Zestil stopped talking, his power was completely suppressed, and the operation of magic became slow as a result.

Camilla opened her hands with ten fingers spread out like flowers blooming from a sickle.

"This is not a good idea."The antenna on the head of Vox, who has a TV head, flashed with arcs of electricity.

Even though he looks a bit funny, he is actually a very smart devil.

"There is a devil provoking us."

Although the three demon lords were talking, they were all vigilant, wary of the owner of the majestic magic power around them.

Unexpectedly, the magic power suddenly started to move, clinging to their bodies like water and surrounding the three sinner demons.

Camilla's whole body trembled, and her hair almost stood up, but she couldn't use her magic power to resist. In terms of power attributes, there was a huge gap between her and her opponent.

Zestil knew in his heart that this was inside The master was dissatisfied with what he had just done, so he deliberately dealt with them in the same way.

Angel was powerless to resist in front of demon lords like them, and they were the same in front of the master of this magic power. There was nothing worse than this way. It was convincing.

But fortunately, the master of the magic power had no intention of killing them. He just teleported them to the hotel and pulled them in front of the master. At the same time, they also came with the lost Angel, who is now On the contrary, he looked more like himself.

Dane glanced at him. After all, he was doing things for himself. It depends on the owner to beat the dog.

He opened the eyes of the devil, and his scorching eyes were as hard to look into as the brilliance of the black sun:"I saw the souls of three sinners. They were extremely sinful, but they were strong-willed. You don't look like you are seeking salvation. Why are you here?"

Who in the entire Arrogance Circle doesn't know that Happy Hotel is a store opened by"Six Nine Three" Princess Charlie, and her purpose of opening the store has already spread throughout hell. It is said that even the demons in other circles have heard about it.

Lucifer is still Here, but he's invisible, he doesn't want to put too much pressure on these"little guys"

"Since you are the only one here, does that mean that you let all those guys outside go?"The demon who said this was Zestil.

The three sinner lords had no idea how many spies they had sent out, and those spies also helped them find some useful information.

Not only one demon saw that Sinestro came from the Happy Hotel Flying out, these three demons rushed here immediately after getting the news.

Instead of going to Sinestro, it would be better to go directly to his superiors.

They are all people with status, and they will only fight with the boss behind the scenes. Fight, fight with the younger brother who works, and affect their style.

And the three of them have discussed it before coming. If the opponent is not strong, they will kill it directly.

If the strength is too strong...Then let’s talk.

And right now it's obviously a situation where we can only talk.

They are lords here, which not only means that they are powerful, but also means that they are running many industries and raising many demon minions under their hands.

Both native demons and sinner demons need to eat.

Native demons are essentially magical creatures, so of course they need to exchange materials with the outside world.

Although sinner demons will not starve to death, hunger is a very serious pain that will drive the demons crazy.

The hungry demons Dane unleashed from his hell were just such a bunch of beasts driven mad.

This is also the reason why this hell can form a structure similar to human society. First, it is because of the living habits brought by sinners from when they were alive.

The second reason is that sinners and demons actually have basic survival needs. Poverty here may not be fatal, but it will make your life worse than death.

What Dane has done in the past few days has not only brought a huge population burden to the Pride Circle, but also allowed these sinners and demons to destroy the order here.

It's not like those sinner lords haven't stopped them before.

But compared to the influx of dead from OA, the lords of the Pride Circle are far from enough, and they cannot kill these sinners and demons.

There aren't enough Heavenly weapons to do much damage to these demons.

The so-called"Heaven Weapons" are the weapons and equipment left over from the"Great Purges" carried out by Heaven over the years. Most of them are cold weapons, such as knives, swords or spears.

As mentioned before, the paradise of this universe is relatively bad. Cold weapons are not as efficient at killing monsters as hot weapons, but this is exactly what the angels want. They enjoy the process of hunting monsters.

During this process, weapons will inevitably become worn or lost.

Heaven's weapons rely not on the material of the weapon itself to destroy demons, but on the sacred power attached to it, so these weapons will also be damaged.

However, although some weapons are worn, they do not affect their use. Therefore, after the"Great Purge", some demons will specifically collect these weapons discarded by angels and sell them on the black market.

And those demons who have the need to kill sinners and demons will buy it. Vicky has a spear in her hand, which is a perfect angel weapon.

This also answered one of Dane's questions, that is, there is indeed a market for opening a murder company in this hell.

Demons can use heavenly weapons to assassinate sinner demons and kill them completely.

Moreover, heavenly weapons also have a critical hit effect on native demons, and this effect can even be used on noble demons.

This makes heavenly weapons extremely valuable, and in many cases they are even priceless.

And this is one of the reasons why the sinner demon is more restrained now. Otherwise, with the talent of the sinner demon, hell would probably be in turmoil every few years.

However, Heaven has also noticed this situation. Recently, the number of Heaven weapons lost by angels has obviously been much less than before, so in fact, the angel weapons are not enough now.

Especially after the large influx of OA sinners, these weapons are even more insufficient.

The members of Murder Company and the Killer Club are busy every day, but the number of new sinners and demons is not that small.

If this continues, the heavenly weapons they have on hand will soon be exhausted.

If they haven't solved the riot by then, it is likely that other sinners and demons will see clearly the reality. Without the deterrence of heaven's weapons, many ambitious sinners and demons are likely to cause trouble again.

At that time, the order of the Pride Circle will collapse even more seriously, and even return directly to the chaos before Lucifer fell to heaven.

And when that time comes, how can demon lords like Zestil who have property continue to enjoy life and happily exploit other demons?

Therefore, they will never allow the order of hell to become chaotic, which is directly related to their interests.

As the strongest among the sinner lords, Zestil should be the first to speak.

After all, Camilla is in a state of stress right now and feels like she will easily start a fight before she even opens her mouth, while Vox is habitually unrestrained and easily offends people.

Dane did not answer first, but said to the lost Angel:"Go back and rest first."

After saying that, he snapped his fingers, and Angel disappeared immediately, and he was teleported away.

Only then did Dane turn his head to face the three demon lords in front of him:"You are right, I let in those sinners outside."

"I don't know how you do it, but there are rules here, and you don't break them at will."Camilla has long been dissatisfied with Dane's attitude. In the past, she would have started fighting without saying a word. It didn't matter whether she could beat him or not, the main thing was to fight a tough guy.

But Dane laughed when he heard this.

"It's really strange. This is the first time I heard that there are rules in hell? Don’t you always believe that whoever has the bigger fist will listen to you?

An unpleasant expression appeared on Walkers' screen, and he said,"I admit that you are strong, but no matter what, you can't possibly deal with the three of us alone, right?""

Although Dane just showed a very powerful magic, Vox did not underestimate himself. He believed that he and others still had the possibility of winning.

Camilla also agreed with Vox's opinion. She cooperated with him and began to gather her own strength. Magic, focusing the power on her hands.

She knew very well that the opponent's magical attainments were far superior to the three of hers, but fighting was not a magic competition. At this distance, she could seize the opportunity with her super fast attack speed. , maybe even able to kill the opponent instantly.

According to common sense, guys with stronger magic abilities usually have average physical skills.

Zestil is helpless. He is the strongest among the three, so he can sense He didn't want to fight because of the gap between them.

But when he saw his teammates around him, he couldn't forcefully refuse. In the final analysis, the competition between demons seemed to be much more civilized, but fundamentally, it was still based on strength. To judge.

Camilla and Vox cannot see the strength gap between themselves and their opponents, so they will not be convinced. Even if they take it orally today, there is no guarantee that some unexpected problems will break out one day in the future.

Therefore, Zes Tier could only respond to his teammates. After all, they had agreed to advance and retreat together before.

But Zestil was very cautious. He looked at Dane carefully with his four eyes and found no traces of heavenly weapons.

This made him feel a little worried. Song, at least, they will not be killed easily.

Dane smiled slightly when he saw that the strongest one among the three demons also began to gather magic power.

"Have you made your choice?"

"certainly..."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The moment Vox just said this string of words, a black shadow flashed away, as fast as a ray of light. In fact, it was indeed the speed of light. attack...

Dane's shadow flew out the moment Walkers answered, beheading the three demon lords in front of him so fast that the three of them didn't react at all.

It's just that they are not dead yet. Zestil just wants to pick up his head and run away!

But as soon as his body moved a step, it turned into dust on the spot, and the wind blew away the ashes.

Zestil couldn't see clearly what was attacking him. He was going crazy because he didn't even have a body now. It would take a long time to grow it back, and the process would be very painful!

There was only a horrified expression on Vox's TV head.

He saw Zestil's body being destroyed, so he didn't dare to move his body.

Camilla's gray head was even more pale. The pain of being decapitated shocked her brain, making her unable to think.

Her body fell to the ground like her head, unable to move.

Dane's shadow returned to his feet. From the beginning to the end, his body did not leave his position.

When his strength reaches his level, he can already kill the three"little" lord-level demons in an instant, and there is no need to spend an extra second with the opponent.

Besides, now that his demonic power has spread throughout the Pride Ring, he summons his true form with all his strength. He might be able to crush the Pride Ring with just his weight, and kill any demon with just a raise of his hand.

"Come out, stop watching the show."

As soon as Dane finished speaking, Lucifer showed up. He suppressed a bad smile and looked at the three heads lying on the ground.

The moment Zestiel saw Lucifer, he felt extremely regretful. He had previously I heard that Lucifer haunted the Nightmare Nightclub and suffered a violent lightning strike. I thought he went to heaven to fight again, but I didn't expect that he would be in a place like this.[]

Listen to the tone of that man's words to Lucifer. There was no politeness at all. If he dared to be so arrogant to Lucifer without being killed, he must be something special!

"What are you going to do with these three little guys?"Lucifer asked while laughing.

Dane didn't say anything, but there was an inexplicable murderous aura in the air.

Vox immediately became excited, as if the TV sound came on.

"etc! etc! Don't kill me yet!"

Vox has no doubt that the other party has the ability to kill him completely.

"Please, as long as you let me go, I will do anything!"

Dane's murderous aura dissipated, and he rolled his eyes with a thoughtful expression.

Vox thought there was a trick, and immediately added:"Even if you want me to help you oral…"


Before he could finish speaking, the TV head exploded.

Dane's face was expressionless, but the magic lingering in the air indicated that he was the one who did it.

Lucifer was holding his belly and laughing, almost out of breath.

"You have to get used to the humor of hell 4.3, my friend! Humor is very important."

Dane was still expressionless. He saw the TV Demon's body twitching and guessed that he might grow a new head.

He shifted his gaze to the woman's head and found that she was staring at him, but He didn't dare to say a word.

Dane stretched out his hand, and Camilla's head flew up, and her body got up from the ground without her control.

Under the influence of Dane's magic, Camilla's head and body were connected, and they were reunited. Spliced ​​together.

Camilla's wound healed automatically without Dane having to do the rest.

Dane proved to these three sinner lords with practical actions that he held the power of life and death for them. If he wanted to survive, he would eventually Be honest.

Camilla could understand the meaning, because she stood there obediently after recovering from her injuries.

Zestil was left with only one head, in pain, but did not dare to speak.

Vox was left with only one body. , has no head and can only twitch instinctively.

Dane stared at the only healthy demon present and said:"Let us start with a few simple questions. The first one is your name. Camilla had no choice but to answer truthfully

"My name is Camilla, the head on the ground is called Zestil, and the headless one is called Vox."

"What's your purpose here?"

"We hope to find the superior of the yellow sinner demon and stop him from continuing to destroy the order of the Pride Circle."

"The TV head just said that he would do anything to survive... What about you?"

Dane lay back on the sofa. Although he was silent, he had a look of disdain.

"So what price are you willing to pay for your life?".

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