The magic powers of Dane and Lucifer were like a huge atmospheric pressure. They were entangled with each other and shrouded the entire Pride Circle. They were like a mountain pressing on the demons' heads, making them overwhelmed.

Except for a small number of nobles among the original demons and lords among the sinner demons, the other weak demons fell to the ground as if they were suddenly crushed by gravity, looking at the sky in horror.

Even Angel and Vicky, who arrived at the scene with Charlie, fell to the ground instantly, unable to get up as if they had been hit by the"King Power", a spirit of speech.

"What the hell is going on? God come down and fuck us?"

Some little devils were almost going crazy, thinking that Heaven had nothing to do and was going to come down to destroy the world, but the pressure quickly dissipated from the sky above Hell.

It came like a violent storm, a mountain torrent and a mud flow; It was silent and the sea was clear. Everything seemed like a dream.

Dane thought for a while, even though hell is nominally Lucifer's, it is obvious that it is actually God who has the final say. Sure enough, once power is involved, There is always this old guy standing in the way of everything.

There are so many hells in the multiverse, and this is not the most important one. Why is he so stingy?

"Even if there is no way to obtain ownership of Hell, I think there should be no problem in obtaining one of the rings, right?"

The seven rings of hell are distributed vertically in the physical layout, and the Pride Ring is located above all hells. Going up further, although it is nominally the human world, the human world is only dimensionally bordered by hell, through a huge pentagram. The formation connects the two worlds.

And this process is one-way, which makes Dane feel a little ridiculous. Hell seems to dislike the people on earth?

And further up, there is heaven. As mentioned before, hell will welcome people every year. A"Great Cleansing", but heaven does not have to pass through the human world, they have a direct passage to hell.

This gave Dane the feeling that it was as if both heaven and hell were deliberately avoiding this place.

Lucifer heard Dane say this and felt a little After thinking for a moment, he asked:"Which link do you want?

Dane said without hesitation:"Greed Ring!""

"You are so damn good at choosing, that is the richest ring in the whole hell!"Lucifer cursed loudly.

But what surprised Charlie was that Lucifer did not choose to refuse such a rude request, but thought about it seriously.

Hey, hey, hey, you two, have you forgotten that place? Does it have a ring master?

"The ring leader there, Mammon, is a fat spider who likes to dress up as a clown. He will not be your opponent. You can easily defeat him even without using that kind of power.

But I want to remind you that the local demons over there will not surrender to you just because you killed Mammon. Unlike what you did in the previous world, this hell will not give authority to anyone."

"Even you?"

"Even me!"Lucifer said this.

This is really an interesting world. Generally speaking, the authority of hell will be granted to someone who is qualified to control it, and that person will use the authority of hell to control the souls of the creatures in hell. This is"power" It is a rule of absolute obedience, and its coercive power is second only to the Anti-Life Equation.

The last time Dane controlled hell, he gained ownership of the creatures in hell by controlling authority. For this reason, he is the devil, and all devils God.

But if Hell does not give this authority, it will be more troublesome to rule Hell. It will be difficult to occupy Hell without obtaining the souls of demons!

Lucifer saw that Dane did not intend to occupy Hell anymore, and his serious expression changed. Beginning to be rude again

"We finally met each other, there is no need to be so tit-for-tat, come on! I'll show you around this hell. This is my favorite work. You don't know how difficult it is to build a civilized hell in this kind of universe!"

But looking up, there is already a piece of charred land nearby. The heat emanating from the ground is pouring up, covering the whole hell with a hazy atmosphere. On the ground, two faces are already covered with a layer of charred ash. The devil climbed up tremblingly


Charlie rushed forward and wiped the ashes from her girlfriend's face.

"So, no one loves me, right?"Angel patted his body unhappily. He has many arms and is actually very quick to do.

Demons are actually very curious, but Angel and Vicky both have good skills. They know that curiosity kills the cat. The truth.

Therefore, Dane and Lucifer did not say it, and they did not dare to ask. Although Angel just looked like the king of heaven and I would not abandon him, in fact, he was also very afraid of Lucifer, so for Dai En who could compete with Lucifer, Well, he was feeling a little nervous, and he didn't dare to be as debauched as before.

"Look what you have done? Lucifer was a little dissatisfied,"I quite like this nightclub!""

Dane didn't bother to talk to him at all. He was now thinking about how to catch the greed ring in this hell.

After a short exchange, he had roughly understood that this hell was different from his hell. He cannot control the life and death of all demons through authority. This place is highly similar to human society.

In other words, he may be able to plan by occupying the planet, but he has little research on"invasion".

Before completely controlling the Greed Ring, He still needs Lucifer to guide him...

During the time that Dane entered hell, the United States had already shown a chaotic scene.

Speedmaster's killing spree in the White House not only caused the United States to temporarily fall into the dilemma of"leaderless", but also indirectly led to the beginning of a power struggle within the federal government.

Shortly after the news broke that President Wilson had been killed, fellow contenders for the presidency began to take action.

Not long after people's sympathy for Ross began, doubts immediately arose on the Internet. Some people pointed out that Ross announced the death of Wilson as soon as he died without notifying senior federal government officials. This was leaking national secrets, and no respect for the dead

""Knowing King" even bluntly said that Rose was eating steamed buns with human blood. This little girl under thirty years old was dreaming of stealing the throne of the president.

Naturally, the"Sleeping King" was not far behind, and his team also He attacked Rose, accusing her of programming errors, and deliberately muddying the waters.

He had people spread rumors on the Internet, using conspiracy theories to suggest that Rose might have planned it in advance, and Wilson's death was also full of doubts.

Someone Notice that before Wilson died, he obviously suffered very painful torture, but as a person who was also hated by Speedmaster, Ross Wilson was unscathed. This has to make people think a lot.

People in the United States always like conspiracy theories. , it doesn’t matter whether there is any evidence for these speculations, nor does it matter whether they are true or not. What matters is that the story is exciting and the public likes to hear it.

Compared to the heroic story of Wilson sacrificing himself to save his daughter and seriously injuring the Speedmaster, it was Ross who secretly planned all these murders. The story of losing his father just to put himself in power is more in line with the public's speculation and imagination about politics.

Moreover, you have to admit that this is more in line with common sense and the consistent style of the United States.

The Speedmaster was actually killed with a knife Stabbed, this may be the funniest joke in the United States this year.

Naturally, Ross cannot allow her opponents to smear her, and her team has also actively carried out public relations. However, she did not really want to run for president in the first place, so she The team's power was very weak, and it was defeated steadily by the combined punches of the other two competitors on the battlefield of public opinion.

It didn't take long for the Internet trend to change.

More and more voters began to question the truth of this matter. , there are two doubts that are fatal"loopholes" that are difficult to explain by Ross's team.

First, the Speedmaster killed Wilson and other witnesses. Why was Ross left alone?

Cutting the grass without eradicating the roots, this is not It fits the character of Speedmaster who is ruthless.

The second is that Wilson stabbed Speedmaster, which is also the most questioned thing by the public. The whole world knows that Speedmaster’s body is invulnerable, and even missiles cannot penetrate his skin. How could Wilson possibly Just use a knife to fight back against him?

Rose's team also explained these two questions, but obviously, that explanation was not recognized by the public.

As for why the knife in Wilson's hand was able to hurt To the Speedmaster, this actually originated from a random experiment by Dane. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the positive material universe, Dane once obtained a lot of kryptonite from Krypton. He subsequently conducted a series of experiments on these special minerals and produced stones of many colors, including blue kryptonite.

In the animated film"Crisis of Two Earths", Speedmaster was not afraid of the sun. The screenwriter designed a new weakness for him, which is blue kryptonite. This kind of kryptonite has the same effect as green kryptonite on Superman. It can have a similar weakening effect on Speedmaster's superpowers, and the effect is immediate. As long as blue kryptonite has the same effect on Superman,

When the radiation of colored kryptonite comes close to Speedmaster, he will immediately turn into a soft-footed shrimp and lose his superpowers.

Dane was not sure which version of Speedmaster this world was at the time. If the opponent is not afraid of the sun, then He could give blue kryptonite a try.

However, after arriving in this world, he discovered that Speedmaster already had the biggest weakness of being afraid of the sun, and Speedmaster was not his opponent at all, so he did not verify the efficacy of blue kryptonite. reasons.

But after he took over the kryptonite inventory collected by the Speedmaster, he still used the green kryptonite to conduct experiments and made some blue kryptonite, just to be prepared.

And when the cooperation between the Justice League and the government entered the honeymoon period, he gave Wilson a dagger made of blue kryptonite as a witness to the friendship between the two parties.

At the same time, I also tried it just in case to see if Wilson would be useful one day.

His original thought was that Wilson often went to the super prison to"visit" Speedmaster, so he should have tried using blue kryptonite to deal with Speedmaster, right?

But he didn't expect that Wilson had never used it. He just carried the knife with him as a delicate craft. It was not until the critical moment of life and death that he decided to make a desperate move when he saw that Ross might die.

Rose didn't know about this, and Wilson died before he could tell her.

Fortunately, he won the bet, but unfortunately, it is impossible for the public to know about these things, so Rose can only continue to bear the slander from his opponents.

Forced into a desperate situation, she could only go to Waller, because she may be the only person in the official force who really wants to be president.

Waller could only think of one idea for Rose's request for help.

"If you can get help from the Justice League, you can quickly reverse the situation...."

Waller's words made Rose's expression change, and then he fell silent.

Waller also knew the reason for her silence, so he had a headache.

Last time, the federal government secretly released information about the Syndicate, which caused serious dissatisfaction with the Zhenglian. Ross had to hand over the task of contacting the Zhenglian to Waller. Waller was clear about the causes and consequences of this.

At this point, Waller actually supports Zhenglian more. In her opinion, it is very necessary to completely eradicate the Syndicate first.

But at the same time, as a politician, she can also understand the choices made by Wilson and Ross, but she does not think it is worth it.

In today's world where super powers are rampant, the Wilson government should maintain a good cooperative relationship with the Justice League anyway, instead of stalemate the relationship as it is now.

"What do you think I should do?"Rose quickly adjusted her mood.

There is no point in regretting what happened in the past. Rose must now focus on the present.

This is what Waller admires about her. She can always adjust as quickly as possible. mentality.

So she did not hesitate to give her own advice:"First of all, you must apologize to Zhenglian and admit your fault."

Actually, this is also a fact. If they had not exposed this incident through the media in advance without regard to the importance, it would not have led to a sudden alarm.

They reviewed the whole incident afterwards, and the surveillance camera had also captured the scene of the prison robbery that day. A group of members of the second team of the Syndicate broke into prison and rescued Speedmaster.

If they had not been smart, but had honestly let Zhenglian arrest the Syndicate before making it public, Speedmaster would not have escaped from prison, and Wilson would not have died..

Rose suddenly remembered what Diana had said not long ago, hoping that she would not regret her decision. Well, Rose admitted that she did regret it a little.

So she nodded to Waller and said calmly:"I understand, then Please help me contact the Justice League. I think the death of my father may have caused some trouble to them."

Kansas, Smallville.

Speedmaster once again fell from the sky and returned to the farm that held his childhood.

Speedmaster's childhood was not a good one. When he was on Krypton, his biological parents pursued a cold elite education.

Krypton's Elite education requires people to lose their emotions and advocate the supremacy of strength. Only strength can control everything.

Speedmaster has fully accepted the inheritance of the Aier family and has always lived with this idea.

The Kents are a local couple. A gangster couple, when Supermaster came to the earth, the spaceship crashed into their farm.

Before Supermaster decided to let them adopt him, the couple was quarreling, and the man had already used a knife. If Supermaster had not arrived in time, , there may be one more tragedy caused by a verbal dispute.

But although Speedy was only four or five years old at the time, he already had the thinking ability close to an adult. He forced the couple to adopt him so that he could be safe

Even if he is a Kryptonian, his body is very fragile in his childhood. At least he cannot prevent missile attacks. Originally ,

Speedmaster hoped that he could at least grow to adolescence, but the Kents were afraid of him and...Greedy, reported his secret to the local police station.

That night, a group of U.S. police with live ammunition broke into his room and tried to take him away by force.[]

But Speedmaster killed everyone, including his adoptive parents, the Kents.

And that time was the first time Carl El had killed someone on Earth. He discovered for the first time that people on Earth were as fragile as paper dolls, easily torn into pieces.

That killing directly led to the birth of"Supermaster".

Speedmaster looked at the deserted farm, recalled it for a moment and then retracted his thoughts.

No one knows that Speedmaster has always hidden his spaceship here, and he has never revealed this to anyone.

He doesn't have much kryptonite energy anymore and can't continue to waste it. He must get new kryptonite immediately!

Speedmaster turned over the land on the farm. About one kilometer below, there was a huge space where a small spaceship was parked..

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