For Dane, neither the Magic Family nor the Death Storm are qualified to be his opponents, and once he takes action, he has to consider the issue of excessive force.

So he just throws those guys out there and lets his teammates deal with them.

In just these few minutes, more and more of the magma below has been floating upward.

Dane moved his hands toward the depths of the earth, and the power on his body instantly turned into freezing air, slowly cooling the volcanic lava. Countless bubbles immediately rose, and a large amount of water vapor filled the entire volcanic pool.

Outside the volcano, the remaining Syndicate members have been captured by the Justice League, Super Queen, and Sinestro.

There were so many of them, and they were well prepared, so there was no problem at all in defeating a few enemies that had already been consumed in a wave.

But there were also some episodes. The bald old Captain Marvel in the Magic family, I don’t know if his age has affected his mind. He knew he would lose but still resisted, and was finally beheaded by the intolerable Wonder Woman with a sword.

At that time, everyone present saw her majestic power, and even the Super Queen became much more well-behaved for a while.

After a while, Dane finally flew out of the crater.

Because this active volcano cannot be cooled down quickly, otherwise it will easily cause other concurrent disasters, so he stayed inside for a long time.

Not only did he use freezing air to cool down the volcano, he also used his ability to absorb the heat of the underground magma, finally calming down the super volcano.

However, it is impossible to completely solve the problem of this volcano. The energy inside it will still accumulate more and more as time goes by. Sooner or later, the people of the United States will have to face this problem head-on.

But that's not something Dane should consider.

Dane returned to the Zhenglian team. When he saw a headless corpse, he just raised his eyebrows slightly, but said nothing.

Zatanna said to Dane:"Ross just called me. He said that other superhuman members of the Syndicate have begun to cause large-scale rebellion, and now they are short of manpower.…"

"What did President Wilson say?"

This is important, because only the president has the right to entrust them to arrest other syndicate members.

This is not their world, and they do not have unlimited rights to move. Don't do good deeds and be slapped down. That would be disgusting.

"Ross said, Mr. President agreed to give us the authority to move freely."

After listening to Zatanna's words, Dane looked at the other members

"Did you all hear that? Pick a city you like and go work!"

Then he turned his attention to the Super Queen and Sinestro.

Sinestro immediately said:"During this period, I can temporarily obey your deployment."

"To put it bluntly, there is no distinction between top and bottom within our alliance. Dane thought for a moment and said,"You can act with Green Lantern.""

Sinestro nodded and agreed.

Then Dane turned his attention back to the Super Queen.

"What to do? Do you also want to arrange some work for me?"The Super Queen laughed, but then she added:"Actually, it's not impossible, but I want to pick a few stronger opponents, and I want to move freely!"

"And then you can escape?"

Batman spoke very bluntly, but his tone reminded Super Queen of a person, Night Owl. The temperament of the two of them was very close.

Super Queen smiled lightly and said:"Amazonians will not run away!

Then she glanced at Dane with a somewhat ambiguous expression, glanced at his lower body, and then said:"And I haven't gotten what I want yet. You said I would get what I deserve." A reward, right? Dane said nothing, but said to the Super Queen:"If possible, try to stay alive. Of course, to protect your own safety first.""

The Super Queen pounced on Dane again. Regardless of the fact that everyone was watching, and Diana's eyes as if she wanted to kill someone, she stamped a strawberry stamp on Dane's mouth.

"I knew you cared about me!"

Before Diana could get angry, she immediately ran away and found a direction to fly.

She already had an idea of ​​the opponent she wanted to deal with.

In the past, because everyone was a colleague of the same organization, she didn't have the nerve to take action.

Now that she If you rebelled, there would be nothing to be polite about.

Diana gave Dane a hard look, then turned and walked away with Zatanna, flying in a certain direction. What

Zatanna actually wanted to say was that she could use It was transmitted by the magic box, but seeing Diana's expression, she still didn't dare to say it.

The others also dispersed, and the Flash ran away long ago when he saw that the atmosphere was not right.

Hal was fighting against Dane when the super queen was born At that time, he took Sinestro and ran away.

Therefore, there were only a few non-flying members left at the scene.

The Plastic Man looked at the direction where Diana left, and then looked at the direction where the Super Queen left, looking greatly shocked. His expression was so long that his neck was like a strip of flesh-colored plastic clay.

"Man, you've been through a lot."He said coquettishly.

Plastic Man has only been in Zhenglian for a short time, and he doesn't know that the relationship between Dane and Diana is not the most complicated...

Batman ignored the love between children, and he looked like he was already bound. The death storm and the two magical captains who are still alive, thoughtfully

"How are you going to deal with them?

Dane thought for a moment and then said,"Let's lock him up first.""

He just saw it in the crater. Death Storm was protecting the quantum bomb from being snatched away by the Magic Family. He didn't seem to be with the others.

Dane has his own principles. In this case, he Obviously you can't kill him for selfish reasons and then take away the ability of Death Storm

"If all the remaining Syndicate members are captured, our mission for this trip will have been completed. What plans do you have for those OA invaders that Hal and Sinestro mentioned before?"

After they captured the Syndicate, there will be no powerful superhuman organization on this earth. So when they face the Legion of Power Rings on a whole planet like OA, they will definitely have no power to fight back. But the Justice League has another Speedmaster and other members cannot be handed over to the United States, because these people will definitely mess things up, and the incident of the quantum bomb confirms this.

They briefly discussed this matter before, and agreed that it cannot be so direct To leave this world, you either don't do it. Now that you have done it, you have to solve all the problems.

Dane put the things he just brought out of the crater in front of Batman. It was a metal box similar to a suitcase. It's extremely smooth and there's nothing on it

"Is this the super bomb?"Batman raised his eyebrows. This thing is different from what he imagined.

"Deathstorm did some restructuring work on its atomic sequence, shrinking it down to this.

Despite its small size, it actually weighs ten tons, which is much heavier than a normal nuclear bomb."

"For a weapon capable of destroying the world, this weight is very light."

The Red Hood tried to use nanoparticles to invade the bomb, but failed.

Dane explained:"The death storm brought the atoms of this bomb very close together, and the nuclear force has locked most of the interactions between the atoms. motion, the nanoparticles are not small enough to invade it."

This bomb is now a castrated version of strong interaction material. Even if a nuclear bomb explodes next to it, it may not be able to explode its surface.

When Dane caught it in the crater just now, its surface was even cold. Yes, this proves that the molecular motion on the surface of the bomb is very inactive.

Deathstorm seemed to be very worried about it exploding, and carefully insured it.

No wonder the Magic Family did not leave after getting the bomb, but instead clung to Deathstorm and entangled it endlessly..

Death Storm helped them unlock the original lock, but then put a new lock on it.

This somewhat refreshed Plastic Man's understanding. He couldn't help but said:"I thought those guys wanted to destroy the world. If you look at him, he doesn’t look like a good person!"

Death Storm's flaming skull head looked like some kind of ominous thing. I didn't expect that it had made so many efforts to protect the earth.

But Batman looked at this miniaturized super bomb with some silence. He raised his head and looked at Dane. He found that Dane's expression was also a little subtle.

"I have an idea, and I suspect you might have the same idea as me."

When the red hood heard this, he seemed to have thought of something, and said somewhat subtly:"I seem to know your thoughts, and I have no objection.

This way we can also deal with this thing directly. It is too dangerous to stay on the earth."

Everyone looked tacitly aware of this, except for Plastic Man, who had a silly expression.

He couldn't help but say,"Guys, what are you talking about? Please make it clear, otherwise I'll feel like a fool. Dane patted the quantum bomb, which felt cold to his hand, and said leisurely:"We can use this thing to set off a grand fireworks for the guests from OA and give them a little shock."..."(To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Isn’t this considered recycling?

Batman and Red Hood said nothing, they acquiesced to this plan.

Everyone has double standards. If they were facing alien invaders, the two of them would not talk about human life or humanity at all.

The plastic man also understood their thoughts at this time, and his mouth gradually opened wide, like the mouth of a sack.

"In order to ensure the success of this plan, we need the ability of Deathstorm and a suitable venue…"

"How about the moon?"Red Hood said.

Plastic Man looked at him with horror. This guy actually wanted to blow up the moon!

That's the moon!

Batman thought about it seriously, shook his head and said,"No, the moon is very important to the ecology of the earth. , can't give up easily."

The plastic man is going numb. Even if it's not important, it's still the moon!

Dane has an idea:"Actually, according to you, every planet in the solar system is important and cannot be given up easily."

The plastic man nodded. He didn't want to look up at the sky one day and find that one of the stars was gone.

But Dane then said:"Why don't we enlarge the layout a little bit? Why do we have to wait for the OA people to come?"

Batman and the Red Hood knew each other, and they said at the same time:"`.OA!"

That's right, as long as the quantum true bomb is installed on the OA, with a"Bong" sound, the entire planet will turn into nothingness along with the power rings.

It’s just...isn’t this really a massacre?

Plastic people's scalps are numb, these people are so evil!

Sure enough, the rumors are right, Shazam and Batman are people who must not be messed with in the main team!

"We should detect the OA first to make sure there are no civilians or innocent people up there."

Batman's words sounded calm, but revealed a kind of ruthlessness.

Dane nodded:"I will ask Sinestro to confirm this matter..."

At this time, Deathstorm woke up from a coma, and he had just regained his vision. , he suddenly became nervous when he saw a few people in front of him.

"Don't be nervous, Deathstorm, we are the Justice League, and we have a new job here that I want to introduce to you.…"


On the other side, Waller, who safely escorted the Martians to the special prison, breathed a sigh of relief.

The Eigen Field Generator was provided to them by Batman. It can ensure that the Martian will not suddenly enter the void and escape. However, in addition to the void, this Martian also has other superpowers.

Waller blindfolded his eyes, restrained his hands, and placed special sound wave equipment around the prison to interfere with the Martian's psychic abilities.

"Do you think this can lock me up?"

Just when Waller was about to turn around and leave, Martian suddenly spoke.

Waller turned his head and looked at Martian, who was imprisoned all over.

"These are useless to me."The Martian broke away with both hands, and the super alloy restraint on his wrist was torn open.

Waller's expression changed. This restraint was made of their strongest alloy at present. He didn't expect it to be broken free so easily.

"Amanda Waller, you may have some misunderstandings about me."

The Martian continued to wear the blindfold, but looked at Waller as if without any hindrance.

"Although I never said it, I have the same power as Speedmaster. You want to trap me with these toys?"(Okay)

He sneered:"What you think is too naive."

Although Waller was not shocked, she was also someone who had experienced big scenes and had already mastered the skill of keeping her emotions and anger hidden.

So after listening to Martian's words, she just said lightly:"In that case, why don't you open it? What if you come out of that door and kill us all?"

Although Martian's words were arrogant, he never stepped out of the door, as if he was afraid of something.

When Martian heard this, his face instantly darkened.

Waller seemed to suddenly think of something funny, and he laughed softly.

"what are you laughing at?"Martian frowned.

Waller said calmly:"I'm thinking, since you have the ability to come out, but you can't come out, the only reason is that you don't dare! You are afraid!"

Waller saw that Martian's arrogance was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he became more confident.

"Yes, that's right, you are afraid. When you were in Syndicate, you didn't dare to resist Superpower. Here, you don't dare to resist the Orthodox Alliance.

Because you know that once you do something rash, the Justice League will come out again..."

At this point, Waller smiled again.

"I heard that Shazam, the leader of the Justice League, has killed Shazam and captured Superboy. He must not only be powerful, but also not shy about killing people."

"Tell me, if you escape from prison and are caught again, will he spare your life?"

The Martian grabbed the prison's super-alloy steel door with both hands. The alloy door deformed visibly to the naked eye, as if it would be torn open the next moment.

Waller's heart skipped a beat, feeling a little uneasy.

But fortunately, in Before the door was completely damaged, the Martian stopped. He walked into the prison and sat on the only bed.

A long voice came from it:

"Don't easily anger an enemy you can't afford, young human."

"You can't afford any mistakes!".

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