When the super prison alarm sounded on Barry's communicator, he had just walked into Iris' house.

The walk from the battlefield to here was already outside the signal, so Barry did not receive a distress signal from the super prison.

So the signal was finally received by another hero who was closer, and yes, that person was Green Lantern.

Hal immediately cursed and then issued a soul question:"Now".

He was still busy fighting Halo and Canary. The fighting power of these two people was not to say how high they were, nor how difficult they were to deal with. , but their bottom line is really low!

He actually attacked the surrounding pedestrians to influence his actions!

Seeing that his opponent was starting to hurt innocent people, he immediately turned up the intensity and fought against Halo's red melt beam. The green laser directly pushed back the red light and wrapped the Halo in it.

The green light turned into hard light, trapping the halo in the light, and then pushed it out, hitting the canary.

Halo was still trying to break free from the restraints. Hal lifted the ring, raised the spherical green light shield surrounding Halo high, and then dropped it hard, until the huge shock knocked Halo inside.

He took this opportunity to attack Canary. Canary opened her mouth to scream, but Hal appeared with a slingshot and ejected the ball of light while Canary was still inhaling and waiting to shake forward."Pia", the green light covered her mouth like bubble gum.

Canary almost didn't come up in one breath, rolled her eyes and fell back.

By this time, the halo had slowed down. She struggled hard and broke through the confinement of the green light.

Seeing that Canary had no strength to fight anymore, she immediately brought Hal and Canary into the attack range at the same time. She didn't show any camaraderie at this time!

An orange halo emitted from her hands, directly covering Hal and Canary. This was an impactful flash of light.

With no other choice, Green Lantern had no choice but to return, pick up Canary, and take her away from the shock wave range.

After avoiding the impact, Green Lantern placed Canary in a safe area before returning to face Halo again.

Because of her and Canary's previous actions, the people here have already retreated, so Hal can feel free to use his fists.

After having figured out the true and false situation, Halo quickly fell into a disadvantage, and at this time, she had no teammates to help her share the burden.

In order to surprise Hal, Halo even used psychic powers to try to control Hal.

But with Hal's willpower, it would take some effort even for the Parallax monster to pry it. How could it be possible with Halo's own meager mental strength?

Hal didn't even do anything. Her mental power finally knocked her out due to backlash. Hal used the green light to pack her and escort her to the nearby super prison together with Canary.

But the place is empty, not only are there no criminals, but also no guards, they are all dead.

Hal finally came a step later. He looked at the corpse inside and felt very sad.

But he doesn't have the ability to resurrect people, so he can only call Waller and tell her about it, and she is now the liaison between the official and Zhenglian.

Ross is no longer in charge of this area.

When Waller heard that Speedmaster's prison had been robbed, she was so anxious that she jumped up and down. Her first reaction was that Speedmaster might take revenge on President Wilson!

Now the whole world is talking about Wilson's violent beating of the Speedmaster. In this case, you can't expect the Speedmaster to treat it as if it never happened.

What's more, Speedmaster is the Big.Boss of the Syndicate, and he will most likely plan to rescue the other giants.

Waller had to quickly check on other prisons, so she hung up the phone.

Throughout the whole process, she did not express any regret or sadness for the people who died in the super prison, like a cold-blooded animal.

Hal was very angry about this, but he seemed to be unable to do anything other than being angry. Amanda Waller in any world did not take"consumables" to heart.

In the end, Hal used his power to carry out the bodies of the deceased one by one and cover them with any cloth that could be found in the prison.

At this time, Sinestro flew over. He searched all the way from Beach City and found this place.

"Is everything okay?"Sinestro glanced at the super prison and couldn't help but frown.

This seems to be a prison where Supermaster is imprisoned? Did Supermaster escape from prison?

Hal saw his appearance and couldn't help but said:"You saw it too, it's a bad day.!"

After pouring a little bitterness, he took out the power ring from his lamp ring. He had not forgotten what Sinestro was here for?

He asked casually:"What has Dane been doing recently?"

Sinestro's eyes were staring straight at the ring, and he almost didn't hear what Hal was saying. When he came to his senses, he quickly said:"Studying magic or something like that? You know, I don't really understand that kind of stuff."

"Are you OK? Hal was worried.

He knew that Quan Ring had the power to corrode people's hearts. Quan Ring once tried to seduce him after abandoning the previous generation of divine power ring"Coward Jordan", but Hal refused.

This ring was a bit evil, and he was afraid of it. Nestor was tricked.

Sinestro knew his worries. He raised the yellow light ring in his hand to Hal and motioned him to look at the"Y"-shaped mark on it.

"I already have one! Hal thought the same thing. Since Sinestro could defeat one ring, he could also defeat the other, so he safely handed the ring to Sinestro.

Sinestro did not leave immediately, he gave the ring to him. After putting away the power ring, he looked at the two tied up female villains next to Hal and asked:"Do you need help?"

"No, I don't need to. Hal refused.

Sinestro nodded:"In that case, I will send the things over now. I may go to OA to explore in a few days. There are more and more of them recently.""

"Thank you for your hard work. I will go with you when I finish working for a while."

Sinestro waved his hand and turned into a yellow light and flew into the sky.

Hal felt uneasy for no reason, but he didn't know where the uneasiness came from, and he didn't suspect Sinestro. I think it was caused by Speedmaster escaping from prison.

"You must tell others about this!"

Hal was worried that Superpower might defeat the Justice League one by one, so he took Halo and Canary and flew towards the city.

Sinestro held the power ring in his hand, and he could always hear if You Ruowu whispered, and he knew that this was Quan Jing trying to trick him.

But Sinestro was also a tested warrior and would not be fooled so easily.

"Don't waste your efforts, I have no interest in conquering the world or the universe!"

Sinestro held the ring in his palm and held it tightly. The ring quickly died down.

He thought he had overcome the bewitchment of the ring and was very excited, so he continued to fly in the direction of Alcatraz Island. He also One thing is needed, a super bomb that can blow up Planet OA.

On Alcatraz Island, Dane has already prepared the bomb. He asked Death Storm to unlock the nuclear lock of the super bomb. Now the scientist Death Storm is working for him Work.

Unlike other syndicates, he is just a mad scientist who likes to conduct dangerous experiments. As long as his experiments are controlled, he is basically harmless to society.

Sinestro landed next to Dane and set his sights on a A warhead the size of a suitcase

"This is what you want, the bomb and detonator are separated. Dane said, handing him a remote control that he had just rubbed out.

"This is the only thing that can detonate a bomb. Don't worry about distance restrictions. In theory, it can work if you press the button anywhere in the universe.

So when you drop the bomb, hide as far away as you can. Let me remind you that this bomb has never been tested since it was made.

So in order to ensure that it can actually blow up OA, you'd better find a place with plenty of energy, a place like Yellowstone Park."

Sinestro immediately remembered the place he had planned before, so he nodded to show that he understood.

He seemed to be in a hurry, but Dane hadn't finished speaking yet:"Don't leave in a hurry, we still have something to do. Things to do."

As he spoke, Dane suddenly took out a light ring from his pocket, which was the green light ring obtained from Sinestro in the material universe.

Sinestro was surprised that Shazam actually had a green light ring!

"how? I captured it from the Yellow Lantern Corps, right? Hold out your ring!"

Sinestro stretched out his hand as he said, and Dane put on the ring and touched it with his yellow power ring.

As expected, this power ring was actually reshaped according to the structure of the yellow lantern ring.

So this The essence of the lamp ring should also be the power of fear.

But this Sinestro is different from the other one in that he does not spread fear. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Dane guessed that if he does not spread fear, But he can control the power of fear and make it take on a relatively mild form. I am afraid that Sinestro has controlled the fear in his heart and in turn used this power.

Thinking of what he said before about his past , Sinestro should have overcome the fear of his home being destroyed and his wife and daughter being slaughtered, and turned it into a rage against OA.

In other words, it seems that he should actually be more suitable to use the red light ring.

Dane passed the light ring The collision between them connects Sinestro's power ring with the green light ring on his hand, which can form a synchronous induction.

Theoretically, these two rings should be a pair of the same body like their original owners. , so this connection was established very easily.

Sinestro also felt it. He felt... a little subtle. According to the rumors he heard about the positive matter universe, it was Shazam who killed Sinestro there..

This feeling is really indescribable...

After doing all this, Dane waved his hand, indicating that he could leave.

Then he ignored Sinestro and walked in the direction of the library. Recently, he had no idea about that The spell to go to hell had some new directions, and it was time to verify it. Seeing that the purpose of the trip had been achieved, Sinestro immediately took the detonation remote control and the quantum bomb and flew towards space. Not long after After a while, he broke through the atmosphere and opened a wormhole in front.

But after entering the wormhole, he suddenly remembered something.

He seemed...forgot to tell Shazam that Speedmaster had escaped, right?


After receiving the notification from Green Lantern, Waller immediately informed the White House of the news, which happened to be the call that President Wilson answered.

He has been very proud of himself recently.

His aides told him that he now had far more votes than all his competitors combined.

Although the"King of Understanding" attacked him, saying that his votes were fraudulent, even though the"Sleeping King" criticized him, saying that he was not qualified to run for office at all.

However, the voice and support of the masses still pushed him to the highest position in history.

Already some are touting him as the greatest president since the founding of the United States.

In this case, the opposition to his re-election was very small, while the support for his continued presidency was very high.

Wilson seemed to be able to see him scolding Fang Qiu again and giving a passionate speech at the presidential succession ceremony the next year.

However, the news brought by Amanda Waller dealt a very heavy blow to his heart, and the picture in front of him instantly turned into a moonlight in a well.

His first reaction was not to worry that Speedmaster would come to kill him, but to blame Waller for insufficient supervision.

And immediately issued the first order, which was to block the news!

"This matter must not be leaked!"

And his reason is also ridiculous. He actually wants to not affect this election!

He must first be sure that he can be re-elected as the next president before he can conditionally release the news about the Speedmaster's escape.

"Waller, do this yourself! This news must not be allowed to leak, at least not until the election is actually over!"

Waller reluctantly agreed to the president's request, and after hanging up the phone, she began to curse.

What about"blind white pigs" and"stupid bastards", as well as some words that only black people can understand. The community slang made the staff around her tremble with fear.

She cursed for ten minutes!

When she had finished cursing all the curses in her stomach, the eighteenth generation of Wilson's ancestors were also named one by one (Li Zhao).

Waller's name Then she took a long breath and felt a little more relaxed.

She tried her best to think on the bright side. In fact, Superpower's escape from prison was nothing.

After all, if he could be defeated by Shazam once, he could be defeated a second, third or even countless times.

If If Speedmaster is smart enough, he should keep his tail between his legs and try to avoid appearing in the public eye, which will greatly increase his risk of exposure.

And this news was sent by Green Lantern, so Zhenglian should already know it, Zhenglian If the United States knows about it, Shazam must also know about it.

So now Shazam must also be paying attention to the news about Speedmaster. Thinking about it this way, at least for the time being, Speedmaster will definitely not come out to cause trouble easily.

This is a good thing!

If Superstar If Superboy could escape, he would not have to be taken away by the Justice League.

While Superboy was in prison, Waller had asked people to collect all the kryptonite hidden in the Arctic base and Metropolis, and hid it in A place that no one can find.

As long as Speedmaster cannot absorb more kryptonite, his power cannot be fully restored, then even the federal government may not have a chance to subdue him.

If Speedmaster cannot restore his original form strength, then he can be injured or even killed by a nuclear bomb!

The more Waller thought about it, the more she felt that this plan was feasible. All she needed was to complete more details.

And reminded President Wilson to stay in the sun and celebrate as much as possible.

She thought about it For a moment, I feel like I should remind Rose about this matter.

If President Wilson is the first target of hatred for Superpower, then Rose should be the second or third target. The

Super Queen is her powerful competitor, and the two of them They are the two women that Speedmaster hates most in the world.

But Super Queen still has the strength to fight at least, and because of Speedmaster's weakening strength, she may still have a certain chance of fighting back.

However, once Rose encounters Superboy Hey, it’s definitely an ending of ten deaths and no life!.

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