"I said, my name is Shazam, and that wasn't a lie, your father and I did have a history, so I would be very grateful if you could take me to meet him. Dane has not forgotten the trouble that guy caused for him in another world. Who knows if he has hid here. After hearing this,

Charlie immediately said:"No problem, just wait a moment.""She is a filial daughter.

Then she took out a mobile phone decorated with hell, and there were two black devil wings on it.

Needless to say, the development of this hell is indeed very interesting, like a super enhanced version of the United States. , has developed materialistic desires to the extreme.

What can make the demons put down their swords, fangs and claws and devote themselves to such tiring work as construction?

Of course it is greater interests.

The sinners and demons who first entered this hell It seems that they are pioneers and builders. They are just like the white people who first arrived in America. They came here to build in order to better exploit the native demons and other sinners and demons who came later.

Looking out through the window, All the buildings look similar to the human world, and there are many facilities here that humans don't have.

For example, as far as Dane can see, there is the"Rosie Shopping Center"","Erotic movie theater","Devil's Restaurant","Marijuana store", there is even a news building and a TV station here...

It can be said that almost all the infrastructure here can find its counterpart in the human world.

The only difference is that there are a lot of hell elements here,"HELL"The words"Devi1" and"Devi1" appear frequently here.

Dane looked into the distance with his clairvoyance eyes and could see several places labeled"Murder Company" or"Killer Club". Is there such a market in hell?

"Hi~Mom, are you okay? No...I didn't give up my idea, I just wanted to ask, is daddy at home?"

"What? He's at Nightmare Nightclub?"Charlie was a little surprised. She didn't expect that Lucifer was really here.

This made her a little worried, worried that Dane would go to Lucifer, and even more worried that Dane would be killed by Lucifer.

In Charlie's impression, the whole There was no one in hell who could be her father's rival.

So she shut up as soon as she said the name of the place, not wanting Dane to know.

But Dane's hearing had already caught the name, and he found it by searching the whole city. That place called"Nightmare Club"

"I found you, Lucifer. Dane thought about it and decided to say hello first and show his enthusiasm.

So 037 he said to Charlie who had just hung up the phone:"Thank you for your help, Charlie, I won't interrupt you for now.""

After saying that, Dane immediately disappeared in front of her and Angel.

"How did he do that?"Angel was surprised.

You must know that he has the motion capture ability of a spider, but he didn't see anything at that moment. Dane seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

Charlie's face changed, and he hurried out the door, running as he did. While shouting:"Vicky! Get your car ready! We'll need it soon!"

Vicky is a female sinner demon. She is Charlie's girlfriend. Yes, according to Angel, Charlie Morningstar is a bitch.

But in fact, Charlie is actually a bisexual, and may even be the same as Constantine. All species take it all.

Angel looked at the scenery outside the window with a playful smile on his face, and his pointed teeth were exposed inadvertently, one of which was made of gold.

"I have a feeling this will be something interesting."

Of course he wanted to join in on the interesting things!

So he hurried out and got into Charlie's limousine. After all, she was also the princess of hell, so she still had this card. As soon as they set off, they heard the sound of hell There was a thunder in the sky, the sound was so loud that it almost shocked the entire Pentagram City. Even the small devil city in the second area could hear this deafening sound. The native demons in hell have never heard this sound. Because there will be no lightning and thunder in hell, it is a natural phenomenon that only occurs in the human world.

Therefore, they all looked at the sky confused and did not understand where the sound came from.

But those sinners and demons knew this sound very well What


One of the lords of the sinner demons, the demon lord Alastor, also known as the broadcast demon, didn't know how long it had been since he heard this sound. He couldn't help but stand on the top of the"Broadcasting eavesdropping" building and look at the distant place. Sky

"This is the sound of thunder!"

A huge dark cloud suddenly appeared in the dark red sky of hell, and a dragon turned into lightning was swimming among it, sticking out its head and claws from time to time. It opened its dragon eyes, and a sense of divine power emerged spontaneously.

To a certain extent, because of The dragon formed by thunder is indeed the incarnation of the violent power of nature.

And the eyes of the thunder dragon looked down, staring at a building.

All the demons who saw this thunder dragon trembled, this has nothing to do with race, no matter You are the kind of hellish demon who can only tremble under such great power.

Even Alastor, who has been famous for a long time, can't help but sweat on his forehead. He sensed that there is a powerful divine power in the clouds, and the divine power can kill people. Damn demons!

When you die in hell, your soul will be scattered. There is no next hell for these scum to survive.

So the best way to deal with this kind of"natural disaster" is to escape!

But those demons looking at the sky are all They were so shocked that they couldn't move at all. This huge fear made them completely unable to raise any thoughts of resistance, and they couldn't even escape.

In the limousine, Charlie had goosebumps all over her body. He immediately turned around and saw that his girlfriend Vicky was holding her body and shaking.

Even Angel opposite him no longer had the confidence and arrogance he had before departure. He hugged his body tightly with six arms. Trying to curl up into a ball.

With spider sense, he only felt an extremely terrifying aura condensing in the sky, as if the world was about to be destroyed in the next moment, and he couldn't go anywhere and could only wait to die!

When this power When it appeared over Hell, even the huge red pentagram array at the top of the sky was covered by thunder.

All the demon lords living in the Pride Ring set their sights on Pentagram City. This power has exceeded The power gathered when heaven launched the"Great Purge".

The demon noble in the Getia family, the powerful Storas Getia also looked at the sky, with four red eyes oozing magic power outwards

"It’s incredible. This seems to be the power of God?"

"The power of heaven is not like this!"Stolas' wife Stella frowned and said

"It is indeed very uncommon. I don’t remember this kind of power appearing for nearly a thousand years, dear Stella. Storas smiled and said,"This is the power of the old gods!""

Among the clouds, Dane's figure was looming. He pointed at the Nightmare Nightclub below. He had already seen Lucifer. He was sitting inside, drunk.

Dane made a muzzle firing gesture and surrounded The surrounding Brontosaurus instantly swooped down, as fast as a ray of light, and no one in its sight could escape the light. With a loud bang, the Brontosaurus passed downwards, instantly destroying the Nightmare Nightclub. Along with it, the surrounding streets and the demons on the streets also suffered a devastating blow.

What followed was a violent explosion, and the aftermath of the explosion spread outward, exploding a mushroom cloud thousands of meters high, and the fire burned The building burned the unlucky demons, and they screamed and fled the area.

But in the flames, a furious voice suddenly appeared

"Dane Davis!"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lucifer walked out of the flames unscathed, with no injuries except that his whole body was on fire.

"Fuck.You" He raised his middle finger towards Dane in the sky

"You are even more worthless now than before."Dane landed on the ground that had been burned into a piece of scorched earth by the fire.

Lucifer looked at him in disbelief, wondering how he had the nerve to say such a thing.

I was having fun in the nightclub myself. First of all, I didn't offend anyone. , and then when I was drunk, a thunder fell from the sky and exploded me, and now that person (aibf) is accusing me of being immoral? Is this even justified?

"You should know, what have you done in another world? Dane looked unkind:"If it weren't for those little tricks you did, the matter with the parasitic demon wouldn't have been so troublesome.""

The reason why the incident with the parasitic demon also attracted the First Fallen, Dane seriously suspected that it was because Lucifer was doing something secretly.

I just didn't know whether Lucifer was planning to kill the First Fallen with his own hands, or the other way around?

Or maybe Just want to have some fun?

When the incident was over, he went to Los Angeles to find the bar opened by Lucifer, only to find that he was no longer there.

Is it such a coincidence? Dane didn't think so. It was probably because Lucifer had been there in advance. He ran away.

At that time, Dane had not completely taken control of Hell, and Hell was in civil strife because of no one to manage it. Lucifer probably ran away because he was afraid that Dane would give up and leave the work of Hell to him again.

There are countless Lucifers in countless parallel universes, but for a great god like him whose body has already surpassed the level of the multiverse, his peers are essentially himself, and there is no difference at all.[]

So Lucifer came directly to the hell of the antimatter universe here, and became one with Lucifer here, from the graceful guy before to the gentle scum he is now.

Unlike the other world, Mammon here is not Lucifer's son, but another demon. In the hell of this world, Lucifer has a real wife and a daughter.

I have already met my daughter Dane, who is the same Charlie from before. As for his wife, Lucifer’s wife is the legendary witch Lilith

"After saying"Hello", Dane vented a little bit of the accumulated anger. When he was in another world, he secretly swore that he would teach Lucifer a lesson next time he saw him.

He knew that he couldn't kill Lucifer. So it was enough to give him a long memory like now.

At this time, the limousine drove into this scorched earth like an off-road vehicle.

The temperature on the ground was still very high at this time, and it didn't take long for the limousine to explode. A tire came out, the car door opened, and a blond girl walked out of it, it was Lucifer's daughter Charlie Morningstar.


Charlie hurried over. Lucifer had a moved expression on his face. Dane found it strange. If it were before, Lucifer would never have such an expression. It seems that after the same body merges, it will be divided into two parts.

Judging from the situation in front of him, it is obvious that this Lucifer is dominated by this side of his personality. Lucifer thought that Charlie would fall into his arms, so he opened his arms, but he didn't. Thinking of Charlie bypassing him and coming to Dane's side

"Are you OK? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Charlie nervously looked around Dane, pinching here and touching there from time to time. Lucifer was almost furious.

Dane looked at the scene in front of him with interest. He had never seen the road before. Xifa has such a rich expression.

As for why Charlie behaves like this, it is because Dane is the devil she thinks is most likely to complete the atonement and ascend to heaven. He looks very much like a guy who should go to heaven. In order to complete Charlie's dream, she absolutely can't let Dane die here

"Charlie, I'm here!"

"Dad, when did you come back?"

After merging with Lucifer from another world, he also became very fond of opening bars due to the influence of the same person, so he was not in hell most of the time, and he didn't know where he went to open a shop.

This is also Xia Xia's story. The reason why Li initially called Lilith in front of Dane was because she thought there was no news about Lucifer. Who knows how it happened that he happened to be here today.

But Dane didn't Looking at Lucifer with a half-smile, I'm afraid it's not luck. Lucifer is waiting for him here on purpose.

Lucifer, who has the ability to observe fate and predict the future, should be able to see this scene. This is acting for him.

So. Dane didn't mince words and asked him directly:"Since you already knew in advance that I was coming, you should also know the purpose of my coming to hell. Be happy, can you give me this hell?"

As soon as Angel and Vicky got out of the car, they heard Dane"threatening" Lucifer. The two demons almost thought they heard wrongly.

But Lucifer became very serious at this time, and Dane finally saw something in his eyes. something familiar

"This is exactly what I want to tell you, Dane, this hell is different. It is not only alive, but also very closely connected to heaven. You cannot get it! Dane squinted his eyes, and a very dangerous aura began to appear on his body, as if something dark was covering him.

This darkness even made a demon like Charlie feel palpitations. She suddenly discovered that compared to heaven, , Dane indeed belongs to hell.

Dane is shrouded in a magical power that only exists in the abyss, which is the power of the devil. This power crosses the barriers of the world and comes to him, making him full of demonic energy.

Behind him, The shadow on the ground elongated and deformed into a silhouette with four arms.

"What if I insist?"

Lucifer also changed his face. The sclera of his eyes turned bright red, and the irises and pupils turned yellow. It was completely in the style of hell. He looked more like the king of hell than before. Behind him, a pair of wide shadows grew. wings.

At the same time, a huge magic power collided with Dane's abyss magic power, and the entire Pride Ring shook under the collision of the two forces.

"This is not your world, Dane, and I am not the one who forbids you from occupying this world. You should know very well that the power at the top of the multiverse has a will that transcends everything!"

Of course Dane knows, it's still the same thing.

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