Dane still remembered that the last time they left, Louise had just revealed her pregnancy.

In the world of Syndicate, they plan very carefully, and their life time should not exceed four months.

But now that I think about it, Louise’s due date is almost approaching!

Looking at it this way, the time of the positive matter universe seems to be faster than the time of the antimatter universe?

No, that cannot be said.

Dane thought, there is also a possibility that there is no stable passage between the two worlds, so the time points of each crossing are jumping and not continuous, huh...This is an issue worthy of attention.

Fortunately it's not ten years later, otherwise Clark's children would probably be able to do so by now

"Where's Louise's due date?"

"Just recently, production was possible at any time. Dane thought to himself, I can’t miss this.

"By the way, now that seven months have passed, how is the situation at the lunar base?"

Dane still remembers the goal he set for Umbrella's Space Strategy Department before he left, to build a lunar base for normal human habitation within a year.

Cortana has been helping him keep an eye on it. In this matter, her work scope covers a very wide range. In addition to helping to monitor the earth, her body is also on the lunar construction team to keep an eye on the construction progress.

Because Umbrella's artificial intelligence is very advanced, the lunar construction is basically It is built by the cooperation of a small number of human engineers and a large number of automatic robots.

Each automatic robot is actually Cortana's eyes. They will help Cortana keep an eye on every move of these human engineers and be alert to the possible dangers inside. Spies.

Don't tell me, there is actually a spy who does not belong to Umbrella. He is a Jewish structural engineer. Cortana found out that the spy is probably from a certain six-pointed star country.

"If it were them, it wouldn't be surprising. These Jews always want to add a handful of sand to every inch of the earth. Now, espionage activities have even been carried out on the moon."Dane didn't take it seriously.

Since the opponent has been found out by Cortana, he will never be able to escape. If he has the ability, he can fly back directly from the moon!

"By the way, one more little thing."Cortana seemed to suddenly remember,"Some time ago, Robin took a copy of Kryptonite from the Justice League's warehouse."

"How much did he take? Dane asked curiously.

"500 g."

500 grams? This is enough for Clark to drink a pot! What does Damian want to do? To inherit the father's legacy?

Dane suddenly thought of something and asked Cortana:"Damian knows about Louise's pregnancy. ?"

"yes he knows..."When Dane said this, Cortana seemed to suddenly react,"You mean..."

A piece of data flashed quickly in her eyes, and then she said:"He knew that Lois was carrying Superman. After the child was born, I went to take the kryptonite."

Sure enough, it was so.

Is this the consciousness of the Bat Family?

Prepare for everything in advance. Damian took the kryptonite this time not to deal with Superman, but to deal with a new Kryptonian hybrid in the future.

Of course, it may not be entirely to deal with him, it may just be a habit of being prepared.

But Dane cannot encourage this evil trend. Batman already has a kryptonite radiation lamp, so what more kryptonite is needed? That is the public property of the alliance!

Damian is not from the Justice League!

So he planned to go over and get the kryptonite back, and take a look at the little madman and the plant girl.

So he said to Zatanna:"I'm going to Gotham. You can take Circe to the Rock of Eternity."

Circe flew out of Zatanna's hat and looked at Dane expectantly.

"You can read the magic books in it at will, but there are some taboos you should know, and Xiao Zha will tell you."

Cersey nodded like a fool, her eyes almost closed with laughter.

In Gotham, Dane walked into Wayne Manor in regular clothes.

"Master Davis."It was still the loyal old butler Alfred who opened the door.

"Is Mr. Wayne okay?"

"Don't worry, he's fine, maybe even better than he's ever been."

Dane feels that the Joker Gang in Gotham seems to have inspired Batman to some extent.

They are starting to play catch-up games again.

"Is Damian here?"Dane actually knew at a glance that this kid was not here, but he still asked politely.

"Master Damian has already gone out."

He is now a young man, about the same age as Nightwing when he first became Robin. And this kid is more impulsive and irritable. In recent years, the gangs in Gotham have suffered a lot, and they were washed away by Robin. Once again, his suit was almost washed red.

Although Butler Man did not elaborate, Dane also knew what he was doing.

"I'm here to get something, Aph, do you know where that guy put it?"

Of course Alfred knew that he actually didn't agree with what Damian did at the beginning, just like he never agreed with Bruce always treating other members of the alliance as imaginary enemies.

"Master Damian placed it in the Batcave...Do you need me to help you find it?"

"No, I can just go by myself. Afu nodded, and then asked:"Do you want coffee or tea?""


Aph got the answer and went down to prepare tea, while Dane walked into the secret room with a familiar path.

Before, it might have been a little more troublesome for him to find something.

But now he has clairvoyance. So with just a glance, he saw Damian's"piggy bank" where the kryptonite was hidden. He easily took out the kryptonite and threw it into his own storage.

After returning to this world, he could already connect to He went to his warehouse in the Rock of Eternity.

But after getting his things, Dane did not leave directly. Instead, he sat in front of the Batcomputer to check the recent happenings in Gotham, and also peeked into Batman's secrets. Come to think of it, there is something more A small irritation.

But perhaps because he learned the lesson of silence, Dane did not find any files similar to the"Babylon Project" from the computer files.

But Dane knew that there was absolutely no way that the bat with persecution paranoia would not do this..

Just when Dane was about to check the computer more deeply, he suddenly noticed an abnormal space-time fluctuation reverberating in the Batcave.

Just when he was wondering, the surrounding space-time continuum suddenly Destroyed and space distorted, Dane was very familiar with this feeling. This was a sign of the phenomenon of parallel time and space travel.

He turned around suddenly and found a red figure appearing in the distorted light and shadow of time and space. He could see it at a glance. It turns out that this man is Barry Allen.

But he is definitely not the Barry of their world.

"Bruce, listen to me!"

Barry's echo appeared in Dane's ears faster than his speaking voice. This is a phenomenon unique to the Speed ​​Force, which also shows that the Barry Allen in front of him is the real thing. The

Flash's fully wrapped visor was opened, revealing A haggard face with a beard.

But when Barry saw Dane's appearance clearly, he was suddenly stunned


This is not the Batman he is familiar with!

But Barry doesn't have much time. He must deliver the message he wants to convey within the limited time.

"Superman, beware of him, beware of him! Louise is the key, she is the key!"

After just saying these few words, Barry's figure was distorted by the action of time and space, and it seemed that he would disappear in the next moment. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But what he said was meaningless. Without a tail, how could Dane let him go?

So he took out the magic box from the inventory. The three eyes of the magic box glowed red, immediately smoothing out the surrounding space-time distortion, and also completed the body of the Flash. The Zone was brought into the world.

This unexpected situation confused the Flash.

Dane continued to provide magic power to the box, allowing it to stabilize the surrounding space so that it would not affect the relationship between Dane and the Flash. communication between each other.

But this is only temporary, because the magic box can only travel between the positive and antimatter worlds, and the Flash in front of him obviously does not belong to these two

"Now, let’s start at the beginning, which world are you the Barry Allen of?"

However, the Flash suddenly became vigilant. The strange man in front of him actually had the power to freeze time and space!

He had experienced too many events, and he was no longer the simple big boy he used to be.

The Flash quietly observed the surroundings and found that this place and him The Batcave he knew was no different. This was indeed Bruce's secret base.

So he tested:"Are you Bruce Wayne?"

Because I was worried that I had gone to the wrong place and entered another parallel universe.That's why The Flash has this one

He knew that there were differences in appearance between sibling beings in some parallel worlds.

But Dane rejected his idea

"Unfortunately, I am not Bruce Wayne..."

Dane saw that the moment he finished saying this, the Flash started. He tried to use the speed force to travel through time and space again. It can be said to be very decisive!

But it is a pity. , he failed to break through the time and space blockade set by the magic box, so in Dane's eyes, he was just running in place, and his running posture was extremely ugly.

"what did you do to me?"

"That's not the answer I wanted to hear. The Flash hesitated for a while and then said:"I thought... I thought I traveled through time. I want to tell you that you must be wary of Superman!" He is dangerous!"

When Dane heard this, he immediately realized, could this be the beginning of the plot of Injustice?

He frowned and asked the Flash:"Tell me, how is Lois Lane over there?"

The Flash looked very surprised. This is indeed the key to the problem.

"lois lane...She died, at the hands of the Joker. Dane

's eyes were unclear:"Under your protection, she can still die?""

The Flash was speechless.

"Let me guess, the clown also killed their child at the same time. Was their child born?"

The Flash is now left in horror, because even members of their team may not be completely clear about such a secret matter. How did the man in front of him know about it?

"Who are you?"

"Let me introduce myself. I am the Shazam of this world and the leader of the Justice League."

"impossible! What about Superman? What about Batman? What about Wonder Woman?"[]

The Flash has seen the true form of Shazam!

"Of course, they are also doing things within the alliance... Let me ask you, how bad is the situation over there?"

Speaking of this, the Flash couldn't help but sigh.

"Too bad, Superman has gone crazy now. He is ruling the world with power. He has become an accomplice of Apokolips!"


Is there something about Darkseid here?

Dane frowned slightly:"Wait a minute, what happened to Apokolips? 963"

"you do not know? Or has this not happened to you yet?"

The Flash thought for a moment and decided to reveal something. If the other party is really from the Justice League, this information may be able to help them.

"After the battle of Steppenwolf, we encountered the toughest enemy, the Joker."

Dane knew that this should be the clown who was not killed in the original timeline.

"The Joker set up a poisonous plan. He used Scarecrow's poison to hallucinate Superman. He...he accidentally killed Lois...and their children."

Speaking of this, the Flash was full of guilt, because he had a chance to save everything, but he was late. It wasn't until the heat vision of Superman's eyes burned Lois Lane to ashes that the Flash came belatedly, but at that time It was already late.

At this time Dane asked a crucial question

"Where's the clown? How's the clown doing? The Flash

looked a little ugly, and he said with difficulty:"The Joker is... now with us, but this is only temporary!"

"Because we discovered that what the Joker did to Superman was not of his own will."

Dan's mind turned around and he discovered the key to the problem.

"Darkseid, and the Anti-Life Equation?"

The Flash was shocked. He hadn't said anything yet, but the other party already knew.

"How could you possibly know that? etc! Have you already seen him?"

But Dane did not answer his question, but immediately asked:"Have you seen Darkseid with your own eyes?"

The Flash shook his head.

"We know from the clown that the invader can take away people's free will, so we have never dared to appear in front of him."

Dane knew that this must be Darkseid having obtained the anti-life equation, so he used it to control the clown's will... This is doubtful. Dane seriously doubted that the clown was not being controlled at all, but he was enjoying it..

But no matter what, it should be a certain thing that Darkseid obtained the anti-life equation.

Scarecrow's hallucinogenic gas should not have such power, so according to the most likely guess, Darkseid should have used it. For example, he used the power of the Anti-Life Equation on Superman.

Even Clark could not resist the most terrifying force in the universe.

So if the Anti-Life Equation took away his will and committed this crime against his wife, Such a horrifying crime is possible.

And with Darkseid's character, he is very likely to target Superman because of this. Kryptonians are extremely rare in the universe now, let alone Kryptonians as strong as Superman.

Darkseid will definitely try to turn him into a ruthless warrior in his own hands.

And as far as the results are concerned, he may have succeeded...

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