According to the history of the Lantern Corps, Lantern No. 1, Trouble, was born on parallel Earth 15. He and his mother discovered and studied the power of the emotional spectrum, and used it to create a traveling lantern that could travel through the multiverse.

At this time, an unknown alien race invaded their hometown, their civilization was destroyed, and Firong's mother died in the war.

Firong, on the other hand, used the traveling light to escape from his universe.

In order to find a way to restore his world and resurrect his mother, Firong began to travel between parallel universes, trying to find such a way.

Each parallel universe has its own way of utilizing the emotional spectrum, but Firong found that most of those methods were not what he needed, until he came to Earth-3.

He met a wizard named"Mordru" and collaborated with him to create a ring. This is the"Ring of Woe", also known as"Ring of Power", the Supreme Ring of Power, and the original Ring of Power later. Version.

The reason why this power ring becomes a magic ring that can control the host is that the ring itself has a remnant soul and consciousness, which means that it has an owner from the beginning.

So whoever wears it later is essentially using the power of the ring's true owner, a power that was never theirs to begin with.

At the moment when the quantum bomb exploded, the material body of the Ring of Woe had been completely destroyed, and the energy it had accumulated for countless years was wiped out in the explosion that bombed OA. The only thing left was the ring that belonged to Woe. The power of the remnant soul and the little bit of emotional spectrum that still remains on it.

This is of great value to Dane in studying this"power of all living things".

After he put away the remnant soul of Furuo, he raised his hand to grab it again. A yellow light flew over from the sky and turned into a ring between his two fingers. It was Sinestro's ring of power.

"I think this is something that belongs to you."He returned the power ring to Sinestro.

No matter which parallel world they are in, Sinestro and the yellow ring have achieved each other. They only belong to each other.

At the moment of the explosion, Dane had passed through two The interconnection between the rings summoned another yellow ring here, so this ring can remain intact as it is now.

Sinestro took the ring and put it back on his hand, and the yellow color appeared on his body again. battle suit

"Don't lose it again."Dainty 267 woke up.

Sinestro nodded heavily.

"Very well, now that you have arrived in hell, you should know that you are not here to enjoy happiness. The souls in hell are sinners, and everyone should atone for their actions during their lifetime."

Charlie stood aside, and she quietly pricked up her ears.

She was so interested in the topic of"atonement"!

Sinestro was stunned for a moment. Please forgive me, they aliens don't understand atonement after death. What kind of custom is this? Usually they do this kind of thing while they are still alive.

But he quickly adapted to his role and nodded to Dane.

"No problem, I am willing to accept all punishment and torture..."

He didn't quite understand what kind of atonement was.

Dane nodded with satisfaction, and he motioned Sinestro to look at the entire Pentagram City, where"devil rain" was still falling continuously.

Those who came here were not only the original Divine Power Rings, but also some slaves and felons who had served on OA.

The people who can come here are basically guys with serious crimes. Souls who have not committed enough crimes cannot enter this sinful place. As for where to go?

Dane sincerely hopes that they can go to heaven. It depends on whether the angels are willing to accept these aliens.

Logically speaking, aliens are also God’s people, right?

Dane said to Sinestro:"You brought these power rings in, and you have to take responsibility for taking care of them...."

When Dane said this, the other demons around them looked at Sinestro with horror on their faces.

Even Lucifer looked sideways. He had seen many massacres, but such a quantity could not be achieved without sacrificing an entire planet.

Thank you for Sinestro being able to do such a big thing without changing his face.....

Lucifer appreciates it!

Dane continued to explain:"From now on, these sinners will be under your jurisdiction. I have formulated some rules and will send them to you shortly. You must strictly restrain them according to the above rules."..."

He glanced at Charlie next to him and added:"If possible, it would be best if they could realize their mistakes and atone for their previous actions (bbdh)." These words really touched

Charlie's heart. Inwardly, she nodded, looking at Sinestro expectantly.

Sinestro hesitated for a moment, but still did not raise any objections. He actually wanted to say that these people had basically no remorse, and doing this kind of thing was probably a waste of effort.

But he noticed that Shazam didn't seem to care about whether he could succeed, but the girl next to him seemed to care more.

He had no choice but to nod solemnly to show that he would take this matter to heart.

Charlie was so happy that she couldn't help but want to sing a song, but fortunately her girlfriend Vicky held her down in time.

What do you want to do when you sing in such a serious environment? Are you making yourself uncomfortable?

While Dane and Sinestro were talking, the"demon rain" in the sky had come to an end. When the last sinner demon fell to the ground, the five-pointed star array went out as if exhausted.

On the ground, those who have just arrived in this hell are trying to adapt to the environment here....and a new image of themselves.

Every sinner who comes to hell will automatically generate a new image based on the characteristics of his soul and the sins he committed during his lifetime.

Vicky's gray skin and Angel's spider body are a combination of their past experiences and soul traits. These new images are not just an image, but sometimes give them some superpower-like powers.

Vicky's body was covered with weapons, even though it wasn't apparent from her appearance.

As for Angela, his hands can be hidden, and it's not just his hands that can be hidden. Considering that his body is a spider, he may also have the ability to weave webs.

Then there was this charming body. Even Dane was deceived by it at first. At that time, he really thought Angel was a woman.

This is also the reason why sinners and demons are restricted in hell. Once they enter this hell and change their bodies, they may gain some extraordinary powers.

This will have some impact on the survival of local demons.

Vicky and Angel are nothing. Some sinners and demons have super powers so strong that they can become the lords of hell and occupy a territory here.

For example, the radio demon Alastor has a pair of animal ears, Vox has a TV head, Camilla has a pair of sharp claws, etc. They all occupy a territory and run their own business like a gang. share industry.

As for why Dane knew about these people, it was because these demon lords were secretly watching him.

On his first day in hell, he caused such a huge stir here that it was impossible not to attract the attention of those forces.

But because Dane struck Lucifer with lightning before and now seemed to have a close relationship with him, the demon lords were still hesitant.

A demon who can become a lord may be a madman, but he is definitely not a fool. What's more, most of their energy must be used to deal with the invasion of these new sinner demons.

Many divine rings didn't understand what this place was at all, and thought they had been transported here. They thought they were still in the world of the living.

Therefore, they immediately looked for their power ring. In a strange world, only the power ring could give them some sense of security, but the power ring was missing!

This discovery frightens them, and makes them crazy and dangerous.

They believed that their rings were snatched away by people around them. After all, they were in a coma for a short period of time before entering this world. No one could tell whether the rings were stolen during that time. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Perhaps the environment in hell has eroded their brains, or perhaps the loss of the ring has caused them to lose their sense of proportion.

In fact, as long as they think about it calmly, they will remember that the power ring cannot be taken away by anyone. After all, they have their own consciousness.

If they are really taken away by someone, and the other party succeeds, then it also means that they have actually been abandoned by the ring.

But no matter what, under the influence of strong possessiveness, some emotionally out-of-control original gods launched attacks on the demons around them. where is this place? Hell!

The custom here has always been that if you don't mess with me, I will fuck you too!

Therefore, the original demons and other sinner demons living here began to fight back against these new demons.

At the beginning, the original ringers were retreating steadily, losing their power rings, and their combat power dropped visibly.

However, the large number of Primordial Ringers still have talents. Some people discovered the use of their newly acquired superpowers and began to attack the local demons.

Generally speaking, sinner demons with superpowers are better than the native demons of hell (civilian class only) in terms of combat power. Even though these native demons already have modern weapons, they are facing a sea of ​​​​people. The original power ring army, they are still retreating steadily.

The Power Ring Legion is best at fighting against the wind. Seeing that they have the upper hand, more and more original power rings are joining them to massacre the local demons.

But at the same time, the former slaves who were destroyed for no apparent reason along with OA also began to join the chaos, and their targets were the ring-wielding demons.

The hatred of being enslaved for generations and being pulled together to die together at the last moment drove them to seek revenge against these Primordial Ringers!

Although they are not warriors, their numbers are comparable to those of the Demons of the Ring (only some slaves went to hell, and a large part of their souls are missing). They merged with the local demons like a new wave, and the Ringers appeared. It started to decline, and then began to collapse.

The battle with a smooth wind turned into a battle with a headwind, and the original warriors began to be unable to hold on any longer.[]

But they are immortal. Neither the former slave legions nor the local demons can completely kill these sinners and demons.

So this war continued, and it began to destroy the order of the Pride Circle, although the order here was chaotic from the beginning.

But no matter how chaotic the order is, it is much better than no order at all. Those sinner lords are very dissatisfied with this situation. The gangs also need some basic order to make money.

They became lords in order to use this status to enjoy the same happiness in this hell as when they were still alive, or even to a higher level.

From this we can also see why heaven has to"cleanse" hell once a year. The demons here have no repentance at all. To continue to live is an insult to God and a blasphemy to the people who are still alive in the real world.

Dane even suspected that this kind of atmosphere in hell also affected the human world.

In ancient times, humans must have been connected with hell. When they knew that after going to hell, they would not face endless torture, but could live as comfortably as alive, or even more comfortably. , if he were any normal person, what would he choose?

Of course, be a bad person and strive to go to hell!

But Dane did not stop these demons from causing trouble. He wanted these demons from OA to be familiar with the laws of hell, so during the few days when these demons were fighting, he sat in the Happy Hotel and watched the show.

In fact, like these demons, he doesn't know this hell very well. He only heard the oral introduction from Charlie and Lucifer.

Therefore, he has also been collecting intelligence these days to explore the reality of this hell so as to decide his future course of action.

Dane discovered that although sinners and demons are generally a group of villains...This is natural. After all, if you are not evil enough, you can't go to hell, right?

But those native demons are different, they actually have consciences!

And Dane has seen more than once that these native demons also have emotions similar to humans.

The emotional spectrum he got from the remnants of the Bane can also absorb some positive emotional power from these native demons, which means that Dane cannot treat these demons completely as villains, they are also good and bad.

So he said to Charlie sincerely:"Maybe you are right, these demons are not completely hopeless, they are worth saving.""

"Let me just say it!" Dane's recognition was like a glass of iced drink in the dog days of summer to Charlie, which instantly made her feel happy.

"Then, the intelligence collection is almost done, and it's time to clean up the mess."As he spoke, Dane turned to Sinestro who was standing aside and ordered:"Now it's your turn to appear. Sinestro quickly entered the role. He lowered his head slightly and said respectfully:"Yes, Boss!""

On the battlefield that has become a mess, the demons of the Original Ring Legion are confronting the slave army and the local demons. Both sides are going back and forth, and no one is willing to give in. At this moment, a bunch of The yellow light landed in the center of the battlefield. Wherever the yellow light shone, the power of fear grew from the hearts of all demons.

Sinestro folded his arms and fell from the sky!.

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