It seems that Madam Xanadu really likes the crystal ball, because she agreed to many of Dane's excessive requests.

Dane just suddenly remembered that when Madam Xanadu met him for the first time, she clearly looked very familiar with him, which showed that this was probably not the first time she had foreseen the two of them being together.

Don't think that all the scenes she envisioned were just like that, right?

In response to Dane's question, Madam Xanadu only showed a half-smiling expression.

That's like saying, don't you have some idea of ​​your usual virtues?

Dane instantly understood what she meant and said seriously:"Then it seems we should do more serious things from now on!"

Just when Mrs. Xanadu thought he was about to start doing serious things, Dane started acting up again.


In the hell of the antimatter universe, demons such as Bilizzi have successfully sneaked into the Greed Ring and entered the Grand Theater of Mammon.

In order to increase the success rate of completing this task, Bilitz even specially brought Luna into the team.

"Why should I come out and do this kind of thing?"Luna's expression was very irritated. The bad atmosphere of the Greedy Ring was an unbearable disaster for her.

Her sense of smell was as sensitive as that of a canine.

"Aren't you a hellhound? I think you can definitely smell that bithi."

Luna showed an unhappy expression when she heard this. Did she really treat her like a dog?

"I've never seen that little devil, how could I possibly smell him!"

But Billizzi sneered:"Believe me, Luna, you can definitely smell the smell of Bichi. He is very special..."

Fitzroy is different from ordinary little devils. He is actually incomplete. Therefore, he There were a lot of human"903" bodies on her body, and the smell was different from ordinary little devils.

At this time, Luna's nose twitched, and she smelled a strange smell, and there was a weird feeling of devil and engine oil fused together.

"He appears!"Bilize dragged all the demons down in one go and hid them in their hiding place.

At the entrance of the theater in the distance, a little devil dressed as a clown appeared. Although he was a little devil, his figure was slender than all the little devils..

It is the clown Fitzroy that the devils such as IMP Company are looking for.

Many uninformed devils think that Fitz's white face is made up because the little devil's basic skin color is red, but this is actually wrong.

There is a little-known knowledge point in hell. The little devil race will appear white after it has suffered serious trauma. After the wound heals, the white skin proves that the little devil has suffered a very serious injury. This is the scar. Proof.

Billiz also has a large white mark on his right face. He used to be very inferior about it.

Fitz has integrated his stage image with life. He seems to be the clown himself. Even when he gets off the stage, he still wears That clown costume

"There is magic reaction, very powerful magic!"At this moment, Luna's hair all over her body started to explode and she couldn't help but say.

Biliz was stunned for a moment, then his face changed drastically, and he quickly got down.

"Guys, stop all of them! Someone big is coming!"

Moses and Milly quickly lowered their heads, so nervous that they even held their breath.

After a moment, the green magic flame rolled into a tornado in front of Fitz, and the chubby Mammon emerged from the flames.

"Fitz, my dear boy! Mammon grinned.

Fitz just crossed his arms and sneered:"What extra work do you want me to do today?" Mammen quickly comforted him:"It's still the big shot. You know, he likes you so much that he can't wait to meet you every day!"

Fitz continued to sneer:"Then why don't you just give me to him directly?""

"Then how can I make money... No, I can't bear to leave you!"Mammon has spoken out her heart.

Fortunately, Fitz has long been familiar with Mammon's profit-seeking, and is not moved at all, and has no thoughts of going on strike because of this.

Mammon is smiling.

At this moment, A blue light rose into the sky and turned into a blue flame, which was the flame color of the Lord of Lust and Desire.

Asmodeus, the Lord of Lust and Desire Ring, appeared!

The image of Lust and Desire was a tall male demon. His face looks like a moving mask, and at the same time, there are two faces that look like small masks hidden in his hair, and they are equally lifelike.

"Fitz, my dear little freak, how are you?"Asmodeus hugged Fitz and moved intimately.

There was a huge difference in body shape between them, but they seemed to have an inexplicable sense of harmony.

"It would be better if you could come to me directly...don't you know this matter should be kept secret?"Fitz was a little dissatisfied.

Although it seemed like he was forced to do so, what even Mammon didn't know was that Fitz was not as disgusted as he thought.

"Honey, my love doesn't need to be kept secret!"Asmodeus boldly expressed his love.

These words made the little devils hiding in the dark very excited, and Blitz used a silent camera to take photos desperately.

"Big news, big news!"Bilize was delighted.

But Luna felt very bored:"Didn't you already know about this? Why go all the way here?"

"Solid evidence! This is solid evidence! What is the evidence? It's money!"Bilize said.

Luna rolled her eyes and was too lazy to pay attention to him, but she turned around and started posting the matter on social networks, snapping her fingers.

The speed of spreading on the Internet is faster than the speed of Biliz taking photos. Much more, in just a few seconds, this matter spread throughout hell.

On Luna's social account, the number of fans skyrocketed like a rocket, and she smiled quite happily.

But at the same time, Fei Zi heard his cell phone ringing, picked it up and looked at it, and immediately found that the photo on the front page looked familiar.


"WTF?"He was so shocked that his eyes almost popped out!

He suddenly realized, isn't this about the affair between Fitz and the Lord of the Lust Ring?

In the comment area below, there were all sorts of things, including those who scolded Asmodeus for his self-destruction, some who scolded Fitz for being a despicable person, some who were scornful, and some who even left messages wanting to have a threesome.

There are also all kinds of dirty words, which are simply unbearable for the devil.

On the opposite field, Mammen and Asmodeus also quickly took out their mobile phones, and they saw the headline at the same time.

Mammon was so angry that her eyes turned green.

"What the fuck is going on?"

However, Fitz discovered a blind spot. On the front page of the news, there was a scandal photo that looked very much like evidence. This angle, this position, this time, it was clearly taken just now!

As Montes also discovered this at the same time. He even found the location of the candid photographer based on the shooting angle.

"Mammon, this is your territory, why don’t you do something?"Asmodeus said with great dissatisfaction.

Without saying a word, Mammon used her magic power to directly tear open the little devil's hiding place in IMP Company.

"See what I found? A bunch of dirty little devils!"

Fitz looked at Mammon expressionlessly. Is this the truest thought deep in his heart?

"Of course you are not, my dear Fitz, you are not like these filthy little trash."Mammon knew she had made a mistake and immediately made up for it.

"Mammen, you don’t need to explain anything, just catch those guys quickly."

Bilize and his group of demons have already greased their feet and run away!"

"Fuck! Who can tell me what is going on!"

Moses still had time to take out his cell phone while running away. Like other demons, he set up important message reminders on his cell phone.

"I seem to know the reason!"

Moses raised the phone screen in front of Biliz.

Biliz stared at it, why did the angle of the photo look so familiar? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Luna, who was also on the run, had to say:"I used the photos you uploaded to the cloud and posted them on my personal account... I gained a lot of followers."

"Yeah? Can you recruit a few customers from there?"

"You can give it a try…"

"Hey! That's not the issue now, folks!"Milly is going crazy. Isn't there a reliable guy in their company?"

"Mammon will kill us!"

"Hello, Babe, are you lost?"

In front of Biliz and others running away, a huge demon appeared in the green firelight. It was Mammon. He had transformed into a super giant body and stood like a mountain in front of Biliz and others.

Every ring The Lords all have their own super giant bodies to facilitate their fighting.

Mammon's super giant body amplifies his biological characteristics. He not only has the characteristics of a spider, but also has some characteristics of a centipede. It is not only fat, but also long, like a long Like a big white worm with feet full of them.

And each of his feet is as sharp as a sickle

"Tell me who you are employed by, and I will spare your life!"

Bilize dares to say that Mammon is very powerful, but compared to that one, it is obviously still far behind.

"It seems that you are going to fight stubbornly. I am very curious, what makes a little devil like you dare to keep secrets in front of me?"

Mammon likes secrets best, because they often mean additional profits.........[]

So he was not in a hurry to kill Bilize and other demons, but grabbed them and held them in the palm of his hand.

Billizzi and Moses Millie huddled together, and they were a little happy

"I don’t know if the way we are is considered a 3P?"

Luna showed a look of disgust.

Milly quickly asked:"Luna, can't you find a way to open the portal?"

"There's no way, I can't even get out the magic book..."

Mammon brought the IMP demons back to where Asmodeus and Fitz were like reptiles. These two guys with adultery were standing too close. Point.

Even Mammon sometimes suspects that Asmodeus may be more than just playing with Fizz.

"Are these the little guys who spilled our secrets?"

Asmodeus's hair was flying like flames, and he looked a bit evil.

Luna wanted to complain many times that the master of the lust and lust ring was not a succubus. It was simply unreasonable.

Although Blitz He tried desperately to hide his face, but Fitz still recognized him at a glance.

"Look who this is! Isn’t this the great Bilizio? Fitz showed a malicious smile:"I'm glad you came to see me. It would be better if you weren't prying into my privacy.""

"privacy? Aren't you just buying shit, you clown!"

"And you are a failed clown, don’t think I don’t know those things about you than Liz... Oh"

"Bliss no O thanks!"

"Changing a syllable won't change who you are, Bilizio, you'll always be the failed clown!"

Biliz's heart ached when he heard this, and he began to speak indiscriminately.

"And you are just a freak with no limbs or horns!"


Asmodeus was furious, the blue flames on his body suddenly swelled, and his height quickly rose to almost the same height as Mammon.


Fitzroy, a well-known superstar in hell, but he has a secret.

He has no limbs, and his hands and feet are mechanical. His hat is similar in shape to the little devil's horns, but it is empty inside. It was empty, indicating that he had even lost his horn.

Fitzroy stopped talking, and he didn't know what he should say.

Bilizzi said a little guiltily:"I...I didn't...mean that.…"

"No, that's what you meant. You've made it very clear, Bilizio, so you did it on purpose, to destroy everything for me on purpose!"

Bilize was speechless.

The other demons in IMP looked like they were watching a good show. There was a love affair between Fitz and Bilize!

Not only could they see this, but Asmodeus could of course also see it. , so he was a little jealous

"This little guy of yours seems to be in a bad way, Fitz, why don't you let me kill him?"

1.0 Asmodeus’s face finally showed a murderous look that frightened even demons. This is the ring master’s deterrent power.

"Fuck! Billiz, why don't good things happen every time I go out with you!"

Moses and Milly once again felt that their lives were threatened, and their expressions changed.

Even Luna, who originally seemed not to care about anything, now had her hair standing on end, looking like her hair was exploding.

Just in Asmodeus When he was about to kill Biliz, Fitz suddenly said:"Wait a minute, Asmodeus.""


"let him go"

""Why?" Asmodeus was already thinking wildly in his mind at this time. Could it be that Fitz and this bastard could never forget their old relationship?

Thinking of this possibility, Asmodeus's murderous aura became even heavier.

All IMP employees shivering……

"Don't think too much. Fitz quietly pulled Asmodeus's hand:"I just don't want to waste any more time on him.""

"Then why not just kill them? Mammon interrupted and asked at this time.

His eyes were full of malice when he looked at Biliz and other demons. Because of them, Fitz's commercial value is likely to be greatly reduced.

There is no problem if you touch Mammon, but you Don’t touch his money!

After Asmodeus and Fitz’s eyes met for a moment, they suddenly said:"Mammon, let them go."

"What? Mammen was very surprised,"These little rubbish have exposed your secret.""

Asmodeus looked at Fitz affectionately.

"I said there is no need to hide my love!"

I heard Mammon look disgusted. Is it possible that you, the master of lust and desire, are actually pure love?.

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