In hell, the"dead" Dane was visiting this five-pointed star city with Lucifer and his entourage.

"In the whole hell, Pentagram City is definitely one of the most prosperous cities! Look at the races here. There are native demons, fallen angels, and many sinners and demons. They live in this land regardless of race, and they are happy...."

Not long after Lucifer finished speaking, a little devil smiled evilly and fired a shot at a sinner devil who had just fallen from the pentagram array, and specifically aimed at the opponent's balls.

The sinner's devil's thing burst like a balloon, and the painful wailing sound made people tense up.

Dane looked at Lucifer expressionlessly, and the other party didn't care.

"Come on, Dane, we're demons, this is how we say hello, the louder, the warmer....Isn't that what you just did? I thought you understood."

No, I just wanted to beat you up.

They walked to the bottom of a huge clock tower. This clock tower looks like Big Ben, but with a pair of black devil wings. This hell! Has the construction of civilization been done so well?

Always remind people where this place is. The variety and richness of these cultural symbols are second only to the Stars and Stripes on the streets of the United States.

There is an inverted pentagram on the dial of the clock. The star logo is marked with twelve Roman numerals, and there is a row of electronic dials for countdown below the clock dial.

It reads: There are still 224 left until the next cleaning.

"You may not know it when you first come here, but a group of angels descend here every year, and they reduce the burden on hell through massacre...."

Dane heard Charlie say it once, but he still felt speechless when he heard it again. Sure enough, there are only one rule in the universe, and the heaven here is very vicious!

And reduce the burden on hell? Does this mean that hell is already overcrowded?

Lucifer seemed to be able to see Dane's thoughts. He explained:"You should already know the special nature of this universe. There are few good people and many bad ones, so there are even fewer people who can abide by the commandments and ascend to heaven.

Some I can tell you quietly that a long time ago, because the number of good people was too few, heaven lowered its standards, so now this heaven has recruited a lot of strange guys, including everyone...."

Before Lucifer could continue speaking, suddenly a bolt of thunder fell from the sky and struck him.

Angel, Vicky, Charlie and others who were accompanying them were all frightened. Thunder can easily trigger fear in the hearts of living beings, even them. This is the power of God. Except for"God", no one can. Able to look directly at the power of God.

But coincidentally, the person who was hit happened to be a"god", a great god.

Lucifer was fine after being struck by lightning, but he looked a little more embarrassed on the outside. He raised his middle finger to the"sky".

Dane also suffered the disaster of Chiyu, but lightning was a great tonic soup for him and was easily absorbed by him.

But his expression was subtle:"Is this a divine punishment?"

Good guy, heaven is monitoring hell 24 hours a day? Doesn't that mean that all his previous words about wanting to occupy hell were heard?

"You don’t have to worry about that. Except for the Supreme One, most of the others are artificial intelligence-like things. I just triggered the blocking word."

Dane can only deduct 6. You guys here are quite advanced.

After roughly visiting several more prosperous areas nearby, Dane already has some understanding of the customs and customs of this place.

Generally speaking, this area is based on the human According to the standards, it should be regarded as a lawless zone, but it is by no means anarchy. There are also some basic rules that need to be followed here.

But according to Lucifer, these so-called rules are actually written by the lords of various places themselves, and it is chaotic. Not to mention, many of them are just scribbling with their eyes closed, deliberately finding excuses to torture those demons who violate the rules.

"If you want, I can take you to other places. You can take elevator No. 666 directly to those places."

"No need, now I just want to kill Mammon and receive the Greed Ring as soon as possible...But after listening to what you said, I feel that this is not easy to do. I need a base, a base that can connect hell and other worlds."

Lucifer stopped, thought for a moment, and asked:"Where do you see it?"

Lucifer did bring some trouble to Dane when he was in the material world, so he wouldn't mind helping out a little if possible.

Besides, there is no conflict of interest between the two of them when it comes to hell.

Lucifer didn't like hell from the beginning. Even this hell that seems to be a little civilized now is the same. If he had to choose someone to be his colleague, he still hoped that it would be a"god" with normal thinking. , Dane met his expectations very well.

Dane thought for a while, and suddenly turned his head to look at Charlie, who was following them step by step.

Charlie's heart skipped a beat, and she had some bad premonitions.

"How about the Happy Hotel?"


Before Lucifer could say anything, Charlie hurried over and rejected Dane.

"Why? I clearly remember that you welcomed me very much just now."Dane laughed.

That's because I mistakenly thought you were the sinner who just fell! But she didn't say this.

"In short, no, my hotel has very important business to do! Dane smiled and said:"As far as I know, the biggest function of a hotel is to provide living rooms for guests. I am going to rent your hotel directly."...By the way, do you have money in hell? What does it look like?"

Angel and Vicky were speechless in the back. You don't even know what money looks like but you want to rent it. Are you planning to shoot the bank?

Don't doubt it, there is a bank in hell, and the sinner banker is an extremely huge one. This group of people died the most in the annual"Great Purge".

It seems that heaven doesn't like them very much.

Lucifer, who always loved his daughter the most, was uncharacteristically at this time and directly agreed to Dane:"Okay, it's up to you. Meaning, Happy Hotel will be your place to stay. Lucifer pretended not to see Charlie's disbelieving eyes and reminded Dane:"But please remember one thing, living people are not allowed to enter hell. Of course, if they are people who have been certified as belonging to the native species of hell, You don’t need to be included in this list. Don’t look at me. This is what the old man meant."

He pointed to the sky, and Dane nodded knowingly.

"Why? Dad!"Charlie was so angry that her eyes glowed red, and two devil horns protruded from her head. She revealed her true form as a devil.

But this is still not her essence, the most primitive form of an angel.....

In short, good kids, don’t read too much and don’t check.

Lucifer comforted Charlie and said:"Dear, I know your ambition, but with all due respect, it is impossible to change the demons with your own strength. You need some help."..."

Charlie was not convinced:"But I have found a customer who is willing to cooperate with me!"

"Are you talking about that male prostitute? Lucifer glanced sideways at Angel and sneered:"You probably don't know yet, but he often sneaks out to work at night. It's the kind of work you imagine. It's just a fantasy to expect this guy to go to heaven."."

There are many demons in Pentagram City who are obsessed with Angel's body. Even demons at the lord level will bow down under his miniskirt.

Angel was hurt by Lucifer's contemptuous eyes, but he could not refute Lucifer's words. , and did not dare to resist the most powerful demon in hell, so he could only sulk alone.

Charlie and Vicki looked at him in disbelief.

"You have obviously promised us not to do this!"Vicky roared loudly in Angel's ear.

Angel originally wanted to apologize, but when she yelled like this, the twisted self-esteem in his heart suddenly rose again.

So he pretended not to care and wrote lightly:"It is reasonable and legal for me to use my own body to make money. After all, the only thing worthy of praise for me is this body, so why not?" (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He said it right, Although Angel is a male devil, his body is more feminine, both in terms of skin texture and body curves. Dane did not even discover his true gender at first. Vicky was so angry that she almost exploded. If you just want to stay in hell and rot in hell, then of course there is no problem. As long as you can withstand the angel's annual"big purge", then you can do whatever you want.

But Angel has signed an agreement with the Happy Hotel and is completing the"atonement" Before he ascends to heaven, he will abide by the rules of the Happy Hotel and strictly restrain his behavior.

Originally, he quit his job at the adult film and television company. Vicky and Charlie thought he could really make up his mind to change things. Who would have thought that dogs He couldn't change his habit of eating shit, so he still continued to do his old job.

Did he have to tease the devil or be fooled by the devil to survive?

If Dane said it was because they didn't sign a magic contract, they would be taken advantage of, and it was like hell. The daughter of the Lord, shouldn't she not even understand this truth?

But it is obvious that this hell princess is more"innocent" than he imagined. This kind of innocence may be called"innocent" in an environment like hell. A kind of"arrogance" at the highest level, and in the final analysis, do demons need redemption?

Or, do demons yearn for heaven? Maybe, but if they have the opportunity, are they willing to live in heaven?

Not necessarily, because one does not Complete scum are essentially scum. They can't even adapt to normal life, let alone heaven.

They will be treated as aliens.

Maybe Charlie is using her own will to force the devil to atone for himself. , they themselves had no such intention.

Lucifer pulled Charlie and introduced Dane to her:"This person in front of you is incredible. He is a god from another world, and you must not have imagined that he came from hell. He gained faith from the demons and was very good at persuading them to ascend to heaven!"

Of course, in Dane's hell, you can either atone for your sins and ascend to heaven, or you can become his food and contribute residual value to the devil. There are only two ways to go. This is the trial of the devil.

Hell's KPI, if you Those demons who don't want to die can only try their best to transform themselves if they don't meet the standard. But even so, the results are mediocre.

Only those who were not bad before death and accidentally went to hell have the chance to atone for their sins. finally ascend to heaven[]

For example, people who kill gangsters in order to save their families will go to hell for committing the serious crime of"murder", but the reasons for their sins are excusable, as long as they are not polluted by the environment of hell and those born with them. If bad people join in the evil deeds, they still have the possibility of"ascending to heaven".

Most of the remaining demons can only become his food.

Dane thought that maintaining contact between the two earths obviously requires a stable channel, but it cannot be"bordered" too directly. It is best to have a middle ground that can buffer it.

Hell seems to be a good buffer zone, and the hell here happens to have a relatively high level of technology, so the earth can seamlessly access it.

When Dane 197 gets the Greed Ring, he will still have a ready-made industrial system. A complete industrial system can provide him with not many benefits.

And the communication station between the two worlds can be set up in this hotel.

As a place to realize Xia Li's dream, this hotel was designed to be quite luxurious, even if it could receive state guests.

Therefore, even if Dane knows that Lucifer is deceiving Charlie, he must cooperate.

So he nodded:"Yes, in another world, there have been many sinful souls who ascended to heaven in the hell there. Your idea is feasible, but the management needs a little upgrade. In this aspect, I can I'll lend you my manpower."

He planned to bring Gabriel and Fiora over. Counting over there, there should already be some newly born Kryptonians, allowing them to grow up in a near-modern environment. will be better.

But be careful of the chaotic cultural environment of this place. It really can't produce any good things here. Charlie is a special case among special cases.

Charlie was a little moved when she heard Dane's words. Vicky and Angel didn't dare to speak. At this time, their opinions didn't matter at all.

After thinking for a while, maybe because Lucifer was there, Charlie still chose to believe Dane.

"If that's true, then maybe we can work together?"

"Of course, as long as you are willing, after all, this place is yours, right?"

"So...That `s a deal?

Dane smiled and stretched out his hand:"It's settled.""

Charlie subconsciously stretched out her hand to shake hands with the other person. The moment their hands were clasped, a magical breeze spread outwards, blowing the surrounding dust.

Charlie immediately realized that this was a magic contract. With her power, she signed a contract!

Today, facing those with weaker abilities than herself, Dane has been able to easily sign unequal contracts with them, just like those devils

"Very well, the contract is made."

When Dane opened his eyes again, the eyes of death changed again.

"Mortals should not look directly at the majesty of God, or they will become blind."

Lucifer said something and then chuckled and covered Angel and Vicky with magic power. They have a close relationship with Charlie and deserve the protection of the King of Hell.

Charlie, on the other hand, faced the true face of the devil. In her eyes, Dai Suddenly, a figure that was too huge to be described in words appeared behind En.

The shadow had a pair of eyes like moon rings, four arms, and long hair as dark as the night. Charlie seemed to be able to see stars from it.

And That giant holding up the sky is holding a world in his arms. That is hell, a hell completely different from this one!

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