Charlie didn't look strange because of Dane's words. She naturally stretched out her hand and held it with Dane's.

"Really? What a coincidence. In fact, there are many demons in hell who have a grudge against my father. Angel also came closer:"What a coincidence, I also have a grudge against that Bitch. If you can find him, please help me blow his asshole hard!""

"Angel! Pay attention to the wording!"

Angel rolled his eyes. It's obvious that Charlie often said words with F and S in private, so what's the point of pretending to be here?

Maybe this is also the difference between the two hells. Lucifer doesn't seem to be like this in this place. He is so respected in another hell.

You must know that in that hell, no matter how much the demons hate Lucifer in their hearts, they must be respectful on the surface.

Dane loosened his hand to shake hands with the other person. He just checked it roughly. The human appearance in front of her, which is no different from that of a normal girl, is actually just a shell. Under this shell is another thing, but nothing can be seen from just a handshake for the time being. On the contrary, it is the demon named"Angel" next to Charlie. Its shape is similar to an anthropomorphic white spider, which is why it has so many arms, and its body is as slender as a supermodel.

Its essence can be seen clearly by Dane with the eyes of death. In addition to the appearance of having six arms The soul below is the soul of an ordinary human being, the soul of a sinner.

And he also saw a fact that made him speechless. This guy is a mastermind!

The soul has no gender, so Dane didn't notice it at first. A little, until he accidentally saw the other person's crotch when changing the perspective...

"So I guessed correctly before? Are you a demon who came to hell recently?"Charlie held her heart in both hands and still said excitedly.

Dane did not correct her statement, but just said:"I just arrived today, so I don't know much about the situation here. This place... doesn't seem to be the same as the hell in my impression. Too same?"

"I know what you mean, it’s amazing, isn’t it? When humans are alive, they always imagine hell as a medieval style, thinking that it is all an old-fashioned eighteen-level hell..."

Sorry, the hell I have been to is really It’s the style you mentioned, and your dad has been working there for a long time. I think he enjoys the medieval style very much!

"If you want to ask why the technology in hell is the same as that in the human world, this is thanks to those sinners, because the achievements they have made throughout their lives in the real world will be brought to hell after they die...."

When Charlie said this, Dane understood that according to the distribution of good and evil in this world, there are not many good people who are qualified to go to heaven, but there are many sinners who are qualified to go to hell.

In the past, those who created many advanced technologies or technologies in the human world will continue to shine in hell after death, becoming the"culprits" that transformed hell into what it is today.

Moreover, there are new sinners joining hell every year, so the technological iteration of hell is consistent with that of the human world.

From Charlie's mouth, Dane learned that although the creatures in hell are collectively called demons, they are mainly divided into three categories.

One type is the fallen angels, which are said to be a group of angels who fell into heaven with Lucifer and those who fell into heaven later.

The characteristic of this type of demons is that they look random, some are like humans, some are like animals, and some are simply"different". Their most important feature is that they retain a pair of white or black wings and lose the halo of angels, but most of the fallen Angels do not display their wings.

Now this group of fallen angels are following Lucifer and staying in the Circle of Pride that he rules, which is the world where Dane is now.

One type is the native demons, who are the prototypes of many legendary red-skinned demons.

It's the kind of devil with dark red skin, a pair of horns, a tail, and anti-joint hooves.

This type of demons are the indigenous people who have lived on this land since the beginning of the world. Like the fallen angels, they can produce offspring through intermarriage with each other.

Of course, in the Age of Gods, there were also some native demons that were created by stronger demons, such as little demons.

There is also a very special category, which are sinners transformed into demons.

Perhaps because of the particularity of the laws of hell, every sinner who goes to hell will eventually transform into a new demonic form according to his or her own sins, just like re-creating it under the hands of a painter.

The sinner's demonic form retains some of his more personal characteristics as a human being, and finally combines the characteristics of other animals to reassemble a strange-looking body.

Take the Angel in front of Dane as an example. His six arms and long hands and feet come from the image of an animal like a spider.

But he doesn't exactly look like a spider girl. Apart from having more and longer arms, his overall image is still closer to his own in life.

"I said, have you never heard of me? I'm quite famous in the surrounding area.."

Angel didn't know when he took the opportunity to get close to Dane again. He felt that this demon was a little unruly and always liked to do things to him.

Charlie explained on the side:"Angel was a member of a gang during his lifetime. After coming to hell, he became an adult movie star...."

Dane immediately quietly took a few steps back. Not only was he a male devil, he was also a teacher on the set?

"Really don’t want to give it a try? My skills are superb!"Angel raised his eyebrows at him.

I want to say here that the demons transformed by sinners are sterile, so they cannot leave offspring in hell.

So some sinners and demons are...More debauched.

And in this hell, demons like sinners cannot be killed by normal means. Whether it is cold weapons, hot weapons, or the unique magical power of hell, they can only seriously injure sinners and demons, but cannot completely kill them. them.

Not even time can erase them.

Even the weakest sinner demon will not be killed by any conventional means.

However, when they are seriously injured, they need to go through varying degrees of recovery periods depending on the severity of the injury. This process is the same as when humans are injured, and it can be very painful.

Therefore, sinners who are often seriously injured by other demons will gradually become psychologically distorted during this painful recovery period, and finally their hearts will gradually become alienated into real demons.

Not only that, sinners and demons can also get sick. Although they will not die, they still have to endure the pain. The most important thing is that there are almost no doctors in hell, so they can only carry them when they are sick.

Dane guessed that this was the punishment of hell, and the pain would accompany the demons forever until the end of time.

After hearing Xia Li talk about these basic common sense about hell, Dane asked:"If the demons in hell are immortal, then it will be overcrowded soon. Is the living space in hell infinite?" What if it is

God ? Dane may still believe in the kingdom of heaven, but a mere hell should not be a world that can expand infinitely.

As Lucifer's daughter, Charlie obviously knows a lot of secrets, and Dane knows that her age is definitely more than what she shows.

"Of course it's not like that. Hell is indeed big, but it is not big enough to accommodate the sinners accumulated on the earth over thousands of years.Not to mention that fallen angels and local demons are also constantly creating people in hell."

"Therefore, heaven will create a great purge in hell every other year to reduce the excess population of hell. The divine power of heaven can completely destroy the devil from the soul level. Dane thought about the two demons he had just killed at the door, and said thoughtfully:"It should not only be the divine power of heaven, but the power of other gods can also do this, right?""

Charlie was a little surprised. Although this is indeed the case, the gods have long since died together in the human world. Charlie heard that most of those gods were sealed into a place of nothingness, and the few remaining gods have also been hiding in the human world for a long time. It has never appeared before.

When Xia Li introduced the common knowledge about hell, she especially focused on the layout of hell.

"The entire hell is divided into seven rings, seven realms, and seven powerful magic barriers. Please note that there are some places that sinners and demons cannot enter."

The seven rings are: the Ring of Pride, the capital of Pentagram City, which is where Dane is now. According to the rules of hell, sinners can only stay in the Ring of Pride.

This is the top level of hell, and it is also the most prosperous and peaceful place. A huge layer.

Under it is the Wrath Ring, the capital of which is the Demon City.

The Gluttony Ring, the capital of Beisi Harbor. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The Greedy Ring, the capital of which is the City of Riches. The city is the richest city in hell, and it is also the ring with the most concentrated and developed industry. It has the largest number of sweat workers and black-hearted capitalists in hell. The reason why hell can become as prosperous and advanced as it is today, the greed ring is indispensable.

Sex.Desire Ring, Capital Water Essence Body and Desire Hall. Just by looking at the name, you know that this place is extremely unorthodox.

As you might think, it is a place specializing in unorthodox things, and provides all kinds of gameplay to satisfy all demons’ special XP. Anyway, demons are difficult to die, so more extreme gameplay can also be found here.

The Jealousy Ring, the capital of the ancient city of Levi, has unknown characteristics, and is suspected of hiding the history of hell.

The Lazy Ring, the capital of Dream City, also has unknown characteristics, but listen It is said that this ring is the one that produces the most slaves and has a very good cooperative relationship with the City of Riches.

Each ring has a ring master, usually the most powerful demon king in the ring, and each ring lives with Some local demons with their own characteristics.

As the uppermost level of hell, the Ring of Pride is also the ring with the largest territory, the largest population, and the richest variety. It is led by the most powerful demon Lucifer Morningstar. The ring of this ring The native demon is Goetia, a demon with avian characteristics, which is sometimes confused with the Sinner Demon and is difficult to distinguish. The ring owner of the Wrath Ring is Satan, and the native demon is the Imp, a red-skinned demon. , but the monster is smaller in stature.

The ring leader of the Gluttony Ring is Beelzebub, and the local demon is Cerberus, which is not a real dog, but a beast-like demon that looks like a canine. They are humanoid creatures , using"Fu Rui" to describe this kind of demon, everyone may understand it better.

The ring leader of the greed ring is mammon, and the local demon is a trader, a type of demon who likes to make illegal transactions with humans or demons. They usually have the appearance of With heads similar to those of marine predators such as sharks and killer whales.

They have another name in the world.——""Devil".

The magic that Dane used to come to this world is likely to be left by a"trader".

The ring owner of the lust and desire ring is Oz/Asmodeus, and the local demon is the succubus.[]

This place is generally filled with demons who do business in the flesh or entertainment industry. Unfortunately, sinners cannot enjoy it, unless the succubi come to the Pride Circle to do business.

The ring leader of the Jealousy Ring is Leviathan, and the native demon is the Dominator.

Such demons usually have the characteristics of certain marine creatures, and have light-emitting organs on their bodies that can emit neon-like colors. Sometimes they join the entertainment industry, in which they obviously have many innate advantages.

Because it emits a lot of cool brilliance, this ability is quite popular with some hellish hippies.

Their racial category is actually relatively close to that of traders, but they are classified into a separate category because of differences in strength and power.

Just like human beings also like to classify themselves into categories, classes, and even races through external objects such as wealth or power.

The ring leader of the Lazy Ring is Belphegor, and the local demon is Baphomet, who is the big ram-horned demon in the mainstream imagination of the human world. He looks similar to Hellboy when he has horns. He is tall and strong, with dark red hair. Skin, yellow pupils, generally not very smart.

In the hellish situation of modern society, Baphomet has been reduced to a role like a cow or a horse, while the status of the little devil, who is cunning and clever but has relatively low combat power, has quietly risen above Baphomet.

Charlie was trying her best to explain to Dan, while Angel lit a joint on the side.

"Want some?"

In hell, smoking marijuana and smoking is not illegal. There are even specialty stores and self-service vending cabinets selling various flavors.

Dane declined Angel's"kindness", and Charlie's eyes were BulingBuling, she was excited Said:"You are the most polite and well-behaved devil I have ever seen. Do you want to go to heaven?""

"Oh, here we go again. Angel slapped his forehead, looking very speechless.

Dane was also speechless:"Heaven must be very grateful to you for your preaching, but thank you, I have no intention of going to heaven. On the contrary, I like hell!""

The sinful atmosphere here is very strong. Just as Dane expected, if he summons his own demon body here, his power will skyrocket again.

But what he is curious about now is, Is Lucifer in this city?

So he asked Charlie directly:"Is your father Lucifer in this city?""

His polite words made Charlie happy. She thought that Dane had a high possibility of ascending to heaven.

In hell, as long as the devils are willing, they also have a chance of redeeming their sins and ascending to heaven.And this is exactly what Charlie wants

"Are you looking for Lucifer? This is not a good idea."Angel interjected.

It's one thing to insult Lucifer in private, but it's another thing to insult Lucifer in his face.

Charlie is also worried about this, but in the face of Dane's inquiry, she doesn't need to lie.

"Daddy is usually very busy and is often not at home, not even in Pentagram City, so if you want to find him, you will most likely be disappointed.

Dane thought for a moment and then said:"Will he appear in the world often?"

Charlie nodded:"He often goes to the human world.""

For some reason, many powerful demons in hell have found it difficult to return to the human world in the past thousand years, but only Lucifer still has the power to freely enter and exit hell and the human world.

"So does he still like to open a bar that makes no money at all?"

Charlie was very surprised. She was now sure that the man in front of her definitely knew Lucifer, otherwise he would not know the value of her father's unique hobby.

Compared with the perverted hobbies of other demons, Lucifer's hobbies are very normal and harmless..

He just likes to open a normal bar, and likes to run it in a normal way without relying on magic. Although it often leads to making ends meet, he is always happy with it. He has never told anyone such private things, so it is not It's impossible for people close to him to know this.

Angel didn't know, so he looked confused when he listened to Dane's words.

Charlie's expression became a little more serious.

"Yes dad still likes to do that, may I ask, who are you exactly?".

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