"It doesn't matter, it's my responsibility to solve problems for alliance members and their families."Cortana saw her worries and answered with a smile.

What's more, this family was the one Dane told her to pay special attention to, so Cortana was very concerned about it.

With Cortana's encouragement, Louise Finally, she told what happened in her dream.

Cortana was not impatient at all, and listened to Louise's narration attentively. Finally, she said:"Do you mind if I take a look at your memory just now? Rest assured, for the last few minutes, this is how I have to enter your dream."

Louis hesitated, but Clark trusted Cortana, so he encouraged Louise with his eyes.

In the end, she chose to believe it. She thought to herself that Cortana is just an artificial intelligence and should be trustworthy.

So she Finally, she nodded to Cortana, agreeing that the other party could enter her brain and pry into her memory.

Cortana's eyes lit up, and the power of the Dream Stone flashed away in the white light. In just a moment, she entered Louise. memory.

In the process of snooping into the memory, Louise could actually feel it, so Cortana did not touch those parts that Louise thought were private, but went straight to the dream.

She saw What Louise saw in her dream was a metropolis burned by war, a depressed city, a hazy sky, alien patrols everywhere and Superman’s"S-"logo.

And"Superman," a Superman who is the same as Clark but different.

She saw"Superman" crying in front of the stone tablet, saw the name on the stone tablet, and felt the murderous intention of"Superman".

Like Lois, Cortana also concluded that the person in front of her was definitely not Superman, at least not the Superman of their world.

After she knew the information she wanted to know, she immediately exited Louise's mind.

Even though her speed was already very fast, Louise still showed a strong sense of discomfort, but fortunately it was only a little bit.

"How about it? Do you have any judgment results?"When Clark asked, he didn't actually expect an unexpected answer, but things are often so unexpected.

"That's not a dream."Cortana's first words made Clark stunned.

"I've said it before. Louise snorted softly, her expression a little proud.

Then she asked with some worry:"What on earth is going on?""Then Chari looks like a very real world.

"According to Dane and Batman's theories, it should be another parallel world."

Parallel world?

Clark frowned, why would Louise be related to the parallel world?

He asked this question

"I don't know this, but I haveA guess is that there may be a quantum effect between the two worlds."

"How did this happen?"Clark asked curiously, could it be that Louise had contact with her peers?

Facing Clark's gaze, Louise just shook her head, indicating that she didn't know what happened.

"I thought maybe I could ask Dane about this, he might know something." Cortana suggested.

"He's back? Clark said in surprise

"Yes, Dane is now in the underwater kingdom of Zebel."

Good guy, he doesn't know it at all!

As someone who has personally experienced world travel, Dane understands this very well.

Clark was a little nervous at this time, and he asked worriedly:"Then how will her phenomenon affect her? To her and the child's health?"

This is the first time Cortana has encountered this phenomenon. She is not sure whether it will happen, but she understands Superman's concerns.

"If you wish, I can help you cut off this quantum entanglement."

Of course Clark hoped so, so he agreed immediately.

But Louise was silent. She did not agree as simply as Clark thought.

Clark felt something in his heart, and secretly sighed that something was wrong.

"I don't want to do that. I want to get to the bottom of it. That guy over there... Clark, he must be going through something really hard."

"Hard things happen to everyone, but not everyone needs you to save them. Clark tried to persuade her.

Louise rolled her eyes and said unceremoniously:"Although I am pregnant, I am still a reporter for the Daily Planet, and you are just a rookie!""

Clark was choked by her words. Only then did he remember that Louise was still a very serious reporter who always wanted to find out the truth in everything.

Knowing that he could not change his girlfriend's mind, Clark asked Cortana worriedly :"Will this happen again?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Cortana replied.

Clark became more worried, but Louise was a little happy, which meant that she might have a chance to uncover the truth. Even if she was pregnant, it could not stop her from pursuing the truth.

"Louise, do you want to think about it again?…"

"That's great!"Louis interrupted Clark directly, looking very interested.

Although the Superman over there looked very ferocious, Louise discovered that there was nothing the other party could do to her, and he couldn't even see her.

In this case, she has nothing to be afraid of!

Lois has said so, and Clark can't object, but he is determined to talk to Dane about this matter and ensure that it is absolutely safe..If anyone dares to hurt his wife and children, Clark swears that he will do anything!


But before Superman came to the door, Cortana had already told Dane about the matter through other channels.

Dane was stunned for a moment when he heard the news. After thinking about it carefully, he felt that he might have found the reason.

Things should be from flashIt started when the Flash entered this world last time. The Flash's time traveling across the world caused an intersection between the two worlds, which resulted in information linkage between peers in the two worlds.

But why it was Louise, Dane wasn't sure yet.

But he thought that since there was a first time, there must be a second and third time. There would still be a chance to figure out the reason for this matter in the future.

"You follow this closely and stay in touch with Louise."

Cortana's eyes flashed, and the data flowed

"Dane, Superman seems to have something to ask you. Dane thought for a moment and estimated that the guy was here because of Louise’s affairs.

"Where is he now?"

"He's waiting for you at the Justice Towers in Khandak."

Dane nodded and patted Mera who was sleeping beside him.

"I have something to go back to. Mera pressed a sweet kiss on his face, and then waved lazily.

Dane helped her tuck the quilt, and then left the water bed.

The teleportation light flashed, and he returned to the Justice Building in an instant.

"Dane! You came back without saying a word! And the time you went there was too long, right?"

Clark immediately started complaining as soon as he saw him.

"I said we might go a long time"

"Although you said you might come back later...but it's too late! Just because you haven't come back, Louise and I haven't held a wedding yet."

"Have you proposed? Dane said in surprise,"When did it happen?""

"Not long after you left. Clark said proudly.

Although Dane didn't know what he was proud of, he still sent his blessings.


"Congratulations!"Clark started complaining mode again,"Just because you are not here, we haven't held the wedding for a long time."

Lois has a lot of friends, but most of them are normal people.

Clark also has a lot of friends, but they are basically not normal people.

Since it is a wedding, of course they hope that their closest friends and relatives can be present.

Superman doesn't want that The friends of the Justice League were absent, and Lois agreed with him, so they delayed the wedding.

Seeing that the due date was approaching, although Lois and Clark did not feel anything, their families They were all a little anxious.

There was already something wrong with being pregnant. You can't get married after giving birth, right?

Especially Sam Lane, because his daughter was pregnant before wedlock, and now he doesn't like Clark in any way.

Fortunately , He didn't know Clark's secret identity, otherwise Dane suspected that he would even force Lois to abort the child in her belly.

But Dane had to tell Clark a cruel reality

"Sorry, Clark, I didn't bring anyone else back this time.

Clark was stunned for a moment:"What do you mean?""

"This time only Zatanna and I came back."

Cercy is not a human being, that's reasonable.

"that other people…"

"They are still in another world." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Is syndicate so troublesome?"Clark was very confused. If he had known this, should he join the"Expeditionary Force" so that they could complete the mission as soon as possible?

"The syndicate is not troublesome, they have other things... Forget it, this matter is a bit complicated, I will talk to you slowly later, don't you have something to say?"

"By the way, do you know about Louise?"

"You mean she had information exchanges with peers? I know"


"Don't worry, this matter is not as serious as you think... I heard that Louise even actively accepts information exchange?"

Speaking of this, Dane noticed a hint of helplessness on Clark's face.

"Yes, she said...she wanted to find out about this..."

Well, this is indeed something Louise can do.

"Don't worry, I will ask Cortana to pay special attention to this matter, your wedding..."

Clark smiled:"I also thought about it. Anyway, Louise's due date is coming soon, why not wait for her to give birth to the child? Give birth and wait until all the friends from the Justice League come back."

"Can old guy Sam agree? Dane raised his eyebrows.

Clark shrugged:"Obviously, even he can't go against Louise's idea.""

It's amazing, you can even convince that stubborn old guy.[]

This is of course, after all, Louise is pregnant, and even a stubborn person like Sam would not dare to anger her at this time.

Dane nodded:"I owe you this, and I will compensate you when you get married."..."

Clark caught him and said quickly:"Is everything you said true?"


"So I want to specify something, can you do it? Dane raised his eyebrows, this guy came prepared!

"Tell me, let me try if I can do it"

"I want to turn this compensation into a promise to my children."

Dane was very surprised. You can do it. Before you officially became a father, you were already thinking about your child's future!

"What commitment do you want?"

"If one day in the future, my child needs your help, please help him no matter what!

Dane was very surprised:"Even if you don't make this request, I will agree to it."...Do you think I will ignore your child?

Clark just shook his head:"Can you promise me?" Seeing his serious expression, Dane could only reply solemnly:"I promise you.""

"remember what you said..."

After bidding farewell to Clark, Dane went to New York again, where Mrs. Xanadu's divination shop was opened again, but it seemed to be closed today?

Dane looked at the closed sign at the door and felt a little strange.

Then the door suddenly opened, and Mrs. Xanadu leaned against the door with a resentful look on her face.

"I've been waiting for you for days..."

"I just came back."Dane lied without hesitation.

But Mrs. Xanadu is a master of divination. She doesn't even need divination for matters related to herself. The precognitive dream will automatically send what she wants to know into her mind.

Therefore, for Dai En She didn't believe En's words at all.

She rolled her eyes and complained:"You obviously know that I know, but you are still so careless in lying."..."

Dane stepped forward and snatched her into his arms:"I knew I couldn't deceive you, but you could predict my return. Did you foresee the gift I gave you?"

After that, Dane said Suddenly he took out a crystal ball from his back.

This crystal ball he took from Alcatraz Island has the same function as the other magic crystal ball they used to peek into the outside world.

This one was found with the help of Circe, and Hera hid it deeply.

And this crystal ball not only has the function of peering thousands of miles away, but also has other magical effects.

Such as increasing magical power, such as shielding perception, such as interfering with precognition.......

Madame Xanadu foresaw Dane's arrival, which is why she hung up the closure sign, but she didn't foresee the crystal ball.

For wizards of her sect, magic props like crystal balls are always the best casting materials, let alone the top-notch crystal ball in Dane's hand.

So Madam Xanadu held it in her hands in surprise, and even Dane threw it aside.

Fortunately, Dane is a person who knows how to entertain himself. Mrs. Xanadu played with her crystal ball, and Dane also played with her crystal ball, so there was no delay for the two of them.

But it didn’t take long for Madam Xanadu to be harassed by him.

"If you really want to do it, go in..."

Without saying a word, Dane led her into the fortune-telling hut..

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