At the Antarctic Syndicate base, Gypsy suddenly woke up from his dream, and then sat up with a cold sweat on his face.

She saw some bad things in her dream, which the Gypsy did not dare to ignore because it was most likely a prophetic dream.

So she immediately called everyone together.

You have to adjust your work and rest time in Jishi area. Some people are sleeping at this time. Being shouted at by a gypsy makes you very angry.

"You better have a valid reason!"Baolang looked unkind.

"I just had a precognitive dream and I felt really bad."The Gypsy's face was extremely pale, as if he had been greatly traumatized in his dream.

Her words made the wolf calm down. As a colleague, he knew very well what the Gypsy was capable of.

On the days when they were hunted down by the Justice League Here, it is the gypsy's precognitive ability that has been helping them escape from the sight of those heroes.

"What did you dream about?"

Even if it's a casual break dance, I don't dare to ignore her words.

"It's Speedmaster, he won't come back!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this. They had just rescued Speedmaster. Could this guy have gone in again?

"Doesn't anyone pay attention to the recent news?"The telescopic man was a little angry, but he was actually not much better.

Steel Man, who was responsible for paying attention to network intelligence, immediately connected to the base computer and soon discovered the news that shocked the world.

He immediately told all the members the news:"That Speedmaster guy, he killed Wilson!"

"Wilson? Which Wilson?" Breakdancer didn't react for a while.

But the telescopic man's face immediately changed:"It's Slade Wilson!"

Shit! The president was assassinated by"903". This is a shocking event. It will definitely attract the attention of all Zhenglian!

He turned his head and stared at the gypsy, a little puzzled:"Didn't you say that in the Super League? Won't we have any trouble before Ba comes back? But what do you mean he's not coming back?"

The Gypsy also grabbed his hair anxiously:"I don't know, the future scene has suddenly changed. This phenomenon has never been discovered before. There must be some magical phenomenon happening. It affects Here comes my observation of the future..."

The telescopic man couldn't understand what the other party was talking about, and he didn't understand things like magic.

But he knew one thing:"No! We have to leave here immediately!"

The president was killed by Speedmaster. Zhenglian will definitely find this place as soon as possible. Maybe they are already on their way here!

Anyone with a brain can think of this kind of thing, but only Baolang, whose mind is empty and has nothing to think about.

When everyone had decided to leave here, he was still a little unhappy.

But before they could start to evacuate, an unexpected person appeared at the base, it was the Super Queen!

"So you are here."The Super Queen walked into the base with a smile, her shadow stretched long behind her:"You are hiding in the most exposed place, why didn't I think of it?"

"Super queen! traitor!"The violent wolf roared and rushed directly towards the Super Queen.

While he was in mid-air, the Super Queen had already launched heat vision from her eyes and immediately knocked him away.

But before the violent wolf could land, the Super Queen threw a submission rope. , tied up the violent wolf, she exerted a sudden force, and the violent wolf was dragged over by her.

When the violent wolf was dragged in front of the super queen, the bone-eroding pain made it almost impossible for him to make any resistance movements.

The super queen showed a bloodthirsty smile, raised her long legs, and stamped her feet again. The head of the violent wolf with steel and iron bones exploded like a watermelon, with red, white, gray, and everything in it, including a pile of brain tissue. The substance stuck to her boots.

"This feels really good!"The Super Queen was in high spirits.

Her set of combos was extremely smooth, as if she had practiced it thousands of times. When the violent wolf was completely killed, the Syndicate on the opposite side suddenly reacted.


I don't know who shouted, and everyone turned around and ran!

As for fighting? Aren't you fucking kidding me?

But can these people escape under the eyes of the Super Queen?

The Super Queen raised her long legs and The foot kicked the body of the violent wolf away.

Her eyes were bright, and the beam of light penetrated the gypsy instantly.

The gypsy girl did not even scream, and was shot through the heart by heat vision.

Before she died, her eyes With a hint of confusion visible to the naked eye, why didn't she foresee her own death?

After killing the second member instantly, the Super Queen looked at the other syndicates that were fleeing, and she quickly focused on one of them.

Thunderbolt When Wu saw the look in Super Queen's eyes, he was so scared that he was scared to death. With a shake of his hands, he subconsciously launched a shock wave. The shock wave hit Super Queen, pushed her back, and crashed into the crystals around the base.

"Well done!"The steel man couldn't help but cheer, and then controlled the machinery around the base and dropped all the heavy objects on the Super Queen.

"Now, run away quickly!"The telescopic man immediately suggested.

He knew that with the strength of the Super Queen's body, this was nothing. Sure enough

, in less than five seconds, the Super Queen who was pressed under the pile of heavy objects pushed the weight on her body. Open.

She grabbed one of the crystal pillars with both hands and threw it out, hitting the slowest running Steel Man in the roar of the evil wind. The

Super Queen held a grudge!

She flew forward, and Steel Man couldn't even No time to escape

"No! Please forgive me!"

The Super Queen turned behind Steel Man at an extremely fast speed and twisted his neck with a"click".

Steel Man's face turned 180 degrees to his back and fell softly to the ground.

Another successful kill A target, the Super Queen continued to cast her gaze, and saw that Telescopic Man and Breakdancer had escaped from the base. They were taking off in a fighter plane.

This fighter plane was provided by Night Owl, and the engine equipped on it allowed the aircraft to reach a certain target. The fighter plane flies at subsonic speed in the atmospheric environment, and the Super Queen cannot catch up.

But even such a fast plane needs time to accelerate, and now, it has obviously not entered the final acceleration stage. The

Super Queen has gathered all the energy in her body. Energy, his sight was aimed at the fighter plane in the sky, his eyes flashed red, and he shot instantly and exploded the engine of the fighter plane. The fighter plane swayed in the air for a while, and finally fell to the ice and snow ground.

Wait for the Super Queen to fly there. By the time, the Telescopic Man and the Break Dancer were shivering in the cold wind

"Can we...can we talk some more?"Telescopic Man felt that he was very unlucky.

Originally, he still had room to continue fighting, because his superpower characteristics allowed him to ignore some physical blows. Neither the Super Queen's power nor the rope could really hurt him. Only his heat vision was somewhat Power.

But now, the most feared weakness of his super power, ultra-low temperature, has happened to be hit by himself.

In the case of ultra-low temperature, he can no longer stretch his body.

The Super Queen did not pay attention to his plea for mercy, and she launched again The heat vision cut the telescopic man in half from top to bottom without saying a word.

Upon seeing this, Breakdancer immediately unleashed all his potential. If he didn't do this, he was afraid that he would never have such an opportunity again..

This power that contains all the fear of Break Dance is indeed very powerful. It shakes the surrounding air and shatters the ice under their feet.

But the Super Queen can fly!

She directly lifted into the air and watched Break Dance fall straight into In the deep water under the glacier, he and the telescopic man's body sank into the icy sea water.

Breakdancing's physical fitness was only a little better than that of ordinary people. He had just exploded with super power and now fell into a state of destrength, so he was absolutely It was impossible to survive in such an extreme environment.

The Super Queen had no interest in continuing the pursuit. She flew back to the Antarctic base and began to search for information about Super Master in the central computer.

But Super Queen wanted to leave the earth. It was a spur-of-the-moment idea, and she didn’t tell anyone at all, so the Super Queen couldn’t find any information.

If the Super Queen could exchange information with the Justice League, she would definitely know that Super Queen had also been to Gotham.

But between her and the Justice League After all, there is a small gap between them. Normally, it's fine when Dane is still there. Once he is gone, other members rarely contact her.

This may be more comfortable for the Super Queen. She is not used to staying with those heroes. Because her actions were completely selfish.

Including this one, the Super Queen only told Dane about the existence of this base.

But coincidentally, this incident was perfectly missed by Dane. As a result, the members were completely unaware of the whereabouts of the Syndicate.

If the Super Queen hadn't seen Superpower killing Wilson on the news, she might not have remembered this base. She knew that Waller gave the kryptonite to Dane, and Daine En stored those things on Alcatraz Island. Speedmaster would definitely not dare to do so without restoring them.If you have the strength, go to Alcatraz.

But without going to Alcatraz Island, his strength cannot be fully restored. This is an endless cycle.

That's why Super Queen dares to come here alone, because she believes that as long as Super King does not recover his strength, even she alone can defeat everyone here0...

She was right because she did have the ability to defeat everyone, and she was wrong because Speedmaster didn't come back here.

Super Queen didn't know where Super King would be, but she knew that Dane would be able to find out his whereabouts.

Therefore, the Super Queen immediately left the Antarctic base and flew towards Alcatraz Island.

When she returned to the island, she saw Zatanna staying with a woman she had never seen before.

"I'm looking for Dane, where has he gone?"The Super Queen just glanced at Circe and ignored her.

Zatanna cast a"visibility" magic on Circe, allowing others to see her in the soul state.

But Circe is just a soul. Her body, so she was almost lifeless, like something without any sense of existence, so she was directly ignored by the Super Queen.

For Dane's sake, Zatanna answered politely:"He has gone to another place now. A world where I’m afraid I won’t have time to see anyone for the time being?"

The Super Queen frowned and looked at the ground. There was a huge five-pointed star array with a little residual magic power on it, full of an unknown feeling.

"What world has he gone to?"The Super Queen has bad associations in her mind.

"hell."Zatanna said.

The Super Queen had a headache, it turned out to be hell!

Although she was not familiar with heaven, she had heard of the names of God and Lucifer.

"What was he doing there? Zatanna didn't say anything clearly, she just said vaguely:"He has something to do over there."..."

Living people go to hell to do business? The Super Queen said she couldn't understand.

But there is no other way, she can only discuss it with Zatanna now

"You probably haven’t paid attention to outside matters during this time, right? The United States is in chaos!"

Zatanna's heart moved. They have really been obsessed with magic research recently and rarely paid attention to the outside world.

"what happened?"

"Speedmaster is jailbroken! And he killed the President of the United States."

Zatanna's face changed slightly, and she immediately used the power of the magic box to contact other people in Zhenglian

"Is it Zatanna? Thank goodness you finally contacted us! The Plastic

Man couldn't help complaining:"The United States has become a mess. What is Dane doing now?""(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Zatanna also connected with other members. After a brief exchange, she understood the current situation of the United States, and also discovered that they were all looking for the whereabouts of Speedmaster.

"Waller sent an inquiry some time ago, saying that Ross wanted to meet us."Diana said this.

Zatanna is very smart. She has been influenced by Dane and can already see some problems, so she immediately said:"Dane said that the Justice League will never take any political stance!"

Diana also meant the same thing. At this time, Batman interjected 0.3 sentences

"Speedmaster has been to my place. As soon as his words came out, he immediately attracted questions from his teammates.

After Batman patiently answered them one by one, he said the key point,"Based on Night Owl's understanding of Speedmaster, this guy is very likely to take the car he came from." The spaceship escapes and leaves the earth"

"Is it credible?"Because the sound of the magic box was played externally, the Super Queen also heard Batman's words, and she hurriedly asked

"According to the results of my personality profile of Speedmaster, this possibility is very high."Batman said calmly

"Shit!"Super Queen said bitterly, letting this guy escape.

Now that Super King has left their sight, and may have an escape plan, considering the worst outcome, he might have escaped long ago. The Earth.

And Super Queen can also think that Speedmaster will definitely return to Krypton first. The place where he was born, there must be more kryptonite there.

If Speedmaster dares to come back, his strength will definitely rise to a A higher level.

If they fail to nip this matter in the cradle before he escapes, they will have to pay more costs to be wary of the attacks that the Speedmaster may cause in the future.

"Guys, I just want to ask, where is the Boss at this time?"Plastic Man asked a good question[]

Zatanna told the members truthfully:"He went to hell..."

Newcomers such as Vixen, Dr. Light, and Plastic Man were suddenly shocked. They didn't know that Dane had become the Lord of Hell in another world.

So they immediately yelled:"WTF? Dane is dead?".

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