After walking out of the special prison, the expression on Waller's face disappeared, leaving only her tightly knitted brows still telling her unsettled heart.

Although the provocation of the Martian is only a small thing, it reflects a problem.

That is, relying on their own capabilities, the United States cannot properly deal with these damn superpowers, nor can it produce any effective deterrent force against them.

Could they only agree to the Justice League's request and hand over the Syndicate's criminals to their custody?

Although the United States here seems to be miserably bullied by the Syndicate, in fact that is because the people here have a very weak concept of home and country.

When Night Owl caused trouble in Gotham, the first reaction of the families behind the scenes who controlled the city was not to expel or kill him, but to use Night Owl's existence to make profits for themselves.

When the Court of Owls was first established, it was not only beneficial to the Night Owls, but was also secretly beneficial to the expansion of the power of several other families.

But when Ye Xiao gradually showed a tougher attitude, those families gradually became dissatisfied with Ye Xiao's actions.

They want the Night Owl to be their sword, not their"master."

At that time, Night Owl, as Thomas Wayne, saw this clearly and killed these hyenas hard before they surrendered.

But dissatisfaction has long been built up.

After Batman arrived in Gotham, those originally suppressed conflicts suddenly broke out.

To those capitalists, Night Owl is a lunatic, and Batman is also a lunatic, but at least Batman is not a lunatic who kills people casually, and he does not seem to have any intention of ruling Gotham.

So they decisively abandoned Night Owl and chose to support Batman.

Before the Joker Gang returned to the spotlight in Gotham City, it was these people who secretly contacted Batman and provided the Joker Gang with weapons and equipment.

There's no way he can bring in the arms that Night Owl wants, right?

So as long as one of the steps in the transaction process is handed over to someone else, that person may betray him and turn to the clown gang to secretly commit suicide.

There has never been any loyalty in Gotham, and this principle has spread to the entire country, even the entire human society, and the entire world.

For the real ruling class in the United States, that is, the giant capital, the Syndicate is an enlarged version of"Night Owl", and the Justice League is"Batman".

They were originally unable to deal with the Syndicate. In addition to fearing unlimited revenge from the superhumans of the Syndicate, the more important reason was that with the Syndicate creating fear in front of them, the people would forget their exploitation of the world.

This is also the reason why, in a world where"good cannot prevail over evil," a loosely organized country like the United States has not yet disintegrated.

On the one hand, the Syndicate is creating terror, and on the other hand, it is also gathering the hearts and minds of the citizens of all countries, focusing their attention on superhuman beings, while ignoring the real behind-the-scenes operators hidden behind this world.

Rose would not understand this. She just followed her own pure thoughts, thinking that as long as the Syndicate disappeared, this country and the world would naturally become a better place.

When Dane was in contact with this little girl, he somehow remembered Diana.

During the First World War, she must have had such a naive idea, thinking that as long as Ares was eliminated, peace would be restored to mankind naturally.

As everyone knows, it is never a certain person or organization that hinders peace, but the human nature hidden in everyone's heart and everywhere.

Waller now worries that if they insist on retaining the Syndicate's criminals, they may not only offend the Justice League.

Even if Zhenglian really retreats, those syndicate members who cannot be imprisoned will definitely escape from prison and then intensify their efforts to poison the world.

She has a headache now. On the one hand, she doesn't want things to evolve to that point. On the other hand, she doesn't want to hand over the Syndicate to the Justice League.

She felt her heart bleed when she thought that so many superhumans would be given to Zhenglian.

Even if you stay here and do human experiments for them, that would be great!


Just as Amanda Waller was worrying about the future of the United States, the country's president, Mr. Slade Joseph Wilson, also came to a prison for super criminals.

It was a super prison with higher defense specifications than the Martian prison. Not only did it use the strongest metal in the world, it also installed solar lights everywhere around the room to ensure that this place is accessible 24 hours a day, 360 degrees. Under the sun's rays.

In the prison, which was as bright as day, a man huddled in the center.

He heard the sound and tried to raise his eyelids. The eyelids were bloodshot and made people shudder.

After just one glance at him, he closed his eyes tightly, as if he would be burned by the ubiquitous sunlight if he looked for a second longer.

"So it's you, Slade, are you here to taunt me?"

It can be heard that Speedmaster is trying hard to maintain his demeanor, but his increasingly withered body has already revealed his strong-willed nature.

Wilson strode forward, and Kong Wu's powerful hands instantly grabbed Speedmaster from the ground. Let him face the surrounding sun lamps.

Speedmaster let out a terrifying scream

"No--! let me go!"He put his arms in front of his eyes, trying to block the ubiquitous sunlight, but in vain.

"Yes, enjoy them…I got them just for you! Wilson had a ferocious expression on his face.

Behind him, the bodyguards quietly closed the prison door for him, leaving him a private space.

"Now is the happy time for you and me. Do you remember this eye of mine?"

Wilson moved his face, as if to look at him with his blind eye.

"This is the mark you left on me. I will always remember it, you MotherFucker!"

As he spoke, Wilson swung his right hook concisely and powerfully, hitting Speedmaster's jaw with one punch, knocking him out of his mind.

Sunshine is to Speedmaster what kryptonite is to Superman. Not only will it cause him extreme pain, but it will also It will weaken his ability.

But the sunlight lamp here is not a real yellow sun after all, so it only greatly weakens Speedmaster's ability, but does not completely deprive him of his superpowers.

Even so, Speedmaster was knocked down by Wilson with a few punches On the ground, during the beating process, Speedmaster covered his face the whole time, not wanting to see any sunlight.

And he felt the pain from his body after a long absence.

It has been more than twenty years since he landed on the earth from Krypton. , he has almost forgotten what pain feels like, and has almost forgotten how painful the sun is.

At this time, the biggest thought in his heart is to escape from this hell, and then kill Wilson!

But it is not possible yet, he still has Without this ability, at least until the man who took away Zansha's power disappears, he must endure it.

Wilson is just an ordinary person, even if he is well-trained.

Therefore, when he reaches the tenth minute, he already has some physical strength It's gone.

And he can clearly feel that Superpower's physical strength is still very high. At least it's easy for his fists to hurt the opponent, but it's still a little short of breaking the defense.

"You'll enjoy this, Kal-El."This is the Speedmaster's real name," Wilson panted.

"I will come to you often to talk about old times in the future, and today is just the beginning..."

After venting, Wilson picked up the suit jacket he had just thrown away and walked out of the prison door.

Behind him, Speedmaster slowly opened his eyes, eyes filled with , there seemed to be a little bit of red shimmering, making his ferocious face look like a devil from hell.

After walking out of the prison door, Wilson shook off his blood-stained hands. They were not the Speedmaster's, but his own.

In boxing, the Speedmaster During the process, the skin on his proximal phalanx had been broken, and he even felt some slight bone cracks inside.

Although the Super Power's ability was reduced, it was still stronger than ordinary people like him.

He beat Super Speed ​​for a long time, and the opponent had the most There was a dull pain, but he had broken a bone. Superpowers were completely unreasonable.

But Wilson didn't care. He beat Speedmaster not just to get revenge on him, but also for some other purposes.

"Was it photographed?"He asked the staff around him

"It was photographed, very clear, and Speedmaster’s face was also photographed."

"very good."Wilson nodded.

Although the syndicate giants have been arrested, and other members are probably doomed, for Wilson, the matter is far from over, but has just begun. Although

Wilson has been re-elected for the second term and is in his seventh year, President (abeg), but he does not want to hand over power yet.

Ross has previously questioned what will happen even if Wilson establishes weapons deterrence. He will eventually step down, and the next president may not have direct syndicate control. Courage.

SheOf course Wilson had thought about this concern, but what Ross didn't know was that Wilson already had a solution.

Since resigning would lead to a high probability of failure of weapons deterrence, wouldn't it be better not to resign?

As long as Wilson remains president, he can continue to intimidate the Syndicate and at the same time... maintain power over the United States!

This is the real reason why Wilson implemented the quantum bomb plan. Sanctioning the Syndicate is not his real purpose. He wants to use this to establish a balanced structure so that he can share the power of the Syndicate without having to bear their infamy.

It's a pity that he was tricked by Ye Xiao. This man probably knew his ambition from the beginning, so he put this plan in front of him.

Cunning Gotham bastard!

Wilson looked gloomy.

A man with his physical flaws should not have been the president of this country.

It was special times and special circumstances that pushed him to this position. Just because he was once a soldier, and just because he had faced a superpower, he was trusted by the people.

They believed that a tough guy like Wilson could limit the syndicate's behavior and bring some new changes to the country.

At first, he just wanted to accomplish something, but the humiliation of Speedmaster made him wake up. It was just a dream.

And power corrodes people's hearts, and Wilson is no exception. After he was re-elected as president, he suddenly felt, why didn't he find a way to keep this position and sit in it longer?

At this moment, the evil plan was pushed to him.

That damn night owl had really damn accurate vision, and Wilson could see the prospect of this plan at a glance.

Once successful, he will become a hero of the United States, and perhaps the first lifelong president of the United States in two hundred years!

Unfortunately, it was all ruined.

But it didn't matter, Wilson quickly adjusted his mentality.

Even if his plan to become a lifelong president is shattered, he may still be re-elected for another term based on his achievements and reputation in destroying the Syndicate.

The Constitution of the United States stipulates that no one can serve as president more than twice. The only exception was Roosevelt, but his situation was special because he encountered World War II at the time.

In order to cope with the unpredictable world situation and maintain the stability of the regime, Roosevelt made an exception and was re-elected for four terms as president, and did not leave office until he died of illness.

Once some rules are broken, loopholes can easily develop and be broken more often.

Although the Constitution appears to be an unchangeable final law, in practice it is not.

Let’s take the example of Roosevelt’s administration. Wasn’t the Prohibition Law, the Constitution, revised?

As long as he could stay in this position, Wilson believed that with his own skills, he could also amend the Constitution that the president could only be re-elected once.

As for the elections in the United States, the whole world knows that they are political catwalks. Since it is a catwalk, we must make projects that meet the public's greatest expectations.

What are people paying most attention to right now? What to expect? Of course it is the destruction of the Syndicate, and it can only be the destruction of the Syndicate!

So what could be more exciting and more personal than the President beating up the Syndicate's most powerful villain?

Wilson believes that as long as the video of him beating the Speedmaster is released today, people across the country and even the world will love him to death.

He is determined to be the next president!

In the next period of time, everyone in the Justice League was very busy. They were all over the world catching super criminals who were escaping or doing evil while the giants were away.

Without the leadership of the giants, the remaining superhuman beings are simply a mess.

Everyone in the Justice League worked together with the military to fight in a coordinated manner and captured those who slipped through the net and put them in prison one by one.

And Sea Overlord, the"only remaining" giant of the Syndicate, this unlucky guy, when he was equipped with a prosthetic eye and returned to the earthly world without knowing anything, he bumped into Dane's field of vision. (If you want to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Dane was looking for something in Khandakli in this world.

He came to find the Rock of Eternity, but it was a pity that no intelligent city spirit was born in Khandak in this world.

He also wanted to see if there were any historical records about demons in this place. He wanted to try to enter the hell of this world.

It's a pity that he searched for many days and never found any records in this regard.

There is no wizard's council, no Shabak crown, and no Black Adam's seal.

The veins of eternal metal are still there, but for another world, the eternal metal here is antimatter, and the magical properties are probably very different.

Hmm... It's worth studying carefully.

Khandak is very close to the sea where Sea Overlord is hiding, so when Sea Overlord landed in this city, Dane had already felt and seen him.

"Oh, it's this guy."Dane suddenly realized, no wonder he always felt as if he had forgotten something.

The Sea Overlord seemed to have fully recovered his strength. He was standing on the beach of Khandak, with a large metal claw made of Poseidon steel in his left hand and gold in his right hand. Trident, the left eye is a prosthetic eye made of silver unknown alloy.

Although it looks very damaged in battle, it has a majestic aura.

The Sea Overlord is full of pride:"Zansha, just wait, I will definitely seek revenge on you.!"

"Sea Overlord?"

There was a sudden voice behind him. Haiba Wang quickly turned around and found that it was someone he didn't recognize at all.

"Who are you..."

Dane thought, since he has met them all, let's take them back with him.

So he disappeared in front of Sea Overlord in an instant, just when Sea Overlord just raised his alert.

"With a loud bang, Dane's right hand knocked the Sea Overlord into the depths of the beach, and a small piece of the beach disappeared in an instant. The Sea Overlord, with his skull shattered, was lying in the pit not knowing whether he was alive or dead...

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