Dane used his ability to shape the N metal into a pair of bracelets, and then transformed into the God of Death.

Among all the abilities on his body, only the gift of life is completely his own, because it is a power registered with"death" and is deeply bound to his soul, which is equivalent to a kind of fabrication.

This means that even if the universe restarts, time goes back, the timeline is reopened, and other super-universe events occur, this power cannot be stripped away from Dane.

This is also the reason why"Destiny" was so shocked and anxious when he learned that"Death" gave this ability to Dane. With such power, Dane has almost reached the multi-dimensional level.

The remaining half of the foot is just the accumulation of energy and experience, and these accumulations can be achieved by Dane with just a little time.

The dark divine power spread to the bracelet through his hands. When he used a microscope, he could see that the atoms were saturated with divine power and finally reconnected together.

Unlike ordinary material atoms, atoms of the N genus can be reconnected through the special power of"divine power", and due to the spiritual connection between"divine power" and the owner of the divine power, Dane can now directly use will Controls the metallic bonds of the N metal and the van der Waals forces.

This means that Dane now doesn't even need to use the superpowers included in Zanza's power. Just a thought can change some of the physical properties of N, such as electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, melting point, boiling point, etc.

After completing the recognition of his master, Dane once again transformed into the Black Shazam mode that merged with Zanza after a bolt of lightning struck him.

"Thank you for your hard work this time. I will be going to hell soon. Is there anything you want to bring?"Dane chatted casually.

Hephaestus stopped his blacksmithing and sneered:"If you can, you can help me bring back the souls of a few demon kings. Maybe I can use those materials to build some weapons."

The Godhead of the God of Craftsmen not only allows Hephaestus to freely use minerals and prepare the best metal formulas, but also allows him to process some unconventional materials."Soul" is such a special material.

Generally Generally speaking, only priests related to the underworld will have some godheads that can operate the soul. The Godhead of the Craftsman is not actually included in this list.

But perhaps it is really his own outstanding talent, Hephaestus He actually broke through this limit. Although he couldn't do anything to the soul directly, he could create tools that could transform the soul to indirectly control the soul.

This is why Hephaestus is obviously not good at fighting. The reason why he can still be ranked among the twelve main gods of Olympus is that his technology has surpassed the limits set by the priesthood for him.

Ares's soul has now been transformed by him into an extremely fire-resistant material, which can withstand positive pressure. Burning under the furnace.

Dane also heard from Hephaestus that he planned to reshape Ares's soul in a few days and throw him into the Amazon's pit for decades to let him recover. Feel the filth...

Therefore, if you offend anyone, don’t offend an honest person!

Hearing what Hephaestus said, Dane nodded. If he could really meet the Demon King, it would not be impossible to bring a few back.

Hephaestus didn't expect that he would really agree, and was surprised for a moment. Then he realized that the other party was not joking, and was really planning to go to hell. how? Is this popular among people nowadays? Traveling to hell?

Looking at Dane's back as he walked out, Hephaestus scratched his head, puzzled.

Returning to the location of the ceremony, the ceremony has been arranged and Circe is already in place.

This ritual needs to be performed by Circe herself. Zatanna can do it, but it is still not as convenient as a real"local".

"Are you sure you don't need me to follow you this time? Zatanna said with some worry.

Dane nodded:"Don't worry, it's just hell. I have enough power to protect myself."..."

What's more, if Dane is willing to pay a small price, he can even directly destroy hell. What's more, after arriving in hell, his demonic power can be extended here.

Parallel earths can all be connected to each other, so can parallel hells, and they will be simpler than parallel earths.

According to Dane's calculations, after arriving in hell, he may be able to directly connect the two hells without using the magic box.

"Remember, if you want to come back, you can call the Magic Box."Cersei reminded.

As Dane said before, the magic box can indeed be used as a teleportation between hell and earth. Although it is a technological creation, it can be driven by magical power and used as a medium for magic.

This is even more It confirmed Dane’s conjecture that magic and technology in the DC world may essentially be different manifestations of the same power.

This proves that technology and magic in the DC world may be essentially the same thing. I’ve finished explaining what needs to be explained. Circe directly activated her magic. She chanted the modified spell and opened a magic portal at Dane's feet.

Unknown magic emerged from it and turned into dark palms to grab Dane's legs and feet. Pull him in.

The moment he entered the"door", Dane's eyes fell into darkness, but he was not panicked. When he used the Eyes of Death to look again, he immediately found that there were"people" everywhere around him.".

They are just like the hell demons in another world, they look all kinds of weird.


"Yes, you read that right, that is actually a person!"

This hell is a little different from what Dane imagined. He looked up at the top of his head and found that there was a neon billboard with the name of this place written on it.——""Happy.Hote1"!

Unlike Dane's hell, this hell actually looks like a civilized society!

"Hey! Human, can you reach me?"

"If he is really a human being, there is no way he can see us... No, if he is really a human being, there is no way he can appear here!"

Dane then observed the two demons who just spoke. He could feel that these demons were not very strong, but they all looked similar to humans.

As expected, these two demons should be human beings. corrupted

"What is this happy hotel for?"It can't be like renting to tenants in the human world, right?

"He can indeed see us!"

"That proves that he is actually a demon, right? What a disappointment, I thought I could have some fun."

Dane looked at the two demons talking to themselves in front of him, and finally realized that they didn't seem to take him seriously. Can he bear this grievance?

So he grabbed the two little demons with his big hand and pinched them one by one. neck, grab them both like little chickens

"Maybe this will make you take my words a little more seriously."

An ordinary person, Dane, would definitely not choose to use such a rough method, but this is hell! These guys are demons! So why should he be so polite? Demons have no human rights and can do whatever they want. The two demons did not expect that they were in front of them.

This"demon" was so powerful that they were almost powerless to fight back. They were grabbed by big hands and could hardly breathe!

So the two of them could only slap Dane on the arm to signal that they were willing to cooperate.

Dane As soon as he loosened his grip, the two demons immediately escaped from his"claws""

"You must be new here, right? You must have been a very powerful guy in life to have such a strong power just after death."

"Man, you are so tall. Were you this tall when you were alive?"

"You two, I don't want to waste your time."Dane saw that he was rambling again, and several dangerous arcs flashed between his palms.

When the two demons saw it, they immediately replied:"This is a hotel owned by Princess Charlie. As for the function..." One of the demons showed his face Weird smile.

Another demon followed up his words:"Princess Charlie claims that she wants the demon to go to heaven! Dane picked his ears, feeling that he might have heard wrongly:"What did you say?""

But the two demons on the opposite side nodded understandingly:"I know this is hard to believe, but it is true. This is what Princess Charlie declared, and she has also appeared on TV news. We are sure that we did not understand it wrong. Dane looked up and had a subtle feeling in his heart.

A hotel designed to help demons go to heaven. This is a very abstract art!

When Dane looked up to observe the hotel, he didn't notice that the two people opposite him The devil had secretly reached into his arms.

When Dane came to his senses, he found that the devil opposite had two special modified guns in his hands, both of which were automatic weapons.

"Surprised or not? You Son.Of.Bitch"

"Beat him to a sieve, George!"

The speed of the two demons was very fast this time, and they pulled the trigger just as they spoke.

Dane clearly saw the bullets flying out of the muzzle from the speeding perspective, and he even saw some bullets on the heads. Small graffiti, with the shape of a shark or crocodile head.

How should I say? Everywhere is full of non-mainstream and hip-hop style.

In the sound of gunfire, Dane's body was shot.

Two demons laughed loudly He pressed the barrel of the gun and poured out the bullets in the magazine. In less than ten seconds, the magazine was empty. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But the two demons were stunned as if they had seen each other. Like a ghost.

Even the bullets from hell cannot harm Dane's body at all.

"I guess it's my turn this time?"

"Wait..." Seeing that the situation was not good, the little devil immediately wanted to kneel down and beg for mercy.

But Dane did not give them this chance. The thunder and lightning on his body disappeared in a flash, and the arc of electricity struck the two devils in a way that was invisible to the naked eye. He spun around and burned them to ashes.

Only two automatic weapons that had been modified so that they couldn't be seen as prototypes fell to the ground.

Dane stepped forward and used the two weapons as if he accidentally stepped on cigarette butts. He crushed the gun and walked towards the hotel.

The demons around him were very sensible and went about their own business as if they didn't see them.

He wanted to get some information first and understand the basic situation of this hell. So I set my sights on the hotel in front of me.

Perhaps, we can start with this hotel?

This hotel is very luxuriously decorated and has a very large area. If the environment is not wrong, it can even be used as a large banquet venue.

But Dai En walked all the way in, but didn't find anyone.

He didn't understand how businesses in hell were run. Maybe the lack of anyone running it was the characteristic of this place?

"Oh~ How could anyone come in besides me?"

Dane followed the sound and found that it was a demon with female characteristics.[]

She looked like she had four arms, but Dane could tell she was hiding a pair, a female demon with six arms.

But strangely, her voice sounded neutral.

And her eyes are also very strange, one is normally white, and the other is black. They have very strong inhuman attributes, but they also give people a very harmonious feeling.

She has short white hair and wears a women's suit with pink stripes, black boots, and long pink gloves on each hand.

At this time, the female demon approached Dane, sniffed him, and showed a weird smile.

"It's weird. You don't smell like a demon at all. You smell a bit like a human, but not an ordinary human.…"

"Are you the owner here?"

When the female demon saw him asking this question, she rolled her eyes and immediately said:"Yes, I am the master here, you can call me Angel."

She suddenly came to Dane's side and gently poked Dane's chest with her finger.

"You look really strong, but I don’t know if it matches your chest muscles elsewhere.So strong..."

This name... is a demon, but the name is like an angel. Is this 903 black humor?

And this behavior is sexual harassment, right?

To be honest, this is the first time Dane has been accosted by a female demon. No, this can't even be called a chat. The look in his eyes at this female devil made him want to eat him on the spot.

And about her self-introduction...

Dane didn't need any ability to know that she was lying, at least not completely telling the truth.

Through his super hearing, he had already heard a person rushing over in the room outside.

"With a sound, the door was opened, and Angel immediately became well-behaved.

"Angel! Why didn't you tell us we had guests?"

Dane looked back and found a blond girl. She looked almost the same as a human, but her makeup was a bit weird, as if she had put on smoky makeup to cater to the atmosphere of hell.

A girl with smoky makeup , but she was dressed neatly, like a wealthy daughter trying to blend in with a group of gangsters.

"Excuse me, what's your name? Are you here to be transformed?"

This girl was very enthusiastic, and Dane felt that she might be a little too enthusiastic. Although she kept asking questions, she didn't seem to want him to answer.

Dane could only interrupt at every opportunity:"Excuse me, you are the one here. The owner of the hotel?"

"Yes, that's right, I think you must be a newcomer to hell. My name is Charlie, Charlie Morningstar. Nice to meet you... What's your name?"

Morning Star?

Dane narrowed his eyes. This surname should not be randomly used. Usually it means that it will be related to another person, and that person, Dane has been looking for him for a long time.

But he seems to be in another world. He had disappeared, and Dane couldn't find this person even after digging three feet.

So he asked directly:"Can I ask a question?"

"sure!"Charlie looked very happy, and Dane didn't know what she was happy about.

"What is your relationship with Lucifer Morningstar?"

"Ah~ Sure enough, this is the problem."Charlie hasn't said anything yet, but Angel on the other side has already spoken first.

She looked at Dane and smiled:"Every new demon who comes to hell has to ask this question. Princess Charlie is the daughter of Lucifer. You know, he didn't know who he fucked and gave birth to her.…"

"Civilized language! Angel! You can't go to heaven like this!"Charlie criticized angrily.

Angel smiled and apologized without sincerity:"Sorry, I'm used to it, hahaha!

Then Charlie turned to look at Dane:"You don't need to be afraid of me. Daddy never cares about me anyway, so you must not be afraid of me because of him."

Angel turned his head and his body shook slightly:"Pfft!" Daddy, hahaha!"

Charlie is really good-tempered. If it were Dane, he should have spread the ashes of this female devil by now.

Dane stretched out his hand to Charlie in a polite manner:"Let me introduce myself. My name is Shazam, and your father Lucifer Morningstar…"

"There is a grudge!".

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