale, is often divided into two parts,"macro" and"micro". So what counts as macro? What counts as micro?

Macro The dividing line with the microscopic is the atom.

Generally speaking, the part larger than the atom and above is called the macroscopic world, and the part smaller than the atom is called the microscopic world.

As we all know, the macroscopic and microscopic worlds do not share the same physical principle, so there is"Classical Mechanics" and"Quantum Mechanics".

Death Storm can control the 01 atom, proving that he can control the macroscopic world to a certain extent. He can also control some subatomic structures. Subatomic particles are also called subatomic particles, and their structures are more complex than atoms. Small particles belong to the microscopic realm.

This means that the death storm has the ability to affect the microscopic world, but as soon as the material world reaches the microscopic level, problems arise.

Unlike the macroscopic world, the positions of particles in the microscopic world are neither fixed nor continuous.

With Take electrons as an example. Electrons do not move in a circle around the central nucleus like celestial bodies. Instead, they appear in random flashes.

Scientists can only use statistics to calculate the approximate probability of electrons appearing in a certain area based on the general area where electrons appear. Probability.

Based on the"uncertainty principle", any observation of quantum will cause its original superposition state to collapse into a certain certain state. As for which one? Uncertain.

Still taking the electron as an example, when you observe it, You will find that it can be either top spin or bottom spin. Even Schrödinger was confused when he saw it.

This gave birth to the famous saying:"Does God roll the dice?""

This means that if Death Storm wants to perform precise operations on microscopic particles, it cannot destroy the quantum superposition state, otherwise it will trigger the"uncertainty principle." Therefore, the quantum state superposition must be maintained, which is its most complete state..

But every operation of Death Storm on subatoms will inevitably trigger the"observer effect". This is easy to understand. The act of"operation" itself is interference, and interference will inevitably trigger the"observer effect", which will then lead to the superposition of quantum states. The collapse.

Therefore, every time he performs subatomic level operations, it is like throwing dice. He can only succeed when he is lucky. Most of the time, what he gets is not the result he wants. Sometimes

Death Storm feels that he His ability should be called a"slot machine", and he will"send out coins" only if the same pattern appears three times.

Of course, this is only for operations at the subatomic level. At the atomic level and above, he can still get relatively certain results.

Although Death Storm himself I don’t know, but this is actually the limitation of the Storm Matrix.

Similar to Fire Storm having a Fire Storm Matrix, Death Storm also has a Storm Matrix, which is essentially a knowledge system brought together by the user’s own knowledge and accumulation. A universal formula.

Deathstorm can only manipulate particles within the range allowed by the matrix, and cannot manifest matter with just imagination like the Lantern.

He cannot create things out of thin air, cannot increase the mass of matter, and cannot understand what he does not understand. Things"cast spells" and directly obtain results regardless of the process. But the advantage of this ability over the power of color light is that the material modified by Death Storm is permanent.

As long as he does not reverse the transformation process of material, it is a material change. The final result can be maintained forever, of course, this refers to when natural conditions allow.

The matter created by the power of color and light will eventually turn into nothingness due to the consumption of energy.

In the knowledge system of Death Storm, quantum Mechanics has always been a knowledge that is difficult to penetrate, and it is the"truth" that he has been striving for."

"The existence of the"observer effect" always creates a membrane between him and the microscopic world, preventing him from truly penetrating the mysteries of matter.

Death Storm eagerly hopes that he can break through this barrier, because he has a premonition that once he breaks through," With the barriers set up by the"Uncertainty Principle", his abilities will enter a whole new realm.

If Dane were here, he would understand that what Death Storm is pursuing is the realm of Dr. Manhattan, a man who can turn his gaze A"god" who goes deep into the quantum realm.

But even Dr. Manhattan actually fails to completely break through the"uncertainty principle". Every observation he makes changes and splits a new parallel world.

""Observation" is both"interference" and, in other words, every time Dr. Manhattan's gaze is cast, he is contaminated by cause and effect. He cannot put himself outside of this cause and effect.

This is why Dr. Manhattan is not absolutely invincible. In the end, he was even One of the reasons for the Justice League's counter-killing.

As long as he fails to break through this"cause and effect" and consider it on a cosmic scale, he is just a mortal with blue light all over his body.

Deathstorm failed to understand this. He didn't even know Dr. Manhattan's The realm is far from being reached, and now they are just thirsty for knowledge out of the need for knowledge and the development of their own power. The magical family's scientific literacy is not high, even though each of them has a super brain.

But"possess" and"can use"They're two different things, right, Clark?"

So one of the Captain Marvels asked,"Can you fix it?""

Death Storm was not sure, but he said to the Magic Family and others:"I can give it a try."

He has the ability to control microscopic particles. Although it is far from the level of freely controlling light quanta, the more times he rolls the dice, he can always be blind and hit the dead mouse once or twice.

And with humans, he needs help Different from conducting experiments with instruments, Death Storm's ability allows him to improve the efficiency of throwing dice, and he can also complete the research he wants by recording the process. This is a win-win situation for him. Therefore,

Death Storm is very He happily accepted the job. After Dane and the others captured Speedmaster and Martian, Deathstorm had already rolled the"dice" more than tens of billions of times. At a very ordinary moment, he threw himself The points he wanted.

In an instant, Death Storm analyzed the particle structure of this warhead and figured out what it was used for.

"You must be crazy, if this bomb explodes here, it will destroy the entire earth!"

Even Deathstorm, who had no emotion at all, was shocked by the ambition of the magical family.

"Is your behavior really inspired by Night Owl?"

The three magical family members quietly surrounded Death Storm

"Your work is done, leave it to us!"

It's obviously impossible for Death Storm to do this. Although he has no nostalgia for this world, he doesn't want to die yet. He hasn't gotten the"truth" he wants to pursue. He can't die before that! (Read the Baoshuang novel. , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So he said to the Magic Family:"No!"

The three members of the Magic Family activated instantly and all shook their fists at Death Storm.

Although Death Storm's ability was very buggy, it was not as good as the Magic Family in terms of physical attack capabilities. He himself knew this very well.

But he was a A scientist, not a warrior, has no need to fight with these barbarians.

Therefore, before his fist came, he changed his own atomic structure, allowing the three magical captains to pass through his body. He himself was the only organic being he could change. Object, this is a skill he learned from the Martians. The principle is different, but the function is similar.

However, this method is not without its shortcomings. Death Storm believes that the Magic Family will soon discover this shortcoming, but he only needs this little time..The prime-year Captain Magic, who was headed by him, was stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses.

"Attack him with lightning!"

Yes, Death Storm only modified its own atomic structure, rather than completely placing itself in another dimension, so stronger energy attacks can hurt him.

But it was too late by the time Captain Fantastic understood it. During the gap between the three people's attacks, Death Storm had already flown out of the base with his miniaturized quantum bomb. The

Magic Family immediately caught up with them. When they appeared over Yellowstone Park, thunderclouds suddenly began to gather, and the power of thunder and lightning It hit the ground, exploding into sparks.

Death Storm took a miniaturized super bomb to avoid the bite of the Razer in the gap between thunder and lightning.

But there were three people in the Magic Family, and Death Storm only had one, and he was quickly Captain Marvels from different directions were blocked, and his flying speed was not as fast as the three"Zanzas" in front of him.

But he would not surrender, so he chose the oldest-looking Captain Marvel, with one hand facing forward and his palm pointing. He was killed.

A powerful concussive energy emitted from his palm. The old Captain Marvel did not suffer any damage to his body surface, but there was severe pain in his semicircular canals. He covered his ears, unable to maintain his balance and fell down.

The youngest Captain Marvel immediately stepped forward to respond. Deathstorm saw this and immediately moved his palms, trying to include him in the attack range.

However, the young Captain Marvel was very flexible and his flight trajectory was erratic, making it impossible for Deathstorm to catch him. Because of the precise position, the shock wave would not be able to exert its maximum effect.

But he ignored the threat from another person. The prime-year Captain Magic suddenly fell from the sky. Deathstorm was suddenly startled and quickly raised his head. When he saw the prime-year Captain Magic coming, At that moment, he immediately entered the pseudo-incorporation mode.

But Captain Fantastic had already seen through his trick, and his fists instantly flashed with thunder, carrying energy and hitting Death Storm.

This time, his fist did not pass through Death Storm's body, but It hit him solidly, causing him to fall upside down in a hot spring somewhere.

However, the magical family was not satisfied yet. The old, strong, and young generations gathered together and called for the power of thunder and lightning at the same time. In the swirling dark clouds, A thick beam of thunder struck in the hot spring where the death storm was located.

The water exploded hundreds of meters, evaporating a large amount of water, and instantly triggered a violent earthquake.

The power of the lightning was so powerful that it seemed to have awakened the super volcano here, and the underground lava was faint It has a tendency to explode.

At this time, Dane happened to arrive with the Justice League, not only them, but also the Super Queen and Sinestro.

The power of the quantum bomb deserves their attention. 473.

When they arrived , just in time for an earthquake in Yellowstone Park. This earthquake was caused by the lightning attack of the Magic Family. There is a magma chamber hidden underground in Yellowstone Park. It is about 70 kilometers in diameter and 10 kilometers thick. Such a huge magma chamber is far away The ground is only eight kilometers away, and the lightning created by the Magic Family is enough to penetrate this"warehouse."

But now, it has been activated and is getting ready to move. This is the cause of the earthquake.

Dane activated his clairvoyance ability and looked deep into the Yellowstone underground. Deep in the depths, and switched the field of view again, using the thermal energy display perspective to see clearly the cause of the earthquake

"What a big play."Dane said with emotion, this is completely disregarding the human life of the entire United States! The super crater in Yellowstone Park is filled with boiling water, but under the water is raging magma, and now it is so excited by lightning. , due to the difference in density, the magma inside is rising, and the super volcano is getting ready!

Not only did he see the condition of the volcano, he also saw the death storm and three superhuman beings trapped inside the volcano.

Dane immediately turned to his teammates around him Said:"They are inside, I need to deal with the problem of the volcano, otherwise once it erupts, it is conservatively estimated that half of the United States will be submerged by the airborne debris it erupts."

As for the three members of the Magical Family, and the Death Storm, I leave them to you!"

Everyone nodded, and Dane plunged into the crater with great speed, catching up with several people who were snatching the super bomb at an extremely fast speed.

Neither the Magic Family nor Death Storm knew Dane, but in this case, no matter who came Whoever he was, they all treated him as an enemy. The one closest to Dane was the youngest Captain Magic. He was not afraid of tigers, so he rushed directly towards Dane.

In front of Dane's tall body, his height was Like a little chicken.

Dane grabbed his head with one hand and instantly pinched his head. Because he was so fast, he didn't even react.

Then Dane waved with one hand, and the young Captain Magic rushed away from the water and headed towards the volcano. Flying in the direction of the mouth.

As soon as he rushed out of the hot water, he saw a group of"whack-a-mole" players surrounding him. Before he could continue to resist, the Super Queen threw the submission rope. The severe pain made the young Captain Magic feel Kneeling on the ground.

The young man raised his head and glared at everyone fiercely. At this moment, the vixen punched him and aimed at the back of his head.

She heard that these clones were very strong.

So Captain Fantastic I felt like the back of my head had been stepped on by a mammoth, and I fell to the ground dizzy.

"It's not that hard, right?"The vixen retracted her fist without saying anything.

No wonder Wonder Woman likes to use her fist so much. It feels so good. This head and voice are so crisp!

Everyone didn't wait long. The crater was like fried fish, and one after another people emerged from the volcanic pool. Fly out, and everyone shows off their magical powers to lay siege to these syndicates.

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