Wilson tried to stay calm. Although he had a hunch that Speedmaster might come to him, he didn't expect it to be so soon, let alone that the opponent actually had such ability.

You must know that he often went to prison to"visit" this superpower. When they last met, he was clearly haggard and looked like he was going to die soon.

But now, even if it has not returned to its heyday, it is easy enough to kill everyone present.

"Speedmaster, when you appear here, aren't you afraid that people from the Justice League will come to find you? Supermaster sneered:"Have you now reached the point where you need to rely on other people's names to have the courage to face me?""

"How about your toughness the past few days?"

Superman said, and grabbed Wilson's chin.

Wilson felt the bones of his jaw cracking. He didn't know where the crack was. Anyway, Wilson just felt pain everywhere.

"Sorry, did I hurt you?"Supermaster asked in surprise.~

"Don't move, Speedo!"

"Let go, Mr. President!"

The guards outside the door heard the commotion here, quickly opened the door and barged in. When they saw Wilson being controlled, they immediately took out their pistols and pointed them at the Speedmaster.

"Your children seem to be a little rude to me. I think they must have forgotten who I am."

After saying that, Superpower's eyes lit up, and his red heat vision spurted out, instantly cutting those who threatened him with guns into two halves.

This kind of cut in half would not kill them immediately, and because the wound passed Burning, they are likely to live longer than they think.

This means that they need to endure more pain.

These great guys who were high-spirited a second ago have become pitiful creatures with only half of them in the blink of an eye. They wailed, they screamed, they cried, and they wriggled ugly on the ground!

This scene made Speedmaster regain his feeling, yes, he should be like this.

As his biological parents said, he was born They should be rulers and conquerors.

Among those wailing people, some finally couldn't bear the pain. They pointed their pistols at their temples or mouths and shot themselves.

This was the fastest and most direct way to escape the pain.

Speedmaster's happiness disappeared, he sneered and turned his attention to Wilson again

"Slade, you should know very well why I came to you. Tell me, where did you hide the kryptonite?"

Wilson opened his mouth slightly. His jaw was cracked, which made him feel severe pain every time he moved, but he still opened his mouth.

Speedmaster could hear him without getting close.


At this point, knowing that even if he begged for mercy, Speedmaster would never let him go, Wilson chose to be tough!

Speedmaster's expression instantly turned cold.

"Very good, you are worthy of being the man who beat me. He is really tough, but I don’t know how hard your bones can be!"

After saying that, Speedmaster closed his fingers and crushed Wilson's chin directly!

Wilson's original handsome appearance was completely destroyed as a result, and his chin became irregular.

"Since I can’t speak, I don’t need to speak anymore!"

Wilson's whole body was convulsing because of the severe pain. Now he only felt that his mouth was full of the smell of rust. It was extremely painful to open his mouth, let alone speak.

At this time, Speedmaster heard another sound coming from outside the door, and he looked with his clairvoyance eyes Suddenly, he showed an evil smile.

A figure soon appeared at the door.

""Dad" comes none other than Ross Wilson, the richest daughter of the United States.

"Super!"Ross exclaimed after seeing the Speedmaster.

The moment Wilson saw Ross, he immediately struggled violently. He wanted to ask Ross to leave here, but he couldn't.

"Speedmaster, let him go!"

Rose subconsciously took out a lady's pistol from her waist. Although she knew in her heart that this gun had no effect, the presence of this thing could at least bring her some psychological comfort. Speedmaster looked at the gun A small pistol with a mini caliber, smiled mockingly

"Relax, Ross, if you answer one question I'll let him go."

Superman moved his blood-stained palm down a little, grabbed Wilson's neck and pushed him in front of him to face Rose's gun.

Rose could only put down the pistol.

"I just have one question, where are the kryptonites that you confiscated?"

Ross's face changed slightly. This expression was noticed by Speedmaster, and he was overjoyed. Ross really knew it!

So he immediately threatened:"Don't hide it, tell me your location information! Otherwise, you will watch your father die in front of your eyes!"

Ross couldn't bear to see his father's miserable condition, so he could only tell him what Speedmaster wanted to know.

"In Alcatraz, those things were brought to Alcatraz by Shazam!"

This answer was far beyond Supermaster's expectations!

No wonder, no wonder he couldn't find the specific location of the kryptonite. He even searched the moon carefully and never gave up any spacecraft.

It turned out that they were all hidden on Alcatraz Island!

This gave Speedmaster a headache. First of all, he couldn't find the location of Alcatraz Island. It turned out that before Dane came to this world, Alcatraz Island was hidden by the power of the God of War, and Speedmaster couldn't see through it.

Super Although Overlord's magic resistance is very high, he is only immune to magic damage. It does not mean that he can destroy magic effects. Not to mention that after Shazam occupied Alcatraz Island, he strengthened the island's magic defense. Now Super Overlord Even if he stands in front of Alcatraz Island, he can't see it.

This is just the first problem. The second problem is that even if he can find Alcatraz Island, he can't beat Shazam!

This problem is more deadly than the first problem..

Because of the location of Alcatraz, he could still find a way to coerce the Super Queen, but failing to defeat Shazam was a fatal problem.

Until now, he still doesn’t know how to deal with this most powerful enemy in history.

He originally He thought about using the Super Queen's submission rope to force the opponent to shout the spell and release Zanza's power.

But since Shazam was able to defeat Zanza, it proved that he had the power to defeat Zanza before he obtained Zanza's power.

This is something that none of the superpowers in their heyday could do. Since he couldn't do it before, he can't do it now with this stronger opponent.

So Zansha's power is not the most important reason. He can't beat Shazam in terms of hard power, which is the most serious problem.

In fact, there is another way to get kryptonite, but this method is a more difficult choice for Speedmaster.

It can be mined on earth Most of the pure kryptonite has been confiscated and stored on Alcatraz Island, but there are still many mixed minerals of kryptonite and other elements scattered around the world.

Those things can also extract some kryptonite elements, but because The purity is low, so the effect is far less effective than the ones he collected before.

Speedmaster knew from the beginning that the kryptonite on the earth would one day be exhausted, but he never worried about it.

It was not because he commissioned the Death Storm, Let him create artificial kryptonite for himself, but because besides the earth, there is another place with almost endless resources of kryptonite.

That is the ruins of Krypton.

The spaceship that Speedmaster rode in when he was a child was not damaged, so it can still be used. , and the coordinates of Krypton are also stored in the star map in the spacecraft. It can be said that he can return to Krypton at any time as long as he wants.

However, because he had witnessed the destruction of Krypton when he was a child, Speedmaster actually has no interest in Krypton. Star has childhood shadows, and if he can, he really doesn't want to go back to that place again.

But now it seems that this may be his only choice.

After tonight, he is likely to welcome the Justice League team Wanted, Shazam is very likely to come out to catch him at this time.

There is no other way, he must leave this planet temporarily. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But think on the bright side, once he leaves On Earth, no matter how powerful the Justice League is, they will never be able to catch him.

And he will obtain almost endless kryptonite, which he can use to continuously enhance his superpowers.

There is no yellow sun where Krypton is located. Like other parallel universes, Krypton's"sun" is a red dwarf star, which is smaller than the sun and has a lower temperature.

The red sun has neither amplifying nor weakening effect on Speedmaster. It is the same feeling as ordinary people on earth sunbathing. Of course, Kryptonians will not get skin cancer from this.

After getting the information he wanted and clarifying his goal, it was time for Speedmaster to have fun.

Speedmaster pulled up a scary smile and looked at Ross opposite him.

"You are very honest, dear Miss Rose, and very different from your father, so to reward your behavior I have decided to be a little more generous....

Originally, I hoped to enjoy this process more, but for you, I am willing to make a little concession."

Rose didn't understand what he meant, but she instinctively felt a little uneasy and quickly shouted:"No..."

At this moment, Wilson seemed to realize that he had reached the end of his life. At this time, he felt unexpectedly calm in his heart.

The legendary revolving lantern began to play in front of his eyes, allowing him to review his life, a man's failed life.

He finally understood his stupidity here. He should not have allowed a threat like Speedmaster for the sake of the election, nor should he have distanced himself from the relationship because of his defense against the Justice League. If there was a member of the Zhenglian here tonight, what would happen to him? Maybe it will be different.

He is already destined to die, but his daughter Rose must not fall into the hands of Speedmaster!

Wilson knows the Speedmaster very well and knows what kind of beast it is. Once Rose falls into his hands,That would be a fate worse than death.

In the"Eternal Evil" comic, Superhero invaded the main universe and once thought of raping and killing Lois Lane in the main universe. If Black Adam hadn't arrived in time, Reporter Man would have been in danger.

At the last moment of his life, Wilson must find a way to save his daughter!

At this moment, he was so blessed that he suddenly remembered that before his relationship with Zheng Lian became as bad as it is now, he had received a gift from Shazam.

Although the other party warned that he was not sure of the effect of this gift, Wilson was extremely eager for this thing to be effective at this time.

So, before Speedmaster was about to pinch Wilson's throat directly, he saw the President, who was about to turn into a dead dog, suddenly take out a knife from his body.

The Speedmaster feels ridiculous, Wilson actually wants to use such a thing against him?

Even though he is now"weaker" than before due to the scarcity of Kryptonite, he is still invulnerable.

But he didn't mind letting Wilson feel despair before he died. To be honest, he had prepared many kinds of punishments for this old guy before, but now that none of them had been used, he actually felt a little unhappy.

However, when Wilson pulled out the knife, Speedmaster immediately felt something was wrong. His power was losing rapidly, even faster than when he was exposed to the sun!


Wilson stabbed the dagger into Speedmaster's waist with his backhand. His face was caught in front of Speedmaster and he couldn't see the situation behind him, so he could only use his feeling to draw the knife. Fortunately, he succeeded in hurting Speedmaster, but Unfortunately, he did not hurt the other party's vitals.

Super Pain felt severe pain in his waist. He looked at his waist in disbelief. The knife was inserted into his waist at this time, and the blade had been immersed in his flesh and blood.

He could It was seen that the blade of this pocket knife was covered with a layer of special blue minerals. It was this layer of minerals that was destroying his muscles, making him unable to heal and continuing to be weak. But fortunately,

Wilson didn't have much strength. , this knife only barely pierced his flesh and blood, and did not harm his internal organs.

Super Master quickly grabbed the knife, and the feeling of weakness spread all over his body. He endured the severe pain, and pulled the knife away Pulled it out from the waist, then thrust it forward and stabbed Wilson in the heart!


Rose screamed heartbreakingly, and she immediately shot at Speedmaster. Originally, the shot was not supposed to be effective, but Rose's first bullet actually shot directly through Speedmaster's arm, and Wilson's body fell from his hand. Come down.

Ross saw Wilson out of the Supermaster's control and quickly stepped forward to hug his body.

Speedmaster took the opportunity to escape backwards, smashed the glass window and fled outside.

What surprised him was that once he left the confines of the White House, his superpowers quickly returned to him, and the injuries on his waist and arms healed quickly.

There's something wrong with that knife! Speedmaster immediately realized this, that knife could weaken his superpower!

At the same time, Rose also discovered that Wilson's vital signs had disappeared. She was so distraught that she immediately continued shooting in the direction of the Speedmaster.

But this time, the bullet that hit Speedmaster bounced off and fell to the ground, unable to harm him at all.

This further proved Superboy's suspicion that he wanted to return to kill Ross and destroy the knife, but he had no more energy and he heard many soldiers gathering around him.

If he had to fight with these people, he might not even have the energy to fly back to the spacecraft in the end.

So after weighing the pros and cons, Speedmaster chose to retreat.

Just as Night Owl said about him, when he sees that something cannot be done, Speedmaster will immediately choose to stay away from the dangerous area, and this time, he made a wise choice.

With a loud sound, the Speedmaster flew into the sky and disappeared deep into the clouds.

Only the dead Wilson, Ross, who was crying bitterly, and the belated guards and husbands were left.[]

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