What Speedmaster and Nite Owl didn't know was that Batman received the news as soon as Wayne Manor was invaded.

Speedmaster thought that as long as there was no one else in the manor, he could come and go at will, but he didn't know that Batman had already established a new early warning system here.

Batman had long learned about Speedmaster's escape from Hal Jordan.

His first reaction at that time was to guess that Speedmaster would probably come looking for Night Owl.

If he still has illusions about the future of the Syndicate, he will definitely come to find the smartest person in the Syndicate.

So he made a little arrangement in the manor, something that even a speedmaster with clairvoyance would never be able to understand.

But Night Owl, who understands well, doesn't know that Batman has prepared these things in advance.

Batman immediately returned to the manor after receiving the news. Originally, he wanted to deal with the problems with the Joker Gang.

But compared to these anarchists, Speedmaster is obviously more dangerous.

When Batman appeared in front of them, Nite Owl BenRemind Speedmaster not to underestimate his opponents.

But Speedmaster had already used his clairvoyance eyes to scan Batman's entire body, and he knew that underneath this suit was just an ordinary person.

"I have to say, you are really brave. Superboy said with a cruel smile:"Do you think I dare not crush you to death?""

Batman is standing in front of him. Speedmaster only needs to stretch out his hand to reach it. This is the distance of death.

But he seems calm and unhurried.

"In that case, why don't you come over?"

Supermaster heard the words and was about to take action, but before he could take action, white lights suddenly lit up on the surrounding walls.

Night Owl only felt that the light shone on his body and gave him a warm feeling, but Supermaster's expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly Put his black cloak over his head.

That's a sun lamp!

Now that he has understood the weakness of the Speedmaster, it is of course impossible for Batman not to take advantage of this. He not only installed sun lamps in all locations in the manor, but also He made a disguise.

Speedmaster is really unlucky. If he is looking for someone else, he will never encounter this kind of thing.

But this is not the only"gift" prepared by Batman. He also prepared some more What a great thing!

The nano-suit on his body quickly began to reorganize, changing into a new suit with white breathing lights flashing, and the black bat turned into a white bat. One of the benefits of nanotechnology is that before the nano-reorganization, you will never I don’t know what it will become.

So the perspective and scanning in front of the Speedmaster were useless. Batman reached forward and grabbed the black cloak wrapping the Speedmaster. He pulled hard, exposing the Speedmaster to Under the sun lamp.

Speedmaster instantly felt a sting all over his body, and the familiar feeling enveloped his whole body again.

Batman didn't give him a chance to react, and quickly stepped forward to attack, pouring his fists on Speedmaster.

When Night Owl saw this, He quickly retreated, but he neither took the opportunity to escape nor avoid the battlefield. Instead, he found a best viewing position and enjoyed Batman's punches and kicks against Speedmaster.

Batman had no personal grudge against Speedmaster, so he His moves were mainly based on control and grappling.

But it didn't take long for him to notice that Superpower's physical strength was still very high. Although the power of the suit could still hurt him, it was not enough to truly break through his body defense.

In order to prevent Unexpectedly, Batman was about to increase the output power, but Speedmaster suddenly looked up at him, his eyes a little confused.

Through the analysis of the eyepiece, Batman quickly discovered that the opponent had just sucked kryptonite.

According to the intelligence, the man who had just sucked kryptonite Over a period of time, Speedmaster's ability will make a significant leap, and it is very likely that he will break through the limitations of the sun lamp.

He originally thought that Speedmaster would take the opportunity to attack, after all, he had just been strengthened, but he did not expect that the other party just glanced at him, Then he flew directly towards the ceiling, smashed through a hole with only one person, rushed into the sky, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Batman was still making tactical moves, which made him a little confused. He just escaped

? He can fight!

Batman is not pretending, he is really surprised.

To be honest, he himself is not confident that he can suppress the superman who can also use drugs to explode while fighting, so he is still imagining what will happen next. There will be a hard fight

"Didn't expect that, did you?"Night Owl sat on the side and laughed softly.

Batman looked over, and the other party poured himself a glass of wine.

Fortunately, Speedmaster just broke in, and some prohibited areas here have been lifted, so he was able to get a bottle from next door. Liquor, he couldn't drink this when he was imprisoned

"Speedmasters are never brave, Bruce."Night Owl raised his glass gracefully and took a sip.

Penguin should really take a good look at what a truly elegant gentleman looks like, but it's a pity that this gentleman is a madman.

He continued:"He is only (agdc) He's just a mortal with the power of a god. As you just saw, as long as Supermaster realizes that there is danger to him here, his first reaction is not to fight or think of ways to break the situation, but to escape. He continued to take another sip:"I guess this may be something he learned from Krypton. I have to admit that it does work very well most of the time, and this time is no exception.""

Batman turned his suit back to black, and at the same time, the surrounding sun lights were turned off.

As Night Owl said, if Speedmaster chooses to continue fighting, although it will be difficult, Batman has a chance to win. His chance lies in the ubiquitous sun lamps in this manor.

And Speedmaster also has a chance to win. Judging from the brief confrontation just now, Speedmaster is obviously not without the power to fight back.

If he has With enough tenacity to fight, the outcome of this battle is still uncertain.

It’s a pity....

Batman didn't think he would lose, but Speedmaster's"aware of current affairs" style gave him a headache. Once Speedmaster decided to escape, Batman would never be able to catch up.

"have a drink?"Night Owl raised his glass and said to Batman, who was frowning.

Batman stepped forward and used nanoparticles to make himself a silver cup. Little Thomas raised his eyebrows.

"Is it necessary to be so cautious?"

The use of nanotechnology to assemble the cup is naturally not to hold the fork, but to detect whether the wine has been drugged. As a senior silver coin, Batman pays great attention to this. After pouring a glass, Batman drank the wine.

Little Thomas He smiled and took a sip. He hadn't drank this for a long time, and he always felt that the taste was different from before.

Suddenly, a dizzy feeling came to his head. The moment he fainted, Ye Xiao knew that it was Batman drugged himself

"Why..."Obviously he didn't need to do this, Ye Xiao fell down on the table after speaking.

Batman slowly drank the wine in the glass before grabbing the Night Owl and moving to another location.

Night Owl is too cunning, and he doesn't want him to be too sober before being transferred to a new prison, even if he has shown this very cooperative attitude.

There is a privately run prison under the name of the Wayne family in this world, and Batman is preparing to transfer him there.

But the environment there is definitely not as comfortable as Wayne Manor, wine? By then Ye Xiao will know that even a sip of Coke is a luxury.

In the sky, Speedmaster gnashed his teeth while avoiding the sun.

This is the second time, this is the second time!

He was beaten by a mortal for the second time!

He had to get more kryptonite, more! Only kryptonite can make him stronger quickly. Although it can only be temporarily strengthened, and although taking too much kryptonite in a short period of time will have side effects, he has had enough of this feeling of weakness.

And coincidentally, he knew that the confiscated kryptonite was hidden by Wilson, but the other party hid it very well. He searched all over the world and could not find where the kryptonite was hidden.

Just in time, let’s settle the old and new grudges together!

Ever since, the Speedmaster flew directly towards Washington.

No one would have thought that Speedmaster would appear in Washington in broad daylight, neither Wilson nor Ross.

But Speedmaster is now willing to go all out in order to get kryptonite.

Although the Zhenglian and the federal government are in the"honeymoon period" of cooperation, in view of the government's series of"mentally retarded" behaviors, the members of the Zhenglian have varying degrees of disgust with Wilson, so no one is here. It's time to stay and protect the President of the United States.

This leads him to face the Speedmaster today!

But Speedmaster did not choose to break in directly. He had just flown across half of the United States under the bright sun. Although he had carried out a simple cover-up, he was still tortured to the point of death.

The bit of kryptonite powder he had just absorbed had been consumed by him, and now when he stopped, he suddenly felt a tingling sensation all over his body, as if he was about to die.

So he broke into a remote villa, killed the owner inside, and occupied the magpie's nest.

Then, he quietly waited for nightfall.

Not long after, when the last ray of sunlight disappeared from the horizon, Speedmaster opened his eyes.

He carefully removed the last bit of kryptonite powder from his body. If he couldn't get more kryptonite, it would be difficult for him to regain his strength.

By then, even in the dark, he will lose his superpowers and become an alien who is just more resistant to fighting.

The last bit of kryptonite powder was inhaled into his nasal cavity, and a force flowed from his nasal cavity to his limbs, making him feel energetic again.

"Here I come, Slade!"

At night, the White House.

Wilson felt a little anxious. Originally, his votes were far ahead of his competitors, but for some reason, someone recently spread a message on the Internet, saying that Ba Jing had been jailbroken. The appearance of the Syndicate immediately caused panic among the people.

The period of Syndicate rule had just passed, and there was still hidden hatred for them in the hearts of the people.fear.

They left messages on Wilson's official social account to question this matter.

Of course Wilson couldn't admit it, so he lied and said those were just rumors.

But then someone took action and called him from afar, asking him to prove this.

The way to prove it is simple. Wilson recently became popular on the Internet for punching Speedmaster, so he might as well do it again and let the public see if Speedmaster is still in jail. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As soon as this kind of comment appeared, it immediately attracted countless likes from netizens and was pushed to the front of the comment area.

It can be seen that the people of the United States are eager to find out the truth about this matter.

But the embarrassing part was that Wilson didn't have any video inventory on hand, and he couldn't help but regret it. In fact, he had beaten the Speedmaster more than once, but except for the first time, he never let anyone continue to shoot videos.

After all, he is the president, and it’s okay to attract fans for him occasionally. But if he does this all the time, does he really think of himself as an internet celebrity?

Being the head of a country still requires some minimum decency.

But now that something like this happened, he regretted not taking more videos at that time, otherwise he could use them now.

Because he has not responded for a long time, there are already voices on the Internet criticizing him, saying that he is a"liar president" and that he concealed the truth about the Supermaster's escape from prison in order to illegally be re-elected as the next president.

As soon as these remarks came out, Wilson immediately realized that this was his competitor's move. Although he hated it in his heart, he was helpless.

At the same time, as unfavorable remarks about Wilson continued to flow out, his approval rating began to continue to decline. In just the past 72 hours, he fell to the same level as Ross.

Although it still has more votes than the other two competitors, it no longer has an absolute advantage.

What made him even more anxious was that he knew better than anyone else that this was true!

In the end, his staff came up with a bad idea. They re-edited some unused footage from the last video released and posted it on the Internet.

This is a case of emergency medical treatment.

Some knowledgeable people immediately discovered the problem. Therefore, Wilson's approach not only failed to restore the declining support rate, but also caused an avalanche.


"Liar, get out of the White House!"

"Wilson was the worst president ever!"

"Still want to be re-elected? Stop dreaming!"

Outside the gate of the White House, a group of citizens were demonstrating loudly, and some unscrupulous people even insulted Wilson's name.

Wilson was standing by the window, looking at the demonstrators.

It was already late at night. , but the angry crowd still refused to leave.

Wilson was considering whether to use violence to disperse these people......

At this moment, an ominous sonic boom sounded from the night sky. Wilson was too familiar with this sound.

He immediately shouted to the surroundings:"Everyone, pay attention! He is coming!"

Upon hearing this, the guards immediately turned on all the sun lamps around the White Palace.

Batman can install countless solar lamps in his manor, and Wilson, as the President of the United States, can certainly do it too. It is not a difficult technology.

But Speedmaster learned his lesson and did not choose to land at this time. Instead, he hid behind the clouds and used his thermal sight to attack the ground.

His heat vision was like a laser weapon beyond visual range, accurately destroying the power circuits inside the White House. In order to prevent accidents, he directly cut off the underground cables connected to the White House, completely physically isolating the White House. Use electricity.

After completing these tasks, the White House fell into darkness as expected.

As for the demonstrators, they knew it was the man coming when they saw the two red rays falling from the sky. They all hated their parents for losing two legs and ran away like they were desperate.

Speedmaster ignored those ants. He didn't have enough energy and couldn't use it too much.

He flew straight down, penetrated the dome of the White House, and came to Wilson.

"We meet again, Slade!".

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