"This is Washington News, and now we have an urgent message. I regret to inform all citizens....

The great President Slade Wilson passed away two hours ago. There is evidence that this was a horrific murder! The murderer is none other than the familiar superhuman—Superman!"

In the tenth minute after Wilson was assassinated, the emergency doctor declared that he was physiologically dead and there was no need to continue resuscitating him.

Rose instantly felt that the sky was falling. She could not accept this fact!

Waller said on the first day after the incident that Rushing to the White House in no time, she confirmed again and again that after finding out that Wilson was really hopeless, she immediately woke Rose up from her grief.

"Rose, now is not the time to be sad, you have more important things to do!"

Waller directed his men to put away the bloody knife, and then continued to Ross:"The top priority now is how to use this matter to prepare for your next thing."

Rose's brain was a little confused now. She didn't understand what Waller meant for a moment. How to use this? What to use?

After a few seconds, she suddenly raised her head and looked at Waller in disbelief.

"Don't look at me like this. If something happened to you tonight, I would advise Mr. Wilson the same way."Waller said calmly

"He just died!" Rose shouted.

Waller meant to use the president's death to build momentum for Rose's ascension. In other words, she wanted to use Wilson's death for political hype!

In Rose's eyes, such behavior is the same So she was insulting her father, not to mention that Waller's move also implied that Rose was involved.

This was obviously unacceptable to Rose, who was less than thirty years old.

However, Waller didn't think so.

Change Normally, it would be impossible for someone like Ross to become president, not only because of her age, but also because of her gender.

But it’s different now. As long as they do it right, they can completely make Wilson a hero. , and Rose's identity is not just a presidential candidate, she is also a hero!

As long as what happened this time is slightly processed, Rose will definitely gain sympathy from people across the country and even the world, and maybe she will succeed to the throne. Become the next president.

To put it simply, Waller hopes to put a layer of buff on Ross. It is best to let her give a public speech again to absorb all the halo that originally gathered on Wilson.

After all, she is The only daughter of the late president, the probability of success of this plan is very high!

Waller had already learned before coming here that the Vice President was also working in the White House at the time.

But he was unlucky and cut off the power here during the Speedmaster. At that time, because he was directly above the underground cables, he was killed by Supermaster.

This made it impossible for him to directly become the interim president like Truman. At this time, the same candidate Rose has a glimmer of hope.

After all, in the previous voting, Rose's votes were far higher than other competitors, so as long as he can make use of today's events, Rose does have a glimmer of hope to take advantage of people's high attention to this matter. More support, and eventually became the new president.

But Rose couldn't accept this. What was more chilling than eating human blood steamed buns was eating the human blood steamed buns of relatives. Rose's father had just died, and she actually wanted to use this. It's just a matter of hype. If she really does this, even she will look down on herself.

"But the interests of the United States are above all else, even above the feelings between you and your father!"Waller snapped.

If it were Waller who encountered this kind of thing, she would definitely do it without saying a word, because she knew that only by doing this could the loss be minimized, and they might even be able to solve the problem. A bad thing turns into a good thing

"Do you want your father's sacrifice to be in vain? He has worked hard to create such a situation. If this matter is not calmed down, the fear of the Syndicate will rekindle in the hearts of the people."

"Then why do you want me to take advantage of this? Wouldn't it be enough to truthfully publish the process of the matter?"

Waller once again felt Rose's naivety, but it doesn't matter. Even if she is not mature yet, when she actually sits in that position, she will definitely grow up at a speed that no one can imagine.

Amanda Wall Le believed that she would not get the wrong person.

So she asked a crucial question:"If the next president is not you, will you still be responsible for the relationship between the Justice League?"

This question stumped Ross.

Once the emperor and his ministers, this is a rule that applies everywhere.

Once the new president comes to power, they will definitely not use Ross or Waller. Waller may be better, she She only needs to change the lintel to continue to be reused. She just needs to go through the path of career promotion again.

But Rose will definitely leave the center of power and everything related to superhumans because of this. The new president will not allow her to continue to be exposed to these..

Unless the Justice League specifically requests it, they will specify to contact Rose, but is this possible?

The relationship between her and Zheng Lian has been somewhat awkward recently. When she needs to use all means to ease it, Zheng Lian will never speak for her.

So. If the president falls to someone else, Rose will definitely be kicked out of this organization.

Is Rose relieved? Is she assured that everything she and her father have worked hard will be handed over to other people?

She suddenly thought of two other competitors, a big capitalist , an interest spokesperson supported by big capital, no! The country must not be handed over to these two people!

Seeing that she did not speak anymore and her mood had calmed down, Waller breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Ross is willing to cooperate, this will It is possible to accomplish anything.

As a direct descendant of the Wilson faction, Waller did not want them to collapse so quickly. She had thought about all this on the way here.

It would be okay if Rose could accept her opinion rationally. If not, Waller will have to find a way to find a new home.

After a battle between heaven and man, Rose finally agreed to Waller's suggestion with tears.

For the sake of the United States and the future she and her father expected, she was willing Sell ​​your soul to the devil.

Waller had already been prepared. Rose nodded, and she immediately recruited people from the Washington News to take photos of the scene and conduct a brief interview with Rose.

The most important thing , is the surveillance in Wilson's office. It is an independent battery, so it is still working normally after the entire White House is cut off.

These surveillance cameras completely captured all the facts. They are also what Washington News wants this time. material.

After two hours of emergency editing, they finally published the news to all online media as quickly as possible and inserted it into all TV programs.

And this news shocked the country just after it was released!

This is the most appalling assassination incident after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and judging from the surveillance released on TV news, the person who assassinated the president this time was none other than the Speedmaster who was rumored to have escaped from prison some time ago!

But no one can do this To reprimand Wilson, the surveillance video not only captured the scene of Speedmaster assassinating the president, but also captured President Wilson's heroic counterattack before that, and he successfully stabbed Speedmaster and injured him.

Speedmaster can Injured!

The discovery of this fact may be more important than the assassination of the president itself. It proves that Superpower is not invincible. Even a mortal can hurt him.

"I will inherit my father's legacy and continue to fight against the Syndicate to the end! I will not be intimidated by threats of any kind! It's the same even if the Speedmaster appears in front of me now."

In front of the TV screen, Ross said with determination.

The public sympathized with the girl who had just lost her father, and also admired her for still having the courage to fight against the Speedmaster in this situation. Perhaps after Wilson's death, his daughter can take over from him. banner, and continue to fight against the super criminals who threaten all mankind.

So those sympathizers voted for her one after another.

Not only the votes in the hands of passers-by, those voters who originally chose Wilson changed their positions and The vote went to Ross. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As for other competitors, the gap between their votes and Ross was already huge, and now it has become even bigger.

""Knowing King" was so angry that he made wild remarks on his Facebook and claimed that Rose was consuming her recently deceased father. His remarks aroused attacks from countless netizens. What he said may be true, but it is not the public opinion. What I want to hear now.

As for the"Sleeping King", he appeared to be very indifferent to this matter. He just politely said"I'm sorry" in front of the media cameras and continued to travel around the country to give speeches for his campaign.

The actions of these two people are simply assisting, and Rose's approval rate is rising exponentially.

Alcatraz, on this island isolated from the world, information from the outside cannot penetrate the barrier set up by Dane.

On Alcatraz , A week after Sinestro left Earth, he finally unlocked the secret of the demonic spell and found a way to rewrite the"code"

"Are you ready to go to hell now? Why don't you find something to test first?"Zatanna arranged the things needed for the secret ritual in an open space.

"No need, I believe in the results of our efforts...And I'm worried about Circe....Maybe I'm not even allowed to find experimental subjects...."

Zatanna was speechless. She wanted to say that as long as you don't spoil her, she can't do anything to you.

If Dane knew what she was thinking, he would definitely say, there is nothing he can do about it, he really has nothing to do with"Eva Green"

"Before that, I have to get something first0......."

Dane said as he walked into Hephaestus' palace.

"Please tell me that the smelting of N metal has been completed"[]

Hephaestus turned around, his huge body was extremely oppressive, but Dane regarded it as normal.

The other party pointed his finger into the furnace and said:"It is inside. According to your request, I did not forge it into a fixed form...."

Dane jumped onto the forge. It was so huge that even if Dane was standing on the edge, it felt as wide as if he were standing on the shore.

In the furnace, Dane saw a ball of golden liquid swimming in the flames, like a living thing.

Dane stretched out his hands, and lightning seeped out from the pores on his arms, turned into a thunder snake and flew out, directly biting the moving golden light.

Attracted by the divine power, the golden liquid flew out of the furnace along the Razer and finally came to Dane's hands, carrying the high temperature in the furnace and climbing up his arms.

This is the liquid metal state in which N metal is in a molten state.

Dane's divine body is not afraid of high temperatures, so the hot molten metal is like warm water on his hands and does not cause him any pain.

Zansha's power has the superpower to control metal magnets, so the N-metal liquid can be shaped into any shape in his hands.

But the reason why this piece of N metal is in a liquid state is not because the temperature is high enough to reach the melting point, but because it was given the ability to become liquid at the beginning of its design.

In Dane's design, N metal is endowed with the ability to transform between different material forms.

It can assume the solid state that metal should have in daily life. In this form, it is extremely strong and almost indestructible, and the N attribute in this form has the same capabilities as Eagle Man's equipment.

It can make people who cannot fly fly, block mental attacks from the outside world, enhance their own strength, speed, and agility, and can increase the power of magic when they use magic.

This piece of N metal can also be converted into a liquid state. In the liquid state, it still has the magical properties of the solid state, and it also has the properties of water. In this form, the N metal can penetrate into the original water molecules. The place.

And because the liquid state is extremely fluid, this means that this piece of N-type can be transformed into any weapon form, and all eighteen kinds of weapons can be transformed.

Not only that, as long as the owner of the N genus has enough knowledge, it can even become a thermal weapon, an energy projector, or even a spaceship.

N genus can further change into a gaseous state. In this state, it can even enter the pores of living things and penetrate into the human body like nanoparticles.

Dane can use the N metal in this state to strengthen himself or strengthen the physical abilities of others. Of course, depending on the usage, this ability can even be used to control others on the physical level.

Let the opponent's body act according to Dane's will, and the best thing is, this kind of control can be more diversified.

Because the N attribute itself has powerful magical abilities, it can be used for magic control. It is a good idea to use it to strengthen spiritual magic by 0.8.

And its particles are at the atomic level, smaller than the particles of nanotechnology used by the Justice League, so it can enter the human body through chemical means and self-assemble into nanorobots in the target body. It is totally useless to use it as nanotechnology. question.

Moreover, according to the size of N atoms, it can directly participate in the physiological activities of the human body, which means that it can even directly impersonate the circulatory system in the opponent's body, replace the opponent's biological activities, and control the target's brain through biochemical reactions.

For example, it can follow oxygen molecules into the human brain and control the other person's thoughts by participating in brain chemical activities.

Of course, the last method is very complicated, but therefore more secretive.

In addition to these common functions, N-metal can also house souls, just like Nabu housed his soul in a golden helmet.

The atomic motion of N itself is also continuously absorbing vacuum zero-point energy from the surrounding void. Under certain conditions, it can be released.

At that time, N metal can even assume a plasma state, or a higher level of energy form.

In short, the N attribute is very versatile. It can participate in almost any ability you can think of. It can be said that wearing this thing, Dane is equivalent to having a self-sufficient arsenal. He wants to make Anything is fine.

Dane was very satisfied with it. The only thing he had to do now was to turn it into something that only he could use. According to the Eastern saying, it was to make it"recognize its owner".

Soul binding is the safest method, but this method requires cutting off a part of one's soul, which is not cost-effective. The soul should be kept as intact as possible.

Therefore, Dane chose to use his own divine power to infect this N attribute..

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