After hearing what Circe said, Dane suddenly understood what Hippolyta just said.

"If you stay here alone, no one else will know? Circe

's expression became even more depressed:"Mortals can't see my soul. I've obviously tried very hard to remind them."…"

"I'll interrupt. Dane almost thought he heard wrongly,"You said you warned them?" How was it prompted?"

Cersei raised her hand, and Dane felt a wave of magic power. It was really magical. There was a wave of magic power when she cast a spell, but her soul was completely imperceptible.

In other words, the power to maintain the existence of her soul did not Isn't it magic?

Circe seemed to have activated some spell, and the books on the surrounding bookshelves flew up and floated in the air.

"Is this how you remind them?"

"Yes, what's wrong? Circe wondered.

No wonder Hippolyta said this place was a bit strange. If he hadn't been able to see Circe, any human with naked eyes would not just find it strange, but also feel something evil.

"I think there may be something wrong with your method..." Dane thought this witch was a little cute in her stupidity.

"I just heard you talking to yourself, why did you do that? Circe was a little shy. She was embarrassed to have those words heard by outsiders. She explained:"I have been here alone for too long. If I don't find a chance to talk, I'm afraid I will lose my language skills.""

Although there has been a qualitative change in essence, Circe was once a human being after all. Her language function may be lost if she does not practice it regularly.

But no one has been here for a long time. Dane guessed that she has more time She should stay here to study, and in this way maintain the language function and thinking ability of"593".

It can be seen that Circe is very happy, she keeps walking around Dane, looking at every inch of his body corner

"You have a strong physique. She praised,"And you have a power that I can't understand, which is very similar to divine power.""

That is the power formed by the fusion of the power of Shazam and the power of Shazam, and also contains some other super powers.

"But your powers are very complicated, won’t they conflict with each other?"Cersey seemed to be very interested.

Her illusory palms passed over Dane's body surface, and it looked like she was stroking, but Dane didn't feel anything.

"You need to streamline your power more. Too many attribute powers pile up together, making them like a powder keg."

Dane also noticed this problem, but he is not in a hurry to deal with them. This is the risk that must be taken to obtain this power.

He needs some time to sort out what abilities the power of Zansha has. This will not happen overnight. The work that can be done.

So Dane changed the subject:"Cercy, you have been here for so long, you must have read all the books here, right? Circe flew into the air, and the floating books flew with her body.

She said proudly:"Of course, how long do you think I have been here?" I have read all the books here, all of them!"

That was just right, and it saved Dane from having to read through each book. He asked directly:"Then do you know how to go to hell?"

"hell? Circe frowned,"Who would go to that kind of place specifically?""

"I have something to go to. This embarrassed Circe, but she still said kindly:"That is the source of all evil, and it is also a place where demons are rampant. Once you go down, it will be difficult to come back..."

She was quite kind, but Dane Very insistent, Circe could only move one of the books on the bookshelf in front of her. With a thought, the book automatically turned the page and came to one of the pages.

"There is a spell recorded here, which can take you to the hell dimension, but this ritual requires you to commit murder... This is too terrible..."

Dane came to her, took the book in his hand, and looked at the details in it carefully. One page.

It records that going to hell requires not only a special spell, but also a special secret ceremony. The caster needs to sacrifice a living life, preferably a human life.

If it is a priest, The success rate is even higher. If this person has committed a heinous crime, the spell will almost certainly succeed. And these conditions can actually be met at once.

In the name of God, there are not too many people who behave like animals. They Some people even founded a country.

Dane thought to himself, let alone just one life, he felt that even if the secret ritual wanted him to sacrifice an entire country, he could get the conditions.

"These conditions are actually not difficult to achieve."Dane closed the book.

It's just that he needs to study this spell again. This secret ritual with so many requirements must have come from hell.

I don't know which demon is teasing Mengzi with nothing to do. Who is stupid? Don't be surprised if you follow the conditions and get swallowed up by the demon waiting on the other side. This is all routine operations.

"Are you...are you really going to do this?" Circe looked worried.

"I will find a sinner to experiment on."When Dane saw her staring at him, he had to explain.

After all, she had helped him.

"Can you please stop killing people? I can find a way to help you. There is no need to sacrifice a life..."

Dane was in a daze. Circe looked like a witch like Eva Green, but she said words like a virgin. This feeling of contrast Too strong.

Could it be that things must be reversed when they go to extremes? In this world where evil is more evil than evil, such a white lotus can be born!

Dane finally knows how she sent it before. I'm afraid she didn't resist or be vigilant at all. He was killed.

On the battlefield of the gods, if you are not clever, you are seeking death.

At this time, he suddenly thought that if the earth in the golden age was still a world where good and evil were equally divided, then Circe might symbolize one of the beautiful qualities..

In sharp contrast to Circe in the original setting, Hera may not be sealing her. On the contrary, she is probably protecting her.

Protecting her kindness from the pollution of the world

"Circe, you don't even have a body now, and you can't even get out of this library. How can you help me?

Circe said quickly:"I know a lot of magic, and Hecate taught me a lot of knowledge!""

Dane narrowed his eyes, so it is very likely that she has received Hecate's blessing and possesses part of her divine power. Even if she does not necessarily become a black witch like in the original book, she must also know a lot of ancient magic..

The most important thing is that her magic comes from this world and will be closer to the origin of this world than Dane's magical power.

Originally Dane was going to find a cathedral in places like Rome or the Vatican. , he believed that there were many priests in those places who liked little boys. How many sacrifices were there?

But since Circe was willing to volunteer, he was also willing to give her a chance.

"Since you have said so, I can promise you, but before that, you must be able to leave this place..."

Dane used the power given to him by"Death" for the first time in a long time. The power of Death does not seem to be very useful here. Luther's soul slipped away last time.

Only the gift of life from death was as effective as ever. He directly removed the power of Hercules deeply rooted in Circe's soul, allowing her to walk out of this world. The library.

Circe felt a lightness on her body and cautiously reached out of the library. She found that she was finally free.

Under the sun, her face smiled like a flower, and her body was penetrated by the sun, looming like a An illusory dream.

This reminded Dane of Venus de Milo in"Paris".

Circe turned her head and showed a pure smile:"Thank you…"


At the same time, other members of Zhenglian were busy.

When Vixen and Dr. Light were chasing the Syndicate, they happened to run into their peers.

The vixen's counterpart is also a Zambian, calling herself Fox Lady, and she also has the abilities of animals.

But unlike the vixen, the fox girl's ability is to transform into various animals instead of just using the power of those animals.

Therefore, when the vixen saw that the other party could directly transform into a lion, she couldn't help complaining:"I said, where did you hide the clothes?"

This transformation of yours is not rigorous! Why does he look like a plastic man?

The vixen still hasn't figured out how the plastic man's clothes and glasses deformed simultaneously with him.

She had a guess that she was embarrassed to say. Could it be that the plastic man's clothes and sunglasses had changed from certain parts of his body? He wasn't wearing any at all?


Kimiyo met her counterpart, a woman who called herself a light girl. Like her, she had the power to manipulate light energy, and she liked to release laser blasts.

Kimiyo heard the vixen's complaints and turned around and said,"Maybe you can also learn it. Then when you can transform into a mammoth, maybe you will be more powerful?" The fox girl transformed into a mammoth. The mature lion jumped up and pounced directly on the vixen.

The other party seemed to really understand the habits of cats. After knocking down the vixen, she immediately opened her bloody mouth and bit into the vixen's trachea.

But this bite almost broke the fox girl’s teeth0.

"Guess which animal has the toughest skin in the world?"

After the vixen asked the question, she suddenly punched the lioness in the abdomen.

Transforming into an animal means that she will also have the weaknesses of animals.

"I don't know what you think."After the vixen punched her, she kicked off the lioness with her feet.

She stood up gracefully and said to the fox girl:"But for me, being myself is the best.."

Just after she finished speaking, a laser beam flashed past her head and almost opened her mouth.

"Kimiyo! Hearing this

, Kimeiyo took some time out of his busy schedule to look back and said,"I'm sorry, but you also saw that I was busy.""

After that, she closed her hands, and the beam of light was emitted from her palms, exploding around the opponent as if it were a real entity. The palm of her hand was like a grenade that could be fired infinitely, and the explosions made the vixen's scalp feel numb.

The battle between their mages was So simple and unpretentious, both of them were standing still to deal damage, using shields to defend themselves against the opponent's attacks, and guns to shoot at them. Whoever gave in would lose!

In the smoke of gunfire, a poisonous snake suddenly wrapped around the vixen's foot, and she could see it at a glance. She could see that this was the transformation of the fox girl.

She quickly grabbed the poisonous snake in her hand and was about to give her a hard slam.

But the poisonous snake expanded in the blink of an eye and transformed into a huge blue whale, directly pressing the vixen in. underground

"Vixen!"Kimiyo shouted, but his opponent took the opportunity to hit him, and his body flew out.

After a few seconds, when he saw no reaction underneath him, he thought he had crushed his opponent. The fox girl recovered her body and returned to her original form, but there was nothing on the ground. The corpse was only a hole about one meter in diameter.

Just as the fox girl squatted down to check, the ground behind her suddenly exploded, and the vixen jumped out and strangled her opponent naked from behind.

"Become a blue whale, it’s really yours!"

At the critical moment, the vixen used the digging ability of a mole to avoid being crushed by the blue whale and strengthened her physical strength, but she was still disgraced by her opponent, which made her very angry.

However, the vixen Taking advantage of the naked choke, the girl quickly transformed into a squirrel and escaped from her hands. In mid-air, she transformed back into her original form and followed the inertia of her body's flight to kick the vixen on the head.

However, not only did the vixen not escape, , and even took the initiative to bump forward, and the two collided. Nothing happened to the vixen, but the fox girl suffered a lot of pain in her feet. The fox girl used her abilities very well, and she could transform into various shapes at her fingertips.

But the vixen was not bad either. When her opponent makes a move, she also thinks about what ability to use to deal with it, and because she doesn't need to transform, the vixen's ability is more concealed and more confusing.

The fox girl was hurt by a move and was trying to escape temporarily, but how could the vixen let her escape?

She grabbed the fox girl's injured foot and squeezed it with strong wrist force, causing the fox girl to cry out in pain.

The vixen dropped 1.3 again and threw it several meters away. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The fox girl tried to transform again, but the vixen was already riding on her and punched her in the face. The impact of the rhinoceros instantly caused the fox girl to faint.

After finishing off her opponent, the vixen looked up at Kimiyo's battlefield.

In the ruins where Kimiyo fell, Mitsuome was pursuing the victory, but the next moment, white light exploded in the ruins.

Kimiyo's eyes were filled with intense white light, like the second sun on the plains.

All the lasers emitted by the light girl were absorbed into Kimiyo's body, eventually covering her whole body into a fully-enveloped armor of light.

Kimiyo raised her palm, and powerful light energy burst out from her palm, even the surrounding air was burned and distorted by the light.

The light energy she radiated came with strong impact and heat energy, and finally concentrated on the light energy barrier of the light girl, and then exploded. This powerful explosion tore her shield, and the light energy hit the light girl, causing another Second explosion.

Guangnu was stunned on the spot, and her body was thrown high into the air and crashed into a tall building along a parabola.

When Kimiyo returned to the ground, the vixen walked up to her and said with a smile:"I think, I never want to anger you in this life." Kimiyo was a little embarrassed. She was the only one who was extremely angry in that state just now. It only appears under certain circumstances, and she has not used it a few times in total.

"In this way, everything will be over here, right?"

The vixen looked at the already messy streets, and suddenly seemed to remember something.

"You said, we won’t be asked to compensate for these things, right?"

Representative Ji Meimei's expression was subtle. The two looked at each other and looked at each other.

The vixen made up her mind. If Amanda Waller dared to tell her about compensation, she would give her a middle finger!.

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