Apollos from Sector 3, Planet 7Pi felt very strange. He asked:"Why did Sinestro destroy the lamp furnace? What good does this do to him."

Kilowog's face was gloomy and cold. Said:"He found the legendary thing, the ring that can keep running without charging!"

Jack T. James, who was born on the Garnet star in sector 17, immediately responded:"The supreme ring!"

His voice The surrounding ring holders were shocked, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became strange. It was obvious that they had all heard of this ring.

Ryan Carter, who was born on the planet Gunnar, seemed to be moved:"Kilowog, are you sure that is true?"

Kilowog looked around and found a group of guys with evil intentions flashing their eyes.

He knew that OA must unite at this time, at least before killing Sinestro, otherwise they would be easily defeated one by one by each other.

So he told exactly what he had just seen and heard.

"I saw him wearing two rings. One was his own power ring, which he now transformed to use the power of yellow light.

There is another one that looks no different from an ordinary power ring, but is very strong!"

All the divine power rings have thoughtful expressions. They know very well that the power ring does not allow the power ring to wear other rings at the same time. It is not just other power rings, but any ring.

Therefore. From the moment they put on the power ring, their fingers can only be occupied by the power ring. Once a divine power ring tries to put on more rings, they will be torn into pieces by the multiple power rings on their hands.

If Kirovo What Ge said is true, which proves that Sinestro may have the real Supreme Ring. Only under the suppression of the Supreme Ring, the other rings would not dare to resist.

Because it is a ring that can unify The power ring to control the people!

After thinking about this, everyone's minds began to become active.

Just as Sinestro thought, after knowing the whereabouts of the supreme power ring, the first thing that these divine power rings thought of was not fear. It's greed.

That kind of greed is undisguised and uncontrollable, growing out of their hearts.

"We have to call everyone back!"Kilowog said this.

They wanted to object on the spot. Did they call those people back in the hope that they would come and snatch the Supreme Ring from themselves and others?

Kilowog, as an old man in the Ringmaster Legion, How could he not understand their thoughts?

So he immediately said:"You saw it just now. As long as he wears that ring, no one here will be his opponent. Even if you have plans for the Supreme Ring, It should also wait until after killing Sinestro.

But now that the lamp furnace has been destroyed, we have lost our energy source. If we don't find a way to solve this problem as soon as possible, let alone fighting Sinestro, it will be very difficult for us to survive on this planet!"

OA is not a habitable planet in the usual sense. There is no native life on it. Everything was migrated to this planet by generations of power rings and little blue people.

And the basic life of this planet is The energy source of the maintenance system is the lamp furnace. Everything here relies on the energy of the lamp furnace to maintain basic operation.

Including the atmospheric protective layer that covers the entire planet, the outside of which is also wrapped by green light energy.

Once existing When the energy of OA is exhausted, the protective layer will dissipate, and OA's atmosphere will escape into the universe at a speed that no one expected.

At that time, all life on this planet will die in the cold due to the loss of atmosphere. in the universe.

If the divine power ring happens to run out of energy at this time...

They themselves would die from environmental threats without waiting for Sinestro to arrive.

Kilowog's words woke up everyone who was immersed in their dreams. They unfortunately found that the reality was indeed as Kilowog said. If they didn't find a way to solve this problem quickly, their lives would be threatened!

"It takes three hundred years to repair the lamp furnace, but this is the time required by the ordinary power ring. If it is replaced by the supreme power ring, this time should be greatly shortened."

"In other words, no matter what, we must snatch the ring from Sinestro. Only in this way can we save ourselves and the planet."

Actually, it doesn't matter what OA is like, but these people like to say such sanctimonious words.

But this person's words were unanimously approved by everyone.

So, with the ownership of rings agreeing, all the divine power rings in the OA universe sent this News, reporting all the situation without any concealment.

Divine rings can hide their signals from others, but under normal circumstances, they will not block information from OA, because their energy lifeline is on OA, and they need to pay attention there at all times. situation.

And this news unexpectedly caused shock to all the divine power rings.

Ambitious people focused their attention on the"Supreme Power Ring", while those who just wanted to lie down were worried about losing their divine power and were worried about the destruction of the lamp furnace. Feeling worried.

But no matter what thoughts these people have, killing Sinestro and taking away his Supreme Power Ring is a top priority.

So, just as Sinestro planned, the wandering Divine Power Rings began to gradually return to OA, preparing for combat deployment.

Kilowog had doubts that Sinestro was deliberately planning this time to bring all of them back.

But he did not figure it out, even if he did this, How could he kill everyone in the Ring Legion at once?

They were not a group of pigs, but a group of"gods" with superpowers. Even if Sinestro killed the Ring like a chicken, it would be difficult for him to defeat four hands with two fists. What's more, Sinestro will face more than just two fists, it will be more severe.

It is true that the power ring will only fight against the wind, but once the number of the power ring army reaches tens of thousands, no one will think that Sinestro can do it alone. Win, even if they only have disposable"batteries" left.

And Sinestro himself is hiding near OA, silently watching OA's preparations

"Yes, that's it, gather together, gather a little more!"

The power of the ring is getting deeper and deeper into his subcutaneous tissue, and Sinestro's sanity has been deeply corroded by the ring.

But the hatred in his heart still keeps him from going dark, and he is still waiting patiently.

At the same time, At the same time, Earth.

Speedmaster has absorbed all the inventory in the Antarctic base, leaving only a little for himself for emergency use.

After being nourished by kryptonite, he finally regained some of his former strength. Now, he finally There is no need to worry about the rebellion of his subordinates.

Because he can easily crush everyone to death!

The first thing after regaining his strength, Super Overlord was thinking about how to escape.

Yes, it is different from what the"remnants" imagined, Super Ba didn't think about revenge at all, he just wanted to run away.

When he was being beaten in the super prison, he heard Wilson explain the origin of the Justice League and already knew that these people came from another parallel universe. No wonder Many of the people inside have the same abilities as the people in the Syndicate, and their faces are very similar.

This discovery made Superpower's mind active. Since the people over there can come over, then they can naturally get over.

He heard that the Justice League was formed through the demons. The power of the box is transmitted to the world here, and the magic box is the super-tech item seized from Starro's body.

Speedmaster still remembers that Night Owl took it away. Obviously, he must have researched something What, but didn't tell them, this cunning guy!

However, although Speedy was a little dissatisfied, he was very clear-headed. If they wanted to go to another world, they would definitely need Night Owl's knowledge.

Did you let Speedy fight and kill? problem, but he has no way to solve the problem of quantum mechanics, let alone how to go to another world.

So he needs to rescue Night Owl.

Standing at the base of Antarctica, Speedmaster looks into the distance, farsightedness and perspective The eyes allowed him to directly see the situation in Gotham City. He found the location of Wayne Manor and also saw Nite Owl who was under house arrest. He observed that Nite Owl was currently trapped in the manor alone. There was no one else inside except him.

Speedmaster felt a little strange. He seemed to be able to escape easily, but he didn't know why he didn't do it.

But no matter what, this was a good opportunity, because there was no Shazam here. He dared to do whatever he wanted. Wave!

And Gotham City has no sunshine all year round, which is very suitable for him to exert his power, so he covered himself with a black cloak, carefully covering every inch of his body. When he was ready, he rushed into the sky, from space Rushing towards Gotham City, traveling from space will not produce sonic booms, which can effectively prevent huge noises, thus attracting the attention of the Justice League.

Others in the base heard the sound and ran out to check. When they looked up, they found Speedmaster The figure has disappeared into the sky

"Where is he going?"Biliwu said in confusion.

The others looked at each other and shook their heads to express that they were not sure.

There is no way. Speedmaster obviously doesn't need to inform them where he wants to go. He can go wherever he wants.

Several people are currently discussing changes. Hiding in a place, the Super Queen knows about the Antarctic base. Once she learns that Super King has escaped from prison, she is likely to lead the Justice League to find this place.

Originally, they wanted to discuss it with Super King, because only Only then can he activate this base and make it hidden

"What should we do now?"

"Of course we are waiting!"The gypsy rolled her eyes, yawned and returned to the base. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She had divined that at least before Speedmaster comes back next time, they will not encounter any Trouble, so she seemed very relaxed.

Others had no choice but to follow back to the base.

On the other side of the earth, Speedmaster had quietly sneaked into Wayne Manor...Of course, they say it's quietly, but in fact, they just go on a rampage while Batman is away.

He soon came to the room where Ye Xiao was imprisoned. The walls of this room seemed to be made of solid wood, but in fact the interior was made of high-strength reinforced concrete, and the door was made of special steel.

But these things were of no use to Supermaster. He punched into the steel door and tore open the punch hole he punched with both hands, revealing the scene inside.

Ye Xiao heard the sound and turned his head to look at him in surprise.

"`Speedmaster? You actually escaped from jail?"

Night Owl knows that it is absolutely impossible for the Justice League to release him, so he can only escape from prison.

"Night Owl, you seem to be doing well?"

Supermaster saw how the other person was living his little life, and compared with himself, it was like a day after day, and he felt quite unbalanced.

Why should he be beaten up by this old guy Wilson every now and then!

Little Thomas looks better than He was a bit slimmer before. Not only that, but the Speedmaster's body shape was actually much smaller than before, but muscles were just decorations for him, and his strength did not come from muscle power.

"What do you want to do when you come here this time?"Night Owl said calmly.

Supermaster clenched his fists:"Of course it is to revive our Syndicate!"

Ye Xiao nodded, this was not beyond his expectation:"Recapture everything lost? But

Speedmaster grinned and said,"No, I have a better idea. Why don't we just invade their world?"

Ye Xiao was a little surprised:"Oh?" You already know?"

It's okay if I don't talk about this, but I feel a little unhappy when I talk about this superpower:"Ye Xiao, you should have told me about this in advance!

Ye Xiao ignored this and said thoughtfully:"Do you want to give up this world and occupy their world?" But I have a question, how do you get there?"

When he saw Superpower staring at him, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows:"Do you think...I can do it?"

"Isn't it because of you that they came to this world?"Supermaster said unceremoniously.

Ye Xiao pinched his eyebrows, feeling a little helpless. So, it's really difficult to reason with a scumbag.......

"Speedmaster, first of all, I must tell you that I have no way to open the passage between the two worlds at will, unless I have the magic box, but it is in Shazam's hands now.

Secondly, even if we can go to that world without using the magic box, have you forgotten one thing?

As long as the Righteous (Wang Zhao) Alliance still has the magic box in hand, they can return to their world at any time, and then we will have no way out. Supermaster didn't expect this part, and frowned a little:"Is it really impossible without the magic box?""

Night Owl shook his head.

Supermaster was a little unwilling, and he asked:"If I can get the magic box, can you open the transmission channel and seal the door to another world?"

Night Owl looked at him with strange eyes. Could it be that Speedmaster had sucked in too much kryptonite and sucked his brain out?

Although he didn't know how strong Shazam was, but if Speedmaster could defeat the opponent, he wouldn't be the first to enter. He escaped from prison again, and now he sneaked in here while avoiding other people in Zhenglian. He didn't even dare to fight, but just chose to steal the opponent's home.

All these actions prove that Speedmaster has no idea how to defeat Shazam on his own. Without any confidence, how can he grab the magic box?

But Super Queen has his own ideas. He knows that Super Queen seems to be helping Shazam now.

When Wilson beat him up in prison, he also used Super Queen's betrayal. After insulting him, this bitch is now Shazam's forbidden love.

No wonder, I have never seen the Super Queen walking with any man in so many years. It turns out that she likes this type of hunger.

If you catch the Super Queen, use her life As a threat, I wonder if Shazam will choose to exchange the magic box?

In fact, according to Supermaster's idea, the Syndicate and the Justice League can completely put aside their opposition and cooperate with each other sincerely. At the worst, the Syndicate can give some dominance and collectively surrender to justice. Under the jurisdiction of the League.

There is absolutely no need for the other party to kill everyone like they are now.

But unfortunately, whether it was what he saw with his own eyes or what he heard from Wilson, it showed that the Justice League is really a very strange organization.

In this world There is actually an organization that does good deeds without asking for anything in return?

If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, Speedmaster would never have believed it.

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