Happy Hotel.

The three strongest lords among the sinner demons succumbed to Dane's threat of force.

Dane turned to look at Lucifer:"You see, actually the rules have not changed, and I feel more relaxed than before. At least they are truly intelligent creatures, not as ignorant as the demons in another world."

Lu. Xifa glanced at the three demons who were standing there respectfully and as quietly as chickens. They completely lost the momentum they had at the beginning.

Of course, anyone who is instantly killed will inevitably have the suspicion of"it turns out I am trash".

"Your magic is getting better and better."Lucifer praised.

Even for him, it would be difficult for him to recover the demon's injuries in a short period of time, or even recreate a new body.

The three sinners demon lords who had just been beheaded by Dane, except for Camilla, who was the least injured , like Zestiel with only his head and Vox with only his body, both have returned to their original state.

Vox now has a very well-behaved expression on his TV head

"It’s all the result of power."Dane waved his hand and said indifferently.

After the two hells merged, Dane regarded the hotel as a key node connecting the two worlds. Therefore, within this hotel, it is the intersection of the two hells, so the demon god's authority can Spread to the world here through magical connections.

The reason why I helped the other two lords recover from their injuries is because after accepting Dane's help, their souls will be marked with the devil's mark, changing from a free soul to a A prisoner.

Regardless of whether Zestiel and Vox could discover this or not, they would subconsciously fear him.

At this time, Charlie burst in from the door angrily, and Vicky couldn't hold her back.

Charlie After he came in, he started poking Dane's chest with his fingers:"I remember you promised me that you would help me realize my wish, right? Dane was still thinking, when did he write such a condition in the magic contract?

But in order to prevent the Hell Princess from getting angry, he comforted him:"Yes, is there any problem?""

What's the problem?

Charlie couldn't believe that Dane actually asked her like this. She dragged Dane to the floor-to-ceiling window with such a rough movement that the eyes of the three sinner lords standing silently twitched.

Charlie had no idea what was going on. The three demons slandered, and she didn’t even see them:"Look! Look what you have done!"

The entire Pentagram City was filled with gunpowder smoke. Demons were chopped and bombed, and their corpses and internal organs were scattered everywhere.

Especially those sinners and demons who were still recovering from the cooling-off period. Many of them were crawling on the ground with only half of their bodies, like zombies.

There are many perverts in hell, and some healthy demons took advantage of the fact that those half-sinners were unable to move and did some very nasty things to them.

Anyway, Dane It was really annoying to look away after just one glance.

Although there were turmoils in hell from time to time in the past, they were all concentrated after the"Great Purge".

Because the"Great Purge" would kill many sinners and demons, Some weak sinner lords will even be killed. After their death, the territory that originally belonged to them will be vacated.

And those ambitious demons will fight to snatch these ownerless territories. The nobles and Lucifer will not Will stop such behavior, because this is one of hell's ways to prevent class solidification and maintain vitality.

Hell's TV station will treat the turmoil of these demons fighting for territory as a program every year, which has almost become the"Spring Festival" in hell But that was only when they were prepared. They were able to protect their property from the riots and minimize the losses.

But this"magic wave" was a complete emergency, and all the lords did not Be prepared in advance.

Besides, the OA sinners who have just arrived in hell don’t understand the rules of hell!

At this time, of course, whoever has the biggest fist is the one who calls the shots.

As a result, the scene in front of me is completely out of control. In Charlie's eyes, hell was worse than before.

But Dane comforted her with a smile:"If we want to establish a new order, we cannot rely on the old order to make improvements. This will lead to transformation." Not completely, but you also know how stubborn these demons are.

I heard that you appeared on a TV show at the beginning of the year (a short period of time after the purge) to promote your concept, but until now, your only customer is Angel, and his transformation has not been successful...."

Charlie felt completely ashamed.

Dane continued:"So, in order to show our determination, we must first give these demons who are accustomed to muddle along a little shock and break the old system before we can establish a new order on the ruins. This is called Break and then stand!"

Charlie could only understand a little bit, but she was so shocked that she was almost paralyzed by the deception!

Lucifer was listening to their conversation from behind, his eyes rolled, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Just cheating on Dane...No, when he was trying to convince Xia Li, he heard the roar of a sports car coming from far away, and the target seemed to be aimed at the Happy Hotel.

He looked down curiously and saw that a very aggressive red sports car was rushing towards him. The two doors on the cab side of the car had been completely cut off.

Dane's clairvoyant eyes could see that there were three little devils inside the car.

Behind the sports car was a large group of sinners and demons driving various cars. The number was estimated to be no less than a hundred.

"interesting. Dane smiled. He dared to attack this hotel. No matter he is a little devil or a sinner, he is very courageous!

"Camilla, go and drive away those sinners and catch those three little devils."

Camilla didn't want to move in her heart, but she didn't dare not to do it. The two colleagues around her were also winking at her crazily.

There was no other way, Camilla could only do what she was told.

On the road, Blitz stepped on He held the accelerator and never relaxed, always rushing to the front. From time to time, a stray bullet flew over, and he had to lower his head as much as possible to avoid being hit by the bullet.

Since his car door was gone, Biliz felt very insecure, but the sinner behind him The demons were still in hot pursuit, forcing Biliz to continue running forward until the sports car drove into the outer boundary of the Happy Hotel.

But he had no time to stop. If he dared to stop, he would immediately be chased by the pursuers behind him. Shooting into a hornet's nest!

So Blitz made a bold decision in an instant. He wanted to drive the car in!

Compared with Her Royal Highness who wanted to redeem the devil, the sinners and devils behind looked more terrifying.

"Biliz, what are you doing!"

Bilize is very"kind", but his behavior frightened the two little devils and his wife in the back seat, and they hurriedly tried to stop him.

But before they could stop the car, a female devil suddenly appeared in front of them.

The three little devils in the car instantly widened their eyes. Although they live in relatively remote areas (mainly around Little Devil City), as a murder company, they obviously have big shots who have a good understanding of hell.

This person in front of them is One of the three strongest lords among the sinner demons, Camilla!

Camilla was forcefully ordered to do something, and she felt unhappy when she saw the sports car on the other side didn't stop (actually it was Billizzi) I was so frightened that I forgot), and immediately opened her sickle-like claws.

The moment the sports car hit her, she waved her hand, and her claws grabbed the steel skin of the sports car as if cutting paper.

Thanks to the little devil inside Each of them had strong skills and avoided the blade in time, otherwise they would directly become the dead souls of the sword.

But when the sports car was cut open, Bilizzi and other demons could only roll out in embarrassment. (For cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Biliz just raised his head and saw Camilla's rather terrifying expression. Her pair of bright red eyes could not block the murderous aura emanating from them.

To be honest, Biliz was almost scared to death, because He knew that killing him was no more difficult than trampling on an ant.

But Camilla didn't kill him, she just said coldly:"Stay here!"

Then she turned around and waved her claws again, and the surrounding air flow turned into wind blades, cutting the sinners who hit them into pieces, and their flesh and blood flew all over the sky in an instant.

Biliz broke out in a cold sweat, and finally felt a little regretful.

The sinners behind saw the demons that were cut into pieces. They stopped quickly, took a closer look and found that it was Camilla, and quickly turned away.

They did not know enough about the strength of the nobles because the nobles rarely took action. But the sinner lords often kill people. They have a deep understanding of each other's strength, so they run away quickly.

But Camilla does not let them go so easily. She is still holding back her anger. , so she was as fast as the wind, faster than the demons driving on the opposite side, and directly killed the team of nearly a hundred people.

Each demon was"carefully" cut into pieces by her, and the time was restored It's not short, and the surrounding area is not peaceful. There are always some weird and perverted demons who come to places like this to pick up corpses.

Demons have a tradition of cannibalism. The"people" here generally refer to the flesh of sinners, because they can It keeps growing.

As long as it is handled properly, the flesh of some sinners can be passed down from generation to generation like family heirlooms. In this way, even if future generations fail to live up to expectations, they will not starve to death.

So for sinners and demons, they will not die if they are killed. , but it is very likely that life is worse than death, especially since there are ogres everywhere in hell. There are actually many sinners who went to hell because of cannibalism, so there should be demons coming to pick up these broken corpses on the ground soon.

Card Mira felt a little happier after venting, and she walked up to Billizzi

"Someone wants to see you inside, go in!"[]

Camilla pointed at the hotel door, and the door opened automatically.

Moses and Milly were uneasy. They didn't want to go in, so they winked wildly at Billizzi.

But could Bilitz say no? Of course he couldn't refuse.

Therefore, he could only show a flattering smile to Camilla, and then pushed Moses and Milly in fiercely.

His hateful face made the little devil couple gnash their teeth, but under Camilla's gaze, they could only stand up and walk to the hotel.

"And you!"

Camilla saw that Bilizzi was secretly trying to run away, with malicious eyes and claws eager to try.

Bilizzi sneered and could only follow Moses and Milly in dejectedly.

When he walked in, Moses and Milly walked in. Milly was standing behind the door, looking at him with disdain.

"Did you just want to leave us?"

"How is that possible!"Bilize denied it.

Millie raised her middle finger at him and said:"If you let us do this kind of thing again in the future, I will throw you out to those sinners to fuck you to death!""

Bilize nodded obediently:"OK"

"Keep walking and don't talk!"Behind them, Camilla appeared like a ghost, startling them.

So the three little devils could only accept their fate and continue walking. Along the way, they saw many photos of Charlie, her and her parents. A group photo of.

Bilize felt more and more regretful, and he began to worry about the safety of his own group of demons.

Although it seemed from TV that Charlie Morningstar was a simple child, no one could tell whether she was pretending.

Bilize is now After calming down and thinking about it, I suddenly felt something was wrong. Charlie is the daughter of Lucifer, and the daughter of the Lord of Hell is a good person... Does this sound reasonable?

But whether they wanted to or not, Dane and others still came to In front of him.

As soon as Bilizzi saw Charlie, he immediately bent down and made a gentleman's gesture.

"Hello, dear Princess Charlie Morningstar, I am the owner of Imp Instant Murder Company and this is my business card."

With that said, Biliz held up the business card with both hands.

Charlie took it hesitantly, and when she saw the name on it, she read out:"Biliz... Oh?"

"O is not pronounced, dear Princess."

You don't have to write it if it's not pronounced, but what does it mean to write O and cross it out?

Charlie is also a demon who knows Pentagram City very well, but she has never heard of this company, and after all, the little devil Are there any killers?

She has only heard of little devils acting as clowns in the past, but never heard of them being killers.

The clown in hell is a character similar to a comedy superstar, especially the little devils, they are very They are good at being clowns.

No devil can do a better job of deprecating themselves to please others than they do.

"Interesting, can a little devil also be a killer?"

With a move of Dane's fingers, the business card flew up from Charlie's hand and into his hand.

Biliz turned his gaze to Dane, and suddenly a huge fear surged into his heart, as if he would be crushed into flesh in the next moment. Jiang.

He suddenly got excited and immediately fell to the ground.

"gentlemen! I'm willing to do anything, as long as you don't kill me!"

Good guy, here comes another one who is willing to do anything, but Dane seems to have no need to use the little devil.

Bilizzi's palms were sweating. He knew very well that in front of such a big man, he had better be able to perform If it is of some use, a worthless devil has no right to live.

"Wait, I seem to have some impression of this mark on your forehead...."

At this time, Charlie suddenly seemed to have discovered something.

But Bilizzi, who had been able to remain calm at first, suddenly seemed to have broken his defense, and he broke out in cold sweat..

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