Just as Dane was trying to tame the Sinner Lord, the riot caused by the Sinner Demon gradually began to spread, even affecting the territories of some native demon nobles, including the Goetia family.

"I can't believe they let these lowly things invade our territory!"The hostess Stella screamed wildly in the castle.

Her husband Storas Getia had been trying to comfort her, but obviously, his attempts were not very successful.

Stella's magic reverberated in the castle, The surrounding load-bearing walls were trembling and trembling.

Their daughter, the young demon Octavia Goetia, was sitting expressionlessly on the sofa playing video games. Judging from the interface, it should be a relaxing little game that tortures and kills humans. She ignored her mother's yelling.

Storas had a headache. Stella couldn't communicate at all. He almost forgot why he married this woman in the first place.

"You married me because of the power of my family, you perverted little devil!"Stella continued to scream.

Storas immediately understood that he was being read. He quickly closed his brain and frowned with his four eyes:"Shouldn't you do that?"

Stella sneered. She is a devil and a noble among devils. She can do whatever she wants!

"You'd better find a way to solve the problem outside. As a noble devil, I don't want to get my hands dirty and do it myself!"

This is also the reason why Stella will stand here jumping around but not taking action. She is unwilling to lower her status and do those disgraceful things.

But it is no problem to leave this kind of thing to Storas. Anyway, this guy usually He also likes to fool around with those low-level hell creatures.

Storas rolled his eyes and said thoughtfully:"Perhaps, we can find a few killers to clean up these sinners and demons...."

Stella immediately sneered:"Are you looking for that little male prostitute of yours? A dirty, despicable, hopelessly weak little devil? What position do you use to have sex with him?" The look on

Octavia's face Her expression was about to become unbearable, and she tried hard to pull down her hat, trying to seal her hearing.

But Stella’s harsh and insulting sounds continued to reach her ears. 12 Although most of Stella's insults were about another unknown little devil, Storas's face turned green and white, which was very ugly.

It was obvious that insulting the little devil had cut into his heart.

In hell, there is no unified standard for things like three views. Everyone is already a demon, and you cannot ask them to abide by human moral principles.

Therefore, here, you can choose your sexual orientation at will. Bisexuality and pansexuality are very common here, and even more perverted sexual orientations such as zoophilia, necrophilia, and fetishism are also common.

The way demons deal with feelings is very wild and direct, it is pure carnal desire. In order to satisfy their desires, they can try anything and dare to try anything.

But that doesn't mean they don't have taboos.

No matter what sexual orientation a member of a noble family like Goetia has, he or she must choose a member of the opposite sex who is also a noble to marry and give birth to offspring.

This is a responsibility they cannot refuse as demon nobles, so Storas married Stella. Their union is essentially the same as a human political marriage.

As long as a pure-blood offspring is successfully born, it doesn't matter how decadent the life of the nobleman is after that. Doesn't it feel like a deja vu in the Western world?

Anyway, that’s all Westerners pursue.

Therefore, Stella knew very well that Storas was having an affair outside, and she also knew who the third party was.

But what she couldn't bear was that her husband turned out to be a little devil!

The lowest race in hell. Until a thousand years ago, this kind of creature was not even recognized as an intelligent life. They called them animals and stored food!

Storas tried his best to soften his tone:"Dear Stella, I believe Bilize is capable enough to help us...."

"Why? Based on his status as a little devil, or his amazing magic? Stella still sneered:"He is just a Loser!" His company is full of imps, oh, and a hellhound.

Then she pointed at the"mobs" outside the castle boundary and roared:"But there is a bunch of fucking sinners outside!"

Storas still tried to persuade:"But Blitz and the others are very experienced."..."

"enough! You just want to take this opportunity to fool around with that little devil! You think I don’t know the good things you did in my bed! You are as dirty and vile as that devil! Stella looked disgusted when she talked about this. She now sleeps in separate beds with Stolas, but she doesn’t like sleeping on their original wedding bed. She feels disgusted!

Storas was speechless. , although there is no human morality in hell, the marriage relationship is still a relatively serious matter among respectable nobles, and the cheating little devil is a major stain on Storas as a noble. If nothing else, in the aristocratic circle Here, Stella was often ridiculed by other demon nobles. Although those nobles also had their own problems, it still made her very unhappy.

Octavia couldn't stand it anymore, so she said perfunctorily"I'm leaving", but no one heard.

After a long time, and she didn't know how Storas did it, Stella finally roared:"If they can't solve this problem, I will put his funny heart on him." Tear off the clown's head and use it as a ball!"

After the roar, Stella walked out of the door angrily, and then opened a portal and ran away.

At this time, Storas couldn't wait to pick up the old-fashioned telephone and dialed"Little Devil Instant Murder Company" phone number

"Hello~Biliz dear~Have you missed me lately~Wait, wait, don’t hang up yet! I have a job I want to give you..."

"It's a very simple job, you know, just what you usually do, killing things or something like that. You should have seen the riots that happened nearby recently. I need you to help me clean up the garbage around....By the way, the reward is great~"

After chatting about unsightly things for a while, Stolas hung up the phone happily, not taking Stella's previous rant to heart at all.

On the other side, the person who received the commission The Little Devil Immediately Murders Inside the company building, half of the Devil's cheeks turned white. The Little Devil boss Bilizzi urgently summons his employees.

There are several red buttons under his desk, one of which is used for emergency calls.

But When he rushed to the conference room, he found that he was the first to arrive. The other members did not arrive until half an hour later, yawning.

"When I press the emergency button, it means I have something urgent to discuss. What is wrong with you Bitchis? Why did you come so late? You are obviously right next door!"Blitz said very furiously.

The little devil immediately murdered not many employees in the company. Even if Blitz himself was included as the boss, there were only four people.

Let's briefly introduce their respective situations:

Blitz (Blitz?), race Moxxie, a former member of the circus clown. A fire caused him to lose everything, and he later became a killer.

However, because of his poor performance, he often took orders to assassinate humans in order to make extra money.

Moxxie, a racial little devil, a sharpshooter , is good at using various firearms and modifying them. Under normal circumstances, he shoots with almost perfect accuracy. He is a shy little devil rare among hell demons, and he is very innocent and deeply loves his wife Millie.

Millie , a racial little devil, a melee master, good at using close combat and cold weapons to assassinate targets.

She and Moses are husband and wife. Like Moses, she also loves her husband deeply, but unlike her shy husband, Milly is lively and outgoing , there is a very rare pure love relationship between her and her husband Moses, which is simply a freak in an environment like hell.

Loona, a hell dog, a company receptionist, a pet.

She was legally adopted by Billizzi Adopted daughter (there really is an adoption procedure in hell)...), in the company she is basically a little girl who eats and waits to die.

But Luna holds a magic book that can lead to the human world, which is extremely rare in hell.

However, it is said that this book was obtained by Bilitz through a body transaction with Stolas....

Facing Biliz's accusation, Moses was a little embarrassed. He lowered his head and hesitated:"I...I had something urgent to do at that time..."

Milly smiled broadly beside him.

Billizzi dissatisfied:"What can be more important than our career! We won't be able to afford food next fucking month!"

Then he saw Milly and Moses' faces full of love and affection. look like.

He understood it at that time, so he was speechless and said:"You two must have done it just now! Does it have to be now?"

Milly said openly:"Sex is coming, and we have no way to control it."

Moses was embarrassed She pulled Milly:"Milly, there is no need for us to tell others such private things...."

Biliz said"嘷", he had even fucked a succubus, would he say such a thing?

Luna looked like it had nothing to do with her, holding her phone and playing something unknown.

Biliz quickly brought the topic back:"No matter what, we have work to do!"

"Well, well, well, which human being is going to suffer?"Luna said casually.

Billizzi slapped his hands on the table to increase his momentum, and then he showed an evil smile.

"This time, our job is not to deal with humans, but those damn sinners and demons!"

The expressions of all the employees became serious instantly.

Moses was the first to raise his hand:"Bilize, I want to resign! Milly followed:"

Me too!""(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Luna also added a heavy blow:"Please transfer your property to my name first, and remember to do debt stripping...."

Biliz was almost out of breath, and he roared:"No to all!"

Milly snorted, and Moses worried:"Biliz, we can't do this job, we don't have the angelic weapons to deal with those sinners."

"In fact, we have."Bilize said with a sinister smile.

Then he saw him rummaging around behind him and placing a dagger, a crossbow and an arrow on the table.

Moses seemed to have discovered something, and he carefully placed his fingers on the table. He suddenly felt a burning sting on the blade of the dagger.

He exclaimed:"This is the real thing!"

Since Angel began to pay attention to the management of tools, there are fewer and fewer Angel weapons on the market. Recently, Angel Weapon 910 has not been available for a long time, and the ones that can be purchased are basically fakes.

Milly is cautious He picked up the handle of the dagger and looked at the light to see a faint sacred light emitting from the blade.

"how did you do it?"Milly wondered.

Moses picked up the crossbow and arrows, aiming and gesticulating in his hands.

"Don't point your arrow at me, you idiot!"

"Sorry, but I'm so excited, it's my first time seeing real angel weapons."

Moses fell in love with this crossbow and felt that his sniper rifle was no longer good.

Biliz couldn't help but said:"That is the company's property!"[]

But Luna thought of a very serious question:"Who is the target you are going to face this time?"

Biliz was stuck for a long time, and then said:"We will know when we get there, Luna, please help us open a teleportation Door"

"What about the goal?"Luna took out the magic book with a hint of doubt.

Biliz hesitated before saying:"In front of the Goetia family's castle...."

Luna immediately rolled her eyes. She also knew about the incident between her adoptive father and Prince Storas, but she didn't want to care about it.

So she opened a portal directly, and Bilizzi walked into the portal first with her favorite gun.

Moses and Milly followed closely behind, crossing the portal together, and Luna closed the gate after they were gone.

She was not a combatant, so she didn't go there. After opening the door, she continued to sit down and play with her mobile phone.

But the killers on the other side only felt regret at this time.

Even the good-tempered Moses couldn't help pouting at this moment and asked Biliz beside him:"Biliz, before you accepted the commission, didn't you ask about the target quantity first?" The darkness in front of him made it difficult to estimate conservatively. Hundreds of people.

These are not hundreds of humans, but sinners and demons. Almost all of them have unique skills. Usually, you have to be careful when dealing with one or two to avoid being killed.

There are so many demons now!

If they dare to take action, they will definitely be beaten to death by a group of people! And it will definitely not be an easy death.

Bilitz also had some regrets. He explained:"When I heard about the reward,...He agreed without asking any more questions. As you know, he said that there were a lot of people on the other side, but I thought, maybe there were less than ten people. How could there be more people?"

"But the guy opposite can eat us up! Milly was so angry that she wanted to take out her phone on the spot and tell Luna to send them home.

But she was stopped by Billizzi:"Wait a minute!""

"What are you waiting for? Biliz said embarrassedly:"I have already received the deposit, otherwise where do you think the weapons you have come from?"".

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