Return to Dane's world.

After the Flash disappeared, he put the matter behind him for the time being.

Now that the contact between the two worlds has occurred, and he has marked the Flash, the initiative in this matter has come to Dane.

Whenever he wants to go, he will find a suitable entry point.

For the people in Dane's world, they have never entered that world, and the timeline of the other world does not exist for the time being. Only after they decide the entry point will they stay there. Lower footprints.

Therefore, they currently have countless choices when it comes to choosing the time point.

Now, the most important thing is to meet his little girlfriends.

When he walks into Harley and Poison Ivy's apartment, they are surprised.

Dane was very satisfied. This time, he finally didn’t see Harley do any weird things to Poison Ivy.


As expected, the first person to react was Harley, the little lunatic. She jumped and ran into Dane's arms.

"It took me so long! If you don't come back, I will find someone else!"

"you dare! Dane slapped her butt hard.

"Although you said that it might take a long time this time, you didn't say it would be this long. Is that syndicate very strong?"

Poison Ivy came over, took Dane's arm, and led him into the house.

"The Syndicate isn't worth mentioning, but it's a world that's worth spending some time exploring."

Harry has been hanging on Dane. Her eyes rolled when she heard this, and she suddenly asked secretly.

"Your eldest wife hasn't come back? Dane hit her hard again and then said:"She still has some things to do over there and won't be back for a while.""

"Great!"Harry suddenly cheered.

As long as Diana is not here, doesn't she do whatever she wants?

"Be honest! Where have you hidden all those little cuties?"Harry's claws clawed at Dane's body, as if he could hide people on his body. How could

Dane allow her to be so presumptuous?

He pinned the little crazy girl under him with his backhand and began to educate her with a stick.

Poisonous The vine girl rolled her eyes, spread seeds around the house to guard, and then joined in.

After 053 has been strengthened at the epic level again and again, Dane now even dares to sing the song"Three Days and Three Nights".

But people can't be like this It took three days and three nights to do the work, even if it was studded with diamonds, it would be unbearable.

Of course, while he was busy doing business, Dane did not forget to give Harry a gift.

"I brought you a gift...Be honest!"Dane straightened Harley.

Then he took out the giant hammer he got from Hephaestus from the inventory.

As soon as Harley saw the hammer, her eyes lit up, and she She snatched the giant hammer into her hand.

The hammer made with the God of War's Ax was almost as light as weight in her hand. Her strength seemed to have increased during this period of time.

"But my strength has been growing very slowly recently." Harley said this

"It's normal. It should be that your strength has grown to a certain limit. If you don't break through this limit, it will be difficult for you to make progress."

Although Poison Ivy didn't speak, she blinked at Dane and seemed to be looking forward to it.

Fortunately, Dane had prepared it in advance.

Poison Ivy didn't need an artifact, she was not interested in that kind of thing at all.

In a certain version of the comic, Poison Ivy is even the host of the green of all things, which is much more powerful than any other artifact!

So when Dane brings her a gift, he naturally has to bring her something that suits her.

He is arrogant from hell. Huanli brought her a lot of interesting plant seeds, including a kind of piranha that likes to eat meat. Although it looks like a plant, its reflex nerves and biological properties are almost the same as those of ordinary animals, and it can even be directly used to eat them. It's okay to keep it as a pet.

This thing was offered by the three sinner lords who were defeated by Dane. Dane thought it was interesting, so he collected its seeds, which can be used now.

Poison Ivy is very Surprise, she is familiar with almost all plants on the earth, and this seed looks like a species she has never seen before.

"This is the seed brought back from the hell on the other side..."

Before Dane could finish speaking, Poison Ivy scented his face.

"Thank you dear. Poison Ivy smiled and said,"I like this gift very much!""

Okay, as long as you like it.

As soon as Dane turned his head, he saw Harley pole dancing with the long handle of the hammer....

Are you going to use (bgcb) to test veteran cadres?

Dane sneered and took off his armor to fight!

He stayed in this apartment for exactly three days and three nights.

As if trying to make up for what they had lost, Harley and Poison Ivy took turns squeezing him, as if trying to drain him dry.

They were only a few hundred million shy of success.

After coming out of Gotham City, he jumped into the sea and swam towards the Kingdom of Zebel.

The Kingdom of Zebel is as heavily guarded as ever, but Dane noticed that there were a few rather unexpected"big guys" among the underwater yachts of the Kingdom of Zebel.

This bulky cigar shape is a human submarine.

They drove slowly into Zebel under the command of soldiers from the Kingdom of Zebel.

Dane remembered that Zebel was now also a member of the United Nations, so it was normal to have contacts with countries on land.

At this time, several underwater people saw Dane.

Maybe it was because his current uniform was a little different from before, so they didn't recognize him for a while.


These underwater people were quite responsible. They immediately swam up and surrounded Dane.

Fortunately, one of them was very familiar with Dane's appearance and quickly stopped the disrespectful behavior of others.

"Are you Shazam? Dane nodded.

"Please come in!"The soldier immediately asked the people around him to make way for Dane.

Dane smiled and nodded at the soldier, and disappeared in front of them in a flash.

After Dane disappeared, the soldier immediately gave way to the people inside. The correspondent sent the message, and finally the news was passed to Mera.

Just when Mera was pleasantly surprised by the news, Dane had already arrived in her room.

Mera's room was a dry land environment, as if It's like it's specially prepared for someone

"Mera, I'm back..."

Before Dane could finish speaking, he was hugged. He suddenly thought that in the Syndicate world, he didn't seem to have visited Atlantis over there?

"When did you come back?"

The standard answer to this question is, of course,

"Just got back. Dane smiled and said,"I will come over to you as soon as I come back.""

"It smells like lying! Mera snorted softly.

But judging from her curved eyebrows, she should still be very happy.

"Are you still leaving today?

Dane asked back:"Do you want me to stay?" Mera pinched Dane's waist gently with her fingers. Why should she tell her directly about such a thing?

"If you don't leave, I will leave again whenever you bother me."

That's pretty much it. Mera took back her fingers from Dane's waist.

"By the way, I brought you a gift."

After that, Dane took out the golden trident seized from the Sea Overlord.

"This trident comes from another world and is also a weapon that can command the seven seas. Mera took the trident with both hands. This artifact, like other weapons, does not recognize its owner.

Therefore, Mera can also use it freely. They both belong to the blood of King Atlan. Even if they belong to different worlds, they have the same faith. The source god is essentially the same.

Therefore, Mera instantly felt the majestic divine power in the trident. This divine power penetrated her body and merged with the magic power in her body, seeming to develop her potential on a deeper level.

"How does it feel? Dane asked with a smile.

"This feels... incredible. Mera opened her eyes, and there was a divine light shining in her eyes.

Dane's index finger moved when he saw it, and he stepped forward and picked her up.

"There will be something even more incredible in a moment..." (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Omit 30,000 words here……


Metropolis, Lois Lane's home.

Louise is having a terrible nightmare.

In the dream, it was a world like a scorched earth and hell.

The metropolis also became dilapidated and depressed under the shadow.

Louise felt like she had become a lonely ghost, floating in the sky. She could not move freely and could only sway along with the wind.

Until she floated in front of a person, that was Superman, he was crying

"Clark..." Lois tried to call him, but her voice could not reach Superman.

Lois was anxious. At this time, a gust of wind happened to blow over and brought her to the front of Superman.

Only then did Lois see Clark clearly. As he looked now, he seemed to have lost his soul, looking ahead with tearful eyes. There was a stone tablet there. Louise could see it clearly. Her name was actually engraved on it!

But it was not just hers. Next to her name, there was another name, but before she could see it clearly, the crying Superman suddenly seemed to feel something, and suddenly raised his head to look at Lois.

This made her heart skip a beat, just With just one glance, Louise was sure that this was definitely not the Clark Kent she knew!

Because the man she loved would never look at someone with such cold eyes.

"Who is where!"Superman's tone was full of anger.[]

This place is an absolutely forbidden place in his heart. He does not allow anyone to desecrate this place.

"Clark, how did you become like this?"

Compared with the fear that Superman's murderous look brought to her, Lois was more worried that something was controlling his mind. After all, he already had a past record of"Pandora's Box".

But Superman still couldn't hear her voice. , but his brows were deeply furrowed.

He tried all methods, including clairvoyance, farsightedness, and super hearing, but no super power could detect Louise.

Even though the person he wanted to see most in his life was right in front of him.

Try hard. After a while, Superman had no choice but to give up this futile behavior and return his attention to the stone tablet in front of him.

"Don't worry, Louise, we will definitely meet again...for sure!"

Louis listened in a daze and didn't understand what he meant?

And she was clearly not dead, so why is there her monument here, and what is the other name?……

"Louise, Louise...Louis!"

Louis opened her eyes suddenly and saw the ceiling in her room.

In addition to the familiar ceiling, there was also a familiar face. Clark looked at her with worry.

This was the man she was familiar with.

"Did you have nightmares? Louise?"

With the help of Superman, Lois sat up. Seeing that she was covered in cold sweat, Clark wiped it for her distressedly.

"You sweat a lot. Do you need to see a doctor?"

Louis secretly cursed after hearing this. It's a waste of medical resources to see a doctor just because of a nightmare.

Clark handed over a glass of water, and Louis drank it before talking about the dream he had just had.

Clark breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this

"It was just a dream, Louise. He carefully tucked her into bed,"And people say that the situation in dreams and reality are always opposite, so maybe you are overthinking."

Louise said dissatisfied:"Do you think I had hallucinations caused by prenatal depression?""

Although Clark thought so in his heart, he didn't dare to say this. He could only try his best to coax:"Of course not, I absolutely believe you..."

Even though Louise was pregnant, he felt that she would be pregnant for three years. She It was easy to see how perfunctory Clark was, so she rolled her eyes, turned around and lay down, pretending that she didn't hear her no matter what Clark called her.

Clark was a little anxious and angry, so he used his super brain to think carefully. Finally thought of a way

"By the way, I remember Cortana seems to be in charge of dreams. Maybe we can ask her?"

This method really worked. Louise was finally willing to turn around and look at him.

"When are we going to find her?

Clark thought for a while and said,"If you want, you can actually do it now.""

Cortana is not a"person" in the biological sense. She does not need to eat or rest, so theoretically, she is on standby 24 hours a day.

"Wouldn't this be a little bad?"Hearing what he said, Louise felt a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, Cortana won't care."Clark actually wanted to dispel Louise's inner doubts as soon as possible and have a good rest. He still didn't believe that the things in Louise's dream were real.

So he immediately picked up the phone and called Cortana. Yes, Cortana also has her own exclusive account, which is specially used to serve Zhenglian members.

"Hello Clark."With Cortana's ability, she can identify the caller without using her voice.

"Cortana, I have something to trouble you with. Are you free?"

"Yes, I'm free. Do you want me to rush to the scene?"

"If so, thank you very much."

As soon as the words fell, a beam of white light appeared in front of Clark and Louise, and Cortana appeared from the white light.

"Please state your problem."

Clark glanced at Louise beside him, but the reporter suddenly felt a little embarrassed about this.

Isn't it a little bad to mobilize all the troops for a dream?.

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