Not only that, Dane suspected that Darkseid also used the Anti-Life Equation to modify Superman's aggressiveness.

Because under normal circumstances, Clark would not use heat vision on enemies that could burn them to death, let alone directly burn them to ashes.

Even if he mistakenly identifies Lois as a villain, with Clark's character, he will try his best to save that person's life. How could he kill him directly, or even leave only a ball of ashes?

The Flash's next words confirmed Dane's suspicions.

"According to our subsequent investigation, we found that Clark was most likely controlled by Darkseid, and now he has become a part of Apokolips to control us."

"Do you think he can be saved? Dane suddenly asked

"I don't know..." The Flash hesitated,"Batman thinks he still has a chance to redeem himself."

The magic box was so hot that it almost burst into flames in Dane's hands, which meant that it was reaching its limit.

Dane asked the last question:"How is Shazam over there? The Flash looked in pain:"He's dead, he was killed by Superman!" He is just a child..."

It seems that Shazam over there is still Billy Bassant. Does this mean that the power of Shazam over there is now ownerless?

The Flash's limbs started to move again. Distortion, or the space-time distortion phenomenon he encountered before

"Is this normal?"The Flash was a little panicked.

"Maybe."Dane didn't take it seriously.

"Wait, what do you mean maybe..." Before he could finish his words, the distorted time and space swallowed the Flash directly, taking him to who knows where.

Suddenly all the light in the magic box in Dane's hand went out, and a wave of Hot air erupted from it, as if the machine had crashed, but he didn't look surprised.

Just while he was talking to the other party, he had already recorded the other party's soul, and secretly used the gift of life to create his soul. If necessary, he can also use some special means to travel to their world.

As for what means, Dane already has a clue, and Barry Allen is the answer.

Since the other party can come here through the Speed ​​Force , theoretically Barry should also be able to use the Speed ​​Force to lead to the other party's world.

Dane is thinking, should he get involved in this matter?


On the other side, the Flash was wrapped up in time and space, and was involved in a cloud-like void.

He stepped hard with both feet and found that he seemed to be able to touch the ground, so he started running quickly. Countless arcs of electricity were generated from the void, and the speed force was activated.

The surrounding scene changed and lengthened in an instant. Not long after, the Flash felt that he had broken through the space-time bubble, and the Speed ​​Force took him back to his world.


The man in front of us wearing a coat and dusty with dust is none other than Batman Bruce Wayne.

"Have you found him?"Bruce asked impatiently.

"I found the time and the place you gave me, but... you weren't there, there was someone I didn't know."

"who?"Bruce frowned and asked, could it be Nightwing?

No, Nightwing should be in Bludhaven at that time.

"It's Shazam."


Bruce was in a trance for a moment. He still remembered this little boy, a superhuman who had the potential to rival Superman.

But unfortunately, after Superman's betrayal, Billy was killed by Superman with excuses.

They It was also at that time that he discovered Shazam's secret. He was actually just a child.

This incident made Batman feel deeply guilty and regretful.

He should not have involved Shazam in this matter.

But soon, Bruce Something doesn't feel right. When The Flash went there, his relationship with Shazam probably wasn't that good yet.

"what happened?"

The Flash immediately told him everything, but the content surprised Bruce.

But he reacted quickly and immediately realized that the Flash might have run to the wrong place, and he entered a parallel world.

This matter changed instantly It's time to get into trouble.

According to Barry, that Shazam even has the ability to freeze time and space.

Batman has a very strong association ability, and almost immediately thought that the other party might use this ability to enter their world in turn.

This association makes He was a little irritated and vigilant, but he immediately remembered that as their world is now, there is actually nothing to plot.

He tried to extract some useful intelligence for him from the limited information, but It's a pity that all the information Bruce got now was lost because he didn't see it with his own eyes.

So in the end, not only did he fail to get some clearer information, but he became more worried because of his own associations.

But the Flash gave him Brought a new idea

"Do you think there is a possibility, of course I am just saying it is a possibility, maybe they... can help us~?"

"what you mean? Bruce frowned.

The Flash rubbed his hands nervously before continuing.

"I feel that although that Shazam is not the one I am familiar with, he should still be a good person, so... that Justice League may be able to help us, save our world, and save... Clark..."

Bruce's face pondered, he was weighing the pros and cons, But no matter how you think about it, no matter how bad things develop, it will never be worse than the current situation.

So he asked the Flash:"How sure are you of your judgment?"

"Honestly, not at all."The Flash shrugged, and he pretended to be relaxed:"But I met him in your Batcave. He seemed to be very familiar with that place. Does this mean that in that world, you and him? Very familiar, even to the point where you two can drop by casually?"

"It's also possible that he was trespassing."Bruce added expressionlessly.

But the Flash obviously had a different opinion.

"I saw a cup of tea in his hand, served in a very expensive cup from your house. If it were an intruder, would he use your tea set so naturally in your house?"

That's not necessarily the case.

Bruce thought to himself, you would never expect the talent in Gotham City.

"That's a big gamble, dear little bat."

While the two of them were still discussing, a voice broke in at an inappropriate time.

It was the clown's voice. They turned their heads and saw that the clown with green hair and pale face was grinning and laughing wildly. He had his hands on his hands.

He was tightly cuffed with a pair of handcuffs, and his movements seemed to be restricted.

"Do you want to change everything through time travel? Have you watched too much Back to the Future, or is your brain finally broken? Hahahahaha!"

But Bruce ignored him. Having been together for so long, he already knew what kind of character this madman was.

"By the way, where did Victor go?"The Flash looked around and found no sign of Cyborg.

"We have a new member, Cyborg went to pick her up."

"who is it?"

"An Atlantean, Mera."

The Flash has heard of this name. Strictly speaking, he has heard it from Arthur.

Aquaman Arthur has been killed by Superman in this world, so Mera has enough reason to hate him.

"Sigh... When will we get rid of our current life?" lamented the Flash.

"Yes, there will be a day."Bruce could only comfort him like this.

At this time, Cyborg suddenly ran in in a hurry. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"We must leave quickly!"

"What happened? What about Mera?"Bruce said, already ready to run away.

"She didn't come, but she brought us news that he is coming!"

""He" naturally refers to Superman.

Ever since Superman became the opponent of the Justice League, they have been avoiding this god on earth.

But because Superman has super hearing, the Justice League has been losing weight in non-combat at first, and they lost Too many teammates.

Until later, Cyborg developed a special ultrasonic transmitter that could interfere with Superman's hearing system.

For a long time, they relied on this jammer to hide and hide, and even now Dare you hide directly in the Batcave?

"Someone leaked the news!"Bruce frowned.

The Joker just sat there and laughed evilly, as if he was the one who leaked the information.

But Bruce knew that was impossible, because the Joker was always under his nose.

"Now is not the time to pursue this matter. The most important thing for us now is to escape quickly!"

Bruce nodded, suppressed the matter temporarily, and then immediately looked at the Flash

"Barry, it's up to you!"

Among the Justice League, only The Flash can completely crush Superman in terms of speed, so only he can lead all members to escape from Superman's pursuit.

"OK, one at a time, Bruce, starting with you?"

"No, start with him first!"Bruce pointed to the clown beside him and winked at the Flash.

Barry understood immediately.

The clown's expression immediately changed and he cursed:"Don't you fucking think about it..."

But the Flash was much faster than he could curse. , he took action immediately, and when he caught the clown, the Speed ​​Force also enveloped the clown.

Then the two of them turned into a ball of electric arc and disappeared, and there seemed to be a little burning smell left in the air.

But the next second , The Flash is back

"How is he doing?"Bruce asked

"I couldn't stop vomiting."Barry gloated.

As long as the Flash is willing, he can completely prevent the Joker from vomiting, but why would he do that?

Although they are a group for the time being, if it hadn't been for what the Joker did at the beginning, the whole thing would not have happened at all. He was directly responsible for the development to this point.

Bruce nodded and said nothing more.

".Next, let’s start with me."

The Flash heard this, repeated his old trick, and moved Batman to another place.

Cyborg also enjoyed this special service[]

But in just a few seconds, the entire Batcave was empty again.

The Flash came back one last time. Following Bruce's instructions, he used lightning to destroy all the surrounding machinery.

"That should be enough!"The Flash looked at his masterpiece and nodded.

Immediately, he seemed to hear something, and quickly turned into a bolt of lightning and disappeared again.

Not long after, there was a sonic boom piercing the air outside the Batcave, and a man's eyes glowed red. The man flew in, it was Clark Kent.

At this time, Clark did not have the innocence and simplicity of a small town boy at all. He had a sinister look on his face, as if he wanted to kill someone.

"They just left."

As soon as Clark finished speaking, a group of Apokolips-like demons suddenly flew in from outside the cave. They were flying around in the cave with terrifying strange screams.

"try to find! Find anything useful here, even if it's completely empty!"

Under his order, the demonoids began to search for various useful things in the Batcave.

However, the Flash was very agile, and everything that might reveal their information was carefully taken away. The demonoids couldn't find anything. Nothing was found.

But there were some things that the Flash didn't have time to clean up, or he didn't think it was necessary to clean up.

The demon handed a piece of mechanical fragments left at the scene to Superman.

And Superman happened to know this piece.

Although Superman rarely Use his super brain to do some constructive work, but in fact he can understand any high-end technology and learn it quickly in a short time.

And if he has dabbled in this technology before, then he will only understand it Faster. (Okay) Superman still remembers that he once discussed the correctness of the parallel time and space theory with Batman. He was an opponent, and Bruce was a supporter.

Now it seems that Bruce is right.

This thing in Superman's hands A mechanical fragment, structurally speaking, has the effect of stabilizing space and time.

A very rare metal element is used on it, which can theoretically be used for quantum decoherence experiments.

"What on earth are you doing? blues."Superman muttered to himself.

Assuming that the parallel time and space theory is correct, at this time, Bruce did not hide honestly, but ran back to a place like the Batcave where he could be exposed at any time. It is impossible just to verify this. Is the theory true?

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Superman's mind, and he seemed to have thought of something.

This idea made him excitedly crush the metal fragments in his hands.

If the theory of parallel time and space is correct, if Bruce not only verified It is correct and has successfully completed it.

Then through the Flash's ability, it is possible for him to open a gap in the parallel world and then enter that world.

This means that there is very likely to be another parallel time and space. Lois!

A living...Lois.

How could that not excite Superman?

"Find them, find them at all costs!"Superman shouted orders to the demonoids around him, forcing them to take action.

"Not only you, let the Superman Guards also take action. Even if the earth is turned upside down, we must find them! Especially Batman and The Flash, I want to live!"

The demonoids spread their wings and flew towards the sky with claws and teeth.

When they came to the ground, they could see a world burned by war. The battleships of Apokolips hovered dozens of kilometers above the surface, absorbing the energy of lava from the earth. Like a vampire...

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