"Fuck! It's Sinestro!"

For everyone in the original Ring Army, they can recognize Sinestro even if he turns to ashes.

So these rabble-rousers turned their guns one after another, preferring to be stabbed in the anus by demons from other forces behind them. Attack Sinestro.

But after losing the Ring, only a very small number of the original Ringers who transformed into the form of bird demons could fly and take the initiative to attack Sinestro.

In life, these guys would never Dare to be so"brave".

But in the past few days in hell, they have already known that they cannot die. After fighting for so long, they have not seen any reduction in the number of sinners and demons.

So they have nothing to worry about now. Fighting is nothing more than venting and fighting. Besides looking for the ring, they were just looking for fun.

But Sinestro soon made them understand that"immortality" is not a gift from hell, but a curse.

Facing the sinners and demons flying over, Sinestro did not do anything for them. Moved by the movement, yellow energy radiated out, and the demons suddenly felt a heart palpitating feeling.

When they came to their senses again, Sinestro was already close at hand!

He did not materialize. He simply tore one of the sinner demons into two halves with his bare hands.

He threw away the bloody lower body with his hand, and some strange-shaped demons pounced on it to gnaw on it, and in the blink of an eye it was cut. He eats everything

"What the hell is this!"

These demon-eating monsters do not come from hell. You know, hell is now highly modernized. It is impossible to allow such dangerous monsters to run rampant in the city. How can we maintain such order?

So these monsters do not come from here. Hell, they come from another world's hell, which is transmitted from another universe through the"Eye of the Moon Ring".

Dane's hell is a traditional eighteen-level hell. The lower you go, the darker and more lightless the hell is. The darker the lightless place, the closer the form of demons is to beasts, and they are as irrational as beasts.

Apart from the desire to eat, they have no other desires.

These demons were pulled by Dane from the Hungry Hell. The demons that come from the world are suffering from hunger all the time, so this also causes them to eat anything without picking anything, and the stomachs of all hungry demons are like bottomless pits that will never be filled. Sinestro knows that sinner demons cannot be killed, His yellow ring couldn't kill them, but he came up with an idea.

Let these demons from the hungry hell eat them. Even if the sinner demons can be resurrected in the end, they will only be resurrected in the stomach juice of the hungry demons, and Suffering the pain of being digested forever.

His idea amazed Dane, and he fully supported it.

This method seemed to be a terrifying punishment to restrain sinners and demons. Dane couldn't help thinking. According to this line of thinking, there are actually many places in hell. Punishments can be seamlessly transplanted to this hell.

They will let these lawless demons know that eternal life in hell is definitely not a good thing.

In short, when the sinners start to take action, Sinestro is responsible for tearing the sinners and demons apart. They were broken into pieces, and the demons from the Hungry Hell were responsible for devouring the demons who had not recovered and could not resist into their stomachs for a feast.

Seeing this situation, the other ringmasters began to make old habits again, and fled in all directions. A bunch of rabble that was originally decent turned into a group of homeless dogs in an instant.

The demonic forces that were hostile to them didn't understand what was going on, and they were still preparing to continue to fight against the ring bearers.

But who knew that Senis Tuo Yi treated everyone equally, and not only hunted down the original ringers, but also took care of people from different forces.

According to Dane's instructions, all the demons who caused trouble during this period were dealt with without any screening!

So! , no matter which camp the demons were in, finally began to unite to fight against the hungry monsters led by Sinestro

"come! You.Son.Of.Bitch" a demon screamed, spitting hellfire at Sinestro. This flame is hotter than ordinary fire, and it will be burned to ashes as long as it touches a little bit.

In addition to the hungry demons They have almost no other advantages besides their large appetites and size. They are unable to defend themselves against harm from sinner demons.

From the intestines and stomachs of dead hungry demons, you can still see writhing pieces of flesh, which are the demons that were swallowed before. They struggled to be reborn.

But Sinestro, who was floating in the sky, sneered, and suddenly the yellow ring on his hand lit up, and many strange yellow tentacles suddenly appeared on the ground, dripping with some unknown mucus.

These tentacles rolled around, grabbing those demons with superpowers, and then squeezing and crushing them.

Finally, they were eaten by a group of hungry demons like vicious dogs. Although they were not strong, their advantage was their numbers. There are enough, and with the"Eye of the Moon Ring" turned on, the number of these"scavengers" is endless.

It didn't take long for the Pride Ring to fall into chaos

"You have to understand that when I gave you permission to do this, I didn't give you permission to make a mess here."

Lucifer's face didn't look good. He seriously suspected that Dane was retaliating against him, so he made the Pride Ring such a mess.

In hell, sinner demons are usually stronger and more numerous than native demons.

In the distant past , In the past, the seven rings actually circulated among each other, and there were no barriers to block them. These seals were actually only targeted at sinners, and there were no restrictions on the original demons. After sinners went to hell, they would be placed in hell according to their degree of sin. Appear randomly in one of the rings, but according to the nature of this world, I think the number of sinners has surpassed the original demons in a very short period of time.

And the sinners who appeared at the beginning were almost all heinous villains, and there were so many of them. , and almost immortal, so they quickly launched an extermination campaign against the native demons.

Just like the white people did to most aborigines in history, they killed those native demons and occupied their land

Today's industrial foundation of the Greed Ring was laid by sinners from the beginning. They exploited the local native demons and forced them to serve the capitalists.

This behavior was not restricted at first, until the sinners and demons extended their hands to those demon nobles. Within their territory.

This soon aroused dissatisfaction among the noble demons. At that time, the most powerful original demons joined forces and drove a group of sinner demons to the uppermost hell, and set up this level. The seal prevents these sinners from leaving this hell layer.

This happened to coincide with Lucifer's fall to heaven. When he fell, the Circle of Pride was already filled with demons. Lucifer was essentially an angel and was said to possess six-sevenths of God's power. At that time, In order to free up a space for himself to live in the Pride Ring, he killed hundreds of millions of sinners with just one blow, leaving their souls shattered.

At that time, his attack even penetrated the Pride Ring, leaving a trace at the location of the attack. The next passage leads directly to the lower hell, which is also the location where"Elevator 666" was later built.

Lucifer's attack frightened the demons who were in other levels of hell at that time. Whether they were big demons or lords, they all came from the original level. topmostMeeting him also established Lucifer's supreme status in hell.

The most important thing is that Lucifer has the ability to permanently reduce the number of sinner demons, which is of great significance to other native demons and is related to their survival.

In the years that followed, Lucifer and the original demons established the layout of hell, dividing the entire hell into seven rings according to the seven deadly sins, and setting up a ring master on each floor to take charge of everything in this ring.

However, most of the ring lords do not manage the general affairs in the ring. They will entrust some lords, and the lords will entrust some small lords, which are divided down the levels. In the end, each of these lords is responsible for managing the trivial affairs of the hell.

Because the number of sinners and demons is always increasing, Lucifer does not always stay in the Pride Circle, and I don’t know how he negotiated with Heaven. In the end, Heaven unilaterally decided to conduct the ceremony every other year. A"big purge" plan.

God's flood destroyed the world only once, but the"Great Purge" occurs every year. One can imagine the gold content of"evil" in this world.

For the archangels in the upper realm, they may have to get up to work right after taking a nap, so don't blame heaven for being ruthless. When they do the"big purge", they will have some personal grudges, which is normal.

Speaking of hell, after the"Great Purge" was established in heaven, the sinners and demons were no longer immortal, so the population of the Pride Circle became liquid again.

There are many new sinners joining the church every year, but there are also just as many sinners who die because of the angelic"cleansing", so the sinners are also somewhat restrained, which provides a foundation for construction.

Lucifer also preferred an orderly world, so those sinners who favored him began to build the Circle of Pride into the modern society it is today, and as a result it became more and more prosperous, almost becoming a hellish version of New York.

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, many ring masters from other rings were also attracted by this prosperity, and the sinner demons seemed to have restrained themselves, so many native demons began to move to the Pride Ring, increasing the racial diversity here.

Although Lucifer never said it, he actually quite liked this hell.

But now, this hell has been turned into a mess by Dane in just a few days. It's strange that he can feel better.

However, if Dane wants to conquer these sinners and demons, he must let them go through this process, let them know where this place is, and let them figure out who is controlling their destiny.

So he said to Lucifer:"It won't be long. After today, these sinners will no longer be able to resist my will."

Every sinner who has rolled in the belly of a hungry ghost will surely recall this time in his future life. experience, so that when they feel that they can't stand Dane's exploitation, they will think twice before doing something stupid.

Lucifer was about to say something, but he quickly sensed something, and there was a hint of gloating at the corner of his mouth.

"You know, I promised you that I would not interfere in your affairs, but you have to convince not only me, but also some other demon lords"

"oh?"Dane raised his eyebrows. He also sensed several powerful demons outside the hotel door.

"Angel, go and open the door. Dane said.

This made Angel very dissatisfied:"What?" Do I look like a cheap service girl?"

Dane shook his head slightly. It's really unconvincing for a male prostitute who makes movies and also stands on the street to do side jobs in his spare time to say such things.

"Stop talking nonsense. If you don't do it, I'll kick you out."

Angel didn't want to leave this hotel where he could stay for free, and he was a little afraid of Dane, so he could only grumble and reluctantly opened the door. As soon as the door opened, three eyes focused on him, and the magic power was almost too strong. It scared Angel to the point of peeing.

Although Angel had been in hell for a long time, he knew nothing about the history of hell and lived in confusion every day.

Before meeting Charlie, he was just a man who worked under the demon lord Val Lentino works for male prostitutes who make movies and sell sex. The bed is the battlefield he is most familiar with. Other than that, he is as ignorant as other demons who live in chaos.

So he does not know that these three people in front of him are the apex of sinners and demons. , the three most powerful sinner lords in the entire Pride Circle.

"Please give way, dear."Zestil in the middle has two pairs of yellow eyes. He seems to be some kind of spider hybrid. He is completely black and wears a top hat decorated with skulls.

Zestil has two pairs of eyes.With a flash of his eyes, some kind of ability seemed to be activated. Angel was instantly controlled by his mind, and all his memories were controlled by the demon in front of him.

"Well~real and bad life, isn't it?"

Angel's life was extremely debauched, lascivious, and immoral, but Zestiel remained unmoved. He was obviously a well-informed person.

"Stop playing, Zestil, we have more important things to do."

Standing next to Zestil is a woman with gray skin and white hair. She is tall and has huge hands. Each finger is as slender and sharp as a sickle, just like the female version of Edward Scissorhands..

Her name is Camilla, a female sinner demon.

And standing on the other side of Zestil is a demon with a head like a TV. On the screen is his flat electronic expression and red eyes. , and an exaggerated mouth and teeth that take up almost half of the entire display.

He smiles like a classic evil villain

"Wait a minute! Isn't this the famous adult film star Angel Durst? I still have his poster at home!"

Zestil looked sideways, thus losing control of Angel, which finally made him free from the effects of his ability and collapsed.

"Fuck! Fuck!"Angel felt bad that his secret was being spied on.

Zestiel used his gentleman's staff to lift Angel's chin and showed an evil smile:"What a lovable face...."

But before he could do anything else, suddenly, a deep magic power spread from the hotel, as if murderous intent was everywhere, it instantly enveloped the three little devils..

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