Moses and Milly scratched their heads after hearing what Bilitz said and wished they could strangle Bilitz to death on the spot!

If the deposit had been taken, the nature of the matter would be completely different.

Moreover, the nature of rejecting ordinary customers is different from rejecting nobles. Even if they hold a grudge in the former, they can still find ways to kill the customers.

But if you encounter the latter, you can only wait for death.

"I do not understand. Milly pinched her eyebrows and felt a headache:"With the strength of the Goetia family, they can definitely deal with those sinners themselves, why should they entrust us to do it?""

Of course Biliz knew that Storas wanted to take this opportunity to plot something against him, but he couldn't tell him about it. He also wanted to face shame.

So he could only say perfunctorily:"They nobles, you know, Don't want to get your hands dirty easily."

Moses and Milly had no choice but to figure out how to complete this almost impossible task.

"It would be difficult to kill them all. I only have one arrow and Milly only has a small one., and you, Biliz, you have nothing!"

It's unbelievable that as the boss, Bilizzi didn't prepare any angel weapons for himself.

Moses said suspiciously:"You didn't plan to let the two of us work from the beginning, and you didn't do anything, right?"

Biliz turned his head guiltily:"How is that possible?..."

This is absolutely true. Moses has no hope in the integrity of his boss.

At this time, Biliz thought of something:"Actually, the most troublesome problem for the Goetia family is that these bitches have been blocking the door of their house. If we can find a way to divert the attention of these sinners, then we don't actually have to kill them." Dropping them also completed the mission..."

"Anyway, the bird prince can't possibly know who these sinners are, and he won't verify the circumstances of their death, right?"

This note sounds more reliable. Moses and Milly looked at each other and nodded slightly. This sounds like it is worth trying.

"So do you have any good ideas?"

Biliz took out a bunch of grenades from his pocket and put them into the hands of Moses and Milly.

"These are poison gas bombs that can temporarily slow down the actions of those criminals. You may be able to take the opportunity to kill a few Bichi and cause some commotion."

Then he stuffed two more gas masks into it.

"how? Aren't you with us?"The honest boy Moses asked.

But Biliz said matter-of-factly:"I have handed over the only angel weapons I have to you. How are you going to deal with those sinners? Go quickly, I will meet you from a distance!"

Biliz pointed to the nearby tall building, gave Moses a Wink, and then disappeared after a few bounces.

"How could he do this!"Moses was so angry that he almost threw away the gas mask and gas bombs. Fortunately, Millie stopped him.

"My dear, you can't throw this away. It doesn't matter. As long as we are together, we can definitely get this done."

Milly's encouragement gave Moses strength. He cleared up his mood and set his sights on the sinners and demons again, but...Sure enough, there are still a lot!

"Fuck than Liz!" He cursed secretly, and then quietly sneaked into the crowd in front with Milly.

Since the little devils are usually short in stature, Moses and Milly did not attract the attention of the sinner devil when they walked bent over, and all their attention was absorbed by the sinner devil. Attracted by the castle of Goetia.

These demons are not new sinners. The youngest among them has actually been here for more than ten years.

But it is obvious that they are used to"everyone is equal" when they are alive. World, how could they endure the consequences of becoming human beings after death?

But to be honest, although sinners and demons are not favored by the original demons, their status is not low.

Hell is a place for strong people, sinners Almost as soon as the devil appeared in hell, he already had some superpowers that the original devil could not possess in his life.

For example, it was very difficult for a creature like a little devil to create a little devil who knew how to use magic.

A long time ago , the purpose of creating little devils is actually to serve as food for other native demons. However, because little devils are good at learning and have high IQs, when the industrial revolution in hell rises, they also take the opportunity to rise. And rely on Some industrial technologies have become qualified to survive as intelligent life forms, but in front of the demon aristocrats who follow the ancient system, the status of little devils is still very low. This is why Stella looks down on Billizzi. Their family still has several little devils. The slave of the devil!

So in Stella's eyes, the affair between Storas and the little devil was no less than the peace between a noble pure-blood wizard and a lowly house elf, which made her feel Disgusting.

Stella humiliated Storas more than once at the banquet, saying that doing it with him was like fucking a dead person, with no fun or passion at all.

She should be grateful that she gave birth to offspring by laying eggs, otherwise the process might It was even more unbearable for her.

Speaking of which, the reason why the sinners and demons gathered in front of the demon noble's castle this time was because they wanted to take advantage of the chaos in the entire arrogance circle to fish in troubled waters.

Buying for zero yuan, traditional craftsmanship cannot be lost, people How could the Master not engage in zero-dollar shopping?

But they could not break the protective barrier outside the castle, so they could only surround the outside of the castle and insult the owner of the castle with all kinds of obscene and obscene words. Once the people inside couldn't stand it anymore, If they choose to come out, they can defeat those nobles with their numerical advantage.

Don't doubt that these sinners and demons do have such courage.

They didn't do it before because of historical inertia and because no one took the lead. This group of sinners has never experienced being attacked by demons and nobles. In the era when they were expelled, they had long forgotten what power these nobles had.

Because of their high status, the nobles were accompanied by bodyguards when they came in and out (yes, they had bodyguards, even though they themselves were far stronger than the bodyguards), so they never had Need to personally intervene.

This caused some misunderstandings on both sides.

The nobles mistakenly thought that their name could deter them, while the sinners and demons misunderstood that the nobles were actually nothing great.

And these new ones summoned by Dane Sinners, the riots they caused allowed these sinners to see an opportunity, which caused the current situation of the Goetia family. Because the basic abilities of the little devils are not as good as other demon races, they can only rely on training skills to win, so most of them He is an excellent thief and weapons master.

Moses and Millie slipped among the sinners and put on their gas masks.

They nodded to each other and threw out all the gas bombs without hesitation.

Suddenly, the smell of chili powder spread, triggering a series of unstoppable coughs.

"Oh, fuck! my eyes!"

The eyes of many sinners and demons were fascinated by the chili powder and could not open their eyes.

Moses and Milly:...

Is this fucking chili powder?

What kind of gas bomb is this?

Moses was almost angry to death by Bilizzi. He should have thought long ago that with the company's current poor situation, it would be impossible to buy genuine products.

But there is no other way. Since I have done everything before, I can only continue to do it now!

So he and Milly dispersed, and Milly darted her dagger back and forth among the sinners, killing thoseThe guys who were fascinated by the eyes cut their throats or stabbed them in the back, and their movements were quite neat.

Fortunately, these guys were all gathered together, and no one could notice that the short and agile Millie, the sinners she killed, could no longer stand up. The angel weapon did have an immediate effect.

Moses also took action at the same time. He only had one arrow, so he had to be able to reuse this arrow.

Therefore, he tried his best to kill two or even three birds with one stone, and then rushed to recover the arrow as soon as he killed the sinner, and then continued to kill other people.

But their assassination was soon discovered, and it was obvious that chili powder could not last long at all, even the death chili special to Hell Farm.

So soon someone discovered the dead body lying next to them, and a demon shouted loudly:"Someone is attacking us!"

Among the sinners and demons, someone had the ability to control the wind. He rolled up the surrounding chili powder and blew it away. Scattered, all the sinners and demons dispersed, immediately revealing two little demons wearing gas masks.

"Two damn little devils!"

The demon roared and launched an attack. Moses and Milly quickly dodged and then ran in the direction chosen in advance.

"Chase! We must kill these two little bastards!"

The sinners and demons couldn't bear this tone, and they chased Moses and Milly with a roar. Soon, there were no more demons outside Goetia Castle.

"bingo!"Biliz was a little excited when he saw that the commission had been completed, which meant that a large sum of money had been received.

But soon his cell phone rang, and Biliz picked it up to answer it. Moses' roar came from the phone:"You fucking You actually used chili powder to pretend to be a gas bomb, you bastard?%……"

Biliz held the phone further away. He was quite capable of irritating a good-tempered guy like Moses to this degree.

When the other party was done cursing, Bilizzi said:"I'll drive over right now, hold on!"

After saying that, he hung up the phone directly, then hurried downstairs and directly picked the lock of a sports car. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Hey! That's my car!"

A sinner demon hurried over, but Biliz turned around, held the gun and pulled the trigger in one go.

The gunshot rang out, and the sinner demon fell with a bullet in his forehead.

"Let me borrow it first, buddy!"After saying that, Biliz immediately got in the car, started the car and left.

His gun was not an angel's weapon, so it could not kill the sinner at all, but it could make the sinner demon quiet for a while, and he would recover after a while.

The sports car roared to a certain place On the street, Moses and Milly were running away like crazy, and behind them, a group of sinners and demons were following closely.

This scene made Bizz feel his scalp numb, and he almost stepped on the accelerator, but fortunately he held it back

".Get in the car!"Biliz shouted to his two employees and started the car at the same time.

Moses and Milly had quick eyes and quick hands. They immediately jumped and easily got into the back seat of the car through the window.

Biliz immediately stepped on the accelerator, and the sports car roared. Running forward, the strong push on the back pressed the three little devils firmly on the car seats, unable to move.

Those sinners and devils took a mouthful of exhaust fumes as soon as they arrived, but they were unwilling to accept it, so they also grabbed it on the spot. He picked up several cars and chased them directly!

"Call quickly and ask Luna to take us back!"

Milly immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed the company's landline.

The little devil immediately murdered the company. Luna frantically pressed the touch screen keys on the mobile phone with one hand and picked up the phone with the other hand.

"Hello, IMP (abbreviation of company name) company"[]

"Luna! Get us out of here quickly!"

In the car, because Milly was playing the loudspeaker, Bilitz yelled after the call was connected. The voice was so loud in the car that Luna on the other side unconsciously moved the phone farther away.

Wait. After Bilizzi finished speaking, she approached the microphone:"Where are you?"

Biliz looked around and found no sign that could explain this place, although he knew where it was.

"I don't fucking know!"

The cars started roaring behind them, and there were many off-road motorcycles catching up faster than all the cars.

Moses and Milly quickly took out their guns and attacked the sinners and demons, trying to slow down their speed.

But those sinners They also learned the lesson. After receiving the attack, they also began to take out their weapons and fight back. Although they were not sharpshooters, one bullet per person was enough for the little devils to eat a pot.

"Fuck! Luna, can't you hurry up?"

However, Luna said:"If I don't know the specific location of your side, I can't accurately open the portal. That's a very bad thing (good, good).…"

"Just do it!"Biliz saw the criminal's car approaching and quickly shouted into the phone.

Luna had no choice but to activate the teleportation magic based on the approximate direction Bilitz had previously described.

The next moment, a man exuding magic A light door suddenly appeared from the left front of Bilitz's sports car.

Bilitz's car was misaligned, and if it continued like this, it would directly hit the edge of the"door".

Fortunately, Bilitz's eyesight and hands were quick, and he quickly turned the steering wheel and moved the sports car away. But I still accidentally scraped the edge of the door.

Then, as if it had been wiped by an extremely sharp blade, the door on Blitz's side was directly cut away by the edge of the portal, without even a spark, as if it was easy. Cut off a piece of tofu.

At this moment, a sinner's off-road motorcycle happened to pass by. He didn't have time to slow down, hit the upper edge of the door, and made a separate move.

His head continued to fly towards the front of the road, while his body He and the car were directly teleported to the IMP company, passing in front of Luna with dull eyes.

Moses and Milly huddled on the other side of the car door, their eyes wide open.

Biliz was in shock, and he said to the mobile phone angrily:"No need. Leave us alone!"Then she hung up the phone.

Luna immediately kicked the body of the sinner demon out of the portal, then closed the door, leaving only the car behind.

"what to do?"Milly hung up the phone and asked Bilitz.

Bilitz gritted his teeth and suddenly saw a magnificent hotel in the distance. He thought that a big shot lived in it, Charlie Morningstar.

Charlie's speech on TV was better than Liz had also seen it at the time, and he could tell that she was an easy to, very innocent and kind-hearted princess, so she would definitely be saved if she hid in it.

"Sit tight!"

Bilize reminded, and the sports car roared towards the Happy Hotel.

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