OA, Sinestro was eroded more and more deeply by the Supreme Ring, but he still maintained his sanity.

After this period of observation and counting, Sinestro felt that the time was almost up, and basically all the possible divine power rings had arrived.

Even if there are some fish that slip through the net, they won’t be too many.

The number of power rings is fixed. Since the first time the power rings were made, the number of power rings has only been less but not more.

No user of the Power Ring wants others to share such"divine power" with them, and after the death of the little blue man who knew how the Power Ring was made, the method of making the Power Ring was lost.

Therefore, Sinestro does not need to identify those divine power rings. He only needs to count the number of power rings to roughly judge whether all these people are here.

"The time has come!"

Sinestro muttered to himself. He put the quantum true bomb into his power ring, the yellow one.

Since the lamp furnace had been destroyed by him, Sinestro had no way to install the bomb there. He had to find another way to deal with the giant energy source.

And just in time, when his consciousness was eroded to the last bit by the Supreme Power Ring, he came up with an idea.

When he broke through the thin atmosphere of OA, all the Power Rings Sensing the situation from outer space

"he came!"

Kilowog shouted to the sky!

Without his reminder, the power rings in the hands of each power ring have already told them the news of Sinestro's arrival.

As for the power rings, they obviously do not want to have an extra one above their heads. The Supreme Ring has the power to dominate, and they have become accustomed to being their own masters.

So as soon as Sinestro entered OA, countless green rays of light rose from the ground, aiming at him!

But Sinestro avoided it deftly After passing a part of the light attack, he couldn't avoid it, so he used the power of the ring to resist it until he landed on the OA ground. As soon as he landed, he saw countless ready-made animals with green light equipment of different shapes heading towards him. When they rushed over, they were all extremely aggressive monsters, including Starro, a starfish creature that is famous in the universe.

But Sinestro dealt with it calmly, and he also used his Supremacy Ring. Creatures appeared to fight against his enemies.

But this time he changed his strategy and no longer manifested the creatures on Koruga. The creatures on his home planet were still unable to face the endless army of monsters in front of him..

So he decided to take the elite route. He used the power of the ring to manifest a group of humanoid intelligent beings, the Justice League! The

Supreme Ring can manifest all the creatures recognized in the user's mind, so superhuman beings Of course, life can also be manifested.

And the Supreme Ring also told Sinestro a very important news, that is, he can also manifest these superhuman abilities. The deeper he understands these superpowers, The more real the superpower is, the more real it is.

But this is not without cost. If you want to manifest other people's superpowers, Sinestro must pay a greater price - his life!

"Every second"Justice League" appears on the field, every energy it produces is exchanged for Sinestro's life as fuel.

This makes Sinestro's appearance quickly age at a speed visible to the naked eye, but the effect Outstanding!

The mighty monster army of the Divine Power Ring was stopped by just a few people!

""Wonder Woman" is extremely powerful and skilled in combat. She fought among the beasts and destroyed countless monsters.

""The Flash" moves quickly, and his super speed allows all living creatures to be penetrated and killed before they have time to react.

""Plastic Man" changes his body, turns into a huge bag, puts a large number of monsters into the bag, and then squeezes them to death

"Vixen" learned the abilities of other monsters through observation and then used those abilities to defeat countless opponents larger than herself.

""Dr. Light" used beam bombardment to eliminate the entire herd of beasts without even losing his position.

""Red Hood" holds a large sniper and hides in a hidden corner to accurately shoot those monsters, as if he is participating in a hunt.

As for Dane, Batman and Zatanna, Sinestro does not understand their abilities. Therefore, they were not embodied.

The reason why Sinestro knew the abilities of the members of the Zhenglian was because they had all used their abilities in public and were observed and recorded by him.

Just as he expected, As soon as the Justice League took action, the Ringers on the opposite side suddenly became a mess, and the group of green monsters could not get close to Sinestro for the time being. This gave him time to do some things of his own.

Taking advantage of this hard-won point At the same time, Sinestro quickly took out the super bomb hidden in the yellow ring and placed it on the ground.

Next, only the energy source was left. The lamp furnace had been blown up by him, and he had to find another energy source. To replace it, he just happened to have one in his hand.

The Supreme Ring, as a ring that does not require energy from a lamp, has a huge amount of energy stored inside it. This energy is obtained from other hosts over the long years. The vitality plundered from the body.

The Ring of Power is an artifact made by Lantern No. 1, Scourge, using part of his own soul and consciousness combined with traveling lantern technology, so it can think.

When Sinestro took out the super bomb, And when he looked at it, Quan Ring knew what the Koruga was planning. Of course it couldn't be captured without mercy, so it began to resist violently.

Originally, it had been holding Sinestro tightly to prevent him from escaping, but It wants to do the opposite now, it wants to break away from Sinestro and escape from this planet!

But Sinestro noticed the idea of ​​the Supreme Ring and clenched his fist.

With the five fingers together, the Supreme Ring cannot Break away, it's trapped!

"Don’t you want everything from me? All for you, take them all! But as a price, you will disappear from this world with me.

Everyone should pay for what they have done, even if you are not a human being!"

Sinestro debugged the bomb with one hand, and then took out the detonation device that Dane gave him. This thing is completely fool-proof. The only thing he needs to do is to press the button. The

Supreme Ring shook even more violently. Sinestro could even feel that his fingers were about to break. With the power of the ring, he might be able to tear his fingers apart and fly out.

But at this moment, the yellow ring suddenly lit up. The brilliance suppressed the green light in a short moment

"Old boy..."Seeing this scene, Sinestro felt a little guilty in his heart, but he would not give up on his decision.

"This time, we will be together forever."

After that, he pressed the detonation button.

"No——!"A deafening roar suddenly came from the green Supreme Power Ring, but it was too late. Even if the first Lantern, Bane, arrived in person, the explosion would be inevitable.

The last thing all creatures on OA saw was a white light that filled their entire field of vision. The white light flashed away, turning everything into nothingness.

If someone can observe from the universe, they can find that a white explosion wave spreads rapidly on OA, swallowing up the entire planet with lightning speed.

The core of the planet rapidly produces unstable distortion within a microsecond. This distortion causes the land on the surface of the planet to be torn apart, and all matter condenses toward the center. This powerful force is like a black hole, sucking OA into it.

Then, a silent big explosion exploded, turning OA into a cloud of dust and spraying it into space.

OA, no more.

At the same time, Dane, who had just connected the two hells, suddenly felt the prompt from the light ring.

Through the green light ring he received from Sinestro, he learned that Sinestro in this world was dead and destroyed.

"Revenge at the cost of life..."

In fact, the Pride Circle of Hell only accepts sinners from the earth. There seem to be other places similar to hell on other planets to accept the dead, but Dane does not want to let these souls go.

For Dane, these are high-quality labor!

What's more, the Divine Power Rings are a group of guys who are capable and ambitious but have no courage, and are very easy to control.

Dane was worried that he didn't have enough manpower, but he didn't expect Sinestro to come to help him in times of need.

So he said to Charlie:"Get ready, a huge wave of demons is coming."

Before Charlie could understand what he meant, Lucifer raised his head and looked at the sky with a subtle expression.

"How many people have you killed? Even if you are the God of Death, you should be restrained, right?"

He still had something to say. Why on earth could"Death" tolerate this guy causing trouble like this?

Dane denied it flatly:"YouNonsense, I didn’t kill these people at all!"

Lucifer didn't believe a word of what Dane said.

"The five-pointed star array in the sky suddenly lit up, and the red"sky" seemed to be heavier, closer to hell.

Countless demons, regardless of whether they were native races or not, felt the heaviness in the air and couldn't help but look up. sky

"Fuck! What the hell is this?"

Some sinner lords hurriedly pulled up their pants and came out to observe the"sky", and were suddenly shocked. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Holy. Shit!"

On the"sky" of the Arrogance Ring, a"demon rain" suddenly fell, and countless strange-looking demons fell from the sky.

The demons on the ground knew what they were, and they were sinners. They died in the world and thus escaped from the Pentagram. The formation fell into hell.

But they had never seen so many sinners falling so densely from the sky at the same time like rain!

".Was this the outbreak of World War II?"Some old sinners who were lucky enough to survive the"Great Purge" said in a daze.

"Old Tom, wake up quickly. World War II has ended long ago. Wasn't Adolf killed in the Great Purge a few years ago? you forgot?"

Then the talking demon looked at the sky again, and said with emotion:"If you insist on saying it, I'm afraid someone will have to kill an entire civilization to do it, not even a war!"

The moon rings of Dane's eyes lit up, and a huge magic eye suddenly opened on the ground of the Pride Ring. Lucifer looked down and found that this eye was very similar to the abyss of hell in the positive material universe. Obviously, this eye It's magic from another world.

He said"嘘" and stopped looking. Only Charlie, Vicky and Angel on the side looked at that place intently. They had never seen such a scene in their lives.

There. After the demon eye opened, some of the demons that fell from the sky fell to the ground, and the other part was directly absorbed by the demon eye, just like the ginseng fruit, and fell into an unknown place.

Among the fallen demons, Dane saw a familiar figure, it was Sinestro, and he also fell into this place.

Dane fished out Sinestro with his big hand.

There was no huge change in Sinestro's overall image, it was just more It's just a pair of devil's horns

"Shazam?"Sinestro has just arrived here, and his brain is still a little dazed. He doesn't know where this place is.[]

There is no legend of hell on Koruga. In their mythology, people return to nothingness after death.

Dane guessed that after death, people of this type would be picked up by other Death Gods under Death, and he didn't know if he would have a chance to see this Lady Death again.

Back in front of him, he explained to Sinestro:"This is hell, Sinestro. After the people on earth die, the souls of the good people will ascend to heaven and enjoy (the good) peace and tranquility. The sinners will come here after death." Hell, enjoy the noise and the same life as before life, but the deadThe law enters the world of living people. This is an iron law.

Also, I would like to unfortunately inform you that you are dead."

Based on what Sinestro has done this time, he is obviously not qualified to go to heaven. Originally, he was not qualified to go to hell. He will only be taken away by the God of Death, just like they, Koruga, believe, and finally return to nothingness..It was Dane who brought him here with the power of the devil.

"I really didn't expect that I would have a chance to survive..."Sinestro smiled in relief.

No matter what, everyone on OA was killed by him. He has done everything he wanted to do in the world, and he has no regrets.

The only pity is that he didn't have time to say goodbye to Hal and apologize three times.

"Shazam, if you can, please tell Hal for me and say I'm sorry I cheated on him."

Although Hal didn't ask him, Sinestro still believed that he was not honest with him and that he had betrayed Hal's trust in him.

But Dane did not agree:"You should tell him this kind of thing yourself. Well, otherwise you want me to explain to him how I tricked him into handing over the ring?"

Dane said, suddenly reached out and grabbed it, and there was a remnant soul in his hand.

Among so many reincarnated demons around, this remnant soul was particularly conspicuous.

But when Dane took a closer look, he found that it was a The human soul, and he has the power of the emotional spectrum. Note that it is the power of the emotional spectrum, not the power of color and light. There is a difference between the two.

Possessing the power of the"emotional spectrum" proves that he can absorb and use any The power of this color light can be regarded as the power of gathering all the emotions of sentient beings!.

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