After Sinestro arrested all the OA criminals, Dane's transformation of the Happy Hotel also came to an end.

This means that he can finally bring another person from hell to this world, and the first person to cross the barrier of time and space is Fiora.

"I really hope that the next time I come here, I will see the human world in front of me."Fiora said with her waist.

As soon as she saw these strange-looking guys in front of her and the familiar smell of sin around her, she knew that this place was still hell.

Dane did not answer this question and just asked:"Krypton How is the baby doing?"

When mentioning this matter, Fiora finally showed a smile on her face.

"Everything is normal now. The artificial uterus has started working normally and the embryos have been implanted. I have been paying close attention to it recently and the little guys are developing normally."

Dane was relieved. Originally, he was a little worried that the material foundation of hell would be difficult to raise Kryptonians. Now it seems that this worry is unnecessary.

But in this way, in addition to the fact that the DNA comes from the human world, these Kryptonians have actually already They are considered a race born and raised in hell.

After all, the elements that make up their bodies are all hell elements. Hell Kryptonians? They are almost becoming another species, right?

"so what? What did you want to do by calling me here?"

"As you can see, this hell is a world with modern technology, so…"

"So you want to occupy this place?"

Fiora immediately understood what Dane meant. She observed the entire Pride Ring with her clairvoyance eyes and found that it was indeed a society with a high degree of technological civilization as Dane said.

Withdrawing her clairvoyance eyes, Fiora asked again Said:"Do I need to drive the world engine through"360"?"

"No need for the time being, this world does not need environmental transformation"

"But there is no sun here."Fiora frowned.

Just like the hell in another world, the hell here does not have a celestial body like the sun, so the strength of the Kryptonians will be greatly restricted here.

"Don't worry, my power can radiate to this world, at least you will have no problem."

After Dane finished speaking, he pointed his finger, and the magic turned on Fiora, applying a magic to her.

Fiora suddenly felt a warm feeling spreading throughout her body, which was the power of the yellow sun.

She felt The strength in her body was once again filled.

Fortunately, in this world, the yellow sun itself has not changed that much, and Fiora can absorb the energy of the sun without any obstacles.

"How does it feel? Dane asked

"Very cool!"Fiora showed a wild smile, which was somewhat similar to Diana.

"How are you going to steal this place?"

"This time we have to go the legal route, I need you to mingle with the local demons and do it their way"

"This is not my specialty."Fiora frowned.

"Don't worry, I've found a helper for you."

As soon as Dane finished speaking, he saw a person suddenly standing up behind him, it was Sinestro.

Fiora squinted her eyes slightly, and she could see that this was a lantern, but it was the first time she had seen the yellow one.

Dai En En introduced:"This is Sinestro. You should be able to tell that he is now a demon. He has captured a large number of sinners who have just died in this world. You are responsible for training those people so that they can For my use."

Originally, Sinestro was more suitable for such a thing, but he and the Ringmasters had a deep hatred, and the training would only turn into a massacre.

"What do you want them to be? Warrior?"

"No, they just need to be qualified tools. My only requirement for them is to be obedient."

"That's simple."Fiora nodded.

She is a regular officer, so she has her own way of training soldiers.

Dane believes that with her ability, she will be able to conquer these sinners from OA as quickly as possible.

Dane I was still thinking about bringing Gabriel here, but Gabriel was unwilling.

Angels do not govern hell, they only govern the demons that break into the world, so Gabriel just wants to take care of the earth and does not want to get involved. Things in hell.

But Dane guessed that she might not want to meet the angels here.

The annual"big purge" is likely to cause them to meet.

The matter of the Greed Ring cannot be completed overnight, so Dai En After En finished telling the matter, he temporarily returned to the human world.

As soon as he came back, he heard the news that Wilson had taken the dog and the Speedmaster ran away with the bucket.

"You are finally back. Do you know that the United States is now in chaos?"

How new is this?

When will the United States not be in chaos?

Dane thought to himself, the United States here is like this. Without the Syndicate, there will be other troubles if the syndicate is not preserved.

The people who are still on Alcatraz Island are plastic people. He had nothing to do elsewhere so he could only stay here.

Through him, Dane was able to understand the general situation of the other members now. In today's Justice League, since the Syndicate members have basically been captured, there is an opportunity for them to work together at this time Not much.

Diana has returned to Alcatraz and is back to fucking those Amazons.

Batman and the Red Hood are still in Gotham, where they heard that the Joker Gang is beginning to challenge Gotham's official order.

The two of them Coupled with Dick and the newly joined Tim, they are competing with the Clown Gang led by Bain and other families headed by the founding family. After the vixen knew that Dane was preparing to have long-term exchanges with the world here, She just wanted to go to Zambia in this world.

She didn’t have this opportunity before to capture the Syndicate. Now that the mission is over, she can finally go there with confidence.

Dr. Hikaru Kimiyo also went with her. As a A completely westernized Japanese-American, she does not have much sense of belonging to her mother country.

Hal returned to Beach City. Just like the physical earth, Hal became the hero of Beach City.

But just like that world, he There was some emotional entanglement with Carol here, and Plastic Man gossiped:"I heard that this person here has a very strong character, and Hal can't bear it."

Where did this go," Dane thought. When Carol in the other world knows about this, you will know who is the real strong one.

Carol is a candidate for Star Sapphire. Who dares to steal her? A man, even if he is the same person, will blow your head off!

People who have the same troubles as Carl include Barry the Flash, but his situation is better, because in the original world, Barry is single.

But Barry is not He has no worries. For him, returning his father's innocence has always been the biggest wish in his heart, so it is impossible for him to give up the other world and live with his girlfriend here, so there are some small things between them. Friction.

But overall, this young couple can still tolerate each other.

Dane feels that compared to the fat black girl in the original world, Barry will choose the white girl in front of him as long as he is not crazy.

After learning that Dane has returned, Zatanna and Diana both rushed over

"Do you still know how to come back?"

Do women all over the world say this? Dane thought in confusion.

But Diana only complained about this sentence, and then she got down to business:"You should already know about Speedmaster's escape from the earth. Are you going to What to do with him?"

Dane thought for a while, a guy like Speedmaster should go to hell, right?

I don't know if he will appear in hell. Although he is an alien, Speedmaster seems to have accepted the earth. People's faith.

After thinking about it, Dane said:"Ignore him for now, wait until I finish my work in hell.""

"Speaking of which, we have been away from the earth for a long time. Maybe it’s time to go back and take a look."

"Didn't you say that you want to establish a connection channel between the two worlds? finished?"Zatanna asked curiously

"The general framework has been laid out. It will be built in hell. After all, that is the place that my ability can cover."

"Does this mean that we have to go through hell in the future to travel between the two worlds?"Diana frowned. She didn't like the atmosphere of hell.

And she was very sure that she didn't like the hell here even more.

"No need to bother. Dane said:"We also have the magic box, which can use its power to teleport.""

"Need to notify other guys?"

"No need, it’s not like I’ll never come back, I’m just going back temporarily"

"Then I won’t go back yet!" said Diana

"Why?"The person who asked this question was Zatanna. She actually wanted to go back. She missed her nest in the Rock of Eternity.

Diana looked at the Asian female warriors standing in the distance and said:" I found a long-lost passion in them, and I wanted to stay and give them a try to see if I could train them into real warriors! Dane turned to look at Zatanna:"

What about you?""

"I want to go back."After Zatanna finished speaking, she suddenly seemed to remember something and said:"By the way, Circe said she wanted to go to our world to see..."

Dane glanced at her and continued:"Especially It's the Rock of Eternity, right?"

Anyone who practices magic will never be able to resist the temptation of the Rock of Eternity......

"Where is she now?"

Zatanna heard Dane's question and lifted the top hat on her head. Circe's soul flew out, and she was actually hidden in Zatanna's hat! Are the relationship between the two of them already that good? ?

"Do you want to go to the Rock of Eternity?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Circe nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. She was so curious about the magic in another world.

Dane thought about it and thought it was okay. Circe It's just a soul, and besides, she's still a fool, so he can take her with him. So he agreed, but some people were dissatisfied with his agreement.

"You seem to have forgotten me?"

Dane looked up and saw that it was the Super Queen.

This powerful Amazon female warrior fell from the sky and landed in front of him.

"I also need to go!"

She spoke confidently in front of Diana.

Diana's face darkened instantly, and she said to the super queen in a somewhat unkind tone:"You are not allowed to go anywhere!"

Diana wants to train all the Amazons, all of them! So that includes the Super Queen. The

Super Queen rolled her eyes and didn't intend to listen to Diana, but she forgot that she was Diana's loser.

So. Seeing that the Super Queen seemed to want to disobey her order, Diana immediately threw out the mantra and tied up the Super Queen without saying a word.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

The Super Queen struggled hard, but couldn't break free.

Of course, except that it has no ability to cause pain, the mantra rope has almost the same binding power as the surrender rope. It is a power that even the real gods cannot break free from.

"Your strength seems to have improved a bit recently. Let me see how much you have improved!"

As she spoke, Diana yanked the mantra, pulled the Super Queen in front of her, and then lifted her up into the sky.

"She really wants to get her back on track, right?"

"I think she just plain hates her. Zatanna and Dane looked at each other and smiled. They held hands and held the magic box at the same time.

Circe was stuffed with a mouthful of dog food and shyly hid in Zatanna's hat.

For a moment Finally, a burst of magical power burst out from the two of them and was absorbed by the magic box.

On the golden skull head of the magic box, the three eyes emitted red light at the same time, forming a door to time and space.

They entered the door. Once over, they returned to the earth, their earth

"Welcome back, Dane, Zatanna, unknown woman."

They returned to the Hall of Justice. Of course, they were greeted by Dane's most caring and good secretary, Cortana.

"Cortana, how's it going on Earth these days?"

"Everything is fine, but something happened in a small country in South America a few days ago. It was 4.1 Birds of Prey and the Suicide Squad who resolved the matter."

Dane thought about it and immediately realized that the Starfish Starro incident had occurred.

In the comics, Starro is the first opponent of the Justice League who needs to work together to deal with it, and he is also the third member of the Crime Syndicate in the Rebirth series. An opponent.

In the movie, Starro is still very dangerous, but he is no longer an enemy that requires the Justice League to deal with.

Its weaknesses have become more obvious and easier to target, with just a few A temporary team of criminals who did not cooperate well killed the monster.

Now it seems that the incident in South America was the plot of the movie

"How's it going with Clark?

Cortana replied:"Everything went well. Lex Luthor seemed to want to cause some trouble, but he was solved by Superman.""

"What does he want to do?"

"He wanted to threaten Louise and her children..."

Good guy, isn’t this what clowns do?

"Where is that guy Luther now?"

"He is now being detained for illegally detaining others. I heard that...It's like being imprisoned in the prison of Tianyan Society."

Dane sneered when he heard this, the prison of the Sky Eye Society?

He is sure that Lex Luthor has definitely been colluding with Amanda Waller, but he just doesn't know how far this cooperation has progressed.

Thinking of this, Dane Suddenly a question came to mind

"Cortana, how long has it been since we left?"

"Close to seven months." Cortana replied[]

Seven months! The time flow rate on both sides is inconsistent!.

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