In addition to the gypsies, the other"remnants" of the Syndicate were waiting outside the door.

Hong Jian suddenly felt a little palpitated, and he said to the people around him:"Guys, I feel something is wrong. Is our choice really the right one?"

"Do you want to back down? Breakdancer laughed at him,"At a time like this?""

Before Red Arrow could refute, the metal gate opposite made a heartbreaking noise, which immediately attracted everyone's attention. They turned to look over. The super metal alloy gate bulged from the inside out like it was made of mud. It was being broken through from the inside. A withered hand came out of the twisted steel bulge, and then tore the edges apart. The

Speedmaster, whose muscles had shrunk significantly, walked out of the torn metal opening.

He His appearance was different from what everyone imagined. Not only his appearance, but Hong Jian even felt that something was wrong with Speedmaster's demeanor.

He quietly walked back, preparing to run away.

"I can hear you, I can see you, you better stop, Oliver."

Hongjian stopped, not because he heard Supermaster's words, but because he felt a murderous aura surrounding him.

He raised his head stiffly and found that Supermaster's eyes lit up slightly.

"No, please..."Speedmaster actually wants to kill him!

Hong Jian didn't know what he had done to make the other party want to attack him.

Is it just because of what I said just now?

"I'm sorry, Oliver."Supermaster's tone was unexpectedly gentle, but Hong Jian only felt that his heart was even colder.

"However, the new syndicate does not need ordinary people with no abilities, so..."The crimson color completely occupied Speedmaster's eyes,"I'm very grateful for your efforts today."

Two red rays were emitted, like two cones of light, and the other end enveloped Hong Arrow's whole body. In a split second, Red Arrow Completely erased by heat vision!

Only a dark human-shaped scorch mark was left on the ground.

"I admit that our previous approach may have been a little too gentle."

Everyone had not yet recovered from the shock of Hong Arrow's death. They turned around and saw Speedmaster floating in the sky.

His heat vision was still in the pre-activation state, like a person holding a loaded gun. It's like pointing a gun at them and talking

"From today on, there will be no mercy, we will enslave all mortals and kill all those who oppose us!"

Baolang, as an honest man, was the first to agree.

"I agree! As long as I can crush those little meat bugs at will from now on!"

As an alien, Baolang has no empathy for earthlings at all. He doesn't even think that those humans are on the same level of life as himself. He has long felt that people like Speedmaster who are also from alien civilizations A more cruel rule should be adopted. The rule of the Syndicate in the past was too"weak". He believes that Superpower has finally woken up.

"Great, the first member has already agreed, anyone else?"

Supermaster admires Baolang very much, even though he is a bit stupid, but Supermaster now understands that he would rather have an absolutely loyal fool than a capable traitor.

Sooner or later, he will ravage the Super Queen Bichi to death!

" Under Speedmaster's gaze, other members of the Syndicate had no choice but to agree with his decision.

Besides, if you think about it carefully, the Syndicate has become the evil character it is now. Even if Speedmaster reappears in public, it will probably be very difficult. It is difficult to shock humans as before.

So they may need a bit of fierce material, need to show something more cruel to humans, to scare them so that they can recall the horror of the Syndicate.

Speedmaster nodded with satisfaction. In fact, his current The situation is more dangerous, and this may be the weakest time he has ever been.

In order to subdue these restless guys, he must kill the chicken to scare the monkeys, and first use one person's life to scare these people and make them obey.

And among the superhumans , only Hongjian is the softest persimmon, who can pinch him if not him?

"Very good, I'm glad we can reach a consensus, then, for our new ideals, I feel it is necessary to start from now on, everyone, kill all the ordinary people in this prison!"

This is not difficult for the Syndicate. They have done this before, but they didn't kill them all.

"But we have to hurry now, Green Lantern and The Flash could be here at any moment."

Gypsy said cautiously.

But Speedy just gave her a flat look, and Gypsy didn't dare to speak anymore.

Not only her, but others also knew that this matter was non-negotiable when they saw Speedy's look. , they could only go to work and kill all the living people who could be seen in the prison.

In fact, it didn’t take long. In less than ten minutes, the entire super prison was"cleaned", including the violent ones. The wolf was the happiest, he liked this job very much.

After doing these things, Supermaster left the prison with the remaining remnants of the Syndicate and flew towards the Antarctic base.

He needed to regain his strength as soon as possible, and he had to Think of a way to deal with the man who took away Zazam's power, Shazam of the Justice League!

But the previous battle between Supermaster and the opponent ended too quickly, and he couldn't find any weakness in the opponent.

But he thought, Ye Xiao Xiao should have some ideas, but he doesn't know where the other party is being held now, so he needs to plan carefully.

Covering his body with the cloak, Speedmaster flew to the Antarctic at lightning speed.

The sun was stinging, but it was still with him. Within the scope of tolerance, after this short period of prison life, he can already tolerate this level of sunshine.

"Wilson, our game has just begun, right?"

In Central City, The Flash is now facing a female villain he has never seen before.

"Madam, please just stay there and don't move, okay?"

As the"remnants" expected, the Flash did not use his super speed to subdue the observer immediately, but first used his words to persuade her to surrender, trying to persuade her to surrender.

"You are so cute, my dear."The observer chuckled.

The Flash is probably the easiest superhero to deal with because he has the kindest heart.

"Wait, what did you just call me? You can't say that?"

"Why? Are you afraid that your little girlfriend will find out?"Seeing the Flash's reaction, the observer couldn't help but laugh and tease him.

While talking, the observer walked towards him.

Seeing that the female villain was walking towards him as if no one was around, Barry subconsciously took a step back.

"What are you afraid of?"

Immediately afterwards, the observer's eyes lit up. She stared closely at the Flash's eyes, and her next words brought out her special abilities.

"You don't want to fight, honey, you just want to help me"

"Barry, don't look her in the eyes!"Little Flash noticed something was wrong and immediately reminded him, but it was already too late, and Barry had already met the other person's eyes.

He said in a daze:"I don't want to fight....I just want to help you."

Little Flash quickly began to analyze. Barry seemed to be hypnotized by the other party's superpowers.

It can't be blamed for not discovering it in advance. After all, Little Flash is just an artificial intelligence. Although it won't be tricked, it is impossible. The Unpredictable Seer knows the opponent's abilities in advance.

Moreover, although the observer's ability is completely ineffective against it, it also makes all its detection methods ineffective.

Xiao Shen can only control the suit to create a sound in Barry's ear. There was a huge noise, trying to wake him up in this way.

Barry was briefly awake for a moment, and when he reflected on the situation just now, he couldn't help but complain:"How is this like the Force brainwashing of the Jedi?"

But before he fully woke up, the observer had already put his arms around Barry's neck, leaned into his ear and whispered:"This is not Force brainwashing."

"This is not Force brainwashing..."Barry went into repeater mode again.

Seeing that Barry had a tendency to fall into control again, Flash had no choice but to use a trick. He overstepped his authority and made a phone call.

""Beep" sounded a few times, and the person on the other side connected, it was a nice female voice.

"Hello, this is Iris West."

Barry was frightened and woke up instantly!

"What?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Barry? is it you?"Iris heard Barry's voice.

Everyone in Barry was almost stupid, he is doing business now!

Seeing that the Flash was out of her control again, the observer continued to say in his ear with a bewitching voice:"What? Yes, dear? look at me!"

This voice was not only heard by Barry, but also reached Iris's ears.

Xiao Shen thought silently in his heart:"I m.Sorry Dude..."

Iris seemed to pause for a moment, and then a cold voice came:"Who is that woman? Barry!"

"she...she is..."Barry couldn't explain why for a long time, and he was so anxious that he was sweating profusely.

The mysterious thing is that in this case, no matter what the observer said, Barry couldn't listen. He just explained to Iris that he was not fooling around outside and was really doing business!

But no matter how Iris asked, Barry just couldn't tell where he was or what he was doing.

This is of course, he has always abided by the hero's confidentiality principle.

Iris said angrily:"Then don't ever come back to me!"


When Barry heard the busy signal, he felt as if the sky was falling. He didn't know who thought someone's heart had stopped.

Seeing the Flash standing still, the observers were confused. Did she succeed or not?

She has never encountered such a situation.

Xiao Shen made a suggestion in his suit:"I suggest you deal with the matter at hand first, and then go back and explain it clearly. It might be too late...."

"right! you're right!"When Barry heard this, he felt like he was waking up from a dream.

He stared at the observer, and his eyes suddenly became sharp!

The observer felt something was wrong, and he wanted to speak quickly, but the next second, her mouth didn't know what time it was. A piece of tape was stuck on her body.

Just when she was about to raise her hand to tear it off, she found that her body was also covered with tape. She thought she had seen it wrong and blinked again, but she didn't know why. She entered a prison.

And she was in the prison cell, and the police outside looked at her in confusion. She didn’t know why there was an extra living person here!

But what the observers didn’t know was that behind her On the cement wall, there is also a line of big words written in paint: [Syndicate super villains, leave it to you, The Flash stays!] There is also a thumbs up drawn after the exclamation point.......

And what about The Flash?

With sparks and lightning all the way, he slid to the door of Iris, leaving two dark marks with his feet, and almost toppling the ground. At this time, it was less than five seconds before Iris hung up the phone. bell!

Little Flash was stunned to see it, if it had these organs.

It couldn't help but complain:"Today is the fastest you've ever been!"

During training, if you run faster, you'll die, but why did you break the record so easily this time?

Flash had serious doubts that Barry was acting it out all the time.

Just when Barry was a little nervous and didn't know how to organize his words, the door of Iris' house suddenly opened.

Iris was almost startled when she opened the door. She was a little strange when she saw that it was Barry. She had just hung up the phone!

But she turned her head slightly and saw two new black shoe marks on the ground behind Barry. Her eyes flashed, and she didn't know what she was thinking of.

"Iris, me..."Barry is so anxious!

He hasn't come up with an excuse yet!

But Iris suddenly said:"So you were kidding me just now?"

Barry was stunned and looked like what are you talking about.

But Flash reacted quickly and immediately said to Barry through bone transmission:"Say. Yes!"

Barry said in a panic:"Yes!"Only later did he realize that the secret path was very dangerous, and he couldn't help but give his good partner a secret thumbs up.

Iris looked at Barry with a half-smiling expression. He actually asked others to help him find an excuse for a superhero. You know what? Barry!

How did Iris find out, you ask?

She really wanted to ask, how could she not find out?

Even Dane ignored this problem. The confusion spell in the other world had actually failed here and needed to be cast again.

When the spell failed, with Iris' intelligence, it was easy to guess Barry's true identity, or rather, the Flash's true identity.

She had her suspicions from the first day The Flash showed up.

After all, the time they encountered a car accident in the cafe was the first appearance of The Flash. Since then, The Flash has appeared frequently throughout Central City.

Barry obviously doesn't manage his time very well. Even though he is the fastest man in the world, he is always late for their dates.

Iris noticed several times that when Barry went to the bathroom, there was no one there.

At the same time, the news broadcast always showed the Flash appearing somewhere. Iris was not stupid, so he could naturally think of something.

But she didn't say anything. She was different from the drama version of Iris because she had a father who was an American police officer. She could understand the hard work of being a hero, and she could also understand why Barry didn't tell her about it.

This world is very dangerous. Even the villains in the main world mostly have no martial ethics and often kidnap heroes' families to threaten them.

Once the Syndicate learns the true identity of The Flash, Iris can think of all the terrible things that will happen to her with her toes.

Of course she couldn't act like a monster in this situation. Not only did she not act like a monster, but in many cases, she had to make up for Barry's tardiness.

It can be said that Iris has been very considerate and understanding of Barry. Not only did she not leave him out of fear of being hurt, but she helped him keep his secret identity.

Moreover, Iris has a little secret that she hasn't told yet.

She really thought it was cute how Barry felt so guilty for being late and racking his brains to find excuses to lie to her.

She is a bad woman, she hopes Barry can keep lying to her like this, Forever~!

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