"I really don’t know, how many things are you hiding from us?"

After escaping death again, Moses couldn't help but complain.

Why does it feel like Liz is familiar with many famous people?

"This matter is over!"Biliz said with a dark face.

"Then you say, is our commission...completed?"Moses said worriedly.

"What is the commission? Can you elaborate?"

Biliz felt a little strange when he heard this strange male voice.

"Who is speaking?"

Moses quickly shook his head and waved his hands. This was not his voice!

But Biliz felt that the voice was very familiar, as if he had heard it just now.

"Fuck! Run!"Bilize finally remembered, but it was too late.

Their group of demons was captured by Mammon again, and it was still the familiar palm.

"We haven’t seen you for a short time. Do you miss me?"

"You just said clearly that you would let us go!"Bilize asked

"I am Mammon, the leader of the Greedy Ring. I can do whatever I want!"


Bilize suddenly shouted:"Tell me you are prepared this time!"

Luna didn't speak, but this time, she had already held the magic book tightly in her arms in advance.

When Billizzi called her loudly, she had already recited the spell

"What the hell?"Mamen was startled, and then he saw a portal opening next to him.

This is advanced magic!

But before he could figure it out, Bilizzi had already jumped into the portal first, and returned it before leaving. Mammon raised two middle fingers.

Afraid of being implicated by him, Moses and Milly hurriedly jumped into the teleportation array hand in hand. Even when they reached the other side, they were still trembling with fear for fear that Mammon would chase them.

As a spellcaster, Luna had already slipped away. Back to the company.

But what is strange is that Mammon clearly had the opportunity to stop the little devils, but he did not do so.

Because at 17, he finally remembered the origin of the magic book on the hell dog.

"A weird demon organization actually has a magic book that only demon nobles have. Could it be stolen?"

But when he thought about it, he felt that something was wrong, because even if it was stolen, there is no way those nobles would not think of ways to take it back.

That hell dog looked like an expert at first glance, and it opened the portal extremely fast. , it is impossible to develop such an instinct-like speed without repeated training.

Mammon had some thoughts in her mind. If the nobles who owned this magic book had no intention of snatching it back, then there is a possibility that it would be allowed to let those who Used by the little devil.

Mammen became a little curious about the little devil named Biliz. He originally just wanted to come quietly and kill them, but now, he changed his mind. On the other side, the little devil who has returned to the company lingering fear

"Lucifer on top, we almost died!"

"It seems that the frequency of life-threatening situations we encounter is a bit high lately?"Milly said depressedly.

"If I keep doing this, I'm really going to resign.…"

"Hey! You can't do this!"Bilize jumped.

If all his people are gone, how can he open a company?

"Don't let me do such dangerous things next time, I'm just a receptionist!"Luna said dissatisfied.

When Bilitz wanted to take her there, she didn't know that such a danger would happen.

Bilitz still doted on Luna, his adopted daughter, and when he saw this, he could only show a flattering smile. , trying every possible means to make her happy.

Moses and Milly didn't understand his brain circuitry. If it weren't for Luna, they wouldn't have been discovered today!

But they also knew that Blitz usually doted on this adopted daughter, so they said It's no use, Luna was spoiled because of this.

"Now that we know the relationship between Fitz and the Lord of the Lust Ring, should we tell that adult? Luna asked strangely:"I have always heard you talk about that adult. Who is he?""

But Bilitz, who was usually very doting on her, said irritably at this time:"This is not something you should inquire about. Children should not interfere in adults' matters!"

After that, he made a movement to drive away a child, trying to drive Luna out of the room, but he forgot that he was no longer as tall as Luna, so he couldn't drive her away.

But his movement succeeded. This made Luna feel displeased, so even though Bilitz couldn't push Luna, she still snorted and left with a sneer.

Bilitz felt that her old father's majesty had been raised, and wanted to use this power to His anger turned to Moses and Milly, but these two old employees didn't accept his tricks at all.

"Have you thought about what the guy in the Happy Hotel is going to do?"

"What do you mean? Our commission has been completed!"

"Do you really think he would let you go so easily?"

"certainly!"Biliz deceived himself and said:"He looks like the kind of guy who means what he says."

"Let me tell you, there is nothing wrong with forgetting the name."Milly provided an alternative way of thinking at this time.

She looked at Bilizzi thoughtfully:"Maybe it's a good thing to just pretend that we have never met...."

Biliz immediately became anxious when he heard this:"I will never allow you to forget me!" As he said this, a few tears actually shed from the corners of his eyes.

Millie knew his tactics very well and was dismissive of it, but Bilitz's original target was not her.

The simple Moses was not surprised to be tricked. He couldn't help but feel compassion and turned his head to look at Milly pitifully.

Millie had no choice but to let her love Moses’ kindness and empathy.

"Okay, you can put this aside and talk about what to do next."

Biliz immediately changed his face and smiled playfully. Where is the pitiful look from before?

"I knew you wouldn't let me go at all!"He said so brazenly that he received big looks from the two employees. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Just as they were discussing this matter, Luna, who was hiding outside the door, completely After listening to the speech inside.

As a little girl who has been in the rebellious period for a long time, how could Luna be really as obedient as Billizzi said?

In this family, she has always been willful.

But even if she is as willful as she is, There are demons and things that she cares about, and Billizzi is one of the very few demons she cares about.

"So that's it."

Luna had gotten some information from their conversation. She knew that someone had put a curse on Bizz, which made him have to take such a huge risk today to explore Mammon's most popular superstar, Fitz. Privacy.

Moreover, Luna herself must bear some responsibility for encountering such danger today.

Thinking that she might completely forget Bilitz because of a magic, Luna found that she was not as indifferent as she thought.

Although Bilitz He always felt that by adopting Luna, he was adopting a dog, and he should be the dog's owner.

But just like other dog owners, before he knew it, Blitz had already put Luna's status above his own, and he was the only one He hadn't reacted yet.

The other little devils, including Luna herself, were aware of this matter.

Therefore, feeling guilty and touched in her heart, Luna made a bold decision.

In Pentagram City, Fiora is watching a group of sinners repairing a series of building damage caused by them.

"Everyone, move quickly, haven't you eaten yet?"[]

Some sinners muttered in their hearts: They just didn't have food. Not only did they not have food, but because they couldn't die, they were also forced to work as 007, so Pentagram City was repaired extremely quickly.

Not only that, because the three sinner lords have been subdued by Dane, with their cooperation, Dane also developed his own business industry in the Pride Circle according to his own ideas.

Unlike other circles, the territorial disputes belonging to sinners in the Pride Circle have always been fought through violence, which is very primitive, but also very effective.

Due to historical reasons, the strength of native demons is always much stronger than that of ordinary demons. Over the years, the class solidification has become very serious. Therefore, lack of vitality is the biggest flaw of the native demon group.

But the advantage lies in the stability of social order. The social order of native demons is always more stable, and riots rarely occur.

Contrary to the original demons, the sinner demons have a major riot almost every year, and they are almost concentrated in the period after the"Great Purge".

At other times, small frictions often occur in order to compete for customers or territory.

Although the social order is not that stable, the vitality is very strong because the upward channel is not blocked.

Moreover, the starting point of every sinner and devil is almost the same. According to the sins and sins of each sinner during his life,Human traits, they have a certain chance of acquiring some special superpowers after going to hell.

They can use their superpowers to fight for their own place in the bustling place of Pride Circle.

For example, Alastor, the radio demon, killed a lord on his first day in hell. His power even surpassed that of many native demon nobles, so that almost everyone in hell knew his name.

Due to the special cultural environment of the Pride Circle, the first order Dane gave to Fiora and Sinestro was to first occupy a piece of territory in the Pride Circle and own an industry of his own.

As for what kind of industry to run, Dane also has an idea.

Almost everything is sold in hell, from small gadgets similar to Yiwu commodities to large weapons and weapons. Everything is sold in hell.

But Dane noticed that probably because the industrial revolution was initiated by sinners, the industries in hell are basically material. In other words, the goods sold in hell are basically an extension of human goods.

Dane rarely sees magic items. Even if he does, they are items with magical effects. They are essentially a subtype of material products. Pure magic products do not seem to exist.

So Dane decided to extend this concept. Since hell is a place containing magical miracles, more purely magical products should be sold.

So the"Dream Exchange" opened by Dane was officially opened for business in the center of Pentagram City. Interestingly, the location of this new store was exactly where the"Nightmare Nightclub" originally stood.

Dane burned it to ashes when he first came, and now he has renovated it and opened a shop that is completely opposite to the previous one.

The aroma of wine is also afraid of deep alleys. In order to promote his store, Dane 650 asked TV Demon Vox to insert an advertisement for"Dream Exchange" on his own TV station early in the morning.

"The Dream Exchange is a magical exchange that allows you to realize any dream. As long as you pay a certain price, you can get an extremely realistic dream, even if you want to spend a night or even several nights with the famous superstar Veroxika. , there is no problem at all..."

Veroxica is a famous succubus singer. Her singing can trigger the inner impulses of all creatures. Her famous song only needs to be sung.

Regardless of the occasion, regardless of the occasion, they would do it on the spot. If her singing didn't stop, those people might die on the spot.

Just a dream?

Many demons wonder about this.

This advertisement is so appetizing that even though many demons still don’t know how the"Dream Exchange" works, their curiosity has been aroused.

Soon someone came to the store specifically to inquire.

The ones who receive those demons are the sinner demons of OA. There are also many good-looking female aliens in the Divine Power Ring, so it is not a problem to get a few to act as facades.

It's their service attitude that is really worrying. Many of the sinner waiters have bad attitudes and are extremely impatient. After they read the contents of the script according to the script, they no longer pay attention to those curious devils.

"As announced in the advertisement,"Dream Exchange" only sells one product, and that is"Dream". It can weave an absolutely realistic dream based on the customer's inner thoughts, making it completely impossible for them to distinguish. Among those demons Things that Losers can never get in reality and wishes that cannot be realized can all be realized in"dreams".

Even the most gloomy and darkest wishes"Dream Exchange" can help customers realize them at no cost Money, this surprised those demons.

The price required to complete a customized dream in the"Dream Exchange" is not money. It is a relatively illusory concept just like what this store operates.

"What a dream transaction requires is the most important thing from the customer."

Such unclear words left many demons who wanted to try confused. What is the most important thing about them?

But Dream Exchange did not explain. In this case, naturally no demon dared to try. What if this company What should I do if the store only wants my life?

But there are always devils who like to seek death and are willing to try new things.

Soon, there was a sinner devil who was not afraid of tigers and chose to make a deal with this store.

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