Dane temporarily ended his trip to Kandak. It seems that Kandak in this world is different from the material world and has not developed any dazzling magical civilization.

He returned to Alcatraz Island with Sea Overlord, who had turned into a dead dog. Sea Overlord was defeated by him, and his things naturally became Dane's trophies.

The golden trident of the King of the Sea is slightly different from the one of the King of the Sea, but it is also a rare artifact. Like the Trident of the King of the Sea, it has the ability to control the sea and maritime climate, and it can also give orders. sea ​​life.

Dane thought that he could take this artifact back and give it to Mera as a souvenir. It should also help her better develop her water control ability.

As soon as he landed outside the palace on Alcatraz Island, a group of female warriors came up and saluted.

Dane threw Sea Overlord directly to the ground and ordered them:"Put this guy in a cell. Remember, put him in the strongest prison and stay away from water, especially sea water." Although

Sea Overlord Suck, but that's justFor other syndicate giants.

In front of most of the Amazons on Alcatraz Island, he can still show off his authority.

Due to Diana's rectification, the atmosphere on Alcatraz Island is now much better than when they first arrived.

However, these women are all"old people" who have lived for hundreds or thousands of years. It is not easy to change some ideas and concepts. Those murderous intentions are only buried deep in their hearts, but they have not been extinguished.

Dane thinks it's good. Love and peace are necessary, but violence and edge are also necessary.

There is no need to force the Amazons of the two worlds to be consistent and respect cultural diversity.

Diana and Zatanna are catching super criminals all over the world. They have been very busy recently. The super queen is also choosing her favorite opponents and having fun killing them.

She seemed to have forgotten Dane's instructions. Dane had received complaints from Rose more than once, complaining that every time the Super Queen's opponents were either dead or seriously disabled, they were as good as dead.

But Dane didn't say anything. He heard that the people liked it.

Ross and President Wilson have been in the limelight recently. After all, the Syndicate was arrested under their"presidency". This will become a very significant political achievement since President Wilson took office, and can be called"unprecedented."

But Dane was a little playful. Speaking of this matter, Rose was actually far more proactive than Wilson.

But in terms of public opinion and publicity, Wilson's reputation is even better.

The reason lies in that video. The video of President Wilson beating up the Speedmaster was just as he and his staff expected. It only aroused crazy likes from people across the country within 24 hours of being online.

This is an election year, and President Wilson is no longer eligible for re-election. This is his second re-election.

But no one seems to realize this. Not only is his name on the presidential campaign list and voting data, but Wilson is also far ahead in the number of votes.

But the second place in the vote was unexpected. It was not those old politicians or popular candidates, but Ross Wilson, the very young first daughter who was not even thirty years old.

Although the United States has always promoted how liberal its ideas are, in fact we all know that they also tend to be conservative on many things.

For example, the candidate for president is always a man, and those who successfully run for president are always no less than forty years old.

And Rose? Not only is she a woman, but she is less than thirty years old. If she can be successfully elected, the world will go crazy.

The reason why this happens is that the election campaign of the United States is just like this, and it is not much different from a celebrity show in nature.

At least Rose comes from a political family, and she is still a qualified politician.

In a country where even hip-hop rappers can run for president, Ross is at least more reliable than that kind of person.

Imagine that the President of the United States is speaking in the press office, and he raps before starting the main topic. That scene is very touching just thinking about it.

But Dane thought that in the real world, a comedian could rely on the popularity accumulated in a TV series to gain support and eventually become the president of a certain country. He felt that this magical scene was not necessarily absolutely impossible.

In this magical land, anything can happen, right?

While thinking in his mind, Dane walked into the Volcano Palace, the palace of Hephaestus.

As soon as he walked in here, he heard the huge sound of blacksmithing coming from deep, and the craftsman god was working.

When he came back last time, he gave the N genus on his body to Hephaestus and asked him to help reprocess it.

Hephaestus almost stared out of his eyes when he saw these black armors for the first time.

Even though he has lived for such a long time, Hephaestus has actually only seen N metal a handful of times, let alone such pure N metal.

But after the shock, he immediately put on a very disgusted expression.

"You turned such a good material into such a pile of rags in such a crude manner!"

Dane was speechless. It wasn't him who did this.

"You said that you know how to process these N metals. Are you bragging to me?"He deliberately provoked the God of Craftsman. What

Hephaestus was most proud of in his life was his pair of ingenious hands, so he was really provoked and beat his chest with his big hands.

"Who do you think I am? Athena's weapons were all made by me! If Ares hadn't used his godhead to cheat, he wouldn't have been able to defeat Athena. This is all because the weapons I made are the strongest!"

Back to the present, Dane was spotted by Hephaestus as soon as he appeared in the studio.

He said in a rough voice:"You should know that N metal cannot be processed so fast!"

"I know. Dane nodded,"I'm here to get another thing.""

Hephaestus then remembered that Dane seemed to have entrusted him with another job.

So he rummaged through the workbench behind him and finally took out an artifact.

That was Dane's previous work. The weapon entrusted to him was reforged from the battle ax of Ares, the god of war, a half-human-high warhammer.

This weapon was also not used by Dane himself. It was something he wanted to give to his other girlfriend. Li's, that little psycho needs something stronger.

He has already heard her complaining that the metal hammer on hand has been a bit awkward recently, and her strength has grown to an inhuman level.

Pure strange strength He can even fight with heroes like Neptune on land... No way, the King of the Seven Seas who relies more on ocean buffs is so Suck

"I have reforged this weapon according to your request... Actually, I don't quite understand, I think it is still more lethal as before..."

Hephaestus couldn't help but think to himself, after all, the God of War's Ax was also his. To ask him to recast his work is like denying his previous design.

"Most of the divine power above has been consumed due to recasting, and you need to bless it again. Dane understood. He raised his war hammer and raised it high to the sky....Flower board.

Hephaestus's face changed, and he just blurted out:"Wait, don't do it here…"

""Boom!" With a loud noise, a thick beam of lightning penetrated the palace and struck on the war hammer, making the magic weapon instantly become divine.

Dane nodded with satisfaction, so that the war hammer became his Divine power can also provide Harley with some additional protection.

"Look what you have done!"

Hephaestus looked at the big hole in the ceiling and the blue sky outside the hole, and became furious.

Dane looked up and said,"I will compensate you... I will ask the Amazons to help you repair it."

"Don't even think about letting those crappy masons touch my house! Hephaestus cursed, climbed up to the roof with his tools, and started repairing.

Dane saw that he ignored him, so he had to turn around on the workbench and found that those N-genus now It is still in a molten state. He has recently had some new ideas about the design of N metal, and he originally wanted to communicate with Hephaestus.

Now that he is busy, he can only put a note with his request on his Next to the workbench, he turned and left here.

It is said that he has been searching in this world for a long time, but he has never found any news about hell.

He came to this world for two private purposes. One is to find the pure N in this world.

According to According to the original setting, N, the ninth metal, originated from the dark multiverse, so it is not affected by any world laws.

Therefore, whether in the positive matter universe or the antimatter universe, the basic properties of N will not change.

Of course, Depending on the purity, the strength and abilities displayed by the N-type in each world are also different.

Dane sometimes suspects that this may be one of the reasons why Dr. Destiny's strength varies.

In addition to the Lord of Order giving Naboo The divine power of N metal itself is also a very important component. The higher the purity, the stronger the ability.

Dane has never seen absolutely pure N metal, so he cannot judge the purity of the N metal he obtained.

But these are not worthy of his too much attention for the time being, and Dane returned to the Amazon Palace City.

As a historical site with a long history, Alcatraz Island also has its own library, but according to Hippolyta, there has been no one in that place for a long time. Used.

Indeed, we cannot expect these female barbarians here who only want to fight and kill to know the importance of knowledge. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Please take me there."Dane wants to check the ancient books and see if there is a way to hell in the documents here.

0 Asking for flowers.

He is very sure that there is hell here, but he always can't get in.

Hippoly Te brought him to the Amazonian library, which was a very magnificent building with a style like a parliament house and very solemn. There were many deeds of Greek gods and legends of heroes carved on the building.

"This is the library, but I want to remind you that according to the young warriors, this place is a bit strange, so you'd better be mentally prepared."

Hippolyta's words made him feel a little strange, but he put it aside for the time being, and used both hands to slowly push open the stone door weighing dozens of tons.

It seems that the Amazons on Alcatraz Island really don't like reading. The collection of books was starting to collect dust.

Dane thought there was no one here, but he was wrong.

"who is it?"

Dane heard someone talking, but he didn't see anyone.

"A man? The voice sounded like a woman,"How incredible that Alcatraz would allow a living man to land!""

Dane immediately realized that this was an invisible person, and he immediately activated all his visual superpowers. The power of Zansha absorbed many superpowers. In the visual system alone, there are microscopic, super farsighted, Perspective, infrared, ultraviolet, abnormal electromagnetic waves and other fields of view.

If these fields of view are opened daily, the world in Dane's eyes will become indescribable, extremely weird, and make people crazy. He grew up in a life of ignorance. People, it is best not to face the true face of the world easily, it will be really weird.

Dane switched several fields of view in succession, and finally after turning on the electromagnetic wave field of view, he discovered a shadow inside the library

"He looked like he was looking for something, and he seemed to have found it. What was it?"

The female voice seemed to be explaining from the perspective of a third person, but when she found Dane's eyes on her, she seemed to be stunned.

"impossible? Can he see me?"

"Yes, I can see you."

Dane also noticed at this moment that the person in front of him was not hiding, but because she had no body at all, she was a soul.

The souls in the two worlds were slightly different, which made him unable to react for a moment..

He closed his eyes and opened them again. They had turned into the eyes of the God of Death. The black sclera gave people a strong sense of oppression.

Under the eyes of the God of Death, he could see the woman's soul clearly.

This was a person who was captured. A woman covered by a black robe, her purple-red hair is very eye-catching, and her face is of an alluring beauty, almost on par with Diana.

Dane feels that she is somewhat similar to the French actress Eva Green. They all have an exotic aura that can't be described, but can be strongly felt.

Just looking at her at the first glance, Dane knew that this woman was a witch. The temperament of a female scholar who pursues mysterious power cannot be hidden. Zatanna So does Joan and the Witch

"A witch?"

"You can actually see me!"The woman's soul was shocked, but then she floated over excitedly and circled around Dane's body.

"In the past thousand years, you are the only one who can see me!"

Dane looked around and felt a little strange. He has been locked up in this place for thousands of years, but he is not crazy?

He introduced himself to this witch soul:"Hello, madam, you can call me Shazam, please. who are you?"

"Is your name Shazam? It doesn't sound like a name. My name is Circe. Have you heard of that name?"

If I hadn't read comics for a few years, I really wouldn't know.

Circe? Isn't this one of Wonder Woman's classic villains?

In the normal version, she is a witch who is good at black magic, and may It is very powerful to control the power of Si Ye and the goddess Hecate of the underworld. This goddess controls magic and is the source of magical power.

"Circe? Why are you here?"

Cersey showed a frustrated expression, completely different from Dane's impression of the witch who toyed with humans and gained notoriety.

"Because of the war between the gods, I was murdered by someone... or a god."

What makes her depressed is that she died so quickly, and she doesn't even know who did it.

But she is also a witch after all, and she has been transformed by some of Hecate's divine power, and is no longer human in essence. Instead, she was the chosen one by God, immortal and immortal.

Therefore, although her body was destroyed, her soul continued to exist in the world in another form.

But Hera did not know what psychology she had in mind. When the Super Queen threw it to Hippolyta, she conveniently trapped Circe's soul in this library.

Although she likes reading, it doesn't mean she is willing to stay here for thousands of years!

Isn't this just imprisonment? B?.

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