Gotham Nights.

Time finally came to the day of the private banquet of the Cobot family.

Today is the big day for Penguin, that is, Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot officially returns to the family and takes over as head of the family.

In the current complicated situation in Gotham City, even the founding family must have a wise enough person at the helm to be able to stand alone and even reap benefits from the rapids.

The transfer of power between the old and new powers in Cobot is a big event, so all the prominent figures in Gotham City will send important representatives (usually the current head of the family or heir) to attend.

Red Hood took off his mask and sneaked into the party as Jason Todd. He expected that almost everyone inside would die at his hands, so he did not change his face and chose to show his true face to others..

He was attending the party as the adopted son of"Thomas Wayne, Jr."

In the old Western system, if a family has been unable to produce children of its own, the adopted son will enjoy the family's inheritance rights.

And as we all know, Thomas Wayne Jr. never married and had no illegitimate children, so it would make sense for him to arrive with an adopted son.

"I thought you wouldn't attend such an occasion, Thomas."

Someone who knew Thomas came up to talk, and Dick put on a false smile to greet him.

After these days of experience, he has mastered the advanced conversation skills of telling lies with his eyes open, and he was blindly talking to this person he didn't know. Kan, he wasn’t using his own face anyway.

Jason just stared at everyone in the venue indifferently. He was judging the situation here with his own eyes, judging how to move and where is the best shooting position. Where to retreat, how to take advantage of the terrain, etc.

"Is this your adopted son? He's a lot like you."The person who was bragging to Dick suddenly sighed,"You were like this when you first came here, with a cold look that no one wanted to deal with."

"He's just not mature enough."Dick can only explain it this way.

"Yes, we were all immature back then, do you remember? A big thing happened a few years ago, right after our party."

Dick didn't know what was going on, and was just about to find an excuse to fool him, when he saw the person opposite and said,"Remember Elliot? That family that is also a member of ours."

Dick, pretending to be Thomas, frowned. He really didn't know about this.

"you forgot?"The man said in surprise,"Isn't that man 543 your best friend? I heard that he admired your father so much that he even changed his name to Thomas, the same name as you."

Dick immediately turned his head after hearing this. Thomas of the Elliot family?

That man came over mysteriously and whispered:"I heard that he killed other members of his family and took Elliot's property. After occupying them all, he gave himself a nickname similar to Night Owl.

He uttered a name in a low voice:"Silence!""

"Now, let us welcome the patriarch of the Cobot family!"

The person who served as the master of ceremonies was the mayor of Gotham City. He was recently elected and was a lackey supported by the Cobot family.

Amid the polite applause of the people around him, an old man in a wheelchair was The big fat man with a hooked nose pushed up to the podium.

The old man is the contemporary head of the Copot family, and the fat man with a hooked nose who is serving him attentively is the Penguin who just met Jason a few days ago. The current Penguin is completely different from the previous ones. Tian's calm demeanor, instead followed the old man like a flattering villain, like a fat pug.

But Jason knew the true face of this man. He was a deep-minded and ruthless man. Everything in front of him was just... The illusion he put on.

And so far, his disguise is very successful.

Jason can observe that the Cobots standing around are looking at the big fat man with expressions of ridicule and disdain. Their facial management is very It failed, so that the other families present felt very strange.

They all knew that today was not only a celebration of Penguin's return to the Cobot family, but also the announcement that old Cobot would give up his position as head of the family to Penguin. A big event.

They are all witnesses of this matter, but now it seems that there are different opinions within the Cobot family regarding the succession of the head of the family.

The objections are all written on their faces!

How will Penguin manage like this? Family? There is no one to obey at all, okay?

But at the same time, they also admire Penguin. Surrounded by such discriminatory eyes, he can still remain calm and smile.

This man is by no means simple!

Everyone present at the meeting He is a smart man. Every move of the Penguin is seen by them, and their evaluation of him is much higher than that of other Cobots who only judge people by their appearance.

It seems that Cobot's talent has indeed withered.

Old Cobot Not only was he senile, but he even gave people a feeling that he was about to die soon. His voice was like the old godfather played by Marlon Brando. It was hoarse and low. The

Penguin lowered his head eagerly and held the microphone to him. before

"Today...the Cobblet family has called everyone here. In addition to wanting everyone to bear witness, Oswald Chesterfield Cobblet..."

The old man patted the back of the Penguin's hand with his withered palm.

"It's this little guy, you all know him, in the past, he has been in the clown gang, and some of his friends against our old enemies…"

"That night owl!"

Speaking of this name, the old man's body seemed to tremble.

Penguin quickly smoothed his chest for him, as filial as if he were his own son, but the blood relationship between them was very shallow, and it was a roundabout way. Relatives.

The other Cobots around looked at the Penguin's pretentious look and gritted their teeth with hatred, but they were helpless.

They did not dare to disobey the decision made by the old Cobot, but don't think that the position of the patriarch is the Penguin. They sneered.

Without their cooperation, Penguin would never be able to secure this position!

The Cobot family can't just take the title of patriarch and directly order everyone. No matter how big the family fortune is, It is also run by people, and Penguin will understand this.

As for what Old Cobot thinks?

He is almost dead, so what can he do?

Besides, even if he doesn't die, he will be nothing more than a cripple after losing the title of clan leader tonight. He was just a bad old man waiting to die, and there was nothing to be afraid of.

So they watched quietly as Old Cobot announced Penguin as his heir, and handed over the position of patriarch to Penguin. The handover process was smooth, and there was no questioning. , and no one jumped out to raise objections at this time.

After signing his name on the contract obtained by Cobot's family lawyer, Cobot officially became Cobot of the Penguin from this moment on!

"Oswald, I'll leave this to you..." Old Coppert just said a few words and signed his name, but his eyelids were already twitching and his energy was even lower.

The Penguin respectfully sent him out of the living room, and then He just ran in with short legs.

Not only was he fat, but he was also short in height.

To be honest, if Jason hadn't seen his demeanor, he wouldn't have mentioned it to such an inconspicuous guy. Any warning.

The Penguin took advantage of this and successfully misled everyone.

But when he stood on the podium where he was the only one, his temperament suddenly changed.

From a flattering fat man to a powerful man The big shot.

This contrast was so strong that the moment he stood on the podium, he stunned everyone present.

The Penguin took out a cigar from his arms, lit it with a match, and then held it in his mouth.

He took a light breath first, and then exhaled a long breath. The aroma of the cigar filled the venue with the smoke.

The first sentence he spoke shocked everyone:"Do you know? I was going to say something to you Son of Bitches, you know, like in the movies."

Hearing those curse words, everyone's heart tightened, not just the members of the Cobot family, but also people from other families.

He shrugged, shook the cigar with his chubby fingers, and turned the top into white Shaking off the ash from his cigar, he continued:"But now I realize that I have nothing to say at all (aebe). You have ruled this city for too long, gentlemen.""

"Now, it’s time to make room!"

After he said this, the doors around the venue were suddenly closed, and someone locked them from the outside.

"No, man, why are you doing this again?"

Jason noticed that the person who said this was the young man who was chattering in front of them just now. He and Dick still don't know which family this guy is from.

"He's about to take action. Dick approached Jason,"I guess closing the door is a signal to us?""

The people in the venue were shocked at first, but then they quickly calmed down. Except for the female companion they brought who was still frightened, the men, without exception, showed no expression of fear.

"What do you want to do! Penguin?"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Before these people could ask questions, the first ones to attack were the Cobot family.

They had been enduring it for a long time, and now that they finally had a chance, of course they had to I took the opportunity to question him.

These families were gathering here, and they were all important people. I knew with my knees that they couldn't be the only ones. Otherwise, how could safety be guaranteed?

In fact, all the major families had deployed a large number of people outside the door. Those people are all well-trained mercenaries, and some are private soldiers raised by the family themselves.

They are all armed with live ammunition. Even if Night Owl comes in person, he can't even think of entering this venue after defeating six generals in five levels!

Cobot Of course, the family also deploys its own power here, not only to protect themselves, but also to protect the lives of the guests present.

Anyone who walks out here will stomp their feet, and the whole Gotham will tremble. If anything happens, If something unexpected happens... wouldn't it be an advantage for the federal government? Once they find out what's going on here, they will definitely come in and get involved!

Therefore, even for themselves, they must ensure the safety of these guests.

So Ke Someone in the Potter family camp shouted:"Are you all dead? Why don't you quickly control this madman?"

"I still prefer the word you usually use to scold me. What did you say? Fat penguin?"Penguin said with a smile.

But the waiters at the venue suddenly threw away the plates in their hands and gathered around in the direction of Penguin.

These people appeared to be waiters, but in fact they were the security forces hidden here, and they had Carrying guns and ammunition.

Penguin saw them reaching into their arms and preparing to take out their own small umbrellas, but at this moment, the surrounding lights suddenly went out, and the lobby, which was originally bright as day, fell into darkness.

They were having a dinner party, and Gotham City is a famously foggy city. It was hard to see the sun, let alone the moonlight.

Therefore, all the guests present were immediately robbed of their sight.

The female companions who were brought in again They couldn't help but scream. In such darkness, they couldn't control their fear at all. The women's frightened screams kept coming one after another.

No one knew that in the darkness, two hunters had already put on their clothes. A new set of equipment.

Red Hood held the big guns in his hands, and the infrared vision of the suit allowed him to clearly see the surrounding situation.

He saw many men grabbing the female companions around him and squeezing their bodies. Blocking himself in front of him like a shield.

It turns out that this is the reason why they brought their female companions to such a private club. These people...could they have never thought about letting these women go back alive?

In fact, these women They are just disposable items here. In order to prevent these women from talking too much and leaking important information, someone will dispose of these women after the meeting.

Only a very few will be taken home by men and escape this disaster.

As for the others...Anyway, people disappear for unknown reasons every day in Gotham, just a few slightly more beautiful women.

With a burning fire in Jason's heart, he aimed his big gun at a man in his field of vision, and the fire snake flashed in the air.

The specially-made armor-piercing bullet directly exploded the man's head, causing his head to explode like a bloody flower.

Various brain proteins were directly painted on the woman's face. Red Hood could see that the woman seemed to be sluggish. She touched her face with trembling hands, and her hands were covered with brain tissue.

Fortunately, her vision was dark at this time, otherwise she might have fainted from fright on the spot.

"You're welcome."Red Hood said in a low voice and immediately changed positions.

On the other side, Dick also transformed into a claw and put on low-light night vision glasses, which also saw the surroundings clearly.

Compared to the big movement of Red Hood , his actions are more stealthy and more like Batman.

His footsteps are silent and agile, and he always easily uses the sharp claws on his hands to tear the target's throat.

Those who try to use his female companion as a shield cannot guard against them at all. To resist his assassination, even in this darkness, he was darker than black, like a ghost.

Suddenly, he saw some waiters trying to turn on their flashlights. He rushed forward and knocked off the other party's flashlights..The man reacted extremely quickly and immediately raised his gun and fired in the direction of the sound.

The claw grabbed the opponent's gun muzzle with his palm, and the bullet hit his palm with"bang bang" several times, sending a shock of pain along the bones of his hand, but fortunately, it was not able to penetrate his claw sheath.

The waiter couldn't see the truth clearly, but he knew that the other party was not dead, and there was an expression of disbelief on his face.

Dick raised his hand and used a claw to directly cut off the waiter's throat.

"Red Hood, they have flashlights!"

When the Red Hood heard this, he changed his target and fixed his sights on the waiters.

These people did not dare to shoot randomly without a field of vision, because they were afraid of hurting their boss, so they all found the flashlights on their bodies, and there were not many After a while, several beams of white light lit up in the venue.

The red hood directly called the names one by one, and shot each person twice. One shot blew out the light first, and the second shot hit the head. There were no missed shots.

Dick, on the other hand, used the darkness between the flashlights. During the gap, he moved left and right, taking the opportunity to kill many waiters and disrupt the enemy's vision.

At this time, some guests finally couldn't help but take out their pistols and fight back.

These were the heads of the big families, and they also carried weapons themselves. , at this time, these sanctimonious guys have to take out weapons and fight for their lives.

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