Of course, Waller cannot ask Vixen and the others to compensate. The United States can be shameless, shameless, and hypocritical.

But in the honeymoon period of cooperation, I will never take advantage of you.

They are so poor now that all they have left is money and a little building damage fee. Who do they look down on?

The damage caused by the battle between Vixen and Kimiyo was actually relatively small. In fact, reports of higher battle damage were sent to her, but Waller handed over all the compensation to the federal government.

It wasn't her money spent anyway.

Diana and others have always fought for wealth. Before they had the ability to dream, Umbrella was responsible for the losses they caused.

After gaining the ability to dream, he started to fight freely and freely during battles, never restraining himself.

Therefore, the Justice League is more accustomed to fighting with all its strength, and the damage caused is naturally very large.

Fortunately, they have a good idea and will pay attention to the lives of civilians during the battle, and have done their best to protect the safety of civilians.

Property safety can only be left to chance. After all, in a battle between superhumans, it is unrealistic to expect no losses at all!

Although the battle damage they caused was great, the results were also very gratifying. More and more Syndicate members were arrested and imprisoned.

President Wilson's approval rating also showed a steady increase as the syndicate members were gradually arrested. The public's attention was still focused on the carnival of syndicate members being arrested and the criminal group being destroyed.

The Congressmen did not go against public opinion at this time, so the more battle losses there were, the faster they signed the bill.

After all, these things are paid for by taxpayers, and they don’t feel bad about it. Why do the gentlemen in Congress feel bad about it? Just spend money and that's it!

Although the Justice League strikes very hard, they are not many in number after all.

The reason why they were able to crush the remaining members of the Syndicate was, to put it bluntly, because they were leaderless and scattered.

But it is obviously impossible for the Justice League to completely capture all these people in a short period of time, after all, they are widely scattered.

And as the crackdown expanded, various social media began to broadcast news that the syndicate was being liquidated.

Therefore, some superhumans have already run away in advance. As the operation continues, the Justice League finds that more and more superhumans choose to avoid them instead of confronting them head-on.

These people are becoming more and more difficult to catch. Some people have even given up their original business areas and fled to unknown places.

Diana was very dissatisfied. She believed that the federal government had released false news about the"Destruction of the Syndicate" in advance, and was actually deliberately helping those remaining people to escape capture by the Zhenglian.

Don't tell me, they really think so!

For the federal government, there is no problem in eradicating the Syndicate, but there is no need to"drive out" all the members of the organization.

Because they actually still have a lot of ideas about superhuman abilities. If the Justice League can hand over all the people they capture to the federal government, they will definitely not make trouble.

But it's a pity that Wilson, the idiot, actually agreed to the agreement to hand over all super-powered criminals.

The people behind the federal government did not dare to provoke the Justice League, so they used this method to let some criminals go. As long as they escaped capture, sooner or later these people would still be the property of the United States.

The Syndicate, which had lost its giant leader, had nothing to fear. They secretly spread the news with this idea in mind.

As for President Wilson, he very much needed this good news to build momentum for his election, so the sooner the news spread, the better. He wholeheartedly supported it.

Therefore, although Wilson and the interest groups behind the federal government had different purposes, they had the same direction. This was also the reason why news about the"Destruction of the Syndicate" spread quickly in the market.

The people understand nothing and only cheer for it.

Only a few people who can think a little will find that not all members of the Syndicate have been arrested, and there are still many people at large. It is obviously inappropriate to disclose the information at this time.

In the White House, Diana angrily asked Ross:"Why did you announce the news so quickly? You will scare away the remaining criminals!"

Ross also understood that this was a bit of a warning, but she could only explain with a headache. Said:"Wonder Woman, we just hope that the people can gain some courage from it. This is to boost their self-confidence..."

Diana said unceremoniously:"You can wait until all syndicates are arrested before announcing the news. , there is no need to do this now!"

Rose was speechless. She was actually very eloquent and could use various words to defend herself, but not now.

She couldn't do this in front of the Justice League, it would damage the trust they had built so hard.

But she couldn't speak out.

Rose actually knew why President Wilson was so eager to release information. Her political sensitivity was not low. Thinking about this year's election, she knew that her father must be taking the opportunity to build momentum for herself.

It is not honorable to ignore the interests of the people for the sake of one's own power, but this is a politician, this is a political creature.

After nearly ten years in politics, Wilson has transformed from the brave fighting hero he was to the shameless politician he is now.

But this kind of political operation certainly cannot be told directly to Wonder Woman. Rose herself feels very ashamed, but she must maintain her father's image and dignity.

In fact, Wilson had known for a long time that Wonder Woman would come to accuse her. He did not dare to face this woman who could tear the Super Queen apart with her own hands, so he ran away before she came.

Diana slapped her hands on Ross's desk. With just a slight force, two palm prints appeared on the solid wood table.

"Ross, tell me honestly, did you order the news to be released?"

Diana is not stupid. Besides, she has been a member of the Justice League for so many years and has received a lot of influence from Dane. She has already developed a pair of sharp eyes.

She is keenly aware that this matter is unusual. Without instructions from the top, public opinion will be like this. Is it about to sweep the country, or even the whole world?

Ross didn't dare to face her aggressive eyes and could only whisper:"Diana, please don't force me anymore. There is a reason for this. Father, he... we have to be like this." Do."

Ross was also very angry at Wilson at first. She and Zhenglian had the same idea of ​​​​eliminating evil.

But Wilson bluntly stated his idea of ​​​​wanting to be re-elected as president for a third term and persuaded Ross with his reasons.

"Did you hear what Zhenglian's Shazam said? They hope to establish a new diplomatic relationship with our world. Rose, facing a force more powerful than the Syndicate, are you safe to hand over this world to a fatuous president? ?"

You must know that there are two people running with him, one is known as the"King of Understanding" and the other is known as the"Sleeping King." The support rate of their two successors is second only to Wilson and Ross.

Although Ross's support rate is higher than The two of them, but she is too young, which is her biggest disadvantage. Even if she is in her thirties, she is only in her twenties, so it is absolutely impossible for her to be elected.

Therefore, if Wilson cannot be re-elected, then The president will definitely be chosen from these two people.

"There is no way either one of them can compete with the Justice League!"

Rose was silent. She suddenly remembered that the Justice League was actually a political organization in another world, so she should imagine how they would get along with the Zhenglian based on international relations. As we all know, when the United States imagines international relations, it is the most important thing to think about. Zero-sum thinking is commonly used, and this world is no exception.

Even a kind-hearted person like Rose habitually adopts this kind of inertial thinking when it comes to political issues.

This is not her fault, after all, she This is the education she received.

Therefore, after thinking for a long time, she acquiesced in Wilson's decision and she will continue to support her father's candidacy for president.

In Ross's view, currently in this country, no one is more suitable to be the president of the United States than Wilson..

In today's world where superpowers are rampant, only Wilson has a strong enough attitude and skill to deal with the relationship between humans and superhumans.

At the same time, no one is more suitable than him to balance the interests of this world and another world.

Pull his thoughts Back, Rose once again strengthened her opinion. She didn't think she was wrong.

"Diana, I am very sorry for the trouble we have caused you, but now that what has happened, it is meaningless to pursue who is at fault. It is better to consider how to deal with the remaining criminals..." Diana said to the girl in front of her. I'm a little disappointed. As expected, all politicians are like this. No matter what their intentions are, when the critical moment comes, they will only make the right decision.A decision that is beneficial to oneself.

Even someone as well-intentioned as Ross Wilson is not immune to this.

Dane and Batman have the right idea. The Justice League must not participate in political decisions, otherwise it will easily deteriorate.

Diana gradually calmed down. She took back her palm, and the two slap marks were clearly visible on the solid wood table.

"Now that you've said that, I guess I don't have anything to say. I just hope you don't regret it."

Diana pointed out:"Originally, due to poor information, these people were just a mess, but that's not necessarily the case now!"


In the heart of Antarctica, there is no scientific research station, only a lonely fortress similar to that in the Arctic.

This is the second syndicate base established by Speedmaster. Those people must have never imagined that at this time, the remaining members of the Syndicate would choose to reunite here.

Since each member was being hunted to varying degrees, it took them a long time to gather enough people for a meeting.

Second-tier super criminals such as Wolf, Breakdancer, Telescopic Man, Observer, Halo, Red Arrow, Canary, Gypsy, etc. who were originally unable to take the top spot are now sitting in the position that only the giants could sit. superior

"Let me tell you, there are too few chairs here."(If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Breakdancer sat on the chair carelessly, with his upper body lying back on the back of the seat, and his legs folded together on the table.

He corresponded to the shock wave of the main world. , capable of firing concussions and shock waves from both hands

"We must find a way, we cannot remain passive like this, otherwise we will all be caught!"

The Observer looks a bit like Starfire in the main world, but her ability is to control the human mind through language.

"Let them come, I can crush them to pieces!"The violent wolf roared, and the sound almost shattered the eardrums of everyone present.

Similar to the violent wolf Rob in the main world, this super villain also has similar abilities to the cosmic bounty hunter, but the intensity is not as good. It’s too far, and my IQ is very low.

Hong Jian took out his ears and said casually:"If you ask me, we should just disband. Anyway, Big.Boss has been arrested. Just a few of us can't win justice at all." alliance."

Red Arrow is the counterpart of Green Arrow. He can't do anything except shoot Arrow 783 accurately, but he is the one who understands the current situation most clearly. He was also the first member of the Syndicate to run away. When Xantha was in the Caribbean He began to consider retirement when there was a mass killing on the coast.

But others did not agree. Halo knocked on the table:"Even if we stop now, they will not let us go. I heard Wilson That bastard has sold us to the Justice League!"

The Syndicate also has a superhuman with similar abilities to Cyborg. He stole this secret from the federal government's system.

After hearing this, everyone immediately started yelling at Wilson. All kinds of obscene words came one after another. After a few minutes, Wilson had already Dozens of generations of female ancestors were greeted.

The noise made Canary's ears hurt. She opened her mouth and screamed, and the huge sound waves instantly suppressed everyone's voices.

The scene fell silent instantly, and everyone's heads were buzzing. There was a loud noise, and it took me a while to recover.

"The most important issue now is not Wilson, but the Justice League! We must find a way to deal with them." Canary said.

Breakdancing was still the same carefree look:"If you ask me, it's definitely not possible for just the few of us. Who of you will obey whom?"

Everyone looked at each other. To be honest, except for the giants, no one here really obeys others.

"So, we need Big.Boss!"

The Gypsy said with a headache:"But the Super Queen has rebelled. She treats us more cruelly than the Justice League. I have never heard of any member of the Justice League killing anyone. Those comrades were basically killed by the Super Queen!"

Telescopic Man suggested at this time:"So, we must rescue the other imprisoned Big.Boss!"

As for who to save?

The giants currently being recorded and imprisoned include Speedmaster, Power Ring, Johnny Quick, Ocean Overlord, and Martian.

Without too much hesitation, everyone chose the strongest one among them, Speedmaster!

"Therefore, our goal is to rescue Speedmaster. How much kryptonite is stored in the base?"

The Gypsy replied:"About 200kg."

"Enough. These kryptonites can restore some power to Speedmaster. What we have to do is to help him get in and turn off the sun lamp."

"Do you know where he is being held? The steel man in charge of hacking technology showed an evil smile:"

Although they didn't say it, thanks to President Wilson, thank him for uploading the video to the Internet, and through data comparison, I have found that place.""

The video of Wilson beating the Speedmaster was filmed in prison, giving him the clues he was looking for

"So this matter is settled, everyone, get ready, let’s go rescue the Speedmaster!".

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